It's also unfair to conservative parents who take their children out to see what is basically a kids movie only to be exposed to this.
But I guess you were cool with this?
Leia (after Luke tells her she's his sister): Somehow, I've always known....
Luke: Ooooookay, but you kissed me pretty hard in the previous movie.
Leia: That was CLEARLY to make Han jealous according to the fanbase who refuse to acknowledge Lucas himself admitted he made the story up as he went along.
Luke: Oh yeah, that's totally less fucked up.....
Also, a kids' movie? This is the same franchise where one film ends with every major hero dead at the end and that's not even touching on the countless limb removal and body slicing that happens so frequently in the series. This ain't no Illumination shit, christ the OT would likely be rated PG-13 if the rating had existed when they were originally released.
Also, do conservative parents just lock their kids in the house and throw away the key? How long do they think they can hide stuff like this from them? Not to mention how insulting it is to any LGBT individuals who know the parents: "hey, if you're in a same-sex relationship, could you never bring them along with you or mention them around my kid? Wouldn't want to corrupt my child!" Yeah, if I were LBGT, that friendship would end right there, it's just a lame ass excuse for intolerance. My sister and brother-in-law are both conservative/Christian and I know they wouldn't treat any LGBT friends that way.