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Let's be real: if Playstation put all their games on PC day 1, would you jump ship?

would you move to PC if it got all the PS5 exclusives day 1?

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Gold Member
Although I could use my long HDMI cable from my PC to my OLED and play from the living room, I think the upgrades on the PC over time might prove to be too costly if certain demand for the PC is required to run games.

So Console for now as that might be more cost effective.
There's very few exclusives that won't end up on PC eventually and I'm patient. What were the better PS1 exclusives coming out on PC at that time? Performance wise it seems worse this gen or it could be that I've gotten spoiled. A pro console might be worthwhile but otherwise I don't see the point.
You know just Tomb Raider 2, Colin McRae Rally, Final Fantasy 7, Formula 1 , Metal Gear Solid.
And you took of performance how well did Doom run on the PS compared to the PC or what about Quake 2.
If everything playstation and xbox worked on PC, I'd make a media PC for my tv area. But it would have to be full dualsense support, portal support, psvr2 support, etc.


I primarily play on PC and only (well .. primarily) use the PS5 for exclusives, so it's not so much a "jump ship" situation for me rather than just not buying PS hardware going forward.


Nope, I really do not like PC for gaming I despise windows OS, it fucking sucks, another thing is that game engines are not optimized for the high end cards, It is a waste of resources. I still see the same limitations that are present in consoles but to a lesser degree. I do not want to update drivers and tinker with shit. I just want to game.
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You know just Tomb Raider 2, Colin McRae Rally, Final Fantasy 7, Formula 1 , Metal Gear Solid.
And you took of performance how well did Doom run on the PS compared to the PC or what about Quake 2.
Don't know. Didn't care about those games except for MGS at part 2. The exclusives that I was into were fighters, arcade games, Resident Evil, Gran Tursimo among others. I didn't get my own PC until about midway through the PS3/360 gen in any case and didn't know too much about them before that.
Just wait for valve to come back to steam machines and you will have something great but affordable in consoles factor. Sony is fucked if valve goes this way.

Sony should be looking at what things make Steam work so well (transparent player metrics & CCUs, integrated forums, Early Access, etc.), and what things PC does well (gaming-centric productivity applications for things like streaming, multimedia etc.), take them, improve them, and add them to the PlayStation console experience while still staying competitive on price.

BUT, they will probably do none of that and think the solution to any margin problems or growth problems is to push even more of their games to PC with smaller windows or even Day 1, continue to not invest in 1P AA titles, continue to pay little attention to mobile outside of Demon Slayer (which is an Aniplex game), and probably take the bait of narcissistic gaming CEOs at competing companies and bring many games like Helldivers 2 to those platforms for no other reason than to chase a bag, identity be damned.

That's the sad thing about all of this from Sony's end.
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Don't know. Didn't care about those games except for MGS at part 2. The exclusives that I was into were fighters, arcade games, Resident Evil, Gran Tursimo among others. I didn't get my own PC until about midway through the PS3/360 gen in any case and didn't know too much about them before that.
Yeah like PS owners didn't care for FF7 or Tomb Raider 2. Remind me again why SONY paid EDIOS a multi-million pound contract to keep Tomb Raider IP exclusives to PS consoles

BTW RE was multi-platform and also out on the PC and the Power VR PC version looked so much better too
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I'll always be console only. I wouldn't rule out a console experience that could integrate with Steam. But true PC gaming is just too complicated for me.
Yeah like PS owners didn't care for FF7 or Tomb Raider 2. Remind me again why SONY paid EDIOS a multi-million pound contract to keep Tomb Raider IP exclusives to PS consoles

Maybe because by the time they did, the SEGA Saturn was already dead in the West and Bernie Stolar made that official at E3 1997? If I'm a competitor, I would capitalize on that because 3P were dropping Saturn left and right by that point.

But yes, "Evil Sony", apparently. Also once again, ignoring how Saturn's problems in the West helped the N64 almost as much as they did the PS1 :/

BTW RE was multi-platform and also out on the PC and the Power VR PC version looked so much better too

RE1 barely got a Saturn port which was handled by Tose, not Capcom directly, because Capcom didn't make a 3D game for Saturn until the mediocre Final Fight Revenge.

And no duh the Dreamcast version looked better; it was 1997/1998 technology vs. gaming tech from late 1993/1994. Four years of advancements, you'd better hope it looks better 😂

Only people that buy consoles exclusively for their exclusives would jump ship. I'm assuming that most of us that voted no don't even own a gaming PC.

Not true. There is a sizable amount of hardcore/core enthusiasts who buy consoles for exclusives in addition to the other games being there, because the exclusives help make them decide to get the console itself, when it's all the other stuff in addition to them that keep them there.

If you remove the exclusives, you give a lot of those customers (who are also usually the early adopters) no reason to consider getting a console versus paying a bit more for a PC that can get all the same 3P games, the 1P games, 1P games from other consoles, superior retro emulation, better setup for streaming, and various business & creative productivity abilities plus upgradability all in one package.

Not to mention: free online, usually cheaper game prices, more storefront options, open modding support etc. There would literally be no reason to get a PlayStation if all the games were on PC Day 1, especially if you're a hardcore or core enthusiast gamer because, I doubt paying a bit extra upfront for the PC is a bother for you.


Gold Member
I like the convenience and ease of use to much to go back to PC. Sony just make a crazy premium PlayStation and I'll buy it.
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Maybe because by the time they did, the SEGA Saturn was already dead in the West and Bernie Stolar made that official at E3 1997? If I'm a competitor, I would capitalize on that because 3P were dropping Saturn left and right by that point.

But yes, "Evil Sony", apparently. Also once again, ignoring how Saturn's problems in the West helped the N64 almost as much as they did the PS1 :/

RE1 barely got a Saturn port which was handled by Tose, not Capcom directly, because Capcom didn't make a 3D game for Saturn until the mediocre Final Fight Revenge.

And no duh the Dreamcast version looked better; it was 1997/1998 technology vs. gaming tech from late 1993/1994. Four years of advancements, you'd better hope it looks better 😂

Not true. There is a sizable amount of hardcore/core enthusiasts who buy consoles for exclusives in addition to the other games being there, because the exclusives help make them decide to get the console itself, when it's all the other stuff in addition to them that keep them there.

If you remove the exclusives, you give a lot of those customers (who are also usually the early adopters) no reason to consider getting a console versus paying a bit more for a PC that can get all the same 3P games, the 1P games, 1P games from other consoles, superior retro emulation, better setup for streaming, and various business & creative productivity abilities plus upgradability all in one package.

Not to mention: free online, usually cheaper game prices, more storefront options, open modding support etc. There would literally be no reason to get a PlayStation if all the games were on PC Day 1, especially if you're a hardcore or core enthusiast gamer because, I doubt paying a bit extra upfront for the PC is a bother for you.
Before you hit back with the Saturn and Stolar crap. I think the TR deal was done before Stolar took over SOA and that's to look over the fact that the SONY deal stopped Tomb Raider IP on the N64, but never mind
Lots of ports are farmed out and that's always been the case, Who handled the PS port of Doom I very much doubt it was id and how did the PS port of Street Fighter Vs X-men Go if you want to Capcom system bash?

And Duh the likes of Hundred Swords and House of the Dead 2 were launched not far off their from their DC counterparts, so spare me your PC drivel.
Are you a system-16.com I love Tom Kalinske Warrior btw LOL


I still enjoy the convenience of a console in my living room, and not spending 2-3x the cost of said console on a single video card. So while it would open up options I'd probably stick with console as my main platform.


The only thing keeping me in console is R* games on Day one (and a good PC being expensive) Although I'm more interested in playing weird indi games and classics that AAA.


I have a PC in my office and almost never play it but my PS5 has really broadened thanks to Chiaki and Steam deck OLED: I’d be gaming on Portal if I didn’t have a deck too.


Yeah like PS owners didn't care for FF7 or Tomb Raider 2. Remind me again why SONY paid EDIOS a multi-million pound contract to keep Tomb Raider IP exclusives to PS consoles

BTW RE was multi-platform and also out on the PC and the Power VR PC version looked so much better too
I'm not talking about PS owners I was talking about myself and I didn't care for those games nor did I have the money for my own PC or know anything much about them at that time. It's different now. Even then it was the exclusive Diablo 2 that first really made me want to get a PC.
I'm not talking about PS owners I was talking about myself and I didn't care for those games nor did I have the money for my own PC or know anything much about them at that time. It's different now. Even then it was the exclusive Diablo 2 that first really made me want to get a PC.
Yeah Ok.. in a thread about PlayStation games on PC keep it coming ,,,


Hahaha. No way. Why would I want to pay much more for marginal differences (I don’t care about higher fps) and suffer the shit that comes with pc gaming. All I can hear about pc gaming is stuttering and driver issues all the time. No, thanks.


Yeah Ok.. in a thread about PlayStation games on PC keep it coming ,,,
Yeah and I used to buy every playstation and sometimes other consoles too if they had enough exclusives to make them worthwhile. This might be the 1st gen ever that I don't get a console since the exclusives aren't there.


Reverse groomer.
Guarantee you at least 80% of the people saying "No" are lying.
man for what reason? What reason would you have to lie about being a console loyalist? :messenger_grinning_sweat:

People want to stay in the ecosystem that they're invested in regardless of how good gaming on PC may be. Simple fact of life. Just because PC may have the most games, features, and stuff available it doesn't necessarily make it the supreme option for all gamers.
Yeah and I used to buy every playstation and sometimes other consoles too if they had enough exclusives to make them worthwhile. This might be the 1st gen ever that I don't get a console since the exclusives aren't there.
Yeah and I owned a PC too in 1996 Didn't make me a PC gamer, even back then when PC 'had enough exclusives to make them worthwhile'


Yeah and I owned a PC too in 1996 Didn't make me a PC gamer, even back then when PC 'had enough exclusives to make them worthwhile'
Now if you get a decent enough PC you get access to nearly all the games with better performance, mods, free online and quite often better game prices. Nearly every peripheral works too.


Gold Member
I own all systems and have a good gaming PC. I still mostly game on consoles, plus that's where most of my friends play.


Last ps5 game I bought was Ragnarok, I think. I still have the ps5, my online sub is expiring in a few months. After looking at the price of renewal, since the price increase, I'm not renewing. Last time I bought a card or two was before the price raise. I've had the sub for over a decade. It's not worth it to me now.

I'm waiting on the pc releases. I've been a pc/console gamer since my childhood. I'm going to switch to only pc if they bring all their games. I'm already starting since I haven't bought any of their newer releases.


This is a good thing isn't it?

If you don't own a PC and you have the means to build a very good one then I can understand the need to upgrade
If you don't own a PC and you can't afford to build a very good one then there's a PS console for you

Its good to have options.
What about those who think the consoles are to expensive also. I mean sure, I'd buy a us$499 PS5 rather quickly, however that's not the price I'd have to pay, more like us$680+.
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Before you hit back with the Saturn and Stolar crap. I think the TR deal was done before Stolar took over SOA and that's to look over the fact that the SONY deal stopped Tomb Raider IP on the N64, but never mind

No, the deal originally was that Core Design wanted TR to be a Saturn exclusive, but Eidos, their publisher, didn't think it was a good idea financially, so they made Core build a PS1 version of the game. And to combat that, SEGA arranged a 6-month timed exclusivity deal, IIRC.

Once the PS1 version came out, it rapidly outsold the Saturn one and PS1 became the lead platform for Tomb Raider 2. Once Stolar made that infamous comment, lots of 3P who were already weary about Saturn began dropping Saturn altogether for their games, so PS1 (and to a lesser extent, N64) got defacto exclusives. That's when Sony and Eidos made the exclusivity deal.

As for Tomb Raider on N64...so what? For starters like RE2 it would've required an insane amount of rework to fit on a regular cartridge, and Core Design's engine was tailored specifically for PlayStation hardware starting from the second game. Eidos also probably felt N64 made no commercial sense for the game given the effort that'd of been required to handle the port, vs. making new installments. And FWIW, the Sony/Eidos deal didn't stop Tomb Raider 4 from coming to Dreamcast, now did it?

Lots of ports are farmed out and that's always been the case, Who handled the PS port of Doom I very much doubt it was id and how did the PS port of Street Fighter Vs X-men Go if you want to Capcom system bash?

I'm not system-bashing, I'm just being direct and upfront about the situation. RE1 Saturn was given to Tose because Capcom had no experience doing 3D on the Saturn at that time. And once they did release a 3D Saturn game, it was a mediocre fighter spinoff of Final Fight.

And Duh the likes of Hundred Swords and House of the Dead 2 were launched not far off their from their DC counterparts, so spare me your PC drivel.
Are you a system-16.com I love Tom Kalinske Warrior btw LOL

Lol no; Kalinske's probably the main reason SEGA of American had so many financial problems during the late Genesis/32X/CD era aside Bernie Stolar coming in and screwing things up even further with Saturn after Kalinske resigned.

Dunno what bringing HOTD2 or Hundred Swords into this accomplishes; they were made on hardware even more powerful than the Dreamcast, of course they'd look better at a technical level than PS1 games.

man for what reason? What reason would you have to lie about being a console loyalist? :messenger_grinning_sweat:

People want to stay in the ecosystem that they're invested in regardless of how good gaming on PC may be. Simple fact of life. Just because PC may have the most games, features, and stuff available it doesn't necessarily make it the supreme option for all gamers.

IMO when you consider all the benefits you'd get going PC in that scenario, just makes too much sense to switch that way if you're a hardcore or core enthusiast. Casuals and mainstream, I can understand more wanting to stick with the console regardless.


Not "a lot" for console equivalent builds

Didn't bother even to really optimize this as bundles and deals would lower this much further, with the 6700XT often dropping in prices, or the intel or AMD bundles would lower prices of CPU/motherboard/memory.

I could probably even shave off to a lower tier CPU as really consoles aren't really stressing this with the equivalent settings. Digital Foundry used a mere 12400F here

It's expensive if you want top tier. A reasonable mid range PC is fine. With deals and a bit of time spent optimizing it (which I don't have for the sake of an argument), I would see this easily go in the ~$650 range. Then you don't pay for online subscriptions and you get cheap deals on games from competing stores. Easily evaporates the difference.

I know what you mean, but you have to upgrade the pc more often than the consoles. But what I find worst of all are the endless cheaters on the PC. You rarely come across any on the consoles.


Already did.
Them rising the most basic subscription just to be able to play online was the last straw.


There's no real jump to make for me since I've always been primarily on PC since the late '80s and I always considered everything else I had as extra gravy at best.

With that in mind, here's some more context: I had my last Playstation for four years (before it died recently during a thunderstorm) and what I did for 99% of that time is using it as a Youtube/Netflix/Amazon Prime device (I just found the controller way more comfortable to use than a typical remote).
If "everything Playstation" was day one on PC I wouldn't even need to think about it. I would simply forget the console exists in the first place.
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Also when you think about it, a console-equivalent PC is actually cheaper in the long-run than the console itself. Because if you want a fully-functioning PS (or Xbox), you need to pay for PS+, the basic version being $80/year. Even if you get it on discount for the original $60/year price, over the course of a console generation, you're paying $420 for full online play on a console. Whereas that is 100% free on PC.

I already did a list with a mock build PC equivalent to a PS5 in specs, and the total cost was ~ $780. Yes that's obviously more than a PS5 (and I didn't include a mouse or keyboard, but you can get basic functioning ones for like $10 each, it's not very hard at all), but what about a PS5 + 7 years of PS+ Essentials? Oh what's this, now it's $920 vs $780...hmm I could even bump up the system RAM a bit more or go with a GPU better than a 2080 Super and still end up cheaper on the PC side!

And yes, that mock build PC equivalent accounted for the CPU (3700 X), GPU (2080 Super), RAM (16 GB), SSD (1 TB 8 GB/s), OS (Windows 11 Professional), PSU (650 watts...could prob go a bit higher but wouldn't be more than an extra $10), fan/cooling, case, DualSense controller, AND motherboard.

Even in a case where I could upgrade a few more things like the CPU, GPU or system RAM slightly and it maybe bumps the price up to $950, that's only a $30 premium over a PS5 + 7 years of PS+ Essentials, in return for (in this scenario) all PS games on PC Day 1, all Microsoft games on PC Day 1, tons of emulator options, Steam, EGS, GOG, web games (hey some are kinda fun; Alien Homonid and Fancy Pants Adventure started out as Newgrounds games), full web browsing, creative & business productivity software, multimedia apps & streaming, and more all in one box.

So yes, again, if you're saying you'd still buy a PlayStation even if all the 1P games went to PC Day 1, and assuming they ran well, then you either aren't thinking about the costs all the way, are trolling, or don't really use the console for much but might have a family member who does or whatever. Because to me, in a practical sense, there is no reason to get a PlayStation console in the case all exclusives were Day 1 on PC, unless the price difference was SIGNIFICANTLY in favor of the console (and with the example I just gave, it wouldn't be).

FWIW, I am not a PCMR dude at all; Steam fanboys are terrible and almost all PC gaming is controlled or dictated by Microsoft's terms with Windows & DirectX, which just plain sucks. I also realize PC is not really an "open platform" the way fans of the platform like to say, when any given core component can be described as being dominated by a single or two (at best) giant corporations and everything is dependent on a $3 trillion Big Tech conglomerate in that space. But I'm also not going to turn on blinders and deny the value PC would have over a PlayStation if Sony foolishly put all their games on that platform Day 1, because that's exactly how Microsoft devalued Xbox consoles, and you see where their sales are at today in the hardware space.
Huge console fan, always have been and will be. But if games like XVI etc were on PC day 1.. then yeah, I probably wouldn't have bought a 500 USD PS5. I probably would have waited for a much cheaper price in the unknown future.
No, I wouldn't jump ship. I like the simplicity of console gaming. IF they made a much more powerful console that cost more than $800 but was worth it I'd buy that but most of the PC exclusive stuff I'm not into anyway.


Also when you think about it, a console-equivalent PC is actually cheaper in the long-run than the console itself. Because if you want a fully-functioning PS (or Xbox), you need to pay for PS+, the basic version being $80/year. Even if you get it on discount for the original $60/year price, over the course of a console generation, you're paying $420 for full online play on a console. Whereas that is 100% free on PC.

I already did a list with a mock build PC equivalent to a PS5 in specs, and the total cost was ~ $780. Yes that's obviously more than a PS5 (and I didn't include a mouse or keyboard, but you can get basic functioning ones for like $10 each, it's not very hard at all), but what about a PS5 + 7 years of PS+ Essentials? Oh what's this, now it's $920 vs $780...hmm I could even bump up the system RAM a bit more or go with a GPU better than a 2080 Super and still end up cheaper on the PC side!

And yes, that mock build PC equivalent accounted for the CPU (3700 X), GPU (2080 Super), RAM (16 GB), SSD (1 TB 8 GB/s), OS (Windows 11 Professional), PSU (650 watts...could prob go a bit higher but wouldn't be more than an extra $10), fan/cooling, case, DualSense controller, AND motherboard.

Even in a case where I could upgrade a few more things like the CPU, GPU or system RAM slightly and it maybe bumps the price up to $950, that's only a $30 premium over a PS5 + 7 years of PS+ Essentials, in return for (in this scenario) all PS games on PC Day 1, all Microsoft games on PC Day 1, tons of emulator options, Steam, EGS, GOG, web games (hey some are kinda fun; Alien Homonid and Fancy Pants Adventure started out as Newgrounds games), full web browsing, creative & business productivity software, multimedia apps & streaming, and more all in one box.

So yes, again, if you're saying you'd still buy a PlayStation even if all the 1P games went to PC Day 1, and assuming they ran well, then you either aren't thinking about the costs all the way, are trolling, or don't really use the console for much but might have a family member who does or whatever. Because to me, in a practical sense, there is no reason to get a PlayStation console in the case all exclusives were Day 1 on PC, unless the price difference was SIGNIFICANTLY in favor of the console (and with the example I just gave, it wouldn't be).

FWIW, I am not a PCMR dude at all; Steam fanboys are terrible and almost all PC gaming is controlled or dictated by Microsoft's terms with Windows & DirectX, which just plain sucks. I also realize PC is not really an "open platform" the way fans of the platform like to say, when any given core component can be described as being dominated by a single or two (at best) giant corporations and everything is dependent on a $3 trillion Big Tech conglomerate in that space. But I'm also not going to turn on blinders and deny the value PC would have over a PlayStation if Sony foolishly put all their games on that platform Day 1, because that's exactly how Microsoft devalued Xbox consoles, and you see where their sales are at today in the hardware space.

If consoles will eventually shrink than people will excuse it with market change or whatever instead of that sony and ms got rid of themselves.


Exclusives aren’t what makes Sony gaming money.
Exclusives stimulates console sales. Overall software sales is how the money is made. A Sony game gets you to buy the system. The 6-10 games the average gamer buys for the system over its life span in addition is what makes Sony its money. They more consoles in peoples homes, the more games (exclusive and not) that are sold.
You stop having exclusives and you lose a very large reason to buy the system. It’s just that simple.
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I have already "jumped ship" by Sony shuttering Japan Studio and making tons of choices I don't align or agree with. I have a PS5 but it'll probably be my last Sony console regardless of them bringing games to PC day 1 or not. PC + Nintendo for me from here on out, most likely.

I definitely don't hate having my entire gaming library on PC though, the convenience is such a major selling point for me.


I just enjoy the console experience more, so it’s a no for me. Especially with me otherwise having no need for a PC at home given how strong mobile devices are these days.

No issues with whatever Sony wants to do with bringing games to PC. If PC Gamers want to pay $69.99 for day one releases for narrative driven single player games, then go ahead Sony, add to that ROI so we get more and better games.
How dare you have such a sensible opinion!
PC + Nintendo for me from here on out, most likely.
I am starting to consider this for next gen, but I think mine would be Steam Deck 2(or Windows Handheld) + Nintendo, which is close enough to yours.

I am probably never going back to PC for gaming, but I don't play enough new releases to justify the jumping to a new 599.99 console immediately, so I'd do a half-step which is a handheld.

One of the main reasons I bought the Series X and PS5 was because I wanted a Super PS4 and a way to play all of the Xbox games I missed out on for almost 2 entire generations(360 and X1).
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