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Let's talk about Japanese Dramas!

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Legal High S2E5
Komikado in full jerk mode, I'm loving it. Machiko's father was kinda funny but he lost all credits with me when he was suggesting that Machiko should use the "I'm drunk" strategy to pin down Hanyu. You may only want the best for your daughter but that's not something a father should say.


Hanyu being the designated Komikado punching bag this season will make him lose credibility in the eyes of the viewer. I mean, its only episode 5 but, like those clowns in S1, I have absolutely no doubt Komikado will win every time. Last season, they had to pull in special guests like the dad from Karei Naru Ichizoku to make the cases interesting. I wonder how they'll go about it this season.
Episode 5 legal high was pretty good - better than the last episode.

I don't see Hanyu as a loser at all - he is starting to find his way , and win in his own way.

I don't really know what his intentions are but I don't thin they are pure. I actually think he is trying to win over what's her name as a strike to komakaido. But who knows .


Episode 5 legal high was pretty good - better than the last episode.

I don't see Hanyu as a loser at all - he is starting to find his way , and win in his own way.

I don't really know what his intentions are but I don't thin they are pure. I actually think he is trying to win over what's her name as a strike to komakaido. But who knows .

that's what I think the show has been hinting at too consider the conversation hattori has with komikado. It'd be interesting to see how they handle the love triangle consider how terrible komikado is at romantic relationship
Wow, I didn't know this was the thread where J-dorama GAF hung out at!

Anyway, I've been looking at some interesting ones to watch, and I stumbled upon one called CHANGE, which features KimiTaku (Kimura Takuya), Hiroshi Abe and quite a few other prominent Japanese actors and actresses from that era.

It's not bad at all. The premise is that KimiTaku plays the second son of a powerful political family who has no interest in politics himself and is just an simple mild mannered teacher who gets pushed around by his energetic charges. His father is a powerful MP of the Japanese Diet and his elder brother is his father's chosen successor, until they both die in a plane crash, leading the ruling party to try and convince him to run for his father's seat instead.

Eventually, some events happen and he's actually asked to run for the premiership of the party, and becomes the youngest PM in Japanese history

Seems pretty sweet, from what little I've seen of it so far. It's pretty rare to have a J-drama based on the usually dreary and phelgmatic politics of the country, and it's actually pretty entertaining to see it all being laid out in a drama like this.


Its an oversimplification of the political process (the PM has better things to do than worry about river pollution for example) but at least it avoids the recent Kimutaku drama trap of the entire drama revolving around how cool he is.


been watching hanzawa while waiting for new episode of legal high. Damn, it's so addicting. I marathon through 6 episodes in 2 days, report be damn lol. The only nitpicking I have is some of the confrontation hanzawa has just doesn't make sense. He's just too hard headed and gungho for someone who's supposed to be really smart and cunning.


been watching hanzawa while waiting for new episode of legal high. Damn, it's so addicting. I marathon through 6 episodes in 2 days, report be damn lol. The only nitpicking I have is some of the confrontation hanzawa has just doesn't make sense. He's just too hard headed and gungho for someone who's supposed to be really smart and cunning.

Yeah I was surprised at how addicting it was. I think it'll be in my top 3 dramas of the year.


Welp, latest episode of Legal High answers all my questions in the previous ep.

They took a hard right turn towards drama in the end though. I'm not sure I like the lack of comedy but I can't deny that they've taken the show in a very interesting direction. Next week should be an awesome episode.


Drastic changes in Legal High, I don't like it at all :(
I guess it had to happen eventually and it's good they are not dragging things longer. I have liked this season a lot, but I felt like they could have done episode or two without Nexus. Anyway, will be interesting to see how things will progress. I'm not expecting big surprises, Mayuzumi will return and help in the Kiwa case, how and why are the questions.


Welp, latest episode of Legal High answers all my questions in the previous ep.

They took a hard right turn towards drama in the end though. I'm not sure I like the lack of comedy but I can't deny that they've taken the show in a very interesting direction. Next week should be an awesome episode.

that hard turn might be a little too hard lol. I don't really understand the logic of that at all. But like you said it'll be really interesting second half.


Just finished watching IS and bloody hell what a drama. Fantastistic plot and delivery all around.

One thing that irks me in Japanese Dramas is that they never have time to do an''epilogue'' of some sort. The moment they resolve whatever problem they would resolve and finish the plot, it just ends abruptly. I wanted to see how
Haru have developed within his circle of friends and with Ibbuki :(


Still really liking Kurokochi so far, love seeing Tomoya's character outplanning everyone and being a bit of a troll at it.


that hard turn might be a little too hard lol. I don't really understand the logic of that at all. But like you said it'll be really interesting second half.

I'm really surprised they actually went there since the way the series was going, they could just introduce a new bunch of jokers to take Nexus' place and laugh all the way to the bank in a Season 3 or 4. I really gotta admire the balls of Japanese TV stations in just cutting off shows because they don't have stories to tell anymore.

You can see this in Kaseifu no Mita and Hanzawa Naoki too. Insanely popular shows that will probably never get sequels because they don't have any more stories to tell. (Ignore this if they make a Hanzawa Naoki movie)


I don't know if Hanzawa Naoki covered all the original novels. Maybe they still have some stuff to adapt.
Not that they can't do something new.


I don't know if Hanzawa Naoki covered all the original novels. Maybe they still have some stuff to adapt.
Not that they can't do something new.

It didn't cover them all; I read the synopsis for one of them and nothing in it was covered on the show/the stuff took place after the show.


damn don't think I have watched a JDrama in over a year. hmm should give one a try.

edit: also Best JDrama ever



^ My Boss My Hero was so ridiculous and fun. Gakky was awesome in it.

Speaking of Gakky,

Legal High 7

Comedy time! I love the not so subtle jab at Hayao Miyazaki in this :lol They even mention an animator that used to work for him that he drove out and is now world famous. They even named the guy Hosokawa :lol

I think I understand what Komikado is doing now. He realizes Maezumi is not going to grow anymore under him but he doesn't want to let her go so he devises a way to let her do her own thing while still keeping an eye on her. He's either Hanzawa Naoki level genius or he's winging it.


^ My Boss My Hero was so ridiculous and fun. Gakky was awesome in it.

Speaking of Gakky,

Legal High 7

Comedy time! I love the not so subtle jab at Hayao Miyazaki in this :lol They even mention an animator that used to work for him that he drove out and is now world famous. They even named the guy Hosokawa :lol

I think I understand what Komikado is doing now. He realizes Maezumi is not going to grow anymore under him but he doesn't want to let her go so he devises a way to let her do her own thing while still keeping an eye on her. He's either Hanzawa Naoki level genius or he's winging it.

haha yeah dat jab. I think by having mayuzumi going against him, komikado hopes to strengthen her desire to win and at the same time challenge himself because he knows as is he won't be able to over turn the decision at the supreme court. The series is getting really good now. I can't wait for more episode lol


Seems like Legal high was shooting an episode on location up in the town I lived in Japan. Awesome. I wonder if I'll recognize the spot if I watched it. =o


Seems like Legal high was shooting an episode on location up in the town I lived in Japan. Awesome. I wonder if I'll recognize the spot if I watched it. =o

o_O so cool! you'll def. recognize it. I was in Kobe for a few weeks before and watching the first half of hanzawa is like a trip down memory lane. I recognized all the spots and it made me really miss my time in Japan


anyone watching Miss Pilot? Watched the first half of the first episode and it seemed alright. Kind of a run of the mill Maki drama, which is fine in my book


I caught up on Legal High, I love Machiko's dream at the beginning of episode 6, there was never a more apt analogy lol Her departure was a necessary move and it's hilarious how Komikado still keeps a close eye on her to say the least.
anyone watching Miss Pilot? Watched the first half of the first episode and it seemed alright. Kind of a run of the mill Maki drama, which is fine in my book

I'm watching it. It gets really cheesy at times . Nothing special but not terrible.
A couple of the females are cute and curious as to how the love stuff will play out, so I will watch till the end.


Legal high 2 ep08: what a silly episode, almost too silly at time for me. Luckily the ending pull it back in a major way and get me hooked again lol. Now we'll have to wait 2 weeks for the next episode D:


Has anyone seen many NHK Taiga dramas? Recommendations?
I always wanted to watch Fūrin Kazan when it was airing, but I didn't know anybody else who was watching it.


Legal High S1 Finale

You can't build up
a mysterious tragedy that the main nemesis of the show uses as his reason for seeking revenge
and then have it be
a dead hamster
in a show that really isn't a comedy.


Edit: I know it has comedic elements, but come the fuck on.


Has anyone seen many NHK Taiga dramas? Recommendations?
I always wanted to watch Fūrin Kazan when it was airing, but I didn't know anybody else who was watching it.

Atsuhime then Ryoumaden right after it was an awesome time for Taiga dramas. Too bad the prestige has kinda worn off of it in recent years because of a bunch of flops.

Legal High S1 Finale

You can't build up
a mysterious tragedy that the main nemesis of the show uses as his reason for seeking revenge
and then have it be
a dead hamster
in a show that really isn't a comedy.


Edit: I know it has comedic elements, but come the fuck on.

Its a straight comedy. I have no idea what you're talking about. Even that twist you're upset about is consistent with the tone of the show.


Legal High S1 Finale

You can't build up
a mysterious tragedy that the main nemesis of the show uses as his reason for seeking revenge
and then have it be
a dead hamster
in a show that really isn't a comedy.


Edit: I know it has comedic elements, but come the fuck on.
Legal High is a comedy with a few tragic elements.
The show can have "serious" moments but overall it's just a wacky and funny show. The twist you're talking about was hilarious. Mayuzumi's reaction was gold.


Its a straight comedy. I have no idea what you're talking about. Even that twist you're upset about is consistent with the tone of the show.

It's a legal procedural with comedic elements. I reject the notion that
Miki holding a series long grudge over a dead hamster
is on the same level as the rest of the comedy in the show. It made me hate whoever wrote it a little bit.

Legal High is a comedy with a few tragic elements.
The show can have "serious" moments but overall it's just a wacky and funny show. The twist you're talking about was hilarious. Mayuzumi's reaction was gold.

You would have loved my reaction. I'm shotgunning the series so it's all kind of a blur, but I was ready for some payoff and then....

There's also alcohol involved.


It's a legal procedural with comedic elements. I reject the notion that
Miki holding a series long grudge over a dead hamster
is on the same level as the rest of the comedy in the show. It made me hate whoever wrote it a little bit.

You would have loved my reaction. I'm shotgunning the series so it's all kind of a blur, but I was ready for some payoff and then....

There's also alcohol involved.

what, legal high is straight up comedy since the start. You should have realize it as you go through it.

still that "twist" was unexpected and had me on the floor laughing. Never been so flabbergasted from a tv show before lol


Neo Member
Well, I finally finished Amachan today while waiting for my laptop to connect to school's wifi(and it never did until now...took an hour...). I can't believe it's finally over. This was the first drama I watched completely in Japanese and I couldn't have picked a better one. I just randomly popped into a Japanese site where they were asking for recommendations and this was on the top of the list so I just gave it a go. Really glad I found that site or else I wouldn't have watched it. I remember watching its debut in Apriland was hooked. The characters were great, everything fell into place, the story was engaging(156 episodes and not one was boring! ...Okay, maybe a few but I can't recall any atm), and I loved the soundtrack. I probably spent $100+ just to acquire them(Japanese music is too expensive!). When I was stressed, unhappy, or just wanted to relax, this drama really lifted my mood. It would leave a smile on my face throughout the whole day. Honestly, I didn't want this to end at all...but it must. This is probably my second favorite drama just behind 1 litre of tears. I read about people having amaloss and I definitely have it. lol Though I must say, the first half was better than the second half but it was still really good overall.

Although I'm watching hard nuts, it's no where near as good as Amachan. I just needed something to look forward to every week. The plus is that it does have Ai Hashimoto!

Totally agree with you. I am now watching Amachan,and only 10 episodes left. I really don't want this series to an end.I will definitely get amaloss when I finished this.
Also the hometown chapter is much better than the Tokyo chapter.I love the sea, the people there are just lovely.


The Tokyo chapter is a necessary progression to the story (staying in Iwate for the whole series would have been dumb) but the Hometown chapter was better done and had more feels. The entertainment industry presented in the Tokyo chapter was so naive and unrealistic that it breaks your suspension of disbelief.
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