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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Yeah. cis and trans are also used when talking about chemical structures and the geometry if its cis or trans, same side or different sided.

*smug mode*

I took chemistry classes where we used more advanced labels like E-Z.

*smug mode off*

I think I failed them all -_-


hello, homosexuals
*Tips hat*

Howdy. How do?

It's just been gradual over the years. Whenever I feel safe and it's the right time for me, I just tell those I care about. However. Most of my family doesn't know which sucks.
How long after you realised you had feelings for the same sex did you tell them? I only ask because I'm fast approaching 27. I've always thought guys and girls were attractive but only worked out my sexuality when I was 13. That's nearly 14 years now that I've gone with nobody in my family knowing. I've had former friends know, but that's it.


If people call this OT the Letters OT, wouldn't you adress posters in here as postmen and postwomen? Something to think about.

I need some sleep, so tired 😾
*Tips hat*

Howdy. How do?

How long after you realised you had feelings for the same sex did you tell them? I only ask because I'm fast approaching 27. I've always thought guys and girls were attractive but only worked out my sexuality when I was 13. That's nearly 14 years now that I've gone with nobody in my family knowing. I've had former friends know, but that's it.
I've generally had a few periods in my life where I've come out.
I figured out that I was bi in 7th grade and I came out shortly thereafter. Then when I moved to a different high school, once I was comfortable there, I came out again. In college I really have no qualms telling other people of they ask but the weird thing is generally I don't talk about my likes and stuff. I don't know why but that's just me.


I just came back from seeing Kingsman, what an amazing action movie. I haven't had this much fun watching a movie in a while.

Can I ask how you guys and girls went about 'coming out' to your family and friends?

First few friends I was really drunk when I told them, after that it got easier because the response was always positive. For the people less close to me I just didn't bother with a formal coming out, either they knew from hearsay/other friends telling them, or I would just casually mention it if the subject of relationships came up.

I was slightly drunk when I told my mom, we use to go walk the family dog every evening, so I decided to tell her I had a boyfriend during one of those walk (after a bit of drinking with friends beforehand), she just said "oh, that's nice!" then we started talking about something else. The next day she asked me if we could eat lunch together, and at one point during our conversation I noticed she looked a bit weird, mentioned it to her, to which she answered "Well that was some really big news yesterday! I'm glad you're happy". She met my bf multiple times and they seem to go along pretty well.

I didn't get to tell my father nor my brother because some other people decided it was totally cool to out me to them before making sure I told them (I'm still resentful about that). My father was sad that I didn't tell him earlier and my brother just told me he didn't care as long as I'm happy.

My extended family don't really know (well one of my uncle and his wife know from a friend of my mother letting it slip without meaning it but we never talked about it), my grandfather is slightly homophobic as far as I managed to understand (the "I don't care what these people do as long as I don't have to see it" kind) so I'm not sure I'll ever tell him. My grandmother has alzheimer so I'm not even sure it's worth telling her at this point.


Can I ask how you guys and girls went about 'coming out' to your family and friends?

I told my friends last year and they were accepting, they're awesome. I even met a few people on my town but I haven't hung out with them yet. At school I just don't care and talk about guys and stuff with my lady friends. My father doesn't know yet, I'll do that whenever I'm ready, which I hope is sooner rather than later.


Hunky Nostradamus
I told my friends last year and they were accepting, they're awesome. I even met a few people on my town but I haven't hung out with them yet. At school I just don't care and talk about guys and stuff with my lady friends. My father doesn't know yet, I'll do that whenever I'm ready, which I hope is sooner rather than later.

what if it turns out that your father is gay too
Can I ask how you guys and girls went about 'coming out' to your family and friends?

I ran the gamut. One friend I told in person who refused to believe me, so I texted another friend the news and he got mad that I came out to him in a text. I told my mom face to face and she broke down and asked me to move out, and my brother took me to dinner and said I can control it like pedophiles do in prison. But this was 10 years ago. Friends are a lot more understanding and supportive about it today.


I ran the gamut. One friend I told in person who refused to believe me, so I texted another friend the news and he got mad that I came out to him in a text. I told my mom face to face and she broke down and asked me to move out, and my brother took me to dinner and said I can control it like pedophiles do in prison. But this was 10 years ago. Friends are a lot more understanding and supportive about it today.
Soooo, yeah, I'm not telling my family.


I told my family (except my father and grandfather) that I'm gay and everyone was either supportive or at least accepting... I guess my case is just a rare exception.

Son Of D

Chillin. What's good with you?

Chlling myself. Debating whether I should shave or not.

Who is that dude in your avi?

Good, very tired though. Played a lot of Dota 2 and watched two of the three Hobbit films. (I cried, alright.)

It's an old fanart of Gabranth from FFXII. Decided to change it up a bit from my old shark one.

Can I ask how you guys and girls went about 'coming out' to your family and friends?

My sisters were like "Oh, okay then", nothing's changed. My parents were really supportive of me. My brother was like "I had a feeling that you were gay" and bought me a DVD boxset of Queer as Folk the following Christmas. All friends except 1 had no issues with me coming out. That 1 friend just stopped talking to me.


hi gays, how have you guys been? I've been stressing over my college placement tests :v I don't wanna fuck up and waste time taking low unnecessary classes. Thinking about all of this is so sudden since I'm supposed to have another year in High School.. but honestly I'm tired of high school already. I'd rather just move out and move on than stay there and waste time


Neo Member
Can I ask how you guys and girls went about 'coming out' to your family and friends?

Well I haven't told most of my family yet, but ever since last year I decided to leave clues and stuff around them, Facebook is good for that! Uhem anyways, I slowly started telling my friends and acquaintances and everything has been going well with that, nobody has ever responded negatively so far, which is great.

My parents don't know, and only my two brothers and one of my cousins know; they also responded well to my coming out to them. I've been thinking more and more about telling my mom at least, but it just doesn't seem like the right time (excuses I'm sure). But I'll have to tell everybody someday, so eh we'll see... (I turn 29 in May. Don't cry for me I'm already dead).
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