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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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I still haven't come out, but if it ever happens then I have to be hot, built, confident and wearing fly clothes.

Probably never coming out, hah. I don't trust people.


Neo Member
Can I ask how you guys and girls went about 'coming out' to your family and friends?

I had it really good and easy. Came out to my best friend first cause we had another gay friend and she was really good friends with him, so I knew she was okay with it. After telling her, telling other friends came pretty naturally and easy considering I knew I'd always have her at the very least. Going to high school in super liberal Washington, DC made it easy too. And now living in the Seattle area, everyone's generally pretty accepting. We have quite a few openly gay guys who work with me too, so I knew everyone at work was cool with it.

For my family, my brother in law's brother is gay, so he and my sister were easy to tell since they had already experienced one family member coming out and I knew they'd react well to it. My other sister and my brother again came pretty easy after them since it felt weird having one sibling know but the other two not know.

My mom I was sure already knew I was gay, especially since she had asked me point blank multiple times growing up if I was, and when I told her no she never really believed me. She was always telling me that she was perfectly fine with me being gay if I was. When I came out to her the only thing she said was "Okay," and she went back to washing dishes as if I had just told her that it was nice weather out.

The only person I was worried about was my dad, cause he always groaned when two guys kissed on TV. So, I took the easy way out made my mom tell him after I had left for the day so he had a night and morning to digest the news before I saw him next. He was actually super supportive the next day and he hasn't groaned or sighed at the sight of two guys kissing since then. At least not in front of me.

The only extended family member I personally told was my grandma because I feel comfortable telling her anything because I've never seen her judge anyone. She's super accepting and just go with the flow. She then, in turn, told all my aunts and uncles and cousins cause I gave her permission to and everyone's been fine with it to my face at least. I don't know how many people beyond my first cousins my grandma told, and I asked my cousin who all she told, and my cousin just said "All the important people know," so yeah.

I've later found out that all my sibling and my mom knew I was gay long before I came out and talked about it among themselves for years.


Can I ask how you guys and girls went about 'coming out' to your family and friends?

I feel like my parents kinda knew something was up. They certainly suspected something. When I asked them if we could talk all serious like they were all "are you gay?", It must have really thrown them through a loop when I replied "nope, I'm trans!". They didn't even know what that was at the time and thought it was just a phase. So, I buried it for a for more years until I couldn't take it anymore and told then I need to do something. They realized it wasn't a phase shortly after and that I was VERY serious. They're still getting used to the idea but they're now surprisingly excepting.


I came out to friends and family mostly over telephone, drunk as hell.
Only came out to one friend in persona and I was drunk then as well. I was hiding in the closet, like, literally and he searched for me. Then I jumped out, laughing for a bit at that stupid idea and then I told him. Then we hugged and he said that that doesn't change a thing. 😸



So this is Mevius Final Fantasy. I like it.


Where are his genitals though?

Also, that costume looks so bad. :p

Maybe he is a grower not a shower?

I actually really like it, reminds me of those who wear like parts of athletic gear (e.g. shoulder pads) but still show a lot of skin under. (There may or may not exist surprisingly large amounts of porn with that getup which may or may not influence my feelings on this matter)


But doesn't he have any balls, like, literally? It annoys me that you can even show crotchshots of female characters with slightly pronounced genitalia under the clothing but for male characters they only end up looking like Ken. :/

It's mostly the shorts over the leggings and the hat that look so silly.



So this is Mevius Final Fantasy. I like it.

(Sorry for the quality imgur decided to make a jpeg out of my png for some reason.)

I feel like I'd be much more positively disposed to that outfit if the character had even the barest suggestion of body hair. And though they're thankfully hidden with that equipment set, the tattoos really don't work at all - replacing them with something closer to stylised Lichtenberg figures would be much less tacky.

Where are his genitals though?

Also, that costume looks so bad. :p

It reminds me a little of Sydney Losstarot in that regard. But where the exposed silhouette of his absent crotch worked to accentuate his emaciated body and amputated limbs; the Mevius design largely falls flat.
I could use some outside perspective. Would you work for a company thats had a poor reputation but is, presumably, in the process of reorganizing? I applied for a position thinking more about the position instead of the company. Now they actually want to interview so I started thinking longer term. Assuming everything would go well and I was offered the position I wonder if having the company on my redume would be seen as a negative. They dont drown puppies in bathtubs (i assume) but they have been sued by the government in the past and their financials cratered.

Typing it out I feel more clear on what I should do. Ill go ahead with the interview for more practice and see how the interviewer explains their situation.

Electric trimmer yo. Razor hasn't touch my lazy face in years.

How do those uniforms fit so well?

Polyester and spandex

Happy friday

I came out to friends and family mostly over telephone, drunk as hell.
Only came out to one friend in persona and I was drunk then as well. I was hiding in the closet, like, literally and he searched for me. Then I jumped out, laughing for a bit at that stupid idea and then I told him. Then we hugged and he said that that doesn't change a thing. 😸
For a second, I thought you were talking about the game and I was like when did Persona become a multiplayer game?
Re: coming out. I came out to my best friends a while ago and they were very supportive. No one in my family knows yet, and I'm hesitant to tell them. I come from a very conservative/religious family. Well, I'll probably tell my brother and his wife at some point this year... I hope.


It reminds me a little of Sydney Losstarot in that regard. But where the exposed silhouette of his absent crotch worked to accentuate his emaciated body and amputated limbs; the Mevius design largely falls flat.
Maybe Mevius is an eunuch, who knows. :p

For a second, I thought you were talking about the game and I was like when did Persona become a multiplayer game?
Wait, Persona? :/

And nah, that happened to me outside of a game. :D
Re: coming out, I've only ever really come out to work colleagues, which I guess is kind of weird? (Although I basically have no real social life so they're the only people I ever socialise with.)

I randomly got really distressed about being in the closet, like, everywhere and just kind of couldn't help myself and ended up coming out to some select people at work night-outs. I work pretty far from home and knew they were pretty tolerant so I guess it was because I was putting pressure on myself to be closeted when I didn't need to. Sadly, although the colleagues I've come out to have been supportive, my employers have totally dicked me about the entire time I've worked there (for unrelated reasons) so I don't feel comfortable moving away from home.

Ho hum, my life is a mess.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Weird to think back to when I came out to my family nine years ago. I told a close friend from work beforehand, simply changed my "interested in" to men on Facebook for everyone else, and never looked back. Even with religious parents and friends, not one has ever treated me differently; mom went through a typical phase for a few weeks where she assumed they had done something wrong, but I put a stop to that with a conversation or two.

Now I just need to afford a trip back home so they can meet the future husband.


Weird to think back to when I came out to my family nine years ago. I told a close friend from work beforehand, simply changed my "interested in" to men on Facebook for everyone else, and never looked back. Even with religious parents and friends, not one has ever treated me differently; mom went through a typical phase for a few weeks where she assumed they had done something wrong, but I put a stop to that with a conversation or two.

Now I just need to afford a trip back home so they can meet the future husband.

You're getting married? If so, congrats!! :)


I only said that because you said persona in your post lol.
Ah, I understand. :p

I meant persona, as in the latin term. We say in German that we met someone "in persona", which basically means "in person". Not sure if that phrase exists in English as well, didn't find a translation for it, anyway.


Persona is mainly known as a psychological term used by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung to describe the outward roles we play in life, sometimes in a bigger or smaller contrast to our inner, actual personality.


Persona is mainly known as a psychological term used by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung to describe the outward roles we play in life, sometimes in a bigger or smaller contrast to our inner, actual personality.

I love psychology. Hi Amalthea! :) I invite you to fill out the IBQ, and welcome! ^.^

I gotta pick out a ring and then ask (soon!), but it's a 100% lock. :D

That's amazing! Congratulations!!! :D

Any plans for the honeymoon?


Hey guys and gals, new to the party. :)

Your gender?

Your sexual orientation?

Where Are You From?
Hanover, Germany

Where Do You Live?
Kassel, Germany (for another year... can't wait to leave, lol)

How Old Are you?

Favorite Type of Music?
There are all kinds of music I like, but I don't care enough about music to have actual favourite songs and artists.

Profession or Career interest?
I'm studying to be a High School teacher. (I don't know yet, if that's really what I want, though)

Favorite video game(s)?
The Legend of Zelda-series, but pretty much anything Nintendo actually.

What are your hobbies (other than gaming)?
watching good movies (I'm a Blu-ray collector), cooking and baking, reading and handcraft stuff.^^


Welcome, scamander :D Where are you moving to?

Speaking of virtual abs, I made a KOFXIII Joe avatar, but I couldn't bring myself to change my Kero Blaster one :/

Hey guys and gals, new to the party. :)

Your gender?

Your sexual orientation?

Where Are You From?
Hanover, Germany

Where Do You Live?
Kassel, Germany (for another year... can't wait to leave, lol)

How Old Are you?

Favorite Type of Music?
There are all kinds of music I like, but I don't care enough about music to have actual favourite songs and artists.

Profession or Career interest?
I'm studying to be a High School teacher. (I don't know yet, if that's really what I want, though)

Favorite video game(s)?
The Legend of Zelda-series, but pretty much anything Nintendo actually.

What are your hobbies (other than gaming)?
watching good movies (I'm a Blu-ray collector), cooking and baking, reading and handcraft stuff.^^
Welcome! :)

What do you think of the new Zelda game thus far? Are you excited?


Welcome, scamander :D Where are you moving to?

Thanks :)
I don't know where I'll move to yet; after I got my degree I'll have to apply for a teacher trainee job, which I plan to do nationwide. I'd love to live by the sea, though. :D

Welcome! :)

What do you think of the new Zelda game thus far? Are you excited?

Thanks for the welcome. :)
I can't wait for the new Zelda, I really dig the look. Wind Waker was visually my favourite entry of the series and this looks really close, just a little bit more "mature". It's easily my most anticipated game of the year! Can't wait to see more of it at E3.^^


Hey guys and gals, new to the party. :)

Your gender?

Your sexual orientation?

Where Are You From?
Hanover, Germany

Where Do You Live?
Kassel, Germany (for another year... can't wait to leave, lol)

How Old Are you?

Favorite Type of Music?
There are all kinds of music I like, but I don't care enough about music to have actual favourite songs and artists.

Profession or Career interest?
I'm studying to be a High School teacher. (I don't know yet, if that's really what I want, though)

Favorite video game(s)?
The Legend of Zelda-series, but pretty much anything Nintendo actually.

What are your hobbies (other than gaming)?
watching good movies (I'm a Blu-ray collector), cooking and baking, reading and handcraft stuff.^^

You want to be a HS teacher?? O: Why would you want to put yourself through so much pain? Teenagers are lousy, arrogant, and annoying I:

Best of luck! Welcome to the thread scamander!! :)

Welcome, scamander :D Where are you moving to?

Speaking of virtual abs, I made a KOFXIII Joe avatar, but I couldn't bring myself to change my Kero Blaster one :/



no idea since we're broke due to our trip to Japan in April (spring time, sakura!) and spending so much money on the apartment. probably Rio since it's cheap (it's like a 1 hour flight).

Why not drive to Rio instead? It would be a fun drive, no?
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