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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Good gracious that first HIV test was a bit nerve wrecking, but all is well, I think...(Non-reactive is well I assume :p). I haven't had any sexual contact in months so the test is even more reliable.

See? not getting laid has it's advantages sometimes :p


So last year I had a fun little hook up at my house with this guy, this being notable because my family members work schedules such that someone is always home when I am so I can't ever bring anyone over, but I could that time because they were out of town; they went out of town again today so I had a repeat with the same dude,
and I broke my two month dry spell, woot woot (although it was more of a dry spell out of choice rather than not having options, but still).

I love cuddling. With or without sex, its the best,
although I do usually like it to at least involve some kissing

Congrats! :3

Good gracious that first HIV test was a bit nerve wrecking, but all is well, I think...(Non-reactive is well I assume :p). I haven't had any sexual contact in months so the test is even more reliable.

See? not getting laid has it's advantages sometimes :p

Indeed. Knowing your status is important. There's a lot of free HIV tests out there. Also, safe sex is great sex.
At least this is what I've always been told.


Hunky Nostradamus
So last year I had a fun little hook up at my house with this guy and I had a repeat with the same dude,
and I broke my two month dry spell, woot woot (although it was more of a dry spell out of choice rather than not having options, but still).

moar deets

Do any of you still use OkCupid? Or another dating site? I'm interested in getting into it since clubs aren't my thing, and I'm more likely to meet someone similar to me on a dating site. But idk how popular they are among gays when casual hookup apps exist like grindr and tindr.

try craigslist

i hear you can find some really good friends on there

Also, safe sex is great sex.


Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Do any of you still use OkCupid? Or another dating site? I'm interested in getting into it since clubs aren't my thing, and I'm more likely to meet someone similar to me on a dating site. But idk how popular they are among gays when casual hookup apps exist like grindr and tindr.

Grindr always grossed me out, and Tinder just seemed weird and useless; OKCupid was great. This was the first dating site I actually felt was worthwhile (although I hadn't tried any of them for several years), but you're only going to get back what you put into it -- if answering a lot of the personality questions is off-putting or you're not willing to put together an interesting profile, then there's a good chance responses might be few and far between. Gotta take the initiative to message people and respond if/when others contact you first, etc etc. Mostly just common sense stuff.

I went on a number of enjoyable dates, talked to a lot of very pleasant normal people, and I chalk it up largely to being much more open-minded and comfortable with myself than in the past. Telling my co-workers about the dates was especially fun, hah.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
normal people are boring, all the best people are a little bit bonkers

Perhaps, but I read the dating complaints and horror stories on here. Y'all need to master dealing with normal folks before gettin' crazy.

I did go out with a guy who left bite marks all over my torso and arms...


First post in here.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Where Are You From? UK
Where Do You Live? UK
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? Rock/Indie
Profession or Career interest? Graphic Design
Favorite video game(s)? GTA V
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Football

So, er, hi...
First post in here.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Where Are You From? UK
Where Do You Live? UK
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? Rock/Indie
Profession or Career interest? Graphic Design
Favorite video game(s)? GTA V
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Football

So, er, hi...
Welcome to Letters GAF. :D


First post in here.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Where Are You From? UK
Where Do You Live? UK
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? Rock/Indie
Profession or Career interest? Graphic Design
Favorite video game(s)? GTA V
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Football

So, er, hi...

Perhaps, but I read the dating complaints and horror stories on here. Y'all need to master dealing with normal folks before gettin' crazy.

I did go out with a guy who left bite marks all over my torso and arms...
I've realized the fact that I'm not "normal", I'm weird. I wouldn't call myself crazy but I'm somewhat out there.
To me I think the dichotomy is normal/abnormal, and ordinary/extraordinary. Anything healthy is 'normal', even if it's not viewed that way by society, that just means we have to expand our social definition of what is 'normal', and we do that all the time. Anything ordinary is self-preservation, or committing to a bare minimum to get by. Finding meaningful satisfaction in a very humble or common life is extraordinary, because finding meaning and satisfaction in life is rarer than many of us realize.


I have an okcupid profile, the seletion where I'm at is horrid. Actually chatted with a cute guy and talked about going on a date. Exchange numbers. Says he'll let me know about the date when he's got time. Hits me up one night, small talk. I check Grindr (I know I know) and he messages me on there after not having responded to my last text. I say that's weird, he says sorry and good night, I say I just don't get why he didn't reply to my text. Haven't heard a word since. And also random but I saw that he and my ex became friends on FB/instagram, so hmmmmm 😂

That's about the extent of my okcupid success. And wow that's a long post (for me).


Hunky Nostradamus
I have an okcupid profile, the seletion where I'm at is horrid. Actually chatted with a cute guy and talked about going on a date. Exchange numbers. Says he'll let me know about the date when he's got time. Hits me up one night, small talk. I check Grindr (I know I know) and he messages me on there

does he have nudes on grindr


To me I think the dichotomy is normal/abnormal, and ordinary/extraordinary. Anything healthy is 'normal', even if it's not viewed that way by society, that just means we have to expand our social definition of what is 'normal', and we do that all the time. Anything ordinary is self-preservation, or committing to a bare minimum to get by. Finding meaningful satisfaction in a very humble or common life is extraordinary, because finding meaning and satisfaction in life is rarer than many of us realize.
Normal is sometimes too limiting, as you said its definition is expanded all the time, but at a really slow pace that when I find a common ground,I already want to do something "crazy" again, and the cycle goes on . And yes, I guess most people know that finding satisfaction is too rare that we give up too easily.
First post in here.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Where Are You From? UK
Where Do You Live? UK
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? Rock/Indie
Profession or Career interest? Graphic Design
Favorite video game(s)? GTA V
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Football

So, er, hi...
Welcome :)


Welcome! :)


Haha, thank you.

Welcome to Letters GAF. :D
Thanks to all three of you. I've been meaning to post in this LGBTQIA thread for quite a while, but was somewhat afraid to. I've been aware of my sexuality for close to fifteen years now, but that doesn't make it any easier 'coming out' to people. I'm just glad GAF is one of the forums where someone isn't discriminated because of their sexuality.


If you know your partner and know his medical history you can do without protection, really. Feels a lot better as well.
Absolutely. Sex without a condom feels great for both parties involved. It goes without saying to make sure you know each others medical history and, of course, that they're comfortable with you going bareback. To me, sex without a condom brings an entirely new level of intimacy and passion that sex with a condom just can't replicate.


Do any of you still use OkCupid? Or another dating site? I'm interested in getting into it since clubs aren't my thing, and I'm more likely to meet someone similar to me on a dating site. But idk how popular they are among gays when casual hookup apps exist like grindr and tindr.

I use OkCupid. Of the few dates I've gone on over the last year, all but one came from here. Still no luck finding a guy interested in dating me though. ):

Congrats on that! :p

And yeah cuddling is awesome, and I agree that when you involve kissing it gets even better.

Congrats! :3

Haha thanks :p

moar deets

I'll just answer the question I know you care about - no,
neither of us was hung. Lol. He was pretty thick though which made bottoming a good bit of fun


I've never done anything unprotected. Even if I'm missing out, I value safety more :p I'm too paranoid about STDs.

First post in here.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Where Are You From? UK
Where Do You Live? UK
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? Rock/Indie
Profession or Career interest? Graphic Design
Favorite video game(s)? GTA V
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Football

So, er, hi...
Welcome :]
Normal is sometimes too limiting, as you said its definition is expanded all the time, but at a really slow pace that when I find a common ground,I already want to do something "crazy" again, and the cycle goes on . And yes, I guess most people know that finding satisfaction is too rare that we give up too easily.

I mostly just meant that if 'normal' is socially prescriptive, it doesn't need to be socially prescriptive in such a shallow or culturally biased way. I'd argue that the common discussion about "what is normal?" suggests that normal being defined as just what we're used to seeing is an inadequate way of looking at it. When you look at something like the DSM, the spirit of using something like that is in asking if something has a negative or disturbing effect on one's life. I think when we're thinking about 'normal' in a very broad way, that's the sort of thing that we recognize as not it.

But these words are really vague. I think there are probably at least two normals. The normal our society can accept, and the normal that means we're not maladapted to life.
First post in here.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Where Are You From? UK
Where Do You Live? UK
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? Rock/Indie
Profession or Career interest? Graphic Design
Favorite video game(s)? GTA V
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Football

So, er, hi...
Welcome! :)

What football? US or worldwide?

What teams do you follow?


Preparing to embarrass myself again tonight. Not quite sure what to try and talk about. Already spoke a bit about school, not really sure where to go off from there though.

whats a cis male im bisexual am i cis.

Cis is short for "Cissexual", which is a person whose gender is aligned with their birth sex.
My boyfriend made the same joke this morning how he needs his vitamin D.

I didn't know if he meant me or ...the other D :(

Come on now. Don't sell yourself short, you know he was talking about you ;)

Isn't CIS an abbreviation already with the S standing for sexual? Wouldn't that be like saying RIP in peace?


Cis means on the same side while trans means on the other side. I think both are Latin, but originated in Greek.

Yeah. cis and trans are also used when talking about chemical structures and the geometry if its cis or trans, same side or different sided.


How is/was your day?
Slow as hell. I'm working on a series of cover designs for a major client and they keep changing their mind all the time. It's really beginning to piss me off. Still, nothing a bath and cheese toastie won't sort, haha. How did you manage to nearly break the shredder?


How is/was your day?

I almost broke the paper shredder at work.

Got into the office this morning and our entire network was down, so I spent an hour just playing on my phone. Then it came back up but one of my bosses needed help setting up stuff on her iPad so I spent a good hour doing that. Now lunch. Good day so far.


First post in here.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Where Are You From? UK
Where Do You Live? UK
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? Rock/Indie
Profession or Career interest? Graphic Design
Favorite video game(s)? GTA V
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Football

So, er, hi...

Welcome! :)

What kind of rock music do you listen to?

Welcome to the thread, CyanideStrike! =3

If you know your partner and know his medical history you can do without protection, really. Feels a lot better as well. 😽

I think that falls on the category of safe sex then.


Hunky Nostradamus
I'll just answer the question I know you care about - no,
neither of us was hung. Lol. He was pretty thick though which made bottoming a good bit of fun


How is/was your day?

pretty slow but pretty good thanks for asking kinsei

I did some composing for a game I'm working on and made a cute little song for when players fight the boss of the dungeon! Came up with it pretty quick so I'm already excited to get back home and iterate on it more.


holy fuck bruh thats good shit

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