Simple & Clean and Hikari are both iconic and incredible. Hikki always trumps the competition with like the least effort whenever she has a new release. Cannot wait for her comeback.
I thought all this time "significant other" was a code word for when a person didn't want to give away that they/someone they knew was gay. Like someone else at work mentioned that the guy had a significant other. I thought that was pretty much code for "boyfriend."
what no
Simple & Clean and Hikari are both iconic and incredible. Hikki always trumps the competition with like the least effort whenever she has a new release. Cannot wait for her comeback.
Heart Station and Ultra Blue are incredible from start to finish. She offers so much more than what the mjaority of the west knows her for.
I can't wait for her album either.
For sure.
I was initially put off by Heart Station and This is the One cause they sound so much more "simple" than the arrangements on Exodus and Ultra Blue, but I've grown to love them for their straightforward nature. Deep River, Exodus, and Ultra Blue are still my favorite albums from her though.
Well I facebook stalked people from my work and finally found that dude who I thought might be gay. He's totally straight. There goes all my fantasies.
edit: I thought all this time "significant other" was a code word for when a person didn't want to give away that they/someone they knew was gay. Like someone else at work mentioned that the guy had a significant other. I thought that was pretty much code for "boyfriend."
...I thought the same thing tbh
Tales of Zestiria 60fps patch. Bless PC gaming. <3
Ultra Blue is superb and it was kind of downhill from there, to be honest.
So, that whole thing about the PC version being 30fps wasn't set in stone. Good to know.
The term "partner" is what i'd thought that might get misunderstood than siginificant other.
Sakura Nagashi is stunning and beautiful. I just wish Toshiba EMI had the full, non Evangelion version up that doesn't cut out the climax of the song.
Get it now on Steam. XOXO
Yeah partner is neutral but very common to gay couples since they historically weren't "allowed" the term husband/wife. Since some committed straight couples say it too, it gets a bit more murky when your involuntary gaydar chime starts going off. Especially when a guy starts talking that you don't know much about and refers to a male partner a few times, only to eventually clarify with context that its only business partners. John Hamm and his ex used the term partner for years.
And then there's "confirmed bachelor," which is a whole different mess.
She has done some good stuff, but (IMO, of course) not as good as her past stuff. That coupled with her hiatus have really made me lose interest in her, really.Sakura Nagashi is stunning and beautiful. I just wish Toshiba EMI had the full, non Evangelion version up that doesn't cut out the climax of the song.
She has done some good stuff, but (IMO, of course) not as good as her past stuff. That coupled with her hiatus have really made me lose interest in her, really.
About PC being awesome: we're getting Dragon Quest Heroes! Honestly, I'm not sure why I need a PS4 at the moment (that will change when Tekken 7 and KOF14 get released, though). And I'm currently playing Mad Max, it's pretty fun and it runs at 60fps, unlike on consoles. PC so gud <3
Dragon Quest Heroes and the collectors edition of Star Ocean with the artbook will be mine.
Heart Station and Ultra Blue are incredible from start to finish. She offers so much more than what the mjaority of the west knows her for.
I can't wait for her album either.
I did not need to know those Star Ocean artbook and soundtrack packages existed.
Im in love with First love.
Drops and Traveling are great too ♥ Utada
Get real though guys, Simple and Clean in the original Kingdom Hearts commercial had your attention hardcore when it first came on
Get real though guys, Simple and Clean in the original Kingdom Hearts commercial had your attention hardcore when it first came on
Get real though guys, Simple and Clean in the original Kingdom Hearts commercial had your attention hardcore when it first came on
I know right? I was watching the gameplay and then that appeared.
Great picks. Deep River and Letters are also songs worth mentioning.
This is true.
So I saw 007 SPECTRE tonight because my sister wanted me to go with her and her new boyfriend (Pretty cool dude. He's really quiet which is nice because her 2 previous BFs were kind of annoying and came on too strong) Anyway, it was my first Bond movie. Incredibly repetitive, rushed/incomplete plot that kind of had no impact but I guess that could change if you follow the movies. The dude that plays Bond is boring and kind of ugly, and also it was incredibly unrealistic because the girl falls in love with Bond in like 2 damn days. Cool explosions and fights tho
BTW I have a new MMA crush.
Rogue Nation was indeed brilliant, and Kingsmen is definitely in my top five films of the year for me. SPECTRE probably falls short at #6 or #7 - it was good, but it just didn't hit the spot for me, not like Casino Royale or Skyfall did. I'm yet to see Spy.Mission Impossible rogue nation and kingsmen were much better spy action films than bond. Actually even Melissa McCarthy's movie spy was better than bond
Wait what?I think The Saint is a pretty underrated movie in the spy genre.
Wait what?
This fucking abomination?
He has a long neck.
He has a long neck.
BTW I have a new MMA crush.
BTW I have a new MMA crush.
Where are you finding these mega hotties? The one on the last page ended my career
That was Down's doing on the last page.
Okay but that doesn't answer my question. I'm guessing tumblr?
The Nexus 6P I got a week ago is off getting repaired for a manufacturing defect, they aren't replacing it because I don't have the original packaging. >:-[Got a loaner phone from Telus while my Z3 gets repaired/replaced and its an S5. I'm scared of using it because if it gets damaged its $150 for the fee.
Few more and my thirst is quenched.