There there

There there
8,000 hours in this genre over 10 years speaks for itself.
I just came out to my second close friend. It feels so nice. Now we are talking about a bunch of different things, it super nice to be talk someone else my age about what I'm feeling and listening how she feels about other things.
Interesting picks. I've always said TWEWY is like my favorite game ever but I'm not sure now. I feel like if I had to list them it would be: Twilight Princess, TWEWY, Majora's Mask, Smash 4, Kingdom Hearts BBS, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days... don't judge lol
So LettersGAF, which game would you call your favorite? I've been thinking about this lately and I really can't decide.
Is it a horror game? D:Even through the initial English release - poorly translated, horribly programmed, graphically poop, inaccessibly obscure though it may have been - Russian indie darling/cult favorite Pathologic still came out of nowhere (seriously, even discovering its existence was a total accident) to claim ride-or-die #1 bae in my heart, a testament to its unique greatness. It's hard to put into words exactly what about it made such a deep impression on me without sounding like a flowery drunk madman, but there you are. Deeper than the deepest of deeps. What a masterpiece.
I would if I had a Wii UAre you gonna get into Twilight Princess HD?
I agree with Black/White 2 and SMT 4. They're awesome games tbhI have way to many series I enjoy to pick just one game. If going by series I'd say Pokemon ( Black/White 2 are really strong entries), FE ( While Awakening is newer my heart goes to Sacred Stones),SMT(Strong fight between Nocturne and 4. Strange Journey is also amaze). Are the main series I am always hyped for.
Is it a horror game? D:
You do a much better job than I of describing what's great about it. I even like some of the more controversial, uncompromising elements, like the constantly ticking [accelerated] real-time clock and slow, repetitive town traversal - each element building to make your every action and mistake all the more consequential, even when failure of quests (rather brilliantly) does not actually stop the show from going on, but merely alters the course of events and makes things more difficult for you to ultimately "complete."
Plus, that fucking twist. That (optional?) twist inside of the Polyhedron that just totally recontextualizes the whole experience and provides the impetus for so much of the Devotress' storyline (oh, that's why she's locked from the outset.) It could so easily have been trite, but instead it was one of the most brilliant and affecting moments in gaming.
Oh yeah, I totes remember you asking me this question a little while back and I had forgotten to respond at the time. Yeah, absolutely getting the remake - it's probably my most/only anticipated upcoming game, lolol - and I remember the board game being mentioned during the Kickstarter but it was several tiers above my contribution. I actually don't know much about it, and I don't do a lot of tabletop gaming in general...but goddamn it, for the mad Russian geniuses at Ice Pick Lodge, I just might do it.
I feel like a bitter Adele hipster who got annoyed when she blew up with 21 and am now begrudgingly anticipating her new album alongside most of my peers. "Hello" wasn't really doing it for me, but her new song—"When We Were Young"—is entirely different for me and makes me optimistic for 25. Looping...
Does Adele have a notable gay audience like other singers or does she have too much crossover appeal/the wrong sound for it to be significant? I'm unclear of what Adele's presence in "gay culture"* is.
*whatever that is
So LettersGAF, which game would you call your favorite? I've been thinking about this lately and I really can't decide.
those arent games tho![]()
Given that cheating could always occur, when (if at all) do you usually feel comfortable enough in a monogamous relationship to start going bareback with the guy? Marriage?
Battlefront looks like what I feared. Thats such a shame too. I need a star ears fix. Maybe Ill get xwing and relive a more simple time.
On the topic of barebacking, we used condoms for 6 months and tested before we casted off the shackles per se.
Okay this dude next to me has spent the last hour or so looking at pictures of cars
straight people are incredible
Okay this dude next to me has spent the last hour or so looking at pictures of cars
straight people are incredible
I've heard things no one should have to hear. Trust me, he's straight.are you sure he's straight. just because he's looking at cars doesn't mean he is.
Okay this dude next to me has spent the last hour or so looking at pictures of cars
straight people are incredible
the art of manliness may just be the shittiest blog I've ever read lol.
I've heard things no one should have to hear. Trust me, he's straight.
Theres an art to it?
Manlymancy. As opposed to Nancymancy.yeah I think it's called douchemancy
Manlymancy. As opposed to Nancymancy.
Okay this dude next to me has spent the last hour or so looking at pictures of cars
straight people are incredible
girl if you think my blog is all lana then....This dude next to me has spent the last hour or so looking at Lana Del Rey posts on tumblr.
Bottoms are incredible
See, sis? Don't be so judgemental. ☕
girl if you think my blog is all lana then....
it's gay porn
Theres an art to it?
girl if you think my blog is all lana then....
it's gay porn
edit: also it's not an exaggeration, it was literally an hour. He also constantly said "Dude look at this one" to me and "Wow this one's so fucking cool" it was cute
Well, I kinda lied. My best friend followed me on tumblr so I had to tone it down for her so it's mostly video games/artsy shit for now. Here's a link to my nsfw tag tho: (warning: it's pretty nsfw)I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter. Unless its full of twinks. Aint no one got time for that.
today on weird things i didn't realize i was into until just now:
symmetrical/matching tattoos on calves/ankles
the brain is a strange thing
I could get into on weird things i didn't realize i was into until just now:
symmetrical/matching tattoos on calves/ankles
the brain is a strange thing
Look at them. Look how happy they are. Look at the pure unadulterated joy. Bastards. (Why yes, I am indeed single)