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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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edit: I was playing Xenoblade Chronicles Wii and like... I don't get it. The game is ok and everything but the whole "only Shulk can damage those Mechon things and if you want your party members to damage them you have to do the Enchant monado art" thing is annoying. Also, the animations and walking around feel awkward. idk, the game just feels "off."

How did finals go?
How did finals go?
They went well! I got 72/85 on my theater one, 76/100 on my Sociology one, 200/200 on my english one and my math one is a complete mystery as the professor never put the grades up online for the class to see but I'm guessing it wasn't pretty, lol. Ultimately I got a C on Math and Theater but an A in English and a B in Sociology so I'm not feeling all that bad about it tbh

Thanks for asking btw!
I tried watching iZombie on Netflix. Then they pulled a Thats So Raven and gave this zombie lady the ability to see the future? Oh ok. Makes sense.


But at least the ex fiance was hot.



Hunky Nostradamus
Did you end up liking Fury Road at all?

I haven't seen it yet. I've only seen the first Mad Max film and I really want to watch 2 and Beyond Thunderdome before I dive into Fury Road, even though I know that it's mostly (entirely?) standalone and watching the other films isn't necessary to understand or enjoy it.

I'm weird in that I like/have to watch all the movies in a series - in order - before I watch the newest one.


Yeah it takes time to learn all of the little gaf things.

Well basically like a month ago, i just kinda started thinking about in. Before i never really thought about it. ( Im 16 btw) So i would just kinda get off to what ever and never cared much about what my sexuality. But for some reason i just sat down and thought about it, and figured out im bisexual. So then a few weeks after that, i was skyping with my gay friend and i just wanted to come out and tell him.
Yeah the when did you find out is a weird question, usually i just say well i was always like this, i just figured it out. It never just turned on a dime.

Ah. I've just turned 18 - only just out. Tbh it took me while to actually think about being gay, I think its part of being used to it. When people ask when did you find out, I find it really tempting to just answer "Porn".
Ah. I've just turned 18 - only just out. Tbh it took me while to actually think about being gay, I think its part of being used to it. When people ask when did you find out, I find it really tempting to just answer "Porn".

For me it was puberty, when straight boys would have started noticing girls, I started noticing guys. It took me a while to even recognize it as sexual attraction. By the time I even thought to ask myself whether I was gay, I already had the answer. So I would have been 11 or 12. I remember being completely sure in 7th grade, so I would have been 12.

I'm interested in hearing from people who had a long period of questioning who don't identify as bi, because it's so different from my experience. I'm way on the end of the spectrum where there was never any doubt.
Awwww. I realized I was gay when I was 14 and googled "Link Legend of Zelda" and one of the pics was just two guys fucking, which flabbergasted me, and so for like 3 months I would always google "Link Legend of Zelda" to find that picture again. Let's just say I was very slow in the sexual development category. lol
And here I am waiting for the mailman to arrive to bring my stuff...

What'd ya order? :p

If it makes you feel better, I didn't even get to boot it up yet. Had to leave it all pretty at home while I'm stuck at work.

Awwww. I realized I was gay when I was 14 and googled "Link Legend of Zelda" and one of the pics was just two guys fucking, which flabbergasted me, and so for like 3 months I would always google "Link Legend of Zelda" to find that picture again. Let's just say I was very slow in the sexual development category. lol

Lol that's adorable. (And...super relatable haha)
Ah. I've just turned 18 - only just out. Tbh it took me while to actually think about being gay, I think its part of being used to it. When people ask when did you find out, I find it really tempting to just answer "Porn".
Yeah it took me a while to think about it. I think there where many things that played into me actually sitting down and thinking about it. I have never dated anyone or been in a relationship, so i kinda just did feel like it wasn't important for some reason.
Yeah porn is basically when i first really ever thought about it, but i just kinda pushed it to the back of my mind, and never fully thought about it. I would just watch kinda watch ever and then not think about it later.


I think my first inklings that I might be gay occured after I was basically forced to watch porn at my friend's house while his parents were gone. It was some weird male bondy thing where me and my two friends were supposed to be checking out how hot these chicks were.

I think from the first second I saw heterosexual sex I was like 'No. No thank you, sir, I am not interested in what you are selling.'

It was only a little while after that that I realized I like dudes.


I think I realized I was straight when I got like a brojob, where you have sex with guys to prove that you really don't like it.

So yeah, oh and yeah that was during college days. So like I found out I was straight while in college.

Ahhh... Those were the days.


Hunky Nostradamus
No, I wasnt. I didnt have anything else to have playing in the background.

sigur ros

Awwww. I realized I was gay when I was 14 and googled "Link Legend of Zelda" and one of the pics was just two guys fucking, which flabbergasted me, and so for like 3 months I would always google "Link Legend of Zelda" to find that picture again. Let's just say I was very slow in the sexual development category. lol



For me it was puberty, when straight boys would have started noticing girls, I started noticing guys. It took me a while to even recognize it as sexual attraction. By the time I even thought to ask myself whether I was gay, I already had the answer. So I would have been 11 or 12. I remember being completely sure in 7th grade, so I would have been 12.

I'm interested in hearing from people who had a long period of questioning who don't identify as bi, because it's so different from my experience. I'm way on the end of the spectrum where there was never any doubt.
Kinda the same here, except way earlier I guess. I've always known. I even remember stuff from when I was in Kinder. XD

By the time I was 14-15 years old I wanted a boyfriend for sure, but knew it would be difficult, not only because of not knowing other gay in their teens, but because of the constant bullying on school because of my looks.

I also remember always wanting kids and be a dad, and imagined me making them breakfast and playing with them. Then as I grew up, the idea just seemed so far away, instead of closer.

So...here I am. 33 years old. No boyfriend still and no kids of course. XD
Awwww. I realized I was gay when I was 14 and googled "Link Legend of Zelda" and one of the pics was just two guys fucking, which flabbergasted me, and so for like 3 months I would always google "Link Legend of Zelda" to find that picture again. Let's just say I was very slow in the sexual development category. lol
This is both hilarious and awesome. That's a pretty memorable way of getting the ball rolling, lol.

I first "realized" it in high school when I started coming to terms with being gay. I remember there was this basketball player that'd practice during my gym class and I was so enamored by him. He was pretty hot and somehow was always changing in the lockerroom when class was over. I didn't mind.

But I remember things from as far back as 4th grade. I thought things were normal until I realized what it really meant to be into guys. Then shit hit the fan.

So around 14-15.

So...here I am. 33 years old. No boyfriend still and no kids of course. XD
I'll be there soon. Turning 30 and been single for 4 years now. Some flings here and there, but nothing lasting.


Awwww. I realized I was gay when I was 14 and googled "Link Legend of Zelda" and one of the pics was just two guys fucking, which flabbergasted me, and so for like 3 months I would always google "Link Legend of Zelda" to find that picture again. Let's just say I was very slow in the sexual development category. lol

That's cute. Mine was this guy:



I always knew I was attracted to other boys when I was little, or if not attraction then it was just a feeling of being different from other boys, so in my experience I didn't find out, I always knew it, I accepted myself and started describing myself as gay when I turned 18, I'm not out though, society is not to the point I'd like it to be for me being comfortable about sharing this information with most people.
For me it was puberty, when straight boys would have started noticing girls, I started noticing guys. It took me a while to even recognize it as sexual attraction. By the time I even thought to ask myself whether I was gay, I already had the answer. So I would have been 11 or 12. I remember being completely sure in 7th grade, so I would have been 12.

I'm interested in hearing from people who had a long period of questioning who don't identify as bi, because it's so different from my experience. I'm way on the end of the spectrum where there was never any doubt.
Yep, This is me. Except I liked boys and girls around 7th grade at that time lol.


Tim Cook fam recruited me via Safari on iPod Touch in 2007

Back in the day I would sneak search porn on google using the family computer like a cat burglar when it wasn't a school night. I'd start off just searching "porn" and then clicking endlessly through videos, not really noticing that sometimes I was clicking on college men and staying there for the night. It wasn't until iPod Touch and the first real mobile web™ that I thought about why I was looking at men and the cycle of denial/it's a phase/it's bisexuality secret/it's gay but forever secret/it's gay secret for now began. That search history prior to the private browsing mode lord. I had some high school crushes but was absolutely not going to do or say a word about it.


Reposting from another thread and very relatable to me:


What'd ya order? :p

If it makes you feel better, I didn't even get to boot it up yet. Had to leave it all pretty at home while I'm stuck at work.

Lol that's adorable. (And...super relatable haha)

Well it finally arrived and it's just a phone.

More of a replacement sort of.
Cake shop guy was acting sheepish yesterday and this suggested to me perhaps I could do something. Went over there with new determination after a friend told me he is dating someone now...went over thinking I'll see if he's there alone and thinking I'll flirt and see how it goes, had a pen and paper for phone number swapping... He wasn't there.

I haven't asked anyone out in 5 years. A couple of talks on OKCupid that didn't go anywhere excepted.

fuck... changes my avvie and forgot to save my old one.
Maybe it is cached somewhere on google. If my slime avatar ran off there's be no hope catching it. :(


Neo Member
I knew very early on that I was attracted to girls as well, not just boys. I practiced kissing with my female friends in my earlier years and liked it, experimented with my friend in 5th grade. I went on my first date with a girl in 8th grade. I had my sexual awakening very young but it's nice because I've always been very comfortable with my sexuality.

I never really came out to my family, my dad knew because I lived with him and he would see me go on dates with women. We aren't far in age and once we actually wanted the same girl at a party lol..that was awkward. My family is mostly pretty liberal so none of them really care, I never came out to the rest of them but it's been casually brought up in conversations that I like women. I'm lucky that no one in my family has ever really made a big deal about it.


Also apart of that single life.

Never had a bf. Just guys who use me for sex and then abandon me hahahaha
there's obviously something wrong with me :(
at least opiates will always be there for me
Also apart of that single life.

Never had a bf. Just guys who use me for sex and then abandon me hahahaha
there's obviously something wrong with me :(
at least opiates will always be there for me
That seems to be what a lot of guys do, sadly. Ain't a thing wrong with you, you're a star and never think anything else. :)


I would have known I was gay at like 3 years old if I'd been aware that it was a thing. It's funny how most of the things I like about guys, physically, were locked in that early. I was all about those lean ripped torsos and toned arms, lol. I've been told my attractions were "conditioned by media" or whatever because my tastes are sort of stereotypical (I'm all about athletic hunks if you haven't noticed), but I'm not sure that's true. I didn't really watch TV, and never used the internet, until I was in my teens. And when I did, I zeroed right in on what I liked. It felt like discovering things I would have been into anyway, if I'd just found out earlier.

I always had mostly male friends, but I was never attracted to any of them. My social life didn't help me figure out my sexuality at all. The signs were still there, though. I felt platonic attraction to girls (I especially liked goths), but they didn't turn me on. I never wanted a girlfriend, and for a long time I didn't even consider that boyfriends were an option. I liked superhero comic art because the guys were so fit, unf. At some point I discovered gay fanfics (my phone keeps trying to change this word to "fabrics." Gay fabrics, rofl), which were my first exposure to gay sex. That's how I figured out some of what I liked without any actual experience. Later I found porn, but the selection was bad in those days, or at least I wasn't aware of how to find the good stuff. I would go onto these sites that were probably filled with viruses. They had page after page of little thumbnails you could click and download 5 or 6 tiny clips of full videos. That sustained me for probably a couple of years.

The modern porn landscape is so much better than what I had when I was growing up. Seriously, I envy today's gay youth. Everything's so convenient and accessible, it's amazing. Tumblr is a godsend. HD streaming is actually possible now. Praise Jesus for Sean Cody and Corbin Fisher.

Porn aside, you can go on Youtube and find many dozens of LGBT people your own age vlogging about their life. Instant access to people just like you, imagine that. It's goddamned paradise compared to what I had to put up with. I might post like a thirsty tween sometimes, but I don't ever take any of this for granted.

Awwww. I realized I was gay when I was 14 and googled "Link Legend of Zelda" and one of the pics was just two guys fucking, which flabbergasted me, and so for like 3 months I would always google "Link Legend of Zelda" to find that picture again. Let's just say I was very slow in the sexual development category. lol
This is amazing. I love it.


I would have known I was gay at like 3 years old if I'd been aware that it was a thing. It's funny how most of the things I like about guys, physically, were locked in that early. I was all about those lean ripped torsos and toned arms, lol. I've been told my attractions were "conditioned by media" or whatever because my tastes are sort of stereotypical (I'm all about athletic hunks if you haven't noticed), but I'm not sure that's true. I didn't really watch TV, and never used the internet, until I was in my teens. And when I did, I zeroed right in on what I liked. It felt like discovering things I would have been into anyway, if I'd just found out earlier.

I always had mostly male friends, but I was never attracted to any of them. My social life didn't help me figure out my sexuality at all. The signs were still there, though. I felt platonic attraction to girls (I especially liked goths), but they didn't turn me on. I never wanted a girlfriend, and for a long time I didn't even consider that boyfriends were an option. I liked superhero comic art because the guys were so fit, unf. At some point I discovered gay fanfics (my phone keeps trying to change this word to "fabrics." Gay fabrics, rofl), which were my first exposure to gay sex. That's how I figured out some of what I liked without any actual experience. Later I found porn, but the selection was bad in those days, or at least I wasn't aware of how to find the good stuff. I would go onto these sites that were probably filled with viruses. They had page after page of little thumbnails you could click and download 5 or 6 tiny clips of full videos. That sustained me for probably a couple of years.

The modern porn landscape is so much better than what I had when I was growing up. Seriously, I envy today's gay youth. Everything's so convenient and accessible, it's amazing. Tumblr is a godsend. HD streaming is actually possible now. Praise Jesus for Sean Cody and Corbin Fisher.

Porn aside, you can go on Youtube and find many dozens of LGBT people your own age vlogging about their life. Instant access to people just like you, imagine that. It's goddamned paradise compared to what I had to put up with. I might post like a thirsty tween sometimes, but I don't ever take any of this for granted.

This is amazing. I love it.

Too many words and not enough pictures of hunks.

What sorcery is this!?
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