It seems to be that some people had passwords for another site taken another way and didn't have unique passwords here.Just want to remind Lettersgaf that Gaf's been hacked and to change your passwords.
It seems to be that some people had passwords for another site taken another way and didn't have unique passwords here.Just want to remind Lettersgaf that Gaf's been hacked and to change your passwords.
It seems to be that some people had passwords for another site taken another way and didn't have unique passwords here.
Just want to remind Lettersgaf that Gaf's been hacked and to change your passwords.
Currently no evidence of a breach on NeoGAF's servers:Wait, what is this? Did GAF actually get hacked? Or was it another site?
Okay, quick update on this just so people know what's going on.
We've spoken with gromph about this and there's currently no evidence of a breach on NeoGAF's servers. As best we can identify, this has been the result of users' accounts being accessed directly via their password. We're aware of who appears to be responsible (in fairly great detail) and we're doing what we can to mitigate the issue, but we can't necessarily prevent completely people's accounts being accessed using a guessed or brute-forced password.
Since this is coming up, this is a good opportunity to reiterate this: if you reuse passwords or use insecure passwords then your accounts are very likely to be compromised. Please use a unique password on NeoGAF that isn't used on any other sites (since otherwise a password leak on another site can lead to your account here being compromised); pick one that's long (12+ characters) and not based on dictionary words or identifiable personal information. Ideally, pick a random password and store it in a password manager. Everyone should consider this a good reason to change their password today.
I'll note that we're also aware of the issue of accounts registering just to send obscene PMs to other random users, and we're also doing what we can to mitigate that, but it doesn't seem to be connected to this issue.
It narrows it down for the hackers to tell them this!That's why no two passwords of mine are the same.
I was wondering: what's your experience with going from sex to something more with a guy? It seems to me that most of the time there's no chance for something more when it starts with sex.
At least the guys I've had sex with that I've really liked usually want just that. I think there's been a couple of guys who've wanted something more but I've turned them down (and stopped the sex as well, because ultimately if I'm having sex with you multiple times it means I'm really into you). Its just hard to separate sex and feelings for me. It just happened to me today, met this beautiful guy who's also from Venezuela and just moved to Mexico. Ended up going to his place, we talked for about an hour or so about our lives, then we got to bed, still clothes on, started cuddling and well, he wanted more and I just didn't stop him because I liked him.
After that we talked for half an hour or more and then I just left cause he had stuff to do, we met through grindr (yeah I know) he said he'd text me and give me his number and we could go out sometime. I think I waited for a couple of hours until I wrote him that it was nice to meet him and that I had a good time and wishing him a nice day. He hasn't answered so far so I guess that's my answer right there, I just suck at playing this game.
lordt @ this twitter
What's Christmas? Bayonetta's in Smash and Star Wars comes out this week and a new Tarantino film is coming out too. Christmas's weave just got snatched.um apparently christmas is next week
what the fuck
lordt @ this twitter
Star Wars comes out this week????What's Christmas? Bayonetta's in Smash and Star Wars comes out this week and a new Tarantino film is coming out too. Christmas's weave just got snatched.
um apparently christmas is next week
what the fuck
Star Wars comes out this week????
I'm so hyped it's silly. Tomorrow's going to be a really long day.hype
thursday nite bb
I'm so hyped it's silly. Tomorrow's going to be a really long day.
I mean, we do have this.
i cant remember the last time I was legitimately excited to see a movie in theaters. Like, I honestly can't remember.
That is arguably the appropriate response tho.
blockbuster movies are kind of sucky tbh
Vancouver so BlueBadger and I can take you out lol
Welcome to 2015!Star Wars comes out this week????
Yeah. I mean maybe they're fun if you don't expect to be surprised in any way, but that doesn't sound like that much fun to me.
i only go to the marvel films out of a sense of obligation and, like, outside of something neat and original-ish like pacific rim, what other blockbusters even are there?
We haven't even hung out ourselves.
You're back! How are things?
Just discovered the acronym TERF.
Lucky for you, he's too beefy for me. I'll stow away my glitter bombs and battle thong for another day. Any thirsty jerks who want to put moves on Pietro Boselli or Colton Haynes had better think twice, though.My new waifu, Brazilian fitness model Rafael Varela, hopefully we're getting married soon.
Bonus: Merry Christmas!
I should probably change mine at some point, but fistthepainaway666 is so easy to remember.Analbeads420 representing.
every thread on OT is star wars.
like how
'Tis the season (for JJ Abrams to rescue Star Wars from George Lucas's clutches and breathe new life into the franchise, hallelujah and praise be, my body is ready).every thread on OT is star wars.
like how
I wouldn't have it any other way. It's gonna be even worse after tomorrow.every thread on OT is star wars.
like how
I wouldn't have it any other way. It's gonna be even worse after tomorrow.
LOL, just saw the thread that just got locked. Yeah, I've never seen GAF like this either.I'm so pumped to see it, but gdamn this is the worst gaf has been for a big entertainment release i feel like.
My password is Gaysex123
lordt @ this twitter
Analbeads420 representing.
My new waifu, Brazilian fitness model Rafael Varela, hopefully we're getting married soon.
Bonus: Merry Christmas!
What's Christmas? Bayonetta's in Smash and Star Wars comes out this week and a new Tarantino film is coming out too. Christmas's weave just got snatched.
My new waifu, Brazilian fitness model Rafael Varela, hopefully we're getting married soon.
Bonus: Merry Christmas!