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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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I put it on my profiles too. It works as a nice conversation starter.

I'm an INFJ.
At least there's people out there that reads. :(

There's this one persistent guy asking for face pic. I can't deal with his kind. I don't want to block him. He won't be able figure out why I stopped responding. there's one guy that I think might be interested in me. But I'm not in no rush to do Anything about it. I have other priorities at the moment

Introvert bros. (Y) I'm very much on the deep end of it lol.
I think what most people think of as love at first sight is extreme interest at first sight or lust at first sight, but rarely if ever love.

I would like to think I have experienced it but it has always been an extreme interest/infatuation that turned into love however I guess people would debate if it is truly love since it is a very strong platonic love without any sexual component.

Love isn't really a very clear term to begin with, for example we can say that someone loves an abstract ideal, so I'm not sure how precise we can get in talking about it. But that's pretty much always the case when we use words to grok at an experience, the words themselves aren't trivial, but they're just standing in for something, we're just trying to capture the essence of the experience (if that is even possible).

I think the main motivation for dismissing 'love at first sight' phenomena is that they seem rationally insensible to us, so we try to reexamine experience to conform with our intellectual structures for how we make life sensible, but that seems backwards to me. 'Love at first sight' is characteristically insensible, in fact I would say that 'love at first sight' is closer to a spiritual/religious experience than it is any other kind of experience, and in that way it is actually extremely unambiguous about what it is.

The main point of distinction is usually from lust (because we're usually talking about erotic or romantic love) and in that case lust is characterized by a kind of greed or self-interest, while erotic love is (relatively) more generous or 'selfless'. So if the experience isn't 'greedy', then by the process of elimination it is better suited to the other category. Whether it's an extreme or profound feeling of affection as opposed to love or whatever seems to be getting into a level of semantic precision that is likely misleading or unnecessary, since what people are saying when they experience 'love at first sight' is that they had an experience of 'loving' someone that was essentially ineffable and irrational. If anything love at first sight seems like the perfect term for it, because that term seems like a paradox or contradiction, much like the experience itself.

I'm an INFJ.

Me too. I jokingly say that's why I relate a lot to dissociated mystical weirdos like Jung and Plato. Introverted Intuition (Ni) in the dominant attitude is a weird temperament, if there is anything to Jung's personality theory.

I guess that in Japan they might list blood type?

Jungian personality theory (less so MBTI, which draws from Jung) is actually really elegant and clever, if not bordering on genius. Whether it's clinically or descriptively useful is one thing, but I think the actual system with its temperaments and axes is intellectually/symbolically delicious in and of itself.


Lots of Michiganders in this thread. Maybe I should have joined earlier and I would have been able to hang out with some of y'all. Unfortunately won't be here after July.

I've been a little sick today so I stayed in and discovered this incredibly adorable animation short on Netflix called:

"World of Tomorrow"

It's a quirky sci-fi story revolving around a little girl be contacted by her future "self." The lead voice actress is incredibly adorable. Only about 20-minutes long.
Jungian personality theory (less so MBTI, which draws from Jung) is actually really elegant and clever, if not bordering on genius. Whether it's clinically or descriptively useful is one thing, but I think the actual system with its temperaments and axes is intellectually/symbolically delicious in and of itself.

It doesn't seem to be very stable. The same person will get different results depending on their mood. And I'm not sure it's so useful in making predictions in how people will behave or as a diagnostic tool. Definitely a step up from astrology, though.

INTP, by the way.
It doesn't seem to be very stable. The same person will get different results depending on their mood. And I'm not sure it's so useful in making predictions in how people will behave or as a diagnostic tool. Definitely a step up from astrology, though.

INTP, by the way.

That's MBTI, not Jungian type theory. The Jungian system doesn't use tests, and it seems like in common practice even in MBTI 'correctly typing' yourself involves understanding all of the cognitive functions, since that's basically where all of the meat of the system is. The predominant claim is that your 'actual' type doesn't change, but that's another kettle of fish.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Is there any fan service games for gay men?

There are so many fan service games for straight guys. But none for us :/


Outside of visual novels (most popular recent one I hear about is Coming Out On Top), the only other thing that comes to mind is some of the costumes in the Resident Evil franchise.

I bet others here who pay more attention could/will provide better answers.


Is there any fan service games for gay men?

There are so many fan service games for straight guys. But none for us :/
Maybe FF14 Swimsuits?


Honestly can't think of anything other than alternative costumes.


If you're talking about things specifically aimed at gay men, visual novels are the largest sector by far; though being porn puts them in a slightly different context. There's a couple of small mobile/browser things like Kemo Coliseum or Fantastic Boyfriends as well, but I can't really think of that many actual 'fanservice games' which focus primarily on men.

For things which aim for straight women as well, I guess you could bring in the otome genre at large and its influence on more mainstream work, but it's still not exactly ubiquitous; and any attempt made to appeal to women with similar considerations in larger games is usually a secondary-at-best focus compared to giving the appropriate amount of attention to the primary demographic of straight men.
Gay/Yaoi Visual Novels are the most you'll get in terms of entire games. But I'll never forget the Male strip scenes added to Akiba'strip for the boss fights by Xseed. The game has combat that revolves around stripping vampires of their clothes so they get exposed to light, and the boss fights show a special strip portrait for when you defeat them. In the Japanese version there were only special portraits for the female characters, but when the game was localized, they requested male strip portraits for the male bosses as well.


To you guys who use Grindr, how ripped are you?

I'm such an underweight twig, a shirtless pic is a no-no.
Decently ripped, but I keep my shirt on for Grindr. It's a hook-up app, but I have to be into the dude before I let him be into me. The wheat to chaff ratio is already terrible as it is, and putting up a shirtless pic is just going to skew it even worse.

Still recommend you get into weightlifting. I know you don't want to, but you really, really should. That goes for pretty much everyone here, really. Self-improvement is hot as fuck.
Still recommend you get into weightlifting. I know you don't want to, but you really, really should. That goes for pretty much everyone here, really. Self-improvement is hot as fuck.
At the same time, a message to everyone: There are people into your body no matter your body type. If you want to make a change then yay, and if you don't then equally yay. Liking who you are is also hot.

Not that the hotness other people think is the important part.


(I was referring to the fact that Gore Vidal injected gay subtext into the film and Stephen Boyd played his scenes with Charlton Heston as though their characters used to be gay lovers) :3
I know that. My answer about the overt imagery rather than the subtext was funnier (to me).

I mean, it's practically gay bait at times.
(Still don't think some gay subtext, an actor's way of playing scenes and homoerotic imagery qualifies it to be a queer-themed film)
Still recommend you get into weightlifting. I know you don't want to, but you really, really should. That goes for pretty much everyone here, really. Self-improvement is hot as fuck.

I simply don't eat enough to see any tangible (for other people) benefits from weightlifting. Self improvement is only hot if other people can see the results.

I'd do calisthenics at home and such, which would at least be something, but again, I don't eat enough for anything I do to show.


I simply don't eat enough to see any tangible (for other people) benefits from weightlifting. Self improvement is only hot if other people can see the results.

I'd do calisthenics at home and such, which would at least be something, but again, I don't eat enough for anything I do to show.
Appetite grows when you work out.


I simply don't eat enough to see any tangible (for other people) benefits from weightlifting. Self improvement is only hot if other people can see the results.

I'd do calisthenics at home and such, which would at least be something, but again, I don't eat enough for anything I do to show.

Eating good food is clue to improve. Unfortunately you need to eat more than usual.

If you need to gain weight, but have no appetite, or have problems increasing your weight because of your body type, try protein shakes. One for breakfast every day, and another one after workout. You won't see any benefits from the beginning, it takes time. Be patient, but don't give up.
I simply don't eat enough to see any tangible (for other people) benefits from weightlifting. Self improvement is only hot if other people can see the results.

I'd do calisthenics at home and such, which would at least be something, but again, I don't eat enough for anything I do to show.
We've been harping on this a lot in FitGAF lately (which you're more than welcome to stop by if you're interested in weightlifting and putting on weight).

What is stopping you from eating more? What kind of foods are you eating? You can pad your intake with calorie dense foods to bring your numbers up. Nuts, whole milk, protein shakes, fatty cuts of meat, etc.

My go to recommendation is peanut butter and milk. PB is mostly fat and 200 calories per spoonful, that's nothing. Whole milk has a lot of extra fat in it as well as the sugar. The calories add up quickly. Tracking your diet for a couple of weeks can be EXTREMELY helpful for determining how much more you need eat to get results.

At the same time, a message to everyone: There are people into your body no matter your body type. If you want to make a change then yay, and if you don't then equally yay. Liking who you are is also hot.

Not that the hotness other people think is the important part.
It should also be said that you shouldn't be diving into weightlifting/fitness just to look good. There are many other benefits that come with it.


I workout first thing in the morning, then I feast on the breakfast hot bar at whole foods.

Also I'm taking C4, for the first time. Started like a month a go. It's quite the saving grace.


I feel kinda awkward barging into this thread where everyone seems to know one another, but I kinda wanna vent.

By far the worst thing about being gay, at least for me, is that I'm literally only attracted to straight guys. Gay men do nothing at all for me. In fact, once I detect even a hint of gayness, any attraction I may have had disappears. Finding someone is going to be impossible. 😢 Does anyone else have this problem?

Well, while I can't identify with your problem, but I am currently seeing a straight guy. So it's not impossible, but it's also not very likely and who knows the chance of it working out in the long run.
I am currently seeing a straight guy.
Uhh? How does that work? Wouldn't he, like, by definition, not want to bone if he's only attracted to woman?

We've kind of established that the wording of my first post was the issue. I used "gay" to mean feminine qualities, and I realize now that that was a poor choice of word.
Uhh? How does that work? Wouldn't he, like, by definition, not want to bone if he's only attracted to woman?

We've kind of established that the wording of my first post was the issue. I used "gay" to mean feminine qualities, and I realize now that that was a poor choice of word.

I think that would make the guy he's dating bi or at least sexually fluid enough to be interested in dating the same sex. Which would mean he isn't heterosexual by definition. I guess queer would be a better term to use since its an all-encompassing umbrella term for anyone who isn't straight and/or cis-gendered. But I think labels are kind of lame for the reason of being so complex. Just be with whoever wants to be with you.

Also I think what you meant to say is that your attracted to certain behaviors and mannerisms, not necessarily sexuality, because the two are completely unrelated.


Uhh? How does that work? Wouldn't he, like, by definition, not want to bone if he's only attracted to woman?

Well, I am not going to debate whether he is straight or bi, I will simply present the facts that he has never been interested in men before me, nor is he attracted to them now. What he is, is more open to the idea of being intimate with another guy, and I just happened to approach him at a time in his life where he is willing to try. He himself seem to believe that everyone is to some degree bisexual, but I would hesitate to call him that because even though we have made a connection and he is comfortable with me, that doesn't necessarily follows that he is now interested in men.


It should also be said that you shouldn't be diving into weightlifting/fitness just to look good. There are many other benefits that come with it.
I honestly want to work out to look good, even though there might be other benefits :p I don't even have a ridiculous, impossible goal, I just want to go from skinny to thin but fit. I've been reading about body weight fitness, now to find the motivation to actually do something.
I honestly want to work out to look good, even though there might be other benefits :p I don't even have a ridiculous, impossible goal, I just want to go from skinny to thin but fit. I've been reading about body weight fitness, now to find the motivation to actually do something.

get a friend or just go! it's 2016 and let's not procrastinate much longer!


The problem is entirely on my side, two of my closest friends are fitness nuts. I think I simply haven't discovered a physical activity I enjoy :/ Besides swimming, but jeez, with my schedule I really need something I can do at home.
get a friend or just go! it's 2016 and let's not procrastinate much longer!
I need to start working out now that im not doing track this year. I just need to get my drivers license, but i hate driving because it really stress me out. I just really need to drive more and it will get better.
Probably this summer i will get it and then see if any of my friends want to work out with me, or maybe get my brother.


The problem is entirely on my side, two of my closest friends are fitness nuts. I think I simply haven't discovered a physical activity I enjoy :/ Besides swimming, but jeez, with my schedule I really need something I can do at home.

Take advantage of that. Ask them for help, suggestions, supervision. Go to the gym with them, so they can teach you.

Even if you don't like it much, perhaps you start enjoying it more.
The problem is entirely on my side, two of my closest friends are fitness nuts. I think I simply haven't discovered a physical activity I enjoy :/ Besides swimming, but jeez, with my schedule I really need something I can do at home.

crossfit! but monthly can be expensive lol.

but crossfit wouldn't work since their time is usually geared towards morning to early evening.

I need to start working out now that im not doing track this year. I just need to get my drivers license, but i hate driving because it really stress me out. I just really need to drive more and it will get better.
Probably this summer i will get it and then see if any of my friends want to work out with me, or maybe get my brother.

bike/bus unless it's a long way out.

i have people to work out with. mostly use them to drive me there. but there's days i go alone when i have to drive myself which is usually in the morning during the weekends. idk. after awhile when you just plug in your music and tune everyone out the gym is pretty awesome place to be.

i have no life anymore
Take advantage of that. Ask them for help, suggestions, supervision. Go to the gym with them, so they can teach you.

Even if you don't like it much, perhaps you start enjoying it more.
This is exactly how I got started. Actually, they weren't even friends. I messaged a bunch of guys that went to my university on Bodyspace, asking for help getting started. A few of them responded and one offered to train me and show me the ropes.

Lost 50 lbs that year and discovered that I loved bodybuilding so much I wanted to keep going and see where I could take myself. I completely hated the gym before that year. I thought it was a dumb place for meatheads. Couldn't have been more wrong.


irresponsible vagina leak
I would look great if I lose 50-60 pounds but I dont last long with the work out regimen. Then again when you are doing the work out in the comfort of your house you can get lazy I suppose.
We've been harping on this a lot in FitGAF lately (which you're more than welcome to stop by if you're interested in weightlifting and putting on weight).

What is stopping you from eating more? What kind of foods are you eating? You can pad your intake with calorie dense foods to bring your numbers up. Nuts, whole milk, protein shakes, fatty cuts of meat, etc.

My go to recommendation is peanut butter and milk. PB is mostly fat and 200 calories per spoonful, that's nothing. Whole milk has a lot of extra fat in it as well as the sugar. The calories add up quickly. Tracking your diet for a couple of weeks can be EXTREMELY helpful for determining how much more you need eat to get results.

It should also be said that you shouldn't be diving into weightlifting/fitness just to look good. There are many other benefits that come with it.

Being full stops me from eating more. It's pretty simple.

I personally am not interested in weight lifting. I have a slight interest in body weight stuff but fitgaf seems to dislike anything that isn't traditional.
I would look great if I lose 50-60 pounds but I dont last long with the work out regimen. Then again when you are doing the work out in the comfort of your house you can get lazy I suppose.

time to get a friend to work out who isn't lazy as well. terrible combination. i know a friend who was like that. the excuser (disgust)
Appetite grows when you work out.

Don't know if you meant it this way but this comes off as extremely condescending.

I've posted before in here how I attempted a beginner fitness plan which didn't work because I wasn't able to eat enough. I also ran cross country in high school. I'm well aware physical activity increases appetite. I also happen to know even with that increase i still can't even reach 2500.


Being full stops me from eating more. It's pretty simple.

Lol same. I'm a picky eater too, so a lot of the high fat/calorie stuff that would help me bulk up is stuff I would never eat 💀

My metabolism is still too fast for me!

Edit: get into yoga, cornburrito. It's the most fun workout I've ever found.
Being full stops me from eating more. It's pretty simple.

I personally am not interested in weight lifting. I have a slight interest in body weight stuff but fitgaf seems to dislike anything that isn't traditional.
Everyone seems to think this, but we don't. We just give people advice on how they can best achieve the progress they want. Truth be told if you're aiming for a better physique, you're going to get quick and great results on a standard weightlifting program and a good diet.

That said, you can also do some nice things with bodyweight exercises supplemented with some weight training. Look at gymnastics/fighting/parkour. That would fit that mindset better than simply doing some pushups/pullups at home.
I'm not a picky eater. I just get full so easily. Like one burger fills me up. I can't even finish a Wendy's Baconator and small fries.

Even when I was doing the bodyweight fitness plan, I could maybe finish that and have a small snack afterwards. That's still nowhere near enough.
Everyone seems to think this, but we don't. We just give people advice on how they can best achieve the progress they want. Truth be told if you're aiming for a better physique, you're going to get quick and great results on a standard weightlifting program and a good diet.

That said, you can also do some nice things with bodyweight exercises supplemented with some weight training. Look at gymnastics/fighting/parkour. That would fit that mindset better than simply doing some pushups/pullups at home.

So in the end it still boils down to weight training or bust. Which is exactly the sort of thing I'm disliking there. You are at best dismissive of non traditional approaches to fitness like bodyweight stuff.
So in the end it still boils down to weight training or bust. Which is exactly the sort of thing I'm disliking there. You are at best dismissive of non traditional approaches to fitness like bodyweight stuff.
??? That's not what I said at all, lol. I said weight training would be a nice supplement to something like gymnastics and parkour

Most of us do bodyweight exercises. Nearly half of my chest and back routines are bodyweight.


So would weightlifting really get me much faster results than bodyweight training? In the end there's probably stuff I can do at home with some equipment.


irresponsible vagina leak
time to get a friend to work out who isn't lazy as well. terrible combination. i know a friend who was like that. the excuser (disgust)

I need a job to pay a gym tbh. I don't like working out at home and I don't have all the tools I need to do full body workouts in the week. All I do at home is threadmill, push ups , sit ups and a bit of aerobics when I get into the groove.
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