That would be hot.Let us cling together.
Literally and sexually. lol
That would be hot.Let us cling together.
Let us cling together.
That would be hot.Literally and sexually. lol
Which games fall into the category of immersive sims for you?For the new thread, since everyone is doing it and I just want to be popular: lady, bi, Hawaii, 24, electronic, government lackey, point-and-click adventures and immersive sims, constitutional law and biochemistry and binge-watching every television show I can get my hands on basically.
Good morning everyone.
Happy 4th USAGAF
DAMN this year's Body Issue, Wawrinka + Bryce Harper. Lovely. <3
Marry me Bryce Harper.
<3 <3
Beyoncé has never forgotten the lyrics to it on stage before. You might be thinking of Aguilera.Cant even remember the lyrics to the national anthem. Smells like a canadian spy.
Beyoncé has never forgotten the lyrics to it on stage before. You might be thinking of Aguilera.
That would be hot.Literally and sexually. lol
Also a decent SRPG.
Although I prefer the Ogre Battle games over the Tactics Ogre ones
I realized it was the 4th when all of the stores were closed. Fireworks going off now but I only see the white lights behind the houses from here.I forgot it was 4th of July until a few minutes ago when I started to hear fireworks outside my window
im annoyed.
his best friend now lives in town. and all evening it felt like i didn't exist. okay, i know how hyperbolic that sounds but all evening whenever i try to get cozy regarding the night/fireworks/anything ; he or her would just talk to eachother leaving me out :/ like cmon. what is that shit??
For real, though. Like, seriously, we were talking this morning on Skype, as we do every morning, when out of nowhere she shows me a photo of a guy she has saved on her phone. It's not rude or explicit in any shape or form. In fact, it's quite a stupid photo. Regardless, I know the guy and I don't like him. She knows this. So I say 'OK...' and disconnect. Half-hour or so passes and I just get out the shower. I check my phone.
If you hang up on someone you are committed to over a really mild photo and then don't answer for a while, it can be pretty upsetting. I don't know how many times she's bugged you with that guy's photo or something, but if it hasn't truly happened that much in the big picture, then I can see why she would be upset with your reaction.For real, though. Like, seriously, we were talking this morning on Skype, as we do every morning, when out of nowhere she shows me a photo of a guy she has saved on her phone. It's not rude or explicit in any shape or form. In fact, it's quite a stupid photo. Regardless, I know the guy and I don't like him. She knows this. So I say 'OK...' and disconnect. Half-hour or so passes and I just get out the shower. I check my phone.
I have six missed calls and seventeen texts asking me what's wrong with me, why I went in a mood, etc. She calls again, I answer, and she starts yelling immediately. She's saying I acted irrationally, though she's fully aware of both my insecurities and my dislike of this guy. She then says she needs to think, and hangs up. Like, the fuck? Am I not allowed to feel insecure or, I don't know, feel down due to my goddamn fucking depression?
Fuck that.
It's just...we've talked about each others strengths and weaknesses, and one we have in common is anxiety, and the paranoia and insecurities that come with it. Now, this guy she has a photo of, let's call him a mutual contact. Him and I have never seen eye to eye. He has made it perfectly clear he dislikes me, and I've made it clear the feeling is mutual. He has often chatted shit about me to my girl. This, in itself, does not bother me.If you hang up on someone you are committed to over a really mild photo and then don't answer for a while, it can be pretty upsetting. I don't know how many times she's bugged you with that guy's photo or something, but if it hasn't truly happened that much in the big picture, then I can see why she would be upset with your reaction.
She has no way to get in contact with you if you cut her off like that, which means doing so abruptly and unpleasantly is going to be nerve-racking. It also means that you realistically aren't the only one who gets to be upset if you won't communicate what you actually were thinking when she thought she wasn't crossing a line as far as I can tell from the explanation.
Hope you talk it out and feel better.
For real, though. Like, seriously, we were talking this morning on Skype, as we do every morning, when out of nowhere she shows me a photo of a guy she has saved on her phone. It's not rude or explicit in any shape or form. In fact, it's quite a stupid photo. Regardless, I know the guy and I don't like him. She knows this. So I say 'OK...' and disconnect. Half-hour or so passes and I just get out the shower. I check my phone.
I have six missed calls and seventeen texts asking me what's wrong with me, why I went in a mood, etc. She calls again, I answer, and she starts yelling immediately. She's saying I acted irrationally, though she's fully aware of both my insecurities and my dislike of this guy. She then says she needs to think, and hangs up. Like, the fuck? Am I not allowed to feel insecure or, I don't know, feel down due to my goddamn fucking depression?
Fuck that.
what Ratsky said.
If it became an all-the-time occurrence then perhaps you two could have something to discuss, but one night? Cut the kid some slack: he's having a good time with his friend, and couples definitely don't need to be joined at the hip 24/7.
maybe they hadn't seen each other in a really long and just got caught up in the moment?
She's more than a good friend. That long-distance relationship I was on about, well, this is her. It's just a really complicated relationship owing to the overall distance, but we're working on it. I guess my main concern regarding that guy is the fact he lives a hell of a lot closer to her than I do, which only increases the fear that he'll try and make a move on her when I'm not around. I trust her, it's him I don't're allowed to feel down and have moments where it seems too much but it does seem irrational that you hang up on a good friend over a photo which doesn't seem to have come from a place of maliciousness. maybe just say next time you don't really wanna discuss him in the future.
So "Immersive sim" just stands for games where you have interaction with a game world which strives to be as believable as possible and has a First Person View?When I was really bored at work one day I came up with a list and a definition for this "genre," but basically: real-time first-person games with a strong focus on immersion and realism in creating convincing, interactive game worlds. The classic examples are games like Deus Ex, System Shock, and Thief - all stemming from the creative roots of Ultima Underworld, which seems like a logical starting point for it all. I actually feel like the explosion of indie survivalist games (like the excellent Miasmata) has helped make this style of game more popular and visible than ever, even if most of those fall pretty short in their unfinished alpha states.
So the three mentioned above plus their sequels, and I think all of the TES and (first-person) Fallout games definitely count. STALKER, Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, Pathologic. Bioshock too, although Infinite is kind of pushing it since the shooter elements are dialed up SO much, choices are dialed way down, and the world is so hollow in spite of being detailed and ostensibly interactive. (Sorry, rant over.) The list over here at Giant Bomb is pretty good.
Hey all. Just wanted to let you know I dumped a bunch of my posts from here into the Mental Health thread. It's not that I didn't get good feedback and advice here - on the contrary, I got great stuff here, far more than I would expect elsewhere. I just know I can't keep filling up this thread with all of that nonsense when so much of it really doesn't have too much to do with the subject of this thread, and taking time away from other people here and everything. I'm sorry...
Terri, you know where I am if you ever need me. My inbox has always been there for you to vent in, and it always will be. It pains me to see a friend going through such mental torment. That said, the guys in the 'Mental Health OT' are a bunch of really good guys, and the community in there have always got each others back. If you don't find answers in here, you most definitely will in there. But, like I said, if you need a more personal approach, then you know where to find me.Hey all. Just wanted to let you know I dumped a bunch of my posts from here into the Mental Health thread. It's not that I didn't get good feedback and advice here - on the contrary, I got great stuff here, far more than I would expect elsewhere. I just know I can't keep filling up this thread with all of that nonsense when so much of it really doesn't have too much to do with the subject of this thread, and taking time away from other people here and everything. I'm sorry...
Terri, you know where I am if you ever need me. My inbox has always been there for you to vent in, and it always will be. It pains me to see a friend going through such mental torment. That said, the guys in the 'Mental Health OT' are a bunch of really good guys, and the community in there have always got each others back. If you don't find answers in here, you most definitely will in there. But, like I said, if you need a more personal approach, then you know where to find me.
I do have my own stuff going on, yeah, but what sort of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you as you battle your own demons? Don't feel like you'd be a burden, pal, that's far from the case.I feel bad dumping too much on you, since I know you have your own stuff that you're working through, and I'm glad things seem to be looking up from what I can tell. I don't like being a burden on others. Especially since I know most of the "best-practice advise" or "try this first advice" is stuff that for various reasons I can't - or feel like I can't - do, and then I just feel like I wasted their time as well.
I do have my own stuff going on, yeah, but what sort of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you as you battle your own demons? Don't feel like you'd be a burden, pal, that's far from the case.
I don't fucking get it. I know people find their mirror image more attractive than a non-mirrored picture, but I wasn't aware how extreme the effect was. When I look in a mirror or take a mirror selfie I'm fine with how I look for the most part. When I take a non-mirrored image suddenly my whole face looks super assymetric, like one half of my whole fucking face is like a slightly droopy melted candle. Why doesn't it look that assymetric in a mirror? Maybe the iphone front camera is slightly off center?
Maybe because when its a non-mirrored picture you're not able to pose in a way that is balanced. You may pose different in a mirror because you can see yourself. Or maybe you are made of wax.
Have someone else take your picture?
Musha, where abouts did you go? I'm off on holiday on the 13th to Cornwall for a week. Never been there before so I'm really looking forward to it. It's only a caravan holiday on a quiet holiday park but, as I get older, I find that suits me better than going out and getting wasted every night. I just struggle to keep up. Still, going by myself for a short break away from all the hussle and bustle of Birmingham?
It's a small caravan park in Penzance. It looks nice enough, and the bigger places such as St Ives and Falmouth look like they're within a reasonable distance. Plus, as a closet-fan of hit ITV drama 'Doc Martin', I can get to Port Issac easily.Cornwall is amazing though, I've been there many times. Which bit are you going to?
Sure, they are great friends. In retrospect I was more jealous than I should of been.
I have an extremely religious "friend" who I've known for about 7/8 years, she has always been really nice to me, I met her back when I had a boyfriend and I was actually kind of surprised how "open" she seemed to be to the idea of having an openly gay friend. I think once she told me something like "I should not be the one judging". She made a blog post about gay marriage which really upset me.
While she mainly attacked the "Love wins" tag, saying that this doesn't mean people will start being more loving and caring towards each other, she also says "I would like to know how many gay marriages end up happy without divorcing." I replied saying that then no one should be able to marry and having children should be forbidden because they may end up being delinquents and murderers.
It's not like we're really close friends but it's upsetting seeing someone so clearly advocate with no reason against something that is basically a right.
I'll put this here
'You're Cute For A Black Guy' Examines Dating In The Gay Community
I'm using the front camera so I can see myself before snapping the shot. The thing is that the screen shows the mirrored image, but the shot it takes is non-mirrored. What I see in both the mirror and the mirrored image on the phone screen is decidedly not as asymmetric as what I see in the non-mirrored picture. Regardless, I'm not getting anything I'm comfortable of putting on a dating profile. And they usually recommend you have several pictures, right?
Same here. But on others I find their mirror selves asymetric and weird. So just use non-mirrored pics, because people will be/become more used to that.