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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen

Lol yeah that is my dopey butt.

I got dressed up after getting my hair done for my Bday which is tomorrow and thought about going to get some drinks at the local gay bar...then chickened out as I was afraid I’d just end up not meeting anyone lol.

Thanks for the sweet words Kevyt, I am in such a weird place and always feel like I look like a monster or way to masculine lol, so that made my day to have you two say I looked okay :)

You look more than ok, you look fantastic.
Beth, you're the only other lesbian I know of on this forum. How do I finding another woman that may be interested in me? I just grew up with a lot of homophobia so when I think about talking to someone in that sense I get afraid and think they'll cuss me out or something. I can't really tell if someone just likes me or likes me likes me.

Beth Cyra

You look more than ok, you look fantastic.
Okay....now that just made me blush...thank you :)

Beth, you're the only other lesbian I know of on this forum. How do I finding another woman that may be interested in me? I just grew up with a lot of homophobia so when I think about talking to someone in that sense I get afraid and think they'll cuss me out or something. I can't really tell if someone just likes me or likes me likes me.

Honey I have such a bad self image issue and between my own self hatred and me being Trans I couldn’t tell you, I’ve never even properly been able to meet a woman to go on a date with me (in person that is) and I always find myself ugly - that imagie included.

I wouldn’t be able to tell if a woman was interested in me even if she had a neon blinking sign I imagine.


Lol yeah that is my dopey butt.

I got dressed up after getting my hair done for my Bday which is tomorrow and thought about going to get some drinks at the local gay bar...then chickened out as I was afraid I’d just end up not meeting anyone lol.

Thanks for the sweet words Kevyt, I am in such a weird place and always feel like I look like a monster or way to masculine lol, so that made my day to have you two say I looked okay :)

Dopey my ass! You look sexy af, and you've already (long) known where I fall on the would/not would spectrum ;). Workin' that do and skirt and top, girl.

Beth Cyra

Dopey my ass! You look sexy af, and you've already (long) known where I fall on the would/not would spectrum ;). Workin' that do and skirt and top, girl.
I did qualify it by saying locally :)

It’s just my luck all the hot folks who are interested live like a billion states away, can’t go on a date and cuddle after word with that gap :(

Also you need to stop being so damn charming ;) you almost make a girl feel special lol


I did qualify it by saying locally :)

It’s just my luck all the hot folks who are interested live like a billion states away, can’t go on a date and cuddle after word with that gap :(

Also you need to stop being so damn charming ;) you almost make a girl feel special lol

Touché! And I feel you, having emerged from the frozen northern wastes with so many interesting folks afar. I still believe we'll find a good time to arrange a road trip visit or the like.

Only almost? Must... try... harder
Isn't new York City the most diverse city in the world?

There are different metrics for diversity but iirc Toronto has more variation in its ethnic makeup. I might be wrong though.

In any case I'm kind of partial to brown guys and there are a lot in Toronto.

get into youth lagoon kthx

The name makes it seem like some serious white hipster shit, but maybe.

(enclose a link if you want me to listen)

Sleeping on them I guess! Really I just haven't listened to much EDM lately, and have been instead more so listening to ambient/neo-classical stuff that sounds like it could be the soundtrack for some weird old loner's spiritual crisis.

But do Bicep even have a bad song lol?


Italians don't look any better than Americans as far as I can tell other than being in generally better shape >.>
I'm sorry but I don't know if it's a NY thing but the average american looks.. how can i say it... bland? The first thing I noticed when I got back to my airport from a trip to the states was that people here are far more beautiful in average.

Sure, people in the Soho looked amazing but still, I know it's like the very top of the top. The average New Yorker was leaning to the ugly side.
Surprise level: 0.4/10

He's given racist reasons for being attracted to black men, fetishising them, which would probably generalise over to muslim men, and he needs all the attention he can get so bring on the wedding.


Well, at least he's going to great lengths to conceal the man's identity. Being this douchenozzle's husband would probably get him blacklisted from... Everything.

That's nice of him and his team, I guess.


I'm sorry but I don't know if it's a NY thing but the average american looks.. how can i say it... bland? The first thing I noticed when I got back to my airport from a trip to the states was that people here are far more beautiful in average.

Sure, people in the Soho looked amazing but still, I know it's like the very top of the top. The average New Yorker was leaning to the ugly side.


Apparently Milo Yadumbass married a black Muslim man.


That's not surprising at all.


Lol yeah that is my dopey butt.

I got dressed up after getting my hair done for my Bday which is tomorrow and thought about going to get some drinks at the local gay bar...then chickened out as I was afraid I’d just end up not meeting anyone lol.

Thanks for the sweet words Kevyt, I am in such a weird place and always feel like I look like a monster or way to masculine lol, so that made my day to have you two say I looked okay :)
Just wanted to pop in and say that you look great :3


I'm at the point in my transition where I just look like a really cute... boy

I look younger and *something* about my face has changed though idk what

Feel like I could qualify as a twink lmao

Only just shy of 6 months on hormones though so, I'm basically an hrt infant

Beth Cyra

I'm at the point in my transition where I just look like a really cute... boy

I look younger and *something* about my face has changed though idk what

Feel like I could qualify as a twink lmao

Only just shy of 6 months on hormones though so, I'm basically an hrt infant
That is an amazing achievement to go six months and stick with it, changes tend to be slow but I’m super happy you are seeing changes and in away that sounds like you are liking the changes!

I hope you continue to see changes and have a great next few months :)


I'm at the point in my transition where I just look like a really cute... boy

I look younger and *something* about my face has changed though idk what

Feel like I could qualify as a twink lmao

Only just shy of 6 months on hormones though so, I'm basically an hrt infant

Transitioning folks often get mistaken for twinks. Do you and fuck misunderstandings. They will happen because life stuff. Glad to hear you are finding your own definition. The world is yours. Cheering for you rn <3
Beth, you look amazing as fuck. I love your look. Keep rocking, gurl.

I wish I had the motivation to get arms even half as sweet as yours, tbh.

Beth Cyra

Happy b day Beth!

Keep it up driggonny!
Thank you Raxus, that is very kind :)

Beth, you look amazing as fuck. I love your look. Keep rocking, gurl.

I wish I had the motivation to get arms even half as sweet as yours, tbh.

Why thank you!

That is very kind of you, and not sure to blush or hide from the arm comment, I’m constantly worried they will be a turn off to other women lol.

Stay safe y'all!

This as well, and for all our LBGT+ Gaf near Vegas stay safe and I hope both you and anyone you know if they got a letter or not, are safe and sound.


I went working out this morning and it was ok... I have a feeling you kind of have to get used to it and give your body time to adjust being awake earlier than its usually used to.

But not bad...

Beth Cyra

I went working out this morning and it was ok... I have a feeling you kind of have to get used to it and give your body time to adjust being awake earlier than its usually used to.

But not bad...
You really do.

It’s a bit different for everyone, for me it took about two weeks of going before my body became numb to the aches and it slowly transitioned to a soreness that felt good. Then it’s almost as if you know it was a good work out and you will see results and it leaves a positive feeling in the pit of your stomach.

That said your on you’re the hardest part now Kevyt, it can be such a burden to force yourself to go at the start and let me just say how awesome it is you aren’t giving up and if you ever feel like giving up, you can always hit me up.

Some people over look how emotionally draining it can be to go the gym, even more so when you are having a rough patch in other parts of your life, so if you need a work out buddy even digitally I’ll be happy to help :)


Sleeping on them I guess! Really I just haven't listened to much EDM lately, and have been instead more so listening to ambient/neo-classical stuff that sounds like it could be the soundtrack for some weird old loner's spiritual crisis.

But do Bicep even have a bad song lol?

I didn't know you listened to anything else :thinking:

Also no, they do not have any bad songs lmao. They're so good live, too. Their sets are always off da hook


You really do.

It’s a bit different for everyone, for me it took about two weeks of going before my body became numb to the aches and it slowly transitioned to a soreness that felt good. Then it’s almost as if you know it was a good work out and you will see results and it leaves a positive feeling in the pit of your stomach.

That said your on you’re the hardest part now Kevyt, it can be such a burden to force yourself to go at the start and let me just say how awesome it is you aren’t giving up and if you ever feel like giving up, you can always hit me up.

Some people over look how emotionally draining it can be to go the gym, even more so when you are having a rough patch in other parts of your life, so if you need a work out buddy even digitally I’ll be happy to help :)

Thanks Beth! You're amazing <3

I decided to start working out in the morning before work because it would be easier overall since there's less people and I want to be disciplined about working out. Coming out with a schedule, meal prepping and doing it for more than a month and so on until it becomes a life style.

The last part is true. I look at my body and it doesn't matter if others compliment me for my "progress" I still feel not good enough or not there yet. I am also very self conscious about many things in my body and can't help but compare myself to others which is the worst you can do if you already have very low self esteem. I often wonder how my life would be so much better if I had some more self esteem and valued myself more than I currently do. The self hatred can be very strong at times.

Beth Cyra

Thanks Beth! You're amazing <3

I decided to start working out in the morning before work because it would be easier overall since there's less people and I want to be disciplined about working out. Coming out with a schedule, meal prepping and doing it for more than a month and so on until it becomes a life style.

The last part is true. I look at my body and it doesn't matter if others compliment me for my "progress" I still feel not good enough or not there yet. I am also very self conscious about many things in my body and can't help but compare myself to others which is the worst you can do if you already have very low self esteem. I often wonder how my life would be so much better if I had some more self esteem and valued myself more than I currently do. The self hatred can be very strong at times.
You’re welcome, and honestly there is no reason to say thank you, it’s the least I can do after all the kindness you’ve shown.

I get the self hatred side, I truly do. I work out for over three hours a day and so many of you said such nice things and yet when I see myself in he mirror I just see a fat chick who’s ugly, who needs to work harder and lose more weight, someone who will never look like the other fit and good looking people around me at the gym.

I’m exactly like you in I wonder what it would be like to actually have self confidence or faith in myself but then I always second guess it. Like that picture I got all ready so I could go to a LBGT bar so I could try to meet a few ladies, drove there then chickened our because I would look ugly, fat and manly and just bought my kids donuts and went home lol.

So you’re not alone and if you ever need anyone to listen my inbox is always open and your more then welcome to talk with me.


I wish I had the guts to post myself on the Internet more. I always feel pretty rejected when I don't get hits on online dating.

People are assholes when it comes to online dating. Its rather annoying. I always get the whole "you'd be hotter if..." bullshit. Whatever, we are all hot in our own way. To be fair though, everyone i've seen pics of from here are incredibly attractive... Crayons(RIP), Will, DOWN, Beth Crya, Vazra, Vazduh, Dany, RoyalDuke to just to name a few off the top of my head.

Me? Eh, office hot at best IMO. I hate my face haha.

You definitely are haha. Your face is perfect.

The black and blue turned out okay, I'll post a pic of it after dinner this evening to get everyone's opinion lol. I'm a sucker for validation plus I always worry my hair colors turn out bad lol.

You are beautiful! So beautiful. I LOVE it! <3 Also if I'm seeing it right, Happy Birthday! =) Hope your day is as lovely as you are!

I went working out this morning and it was ok... I have a feeling you kind of have to get used to it and give your body time to adjust being awake earlier than its usually used to.

But not bad...

Oh it definitely becomes a "have to get use to it mindset" to be completely honest. I went through the mental hell of getting into a routine and convincing myself of why I'm doing it and such.

It gets easier though, I promise. I've been doing it for almost two years now. Add food prep to have meals already done, and you should be good to do dude. My inbox is always open to you if you need to talk fitness, meal prepping, or anything else.

I believe in you! You got this!

Beth Cyra

You are beautiful! So beautiful. I LOVE it! <3 Also if I'm seeing it right, Happy Birthday! =) Hope your day is as lovely as you are!

Oh it definitely becomes a "have to get use to it mindset" to be completely honest. I went through the mental hell of getting into a routine and convincing myself of why I'm doing it and such.

It gets easier though, I promise. I've been doing it for almost two years now. Add food prep to have meals already done, and you should be good to do dude. My inbox is always open to you if you need to talk fitness, meal prepping, or anything else.

I believe in you! You got this!

Gibbs you are a sweet heart :) Thank you for the kind words and the happy birthday wish and the very kind words, they mean alot!

LBGT+ Gaf really is the best Gaf group I swear lol.


Hello everyone! I don't think in the near-decade I've been posting on GAF that I've ever properly introduced myself to the LGBTQIA community here - time to fix that :)

Your gender? Male
Your sexual identity? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Where Are You From? Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Where Do You Live? Milwaukee, Wisconsin
How Old Are you? 28
Favorite Type of Music? Always changing, but at the moment it's Synthwave by a mile.
Profession or Career interest? Professional illustrator & social entrepreneur
Favorite video game(s)? Red Dead Redemption, World of Warcraft, The Elder Scrolls series
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Reading Tolkien & other sci-fi/fantasy books, drawing for fun, reading comics, collecting Superman figures/memorabilia, and acting like my pet beta fish Arthur can understand me.


Hello everyone! I don't think in the near-decade I've been posting on GAF that I've ever properly introduced myself to the LGBT community here - time to fix that :)

Your gender? Male
Your sexual identity? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Where Are You From? Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Where Do You Live? Milwaukee, Wisconsin
How Old Are you? 28
Favorite Type of Music? Always changing, but at the moment it's Synthwave by a mile.
Profession or Career interest? Professional illustrator & social entrepreneur
Favorite video game(s)? Red Dead Redemption, World of Warcraft, The Elder Scrolls series
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Reading Tolkien & other sci-fi/fantasy books, drawing for fun, reading comics, collecting Superman figures/memorabilia, and acting like my pet beta fish Arthur can understand me.

Hey! Welcome! :)

Beth Cyra

Hello everyone! I don't think in the near-decade I've been posting on GAF that I've ever properly introduced myself to the LGBT community here - time to fix that :)

Your gender? Male
Your sexual identity? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Where Are You From? Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Where Do You Live? Milwaukee, Wisconsin
How Old Are you? 28
Favorite Type of Music? Always changing, but at the moment it's Synthwave by a mile.
Profession or Career interest? Professional illustrator & social entrepreneur
Favorite video game(s)? Red Dead Redemption, World of Warcraft, The Elder Scrolls series
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Reading Tolkien & other sci-fi/fantasy books, drawing for fun, reading comics, collecting Superman figures/memorabilia, and acting like my pet beta fish Arthur can understand me.

Welcome, welcome! Always happy to see a new face join us over here in LBGT+ gaf! I hope your having a most excellent day and that all goes well during the week.


Hunky Nostradamus
Happy Birthday Beth! Have a fab day and treat yourself to some cake and ice cream :)

Hello everyone! I don't think in the near-decade I've been posting on GAF that I've ever properly introduced myself to the LGBT community here - time to fix that :)

Your gender? Male
Your sexual identity? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Where Are You From? Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Where Do You Live? Milwaukee, Wisconsin
How Old Are you? 28
Favorite Type of Music? Always changing, but at the moment it's Synthwave by a mile.
Profession or Career interest? Professional illustrator & social entrepreneur
Favorite video game(s)? Red Dead Redemption, World of Warcraft, The Elder Scrolls series
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Reading Tolkien & other sci-fi/fantasy books, drawing for fun, reading comics, collecting Superman figures/memorabilia, and acting like my pet beta fish Arthur can understand me.


Beth Cyra

Happy Birthday Beth! Have a fab day and treat yourself to some cake and ice cream :)

Ugh I wish...

My SO started Keto eating and to show support I did as well and thus far it’s awful. The one good thing is I’ve been told it can help facilitate muscle growth after being on lean proteins for so long, but hell all the butter just feels wrong and heavy whipping cream in hamburger? Just awkward.


Hunky Nostradamus
Ugh I wish...

My SO started Keto eating and to show support I did as well and thus far it’s awful. The one good thing is I’ve been told it can help facilitate muscle growth after being on lean proteins for so long, but hell all the butter just feels wrong and heavy whipping cream in hamburger? Just awkward.

You can skip one day, in secret >:)


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm working my ass off at the gym


it used to be borderline bubble and now it's looking pretty flat

why did no one tell me about the possible negative side effects of exercise

maybe too much cardio?

I have salted pretzel chocolate ice cream in my freezer too ;)

You know what to do :]

Beth Cyra

I'm working my ass off at the gym


it used to be borderline bubble and now it's looking pretty flat

why did no one tell me about the possible negative side effects of exercise

maybe too much cardio?

You know what to do :]
Cardio will burn the fat cells and energy stores in the body, and you can’t spot burn fat.

For instance I use to be Tripple D borderline E breast wise after my surgery, I’m barely a D left because all I got is my implants left, they still look good but overall much smaller.

To counter this you need to make sure to invest in protiens and weight train your muscles groups. Squats, dead lifts, lunges and really build up your butt so that it increases in size and it will be firm this way.

It’s important to balance weight training with cardio......

This is much easier said then done as I’m addicted to cardio and do at least an hour and a half a day and two I’m doing 2.5 hrs along with 10 core weight training excercises and a bunch of Abb work. The struggle is real but you just got to do your best to try to find that balance that works for you.
I didn't know you listened to anything else :thinking:

Also no, they do not have any bad songs lmao. They're so good live, too. Their sets are always off da hook

Yeah you're basically right, lol. But 'spiritual crisis' is like the best mood.

W/r/t their produced and live stuff my friend called them "probably the best dj & producer duo" and I generally take his opinion on good authority. I should listen to more of both.
I dunno how you guys do these crazy workout routines. I'm sitting over here trying to trick myself into five minutes of sit-ups and it ain't working.

Beth Cyra

I dunno how you guys do these crazy workout routines. I'm sitting over here trying to trick myself into five minutes of sit-ups and it ain't working.
I wish I could say mine was a positive, but that would be a lie.

At one time I was 310 lbs and I was determined to become healthy and attractive enough to find a date, well I got down to 150 and have been muscle building back up to 175, but the problem is I’ve become terrified of what I was.

I do mine and can do mine because to be honest I’m just scared as hell to ever get heavy set again so I go crazy each day lol.
I wish I could say mine was a positive, but that would be a lie.

At one time I was 310 lbs and I was determined to become healthy and attractive enough to find a date, well I got down to 150 and have been muscle building back up to 175, but the problem is I’ve become terrified of what I was.

I do mine and can do mine because to be honest I’m just scared as hell to ever get heavy set again so I go crazy each day lol.

I'm a little nervous I won't fit into my dress for my next concert, but clearly not nervous enough.

Beth Cyra

I'm a little nervous I won't fit into my dress for my next concert, but clearly not nervous enough.
Don’t be so hard on yourself :)

It’s not easy and no one should get down on themselves over it, it’s much more then mind over matter so many things can effect this and your ability to work out.

I have faith in time you’ll get there :)


Hey! Welcome! :)

Welcome, welcome! Always happy to see a new face join us over here in LBGT+ gaf! I hope your having a most excellent day and that all goes well during the week.

Thanks guys!

I dunno how you guys do these crazy workout routines. I'm sitting over here trying to trick myself into five minutes of sit-ups and it ain't working.

I just recently started walking in the morning about 2.5-3 miles, and I've found that to be a great way to exercise without completely exhausting myself.
Ha listening to a Buffy podcast and while talking about 3x01 they mentioned LGBTQS where the S is for Slayer as they call Buffy revealing she's a Slayer to Joyce as her coming out

I have salted pretzel chocolate ice cream in my freezer too ;)
Disgusting the magic that is salt doesn't belong on ice cream, only in it when making it homemade
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