If I can just complain about unrelated things, I'm stressing tonight over a bad customer.
The policy for cigarettes is we are not allowed to hand them over before they are paid for. A customer told me, as an order, to hand over the ones she was going to buy (before she paid). I told her that the policy I have to follow is that I can not until it is paid for. She snatched it from my hand at that point. I told her forcefully not to do that. She told me that I am the only person who doesn't hand it over (not true) and that not handing it over earlier is me being very rude to her. It isn't a personal choice but a policy I have to follow. She paid and stormed off.
I reported this to my supervisor who made a note reminding everyone not to hand cigarettes over before they are paid for, and she and the next supervisor in the day reiterated that I am in the right and the customer was very inappropriate. Which I knew and I was quite comfortable with how I handled myself.
But now, afterwards at home, I'm stresssssssssssssssssssing because it seems I care what this snatcher thinks. Thinking about what I will do the next time.
And I went to where I volunteer and for like the 7th time in 8 visits (it feels like) I basically accomplished nothing because of technical issues. It's a big waste of time. They changed their computer systems totally a few weeks ago and there's always a different big issue that stops me from being able to do my work that has me on the phone with tech support for them to fix something that's broken on their end.