This is exactly what I'm talking about. You're part of a team that is demonizing conservatives 'values' then lumping their hive mind into a quaint bin to shit on. Your identical attitude has continued this entire time, while our country is falling apart due it being controlled by lobbying, donations, and corporate interests that enjoy pitting us at each other, as while we are arguing, they are just lifting money from our pockets, and children from our families for their wars. Not their own kids, always ours.
This continues to happen, no matter if conservatives, or liberals are in the office.
This continues to happen, no matter if conservatives, or liberals are in the office.
This continues to happen, no matter if conservatives, or liberals are in the office.
And you continue to insult other citizens intellect. Which has no productive outcome besides dividing our nation. The same could be said for liberals and the vaccination issue, or GMOs, or equal rights for victims of the justice system. We've had liberals in office, not much has changed. Rights for people to marry getting traction is superb! Now, what about equal rights? Women are still paid less in the USA. Not much jobs and education is embarrassing. Our diplomacy is non-existent. We are creating more and more enemies with our drone program, that has its own flaws. Everything can be cracked up to waste, lost money, school systems buying IPADS for their schools, only to realize the program is a failure, etc.
There are plenty of modern conservatives. There are plenty of rational people in the USA. They are just played by the Lobby/Media to be reactive and vote against their own interest to allow some coal company to poison west Virginia's water over and over again, on accident. Just like Liberals are played by the same media to have this shitty view of the other team.
Fox news is the most trusted news source in America. This is a problem, as its just political propaganda spun by the same people that pay for our presidents to be in office. We are talking about working with conservatives to get a united voice in the nation that wants our government representatives representing us citizens, and not business or military interests. Our safety, not the safety of someones bank account.
We all need to work together on this. One side can't do it alone.
My mom could be described as conservative, but just speaking with her in respectful ways has really brought her to light on some issues, and the same has happened for me on some of her concerns. We need genuine compromise between the citizens of the nation for a productive government to work. Right now, we just have lobbies and businesses compromising, which means that we get the short end of the stick, always, as the population. No one wants flammable water, or a child to die of measles, they've just been played.
Keep up your mindset, and we will be right back here, with less rights in a few years. Its been proven at this point that this system and the prevailing attitudes isn't working to create a better America. We need to squash a lot of things, re Lib vs Conservative, and the first thing starts with respectful conversations.
That was one of the most insightful things I have read on this forum.