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Liberal Party of Canada endorses the legalization of marijuana

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I'd rather marijuana be legal than alcohol. It's certainly less harmful to the users and those around them than alcohol.

There is no harm in responsible use. The pint of Guinness I occasionally have with my supper is not hurting myself or others.

Furthermore, prohibition has been shown to be ineffective and harmful in and of itself.

Laws are meaningless without enforcement. And at least in Vancouver the police don't give a crap. I don't know anyone who's even been fined for it. They'll go for grow ops, but not individuals unless you're really being blatantly stupid about it.

I wouldn't risk my career on it. A criminal conviction means the loss of my security status, my professional designation, and my job. It would also be the end of my ability to travel freely, as a drug conviction would make it difficult for me to visit other countries. Japan seems to be especially picky about that.

Fixing the law is worthwhile. Arbitrary enforcement is not a real solution.


Definitely an interesting proposition. Sometimes I wonder if weed legalization/major decriminalization occurred, that the "war on drugs" opposition would dry up. I tend to think so.

But won't somebody please think of the children?

The War on Drugs is perhaps the biggest farce in the history of mankind (and that's saying a lot). All of this stuff used to be legal - society didn't crumble 120 years ago, when you could walk into an opium den or buy morphine from a pharmacy.

We look back at those times as being prudish and not sophisticated, but they were far far freer than we are today.

We're phonies. Even being illegal, half the population has done drugs. The last few presidents have admitted to it, more or less. It's part of our culture, from the founder fathers to all sorts of media - movies, music, etc

But hell, look at alcohol - the government still heavily regulates it - where it can be sold, when, what types. The blood alcohol level for driving keeps getting pushed down - .08 now in most places, which is not particularly impaired.

And look what might happen in NYC


It's all about control, pushing people around for their ego trip, not about what is best for society. And it's no coincidence that it's enforced more against minorities, either.


That doesn't stop people from smoking up outside at work or driving high and so on. Marijuana needs to be regulated the same way alcohol is and there needs to be a reliable testing method before becoming legal.

Having tons of people running around high 24/7 because they legally can would be awful.
If legalized I expect there to be a middle ground. Driving, going to work etc while high? Not allowed. Smoking weed in public? Allowed.

Hey You

If legalized I expect there to be a middle ground. Driving, going to work etc while high? Not allowed. Smoking weed in public? Allowed.

Yeah, but the same laws around it as Cigarettes (no smoking within 3 meters of front door of a business & open vents, inside businesses etc)


Another week, another "Legalize pot in Canada" news thread. Nothing will change regarding pot until somehow the North American continent splits exactly on the border of Canada and the USA and we have kilometers of ocean between the two.

Canada has such a great flag for a pro-pot movement.

I'll admit that.


A nice idea but the liberals will need more incentives for me to even consider voting for them.
I don't smoke pot, I never will and I'm fully behind the legalization of marijuana if properly taxed and controlled.

Wonder if the NDP will jump on board so they don't lose momentum. Could be interesting.
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