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Life at UPS

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I got an interview with UPS tom morning. Anyone here worked there? I don't have a license right now so I probably won't be driving. What kind of jobs did you perform? Was the pay good?

I so fucking need some cash right now. All the jobs I been putting in for, this ismy first call for an interview. And I needed some connections to get even that.


I have a friend that works for them, here's what I've heard. The driving is actually a sought after job at UPS and they get paid very well. The guys in brown are apparently highly respected. My friend works in the systems department, so she doesn't actually like route packages or anything. I believe they pay pretty well for the type of work it is, but I'm not entirely sure. I was just surprised that being the driver is an incredibly sought after position.
The driving positions are highly sought after because it's fantastic job security and the pay is much higher. You have to have the proper licenses and training to drive though.

Loading the trucks is pretty tough. It's freezing cold in the winter and hot as hell in the summer and there's very little in between. It's either hot or cold. You have to work fast too because everything is on a schedule. It's like a game of tetris packing stuff in the trucks as tight as you can.

It's good pay for what you do though. A far better alternative to working retail IMO.


At my retail job I have to unload trucks anyway for shit pay. THEN I have to go out and help customers after I'm all hot and dripping sweat. I'm getting screwed.
I've been working there for the last two years at nights while I finished up school. You probably won't be driving because the jobs are in fairly high demand; in Chicago here, you need about five years of seniority to be considered as a package car driver (the brown trucks). There's high demand for the jobs considering its harder as hell to find a full-time unionized job that can support a family.

I've loaded the entire time and quite like the challenge. It's not as mindless a job as I hoped ( I don't think any actually are) because there's so much red tape, shitty equipment and bull-shit safety rules but I've enjoyed myself. The pay is decent and the benefits are great for a part-time job, but just be prepared to work physically harder than you have in your life. I load about 1500 packages a night (~weight 35-40 pounds) and that doesn't even include all the 70-150 pound packages that get loaded seperately at the end of the night. The only reason I didn't quit earlier was some of my co-workers and supervisors were awesome and we turned the shitty brown mess into something fun.

My only advice for you is to keep your head up, work your ass off and don't take any shit from management. Go to your steward with any problems you have and they should be able to change things.
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