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Life Is Strange |OT| Rewinder Me


I'm actually thinking that
Chloe is the one that has to die for stuff to be right. She's died in three different timelines (first to Nathan, then again to her medical condition or Max, and now to Mr. Jefferson), and had several near death moments...and Max has saved her all this time.

I think you are correct and she will use Focus on the selfie to save Chloe again, only for it to be the catalyst that starts the tornado. Chloe seems destined to die and like Final Destination, fate won't be denied by Max's interference.

Yeah it's one or the other I think.
It will be a bit of a play on fate / destiny and all that


I'm actually thinking that
Chloe is the one that has to die for stuff to be right. She's died in three different timelines (first to Nathan, then again to her medical condition or Max, and now to Mr. Jefferson), and had several near death moments...and Max has saved her all this time.

I think you are correct and she will use Focus on the selfie to save Chloe again, only for it to be the catalyst that starts the tornado. Chloe seems destined to die and like Final Destination, fate won't be denied by Max's interference.

This seems most likely. We'll probably save Chloe only to realize we have to let her die. And Max will probably permanently lose her powers by the end of the game, once she sets things "right." Which makes me wonder why she got her powers in the first place, but hey, Donnie Darko did it too I guess.


Alright guys I've devised a new Feels scale.

I believe the scale should be from least to most Feels:

1. So much Doge. (COD Ghosts.)
2. Mariaaaaa! (Gears of War.)
3. Darkest darkness engulfed the dark. (Alan Wake.)
4.Limbo. Braid. (Indie.)
5. I dig my hole, you build that wall. (Bastion.)
6. It's so far, far away. (Red Dead Redemption.)
7. Son, you've got a way to fall. (MGS3.)
8. You know Ellie, we really are the lasut of us. (The Lasut of Us.)
9. You were there. (ICO)
10. Clementine. (Walking Dead S1.)

So where on this scale does Life is Strange fit in? Feel free to expand the scale if you want.
This should now be the standard review scale (lol at Alan wake and the lasut of us).
The barn scene has the worst fucking gameplay ever. I'm raging over Max auto climbing down the plateforms and the fucking rewind mechanics being fucking shit I never remember it being so automated I cant stop it when I want and if you press L1 it goes ALL THE FUCKING WAY to the last check point and there is nothing you can do

Venom Fox

Perhaps the two moons signify a major branch in the timeline, one that solidifies when you leave the party to go to the junkyard? So if Max does something else, the other moon disappears. Just wild conjecture, obviously.

EDIT: Forgot another crazy little observation I made.
In the alternate timeline Chloe tells us that she was hit by an SUV. In the primary timeline, Max describes Nathan's truck as an SUV even though it's a truck. Don't know why that's the case, but I'd be willing to bet they're deliberately implying that Nathan crippled Chloe, even though it probably won't have any significance to the plot. I know just knowing it's an SUV means basically nothing on its own, but the fact that it's specified in both cases makes me wonder.

That's what I'm thinking, you could be on to something there, the two moons are definitely a significant point.
Literally the only thing I can think of is that the two moons mean two alternate universes have collided.
Maybe in one universe, the killer is Nathan. The other it's Mr Jefferson? They chose the path of Mr Jefferson being the killer by accident.
I'm still thinking that Mr Jefferson and Nathan are one and the same person, just alternate/older versions of each other, trapped in each other's universes and maybe that's what the two moons signifies? Two universes collided and when Max and Chloe couldn't find Nathan to kill him, the universe of Mr Jefferson as the killer prevailed?

One other point. Mr Jefferson is clearly waiting for them, hiding in the Junkyard, how did he beat them to it?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
The game continues to impress, and does all the big things right.

One thing that has bugged me for a bit, and seemed worse in ep 4 was all the "informational graffiti". Which is getting to be a tired trope anyway, but seems particularly out of place in a high end private prep school. Reminded me of Cara Ellison's piece in Vice about graffiti in Alien Isolation.

Hey Video Game Developers, We're Not Idiots

I'd agree with this as a quibble and it's something that I've thought about myself playing each episode. The amount of graffiti (harmful no less!) just wouldn't fly in a school such as Blackwell. The occasional rare desk carving, sure, but not every stall, tree, etc...


I just got called into work and now I won't be home until 10. Fucking hell. I should've just told my boss to go fuck his selfie and that I have Vortex Club party to go to.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
They're milking that fuck your selfie line too much. It was funny the first time.

Haven't played Ep. 4 yet, but don't recall it being used again outside a brief journal entry from Max jokingly agreeing it was a hilarious insult.


I'm stuck.

How do I get into the VIP room at the party?

Turn to the left of the desk you were at asking for entry, walk forward all the way to the bar, on your right is Courtney, who will now talk to you having been rejected by the girl at the desk - Courtney will get you in


Chloe gets better later, right? I'm an hour into episode 2 and she's kind of a bitch. She puts the blame on you when she's an idiot with pot AND gets pissed when you don't want to take the blame for something she did? Can't answer the PHONE when she's around cause then she'll apparently get into an argument with her mother (wait outside, goddamn it!), which is also your fault? Fuck you, Chloe.

I love the fact that I was in the ONE PERCENT that didn't take the blame for the pot though lol. I was hoping they'd show the player choice percentages at the end of the episode and I was not disappointed.

I'm also very interested in seeing if treating her one way or the other actually has a big effect on the plot. The choices concerning her are presented as pretty big ones, but they only seem to affect the immediate dialogue.. For now.


Gold Member
Wow, played through it all in one sitting. Immense.

Is Jefferson meant to be raping them, or just taking photos of young teenage girls in forced submissions? I don't think I can stomach that thought to be honest if it is (rape) :/ Thinking of little Max stuck there, so small and like helpless.

Chloe shot dead too :s I'd have to guess she's gone for good. Max can only remind so far right? It's possible now that Nathan is working for Jefferson - maybe he is working for Jefferson to protect Victoria's file having content?

It will be interesting to see how far dontnod go with this. I'm expecting a timeline reset at the end, but part of me is curious if they were to go balls out and leave a lasting impression. I got stuck on the frank dialog options for a while before getting it right, but I enjoyed the puzzle sections.
Chloe gets better later, right? I'm an hour into episode 2 and she's kind of a bitch. She puts the blame on you when she's an idiot with pot AND gets pissed when you don't want to take the blame for something she did? Can't answer the PHONE when she's around cause then she'll apparently get into an argument with her mother (wait outside, goddamn it!), which is also your fault? Fuck you, Chloe.

I love the fact that I was in the ONE PERCENT that didn't take the blame for the pot though lol. I was hoping they'd show the player choice percentages at the end of the episode and I was not disappointed.

I'm also very interested in seeing if treating her one way or the other actually has a big effect on the plot. The choices concerning her are presented as pretty big ones, but they only seem to affect the immediate dialogue.. For now.

Chloe is awesome as fuck leave her alone
your feelings towards her will change at the end of episode 3


Haha, I have to say, I've always been bothered by the graffiti thing in games. I always imagine things going to shit, people running for their lives, but then someone takes the time to write some environmental storytelling for the player that will explore it when the game comes out.

It's an attempt of organic storytelling that does the exact opposite to me. For the longest time though I thought I was in a huge minority that was bothered by this, and most people actually felt it was a natural way of storytelling, nice to know we're not that few.

One thing that felt natural to me (it's actually not very natural, but works perfectly in that setting) and helps to build the world and atmosphere they're going for is everyone knowing Rachel Amber, and knowing her in completely different ways, they absolutely nailed the Laura Palmer feel of Twin Peaks, where the further the investigation went, and the more we found out about her, the more distant we were from the generic "she was such a nice person, who would want to harm her?". I absolutely love it.

Actually, this is just one small detail among any, this game nails world building so well that it's even more weird that they felt they needed that stuff, they really didn't, it's stellar without it.

I should also say though, it didn't really bother me that much in Life is Strange. DmC though, that's some truly cringe worthy shit when Limbo reveals the "real intent" behind what seems to be harmless propaganda. Ugh.

Chloe gets better later, right? I'm an hour into episode 2 and she's kind of a bitch. She puts the blame on you when she's an idiot with pot AND gets pissed when you don't want to take the blame for something she did? Can't answer the PHONE when she's around cause then she'll apparently get into an argument with her mother (wait outside, goddamn it!), which is also your fault? Fuck you, Chloe.

I love the fact that I was in the ONE PERCENT that didn't take the blame for the pot though lol. I was hoping they'd show the player choice percentages at the end of the episode and I was not disappointed.

I'm also very interested in seeing if treating her one way or the other actually has a big effect on the plot. The choices concerning her are presented as pretty big ones, but they only seem to affect the immediate dialogue.. For now.

Kinda? I mean, you'll probably warm up to her, but that bitchy side of her stays. But I like that the game is well aware of that, it's not asking you to think she's not being bitchy at all, Max constantly complains about Chloe's bitching in her journal too, saying how that's the one side of Chloe she can't stand, and it's a pain in the ass to deal with. I love it. She's flawed in a way that doesn't make her a charicature that you're supposed to dislike because of her flaws, right, that makes her interesting.

Even Nathan surprised me for having more to him than I expected, even if he's still 100% made to be unlikable. You're not supposed to like him, they'll never make you think he's just a poor little guy who's going through so much, nah, he's an asshole, but he's an interesting asshole.

About choices, they do affect things later on, definitely. And I also really like how
they do so not only in the automatic sense of it, like the game remembering your previous choice and reacting to it, but also making you remember what you did in order to choose wisely later on.


Chloe is awesome as fuck leave her alone
your feelings towards her will change at the end of episode 3

Looking forward to it! Hope you're right

Kinda? I mean, you'll probably warm up to her, but that bitchy side of her stays. But I like that the game is well aware of that, it's not asking you to think she's not being bitchy at all, Max constantly complains about Chloe's bitching in her journal too, saying how that's the one side of Chloe she can't stand, and it's a pain in the ass to deal with. I love it. She's flawed in a way that doesn't make her a charicature that you're supposed to dislike because of her flaws, right, that makes her interesting.

Haven't been reading the journal so this is something that I definitely missed. "I'm not a fan of Chloe's petulant side. She tried to make me feel like an ass, but screw that." Hell yeah, you go girl!

I can tell she's not made to be hated though, sure, but I still dislike her personality. But as long as I can carry on not taking shit from her, and Max feels the same, it's all right. And maybe I will warm up to her, who knows.
my reaction after finishing episode 4:
What??? how??? why??? I have to wait for 2 fucking months?

I pretty saw pretty much every twist coming (except for the wheelchair thing, but this? holy shit.

I need to go to bed, but don't think I can sleep


Wow, played through it all in one sitting. Immense.

Is Jefferson meant to be raping them, or just taking photos of young teenage girls in forced submissions? I don't think I can stomach that thought to be honest if it is (rape) :/

I didn't get that impression.

Jefferson is just a twisted artist and this is part of how far he would go to take more "advanced" photography, is definitely what I thought at the end. I'm not sure where hinting at rape comes from given everything that's been happening until now, but it's still a fucked up thing to do that isn't far off at all. I guess I could see it with some of the stuff Nathan was shown to have done, but also in his case I saw it more as someone who drugged them and watched the ensuing show, and now thinking his motivations are more in line with Jefferson's.


That ep4 ending, damn man... Really great episode aside from the minor bugs and probably the best one so far, hoping they can land the ep5 ending - this has been great so far.


One thing that bugged me is that
Max went along with Chloe's plan to hunt down Nathan at the party so readily. She suggested going to the police once, then seemed to be totally on board with Chloe. We had evidence, if we had gone to the police we could have avoided all that shit even if Nathan wasn't the main guy we were looking for after all. Shit still might have gone sideways, but it would make a lot more sense. I'm used to Chloe being irresponsible, but it seemed out of character for Max.
I could see that first choice was coming
as I was walking around the house reading all the medical bills and letters from the doctor saying Chloe's dying.
I feel drained.
I was reading some guy's thoughts in this thread about the game saying how it made him cry. I was thinking to myself "man what a pussy", now im playing it and feel a liquid salty discharge from my eyes streaming down my face.


Holy shit. I just finished episode 4. These guys really know how to kick it up a notch each episode! But that ending... have they finally written themselves into a corner?

EDIT: Just to check, I didn't see a percentage for it so I'm guessing there's no way to
save Chloe
at the ending, right?


So important point about Episode 5 and the set up from Episode 4:

You leave Chloe's place to head to the barn thing - but she left her computer on with the location of the Barn & has left the board out with all the pieces of the puzzle. David will save Max... maybe. The camera lingered way too long on the computer so it clicked in my head that that was probably an important thing


I haven't played episode 4 yet but reading the reactions here, it seems i'm in for yet another very good episode. Can't wait to play.
Okay, that was the best episode so far, like holy shit. The game tackles so many things and with just the right tone.

I missed two pictures though.
Regardless of how it all ends and honestly the spectrum is anywhere from Disney to GRRM to dare I say Kafka, I have a personal head-cannon:
The final scene of Life Is Strange will be Max & Chloe sitting on that bench by the lighthouse enjoying the sunset on a Saturday evening.

I don't care about the actual ending, I cannot take this, honestly. Games have matured man...


Interesting theory I found on Tumblr:

Okay, so what if Warren had the same powers as Max?

Warren befriends Max pretty much immediately when she arrives at Blackwell Academy as if making it sure from the start that nothing happens to her. Also, Dana and Brooke point out that he follows her around and he always seems to know where Max is and bumps into her all the time. For example in ep. 2 Warren can be seen from Max’s window halfway behind a building’s corner waiting for Max since they meet on the exact spot when Max walks out of the dorm building.

In episode 1 on the parking lot Warren tells Max about his car being made in 1978 and Max says that he’s ‘in the wrong time’ to which he replies that so is she. In the end of the episode Max gets a message from Warren with him referring himself as Max’s ‘white night’ with a pic of his black eye. Max answers that she’owes him one’ and Warren mentions about Max’s ‘big secret’ which she hasn’t told him yet.

In episode 2 while Max and Chloe are in the junkyard Warren texts Max that she can ‘hit him up anytime’ if she has more questions about time travel as if hinting her to tell him about the powers. Warren also refers himself as her ‘personal superhero’ and mention Chloe saving Max’s ass in ep. 1 seemed to make Max glad to see her appearing out of nowhere ‘like a rockstar’ - which he does himself in ep. 4 in the boy’s dorm’s.

In episode 3 Warren helps Max to built a bomb and later on asks if she blew up with it, but doesn’t really give any hints of the powers.

In episode 4 in the boy’s dorm scene he acts so differently, as if he knew what happens and has seen the result of Nathan’s actions - aka him shooting Max and Chloe. Before he rewinded to save them he heard gunshots outside his dorm room and then rushes there just to see Nathan with a gun and Max and Chloe laying on the ground, both dead. After he rewinds he even says ‘Max, I got this’ confident about what’s going to happen. He’s pissed off and doesn’t react on Nathan having a gun - like he knew all along that Nathan was carrying it plus he isn’t scared of it. Also he can predict Nathans movements and react to them instantly, kicking the gun off his hand without hesitation or surprise on his face and then beating him up furiously. So he might have rewinded again - and again, who knows. His shirt also changes during the scene along with Nathans face from blood stained to not blood stained - he rewinded and changed his possibly bloody shirt to another very similiar one to fool the others.

Before Max and Chloe enter the Vortex club party Warren appears and insist on taking a photo with Max - maybe to get back on that moment through the photo like Max did with Chloe’s dad’s photo. In that way he could save Max later on after he finds out who is behind all of it. He also says that it just might be the ‘end of the world’ and ‘One picture with you, that’s all I need’.


That ending was kinda... weird.
I really didn't expect the photo club hottie to be a bad guy, I was legit shocked haha. Anyway, I'm 100% sure Chloe will be saved. Maybe Max will sacrifice herself instead or something, but that was just weird.
Anyway, iirc you can save
Kate from jumping, no? How does the game play if you did at this point? I guess she just killed herself another way because no way they're doing two story lines that different?
Anyway, iirc you can save
Kate from jumping, no? How does the game play if you did at this point? I guess she just killed herself another way because no way they're doing two story lines that different?

Episode 3
plays out no different bar a few texts from her
Episode 4
has a unique 5 minute scene where you visit her in hospital if she is alive
Anyway, iirc you can save
Kate from jumping, no? How does the game play if you did at this point? I guess she just killed herself another way because no way they're doing two story lines that different?

Yes you can.
If you save her you'll get a few texts from her in ep3 and can visit her for a very heartwarming scene in ep4. It also changes a lot of the conversations you have with students around the campus. I don't think it makes much of a narrative difference in the story, but it actually changes quite a lot of the small details.


Story arc spoilers

We still haven't really broached the destruction of Arcadia Bay yet either. That's still very much in the background. Unless it's the town imploding under the weight of two dimension crushing against each other
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