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Lifelong Lessons and a Big Katamari.


I've learned some things these last few days. I've learned that...

--My eternal mission--
is to grow big enough to pick up Playful Punks and girls that go "boing boing boing", and to start over when there are no more Playful Punks or girls that go "boing boing boing".

I've also learned that...

--It's okay to pick up anything and everything off the table--
and not worry about the sleepy missus because she nor her husband and daughter really care that you're picking up all this stuff and moving it to god knows where.

And I've learned the most important lesson of all, that...

--Smokers are getting jipped hardcore--
because Big Tobacco keeps urging you to 'get hip' and buy cigarrettes, when the best and most delicious source are boxes of chocolate. Enhanced with Menthol, these chocolates apparently combine caffeine AND nicotine in a delectably wrapped package. Cigs can't claim this.

Because of all this, I am now a better man, able to feel the cosmos surging through me like a burri.... oh yeah I did go to Taco Bell's a few hours ago.

Anyway, what life lessons have you learned in your experience of rolling feng shui?


I've decided to roll up all my problems and make them into a star. Seeing as how I'm not exactly the Prince, well, I'm just going to settle for burnination.

Ciao Gaming PC, Leasing Office.


I have learned that father expects way too much from a child so small. There is only so much you can do in the small time that is allotted to breath life back into the stars.


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
I've learned to






Jim Bowie

I've learned that all of my cousins live on a space mushroom a few lightyears west of my planet.

I've also learned that if it's shaped, dressed, or painted like a cow/bear, it must be a cow/bear.

That, and my dad is SO fucked up.
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