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Limited Run Games - Putting digital games into your hands

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I think of all of the localization suggestions that have been posted, Flowers and Idol Death Game TV would be my top choices. Either would make me happy, both ecstatic.


I'm waiting for dates on Fallen Legion and Night Trap. Other than that, nothing in the pipe is making me too crazy. Oh, I guess I'm still waiting on my Skullgirls Vita edition like everyone else.

Very interested to see their E3 video. Do we know which day they're putting it out?


Neo Member
Really? Damn. Hearing that breaks my heart. :(
Yeah, I was pretty disappointed too.

The gameplay is just awful and tedious. Basically all you do is go around 2d rooms which looks all the same while grinding hidden coins you use to buy "powerups" for a non-interactive end stage "minigame" which is all based on luck (or how much coins you have spent to raise you chances).
They just should have made it a full visual novel instead.
Also a playthrough lasts just 1-2 hours. You can replay it using different characters and see their point of view, but it also means more and more of those boring coin hunts.

It also fails hard on the "death game" part too, or at least imho, since in this kind of stories I really love the tense atmosphere, where the characters knows that they have their own lives in play and anyone can die in any moment.
Here instead (minor spoiler)
the girls always think that it's a normal tv game show, and that the death scenes of the other girls they see on the monitors are just CG, despite the blatant Monokuma-clone always telling them it's all real
. Even near the end of the game,
when the few survivors are shown the bags containing the corpses of their friends, most of them still think they are fake and continue to happily play the game.

I guess the best part of the game are the death cutscenes, which seem to have a much higher production value than the rest of the game, but it's very clear they are heavily influenced by the Danganronpa ones.

Even ignoring the quality of the game, and the fact that it probably sold very badly (I got it for like 10-15€ on Amazon Jp just few months after the release), it's not a very localize-able game due to the "idol" factor.
The protagonists' idol group is clearly a parody of AKB48, down to their traditional events and competitions, and much of the drama occurring between the characters is based on their job as idols, which would mostly be meaningless to a western audience.


Decided it was time to get some of my held orders shipped out finally so just got a ton of emails to say they're on the way, looking forward to finally getting them all! I can go back to holding orders again without worrying about them building up a bit too much now...


Finally received the NISA PS4 version of The Silver Case, and the LRG release actually compares quite favorably!

First, there's just more: the playing manual and the white extra booklet are not in the NISA release at all.

The main advantage of the PS4 release is that the artbook is hardcover, but it's also smaller to fit snuggly in the smaller NISA-style box.

Curiosity: the comic for the LRG release has a comic book-style binding, while the NISA one is "backwards" manga-style :)


Ok, let's do this!

Updated, final* list with GAF suggestions for a possible LRG localization:

  • Luminous Arc INFINITY
  • Uppers
  • Net High
  • IA/VT -colorful-
  • Eiyuu*Senki The World Conquest
  • Labyrinth Cross Blood Infinity Ultimate / Meikyuu Cross Blood
  • Chaos;Head Dual
  • Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World- Death or Kiss
  • Ozmafia
  • A Clockwork Leyline
  • Chusingura 46+1
  • Idol Death Game TV
  • Omega Labyrinth
  • Storm Lover V
  • Nightshade
  • Ukiyo no Roushi
  • Kenka Bancho Otome
  • Kamaitachi no Yoru: Rinne Saisei
  • Shin Kamaitachi no Yoru: 11 Hitome no Suspect
  • Taisho x Alice: All in One
  • Flowers
  • Clannad
  • Himawari
  • Fuuraiki 3
  • Hero Must Die
  • Special Report Division
  • Shin Hayarigami 1
  • Shin Hayarigami 2
  • Great Edo Blacksmith
  • YU-NO Remake
  • Island
  • The Princess is Money-Hungry
  • EVE: Burst Error R
  • Neo Atlas 1469
  • Raging Loop
  • Desire Remastered
  • Ao no Kiseki Evolution [Trails to Azure]
  • Zero no Kiseki Evolution[Trails to Zero]
  • Sora no Kiseki FC Evolution [The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky First Chapter]
  • Sora no Kiseki SC Evolution [The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter]
  • Sora no Kiseki 3rd Evolution [The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd]
  • Ebikore + Amagami
  • PhotoKano Kiss
  • Reco Love Gold Beach
  • Reco Love Blue Ocean
  • Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
  • Fate/Stay Night [Realta Nua]
  • Dungeon Travelers 2-2 Yamiochi no Otomo to Hajimari no Sho
  • To Heart 2 Dungeon Travelers
  • White Album 2
  • Puyo Puyo Tetris
  • Utagumi 575
  • Miracle Girls Festival
  • Dengeki Bunko: Ignition - Fighting Climax Max
  • Daisanshi Super Robot Taisen Z
  • Tales of Innocence R
  • Madoka Magika The Battle Pentagram
  • Gandam Seed Battle Destiny
  • Himouto! Umaru-chan Himouto Ikusei Keikak
  • Girls & Panzer: Senshado Kiwamemasu!
  • Shiin [Death Mark]
  • Moe Crystal
  • Robotics;Note
  • Exstetra
  • Assault Gunners
  • Spelunker Collection
  • Bunny Must Die! Chelsea and the 7 Devils
  • Wizardry 囚われし魂の迷宮 フルパック [Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls (full pack)]
  • Wizardry 囚われし亡霊の街 フルパック [unlocalized sequel to LoLS (full pack)]
  • Airship Q [already available as Asian release with English localization]
  • Rabi Laby: Puzzle Out Stories
  • Exile Election
  • Saga Scarlet Grace
  • Steins;Gate: Senkei Kousoku no Phenogram
  • Steins;Gate: Hiyoku Renri no Darling
  • Cladun Returns: This Is Sengoku! [physical Vita version]
  • God Eater Resurrection [physical Vita version]
  • Strange of Sword City Revisited [physical Vita version]
  • The Chaos Rings III package
  • Iwaihime: Matsuri

*let me know if you still have a game to add

Votes should look something like this:
My Picks:

(3 points) Game A
(2 points) Game B
(1 point) Game C

Dream Games:

(3 points) Game A
(2 points) Game B
(1 point) Game C

My Picks = games you're interested in that have a realistic chance of getting localized (in your opinion)

Dream Games = anything goes, even 100h Visual Novels with known rights issues

If all goes well, we'll end up with "GAF Picks Top 3" and "GAF Dream Games Top 3"

Editing is fine as long as you make clear what was edited and what your final 3 picks are.

Feel free to add a comment or reasoning for your picks in brackets

Don't put the same game in more than one spot on each list.

Openly discussing each other’s picks seems fairer than doing it via PM.

Let’s check back in a week and tally the vote, hope this works!

Let's take the vote.

You know who your photoshop mockup man is ;3

Nice, good to have you on board :D


My vote to start things off:

My Picks:

(3 points) Neo Atlas 1469
[Good game, possible Western appeal, might have the most realistic shot of happening because of the Steam version]

(2 points) Ukiyo no Roushi
[looks fun, Way of the Samurai was niche-popular, Western appeal to fans of Samurai fiction, LRG worked with SpikeChun before]

(1 point)The Princess is Money-Hungry
[looks fun, might never happen otherwise, could be a hit like Recettear with the right localization, Capitalism, Ho!]

(1 point) Shiin [Death Mark]
[Looks like a genuinely good horror game, EXP games have been localized before, I could see this doing well in the West]

Dream Games:

(3 points) Shin Kamaitachi no Yoru
[might actually be possible, SpikeChun listed Kamaitachi series in their poll (but it lost), great game, murder mysteries have universal appeal]

(2 points) Fuuraiki 3
[Maybe not as impossible as it seems since there's not that much text for a VN, fresh experience and who couldn't need relaxing escapism in form of a bike tour of Hokkaidō right now?]

(1 point) Special Report Division
[Almost a toss-up between this and Shin Hayarigami 2 for me. Special Report Division looks similar but it has received better word of mouth, it's a stand-alone game instead of a follow-up, so no barrier to entry.]


Neo Member
My "more realistic" list:

(3pts) Luminous Arc Infinity
(2pts) Omega Labyrinth
(1pt) Great Edo Blacksmith

I would've included Dungeon Trevelers 2-2 and Labyrinth Cross, but for some reason I still slightly believe in a chance (miracle) of them being localized via Atlus/NIS. Maybe one of these days!

Dream List:

(3pts) Tales of Innocence R
(2pts) Trails series as a whole
(1pt) IA/VT

I don't see Bandai or Xseed allowing anyone else to touch Tales or Trails, which is why they're included here. IA/VT obviously made this list due to licensing issues.


Quite difficult to make the list, because I have around 15 must games from the whole list.But here I go:

My Picks:

(3 points) Fata Morgana
I have read excellent things about it, and it's definitely going to happen I believe, but I want it anyway.

(2 points) Clannad
it's one of the games that should have already been released in english, I think we're going to have it because there were images of an english version at TGS, but I want it physical.

(1 point) Chaos head
It might be only Pqube's thing, but knowing that Fata morgana is lrg-pqube related as it seems, there may be a possible collaboration here too.

Dream Games:

(3 points) Tales of innocence
I see it very very difficult, but I love tales and we have ray gigant so allow me to believe.

(2 points) Fate stay night
I love so much the anime and would love to have the game, but as it is popular and nobody has picked it up yet it has to be difficult in terms of licensing etc.

(1 point) Hero must die
The game looks outstanding but being a RPG and I believe it's not too popular I don't see too many chances.

Special mentions: Robotics notes,net high, whole kiseki series...
My Picks:

(3 points) Neo Atlas 1469
(2 points) Flowers
(1 point) Eiyuu*Senki The World Conquest

Dream Games:

(3 points) Tales of Innocence R
(2 points) Hero Must Die
(1 point) Robotics;Notes

Btw, A Clockwork Ley-Line is in the suggestions, but I'm pretty sure Sekai Project said they were looking into bringing over the console version of that.

I know that means nothing these days because Sekai Project, but still.


Pretty nice guy (apart from the blue shadows thing...)
Since I'm a localizer, my idea of "realistic" is skewed. Forgive me!


3 pts:


2 pts:


1 pt:



3 pts:


I still have to think about my last two "unrealistics"...



(3 points) This Hero Must Die
(2 points) Uppers
(1 point) Extetra

Dream Games:

(3 points) Trails in the Sky 3rd Evolution
(2 points) Tales of Innocence R
(1 point) White Album 2


UyDouglas trying to meet geraint Evans(pqube) at e3.Hype! Also would love so much the Games I've listed. everyone vote please, I see it interesting seeing poeple's opinions.


It might get localised by NISA, but is Exile Election not available for me to vote on? It's supposed to be a Dangan Ronpa style game for PS4 and Vita.


Added to the list. No one brought it up so far (probably assuming NISA would do it). FWIW, I played the first 4 hours or so and didn't like it either.

I pick all of them :x Seriously, I'll buy them all NA region-physical if I could!

I won't vote, because...

I get the sentiment, but I'd argue that maybe getting one is better than getting none.

Fata Morgana worked because a good number of people got behind it, same applies here imo. There must be at least one game you want the most, make your voice heard!


Unconfirmed Member
I get the sentiment, but I’d argue that maybe getting one is better than getting none.

Fata Morgana worked because a good number of people got behind it, same applies here imo. There must be at least one game you want the most, make your voice heard!

(I'd sure like to know who has Fata Morgana from that tease a while back...)

Fine, I'll have to comb through these, but it'll be tough to narrow down!


The vinyl for Risk of Rain is perfect :
Sounds amazing, great packaging, and it's even custom-made for LRG, with the logo and everything!

More of this, please.


I gotta say though, the competition is starting to charge roughly the same price as LRG *and* include a soundtrack CD/mini artbook in a box, which costs an extra $15 when buying from LRG. I just got Cursed Castilla, and it's a very well-done package.

It's time to step up.

The only competitor that has dropped the ball so far is Special Reserve, IMO.
I gotta say though, the competition is starting to charge roughly the same price as LRG *and* include a soundtrack CD/mini artbook in a box, which costs an extra $15 when buying from LRG. I just got Cursed Castilla, and it's a very well-done package.

It's time to step up.

The only competitor that has dropped the ball so far is Special Reserve, IMO.

Competition always good for consumers ....and Play-Asia/EastAsia Soft killed it with there packaging

Jesus Carbomb

From Water into Guinness
I gotta say though, the competition is starting to charge roughly the same price as LRG *and* include a soundtrack CD/mini artbook in a box, which costs an extra $15 when buying from LRG. I just got Cursed Castilla, and it's a very well-done package.

They even threw in a cardboard box with the store name printed on it for free!
I gotta say though, the competition is starting to charge roughly the same price as LRG *and* include a soundtrack CD/mini artbook in a box, which costs an extra $15 when buying from LRG. I just got Cursed Castilla, and it's a very well-done package.

It's time to step up.

The only competitor that has dropped the ball so far is Special Reserve, IMO.

What about iam8bit? Or don't you count them as real competition? ;-)

Personally, I don't care for art booklets. Same goes for OST samplers (not that LRG includes those fortunately). Gimme the real deal or bust, lol. I do like my (full colour) manuals though.

Competition always good for consumers ....and Play-Asia/EastAsia Soft killed it with there packaging

Agreed. Both Blue Rider and Maldita Castilla EX have impressive boxes, with embossed logos too. Very pleased with those. And they were priced very competitively.

As for Signature Edition games: the Slain coin looks and feels quite nice. But they only included that to make up for a delay. Their shipping box material was rather unimpressive. The game's outer box of my copy was slightly dented when it arrived.


What about iam8bit? Or don't you count them as real competition? ;-)

Personally, I don't care for art booklets. Same goes for OST samplers (not that LRG includes those fortunately). Gimme the real deal or bust, lol. I do like my (full colour) manuals though.

Agreed. Both Blue Rider and Maldita Castilla EX have impressive boxes, with embossed logos too. Very pleased with those. And they were priced very competitively.

As for Signature Edition games: the Slain coin looks and feels quite nice. But they only included that to make up for a delay. Their shipping box material was rather unimpressive. The game's outer box of my copy was slightly dented when it arrived.

I have an axe to grind with iam8bit for so many reasons :p

Rez was a disaster, though, but HYperlight Drifter was thoroughly impressive IMO.

Overall, I'm pleased with how the market is evolving. I just want LRG, who are by far my favorites, to stay on top of the game. And I think they will :)


I gotta say though, the competition is starting to charge roughly the same price as LRG *and* include a soundtrack CD/mini artbook in a box, which costs an extra $15 when buying from LRG. I just got Cursed Castilla, and it's a very well-done package.

It's time to step up.

The only competitor that has dropped the ball so far is Special Reserve, IMO.

Agree. Hopefully everyone releases I would be hyped for
I gotta say though, the competition is starting to charge roughly the same price as LRG *and* include a soundtrack CD/mini artbook in a box, which costs an extra $15 when buying from LRG. I just got Cursed Castilla, and it's a very well-done package.

It's time to step up.

The only competitor that has dropped the ball so far is Special Reserve, IMO.
What competetion is that, who else does physical games of digital releases?
Breaking: Signature Edition Games changes name into Coin Edition Games. (not really)

After the Slain coin, they now include a Yonder coin for those who pre-order the game.

The coin for Slain was decent.
Useless of course, but at it had a nice weight, haha. I put it in the case.

I actually kinda liked the coin for Slain. It reminds me old arcade tokens because of the heft and the game insignia/art. I put it in the case too.

They added it to every pre-order at no cost, so w/e

I could see someone enjoying having all of them, if I happened to, but I will probably only ever be buying very specific stuff from them, sparingly

I'll probably never have a set of LRG cards, but I definitely dig cards.
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