Okay, that's insane. And I know I'm like a broken record at this point, but the game most deserving of such a big physical run was Oddworld. I mean c'mon, an established IP from the PS1 era with a lot of nostalgia with PlayStation gamers and it got a run half the size of whatever this is. Better be good!
I kinda feel like we're moving past the realm of 'limited run' now as well (although technically it still is). Willing to bet that 10k is more than Soedesco printed for some of their physical runs which never seem to sell out.
While I'm on my soapbox, I'm also not a fan of the differences between the versions for something like this. Although I understand there's a ceiling for Vita demand compared to PS4, it really does just push all the scalpers towards one version. And it's not like Vita fans haven't shown continued demand for this stuff, though I guess as long as the PS4 version sells out eventually LRG don't mind.
(Despite all this moaning, I'm still happy LRG are doing what they're doing, don't get me wrong).
Anyway, with that out of the way, what could it be? Some good suggestions already, of which Skullgirls seems the most appropriate.
I'm trying to think of bigger indies that are on both platforms - Bastion? Don't Starve? OlliOlli 1/2 double pack? Spelunky? Steamworld Dig/Heist double pack? Velocity Ultra/2X double pack? Do Devolver Digital still hold the licence for Duke Nukem 3D? Maybe something like Croixleur Sigma? Perhaps a Double Fine game (Day of the Tentacle/Grim Fandango?)
Or hell, perhaps something upcoming - Banner Saga; Hyper Light Drifter etc. I just can't see anything that would cause such a discrepancy between platforms. Unless it was something like Guacamelee where the Vita version was clearly inferior.