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Lingerie Football League Responds to NFL: ‘We Stand!’

Fuck the flag. White people pivoting a movement to be all about them instead of the actual issue is the least surprising thing in the world.


Of course women are in power in that league, not some group of white males or anything.

Hahahahahahaha ladies and gentlemen, current CEO, Mitch Mortaza.

He looks like a GTA character.


Unconfirmed Member
Every time the Lingerie Football League comes up, I'm just reminded of the sad story that the LFL is basically the only big women's football league, and the stories of women who just wanted to play serious football who came to the realization that they pretty much had to reduce themselves to being sex objects and expose themselves to serious risk without pay or insurance coverage through the team just to make that happen in any meaningful way.

EDIT: Found it. It's on Grantland, The Lingerie Football Trap: http://grantland.com/features/legen...ns-lingerie-football-league-mitchell-mortaza/

What really sucks even more is that their whole gamble on the sexualization of women's football doesn't really help their ratings much at all. There's absolutely no point to it. It's a lose-lose situation and they do just enough to keep it afloat.
A) Holy shit they still do the Lingerie football shit? I thought when even Spike TV says "Nah that's just too much man" they'd be dead

B) Why should we give a fuck about what they think about any of this?


How is lingerie bowl successful? What kind of loser would pay for this?

I was amazed to find out someone was trying to start a league here in Perth a few years ago (matched with a player on Tinder), someone must think there's a demographic for it.


Of course women are in power in that league, not some group of white males or anything.

Hahahahahahaha ladies and gentlemen, current CEO, Mitch Mortaza.


"Did I make a mistake with this pinstripe jacket and jeans with studded red leather belt and rosary combination? No. No, it's perfect."

whats ultimate surrenders stance

If anything, they'd put out a statement saying the entire league will all take a knee in solidarity with BLM prior to the final round of every match.


as an outsider, I do find this "the flag is too sacred!" thingie sort of amusing (like, darkly or bitterly amusing) when I realize a lot of them would rather fly the Confederate flag.


Every time the Lingerie Football League comes up, I'm just reminded of the sad story that the LFL is basically the only big women's football league, and the stories of women who just wanted to play serious football who came to the realization that they pretty much had to reduce themselves to being sex objects and expose themselves to serious risk without pay or insurance coverage through the team just to make that happen in any meaningful way.

EDIT: Found it. It's on Grantland, The Lingerie Football Trap: http://grantland.com/features/legen...ns-lingerie-football-league-mitchell-mortaza/
Yeah for me this is the real story. Wtf NFL, fucking create a WNFL. This is 2017.
Maybe these ladies would feel more comfortable on kneeling on both knees. Might just be a comfort zone issue as supposed to a stunning lack of thought. I say meet them half way!


Before this thread gets cringe worthy and saying things they probably shouldn't be it's important to keep in mind this is a statement from their PR and the league owner/owners. The actual players may not agree with the statement or unfortunately being intimidated to comply.


Every time the Lingerie Football League comes up, I'm just reminded of the sad story that the LFL is basically the only big women's football league, and the stories of women who just wanted to play serious football who came to the realization that they pretty much had to reduce themselves to being sex objects and expose themselves to serious risk without pay or insurance coverage through the team just to make that happen in any meaningful way.

EDIT: Found it. It's on Grantland, The Lingerie Football Trap: http://grantland.com/features/legen...ns-lingerie-football-league-mitchell-mortaza/

Thank you for this -- this was a great read.


Of course women are in power in that league, not some group of white males or anything.

Hahahahahahaha ladies and gentlemen, current CEO, Mitch Mortaza.


He looks... exactly like the kind of guy that would run a "lingerie" "football" "league" & demand "players" stand for the anthem which, elephant in the room here, why is it playing at the start of diet-burlesque shows, anyway?

Was it even there before last weekend? As Slaythe said, I don't think anyone'd ever watch a game start-to-finish so we probably have no way of knowing for sure.


Utterly ridiculous. Going on #LFL on twitter is great. Got a few people declaring allegiance to this league instead of the NFL 😂
well, this league is run by two spray-tanned white dudes who got hella rich off capitalism (and not paying their athletes) so i'm not surprised this pr stint took place. i've met these dudes and they're scumbags. not sure if it's still true, but when i worked on a reality show that followed a team of these girls, they had to pay to play :/
Sitting there watching a full game might be sadder then Real Doll cleaning day

They can actually play. It's not NFL level, of course, but the women in the league are legitimate athletes and they take the sport seriously.

I was amazed to find out someone was trying to start a league here in Perth a few years ago (matched with a player on Tinder), someone must think there's a demographic for it.

There's a few Aussie women who play for the teams here in the US.

Before this thread gets cringe worthy and saying things they probably shouldn't be it's important to keep in mind this is a statement from their PR and the league owner/owners. The actual players may not agree with the statement or unfortunately being intimidated to comply.

Bingo. There's a lot of downsides to the league but it's pretty much the only major outlet for women that want to play professional football. They train hard, practice hard, and play their hearts out. If they get hurt, they have to cover it themselves or play through the injuries.

The statement is shitty but there's no reason to insult or belittle the women playing for the league.
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