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Linkin Park conspiracy theory.

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While listening to KROQ on the drive into work today, a Linkin Park song from their new album came on, and for some reason, I didn't switch over to NPR. Typical stuff from them: a little angsty, sing then scream, mix of drum machines and live instruments. And then it hit me: WE'VE ALL BEEN SUCKERED.

Their official bio is that they all met in school, started playing at the Whisky, got signed, and hit it big. But the more I think about how polished their sound is, and how perfectly their demographics and image match up with what the kiddies are into these days...the more I think that they were invented by Corporate Record Company, Inc. for the purpose of selling a gazillion records, and the "we made it on our own" backstory was part of the invention. Isn't it slightly suspicious that everyone seemed to discover them simultaneously? Usually a band will have an underground fan base before gaining some exposure...but I don't know anyone who was into them prior to the big label deal.

Anyone else agree with me, or did they slip something into my coffee?
Aside from that fact that I hate their music, I know absolutely nothing about LP. Interesting theory, one that's probably true in today's world of musical corporate America.
Jinx, I can't stand Linkin Park, so I don't even know why I'm bothering to tell you this, but...

...in an issue of Urb magazine a few months ago, they had a little article on Linkin Park & their issues with being a mostly Asian rock band in today's society. The lead singer & guitarist were talking about a band that they were in previous to Linkin Park (I want to say they were called "Hybrid Theory" but I could be confused) and how their manager at the time wanted them to change their logo, because it looked too much like "something you would see on a riced-out Honda" (paraphrased, but along those lines).

Basically what I'm trying to say is, I think they've been in the music biz for a minute or two now, it's just that they got popular under their "Linkin Park" moniker.

God, I can hear their bullshit nu-metal in my head as I type this. Arrrrghh! ;)


Linkin Park has been around for ages. I used to listen to their stuff for free off mp3.com before Hybrid Theory made them huge. Sorry to burst your bubble though (even if it's obviously a slightly facetious one) :(


The problem with Linkin Park, as far as I'm concerned, is that their lyrics are the most trite, cliche, angsty bullshit this side of livejournal.com. I can't stand it, even when I was in high school I don't think I ever knew anyone as whiney as this band.

That said, I do kind of dig the production of everything else, its that the lyrics that need to get tossed. I'd warm up to them if they ever tried to do instrumental stuff.


Saint Cornelius said:
Who was that directed to? Oh, and I knew I was wrong about "Hybrid Theory" being the name of their old band. I'll look it up when I get home.

No, no, they were called Hybrid Theory in the past. I was talking to -jinx- in saying they werent some sort of recruited boy band type thing but a legitimate band whose been around for awhile.


xsarien said:
The problem with Linkin Park, as far as I'm concerned, is that they're lyrics are the most trite, cliche, angsty bullshit this side of livejournal.com. I can't stand it, even when I was in high school I don't think I ever knew anyone as whiney as this band.

That said, I do kind of dig the production of everything else. It's that the lyrics that need to get tossed. I'd warm up to them if they ever tried to do instrumental stuff.

Although the lyrics are sub par they aren't THAT bad when you compare them to Hoobastanks "The Reason", Nickelback, Trapt, Emo bands, etc. I like most of Linkin Parks singles, although my main concern is the whining but they aren't as bad of a band as everyone says they are. One of the few mainstreams bands I don't mind too much.
Meier said:
No, no, they were called Hybrid Theory in the past. I was talking to -jinx- in saying they werent some sort of recruited boy band type thing but a legitimate band whose been around for awhile.

Oh, okay. So do they have an album out called "Hybrid Theory", as Linkin Park?

And I actually wanted to know who LakeEarth was referring to.


At the conspiracy, not at any specific person. God, don't like a band that everyone else likes? Justify your opinion by making up shit! PERFECT!
LakeEarth said:
At the conspiracy, not at any specific person. God, don't like a band that everyone else likes? Justify your opinion by making up shit! PERFECT!

He's not making up shit, he's asking a question. Nobody's going to take away your Linkin Park decals, dude, just chill.


Yep, their first album is named Hybrid Theory. As for the band itself, I'm not a huge fan of their's any more (loved them years ago though admittedly), but they get a lot of unnecessary shit online because they're extremely popular.


Jesus Christ, I'm just saying that people will think of anything to prove themselves 'right' in their opinion if they like something or not. No need to get all pissy about it, I'm not even talking to you.


been reading some Powers, eh -jinx-?

(There's an arc in the Powers comic wherein it's revealed that the hot hot superhero group on the block
was formed by a marketing firm, funded by the government - the entire "friends since they were kids" thing was a hoax.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I guess I just really don't expect most music to be very cerebral. Linkin Park's lyrics are trite and can be kind of repetitive, but I can't deny that I enjoy how it sounds. I guess that makes me part of the hapless herd, oh woes me. I especially love the folks that sit around listening to Tool and Pink Floyd and pretend its pure poetry. Hey, I enjoy both of those bands, but I wouldn't exactly consider most of their lyrics to be of divine inspiration...drug-induced inspiration maybe, but I digress. If I expect something that makes me think, I'll read a book, not listen to a three-minute song. Music is music - you either enjoy how it sounds or you don't. I suspect some people read too much into most of it, but that's just another man's equally invalid opinion...
Saint Cornelius said:
Oh, okay. So do they have an album out called "Hybrid Theory", as Linkin Park?

I read somewhere (interview?) that's what they wanted to name the band but for one reason or another they couldn't. I like their music. It's basically an evolution of the petshopboy /depeche mode sound that I still love to this day.
LakeEarth said:
Jesus Christ, I'm just saying that people will think of anything to prove themselves 'right' in their opinion if they like something or not. No need to get all pissy about it, I'm not even talking to you.

Again, I don't think he's trying to "prove" anything, but obviously you're a big fan of the LP so whatever I say isn't going to make a difference to you. And that's cool; I mean, if someone said something derogatory about, say, People Under the Stairs, it would be fighting words, you know!?


I hate Linkin Park

edit: and for the record I don't like the stuff this forum goes crazy about either...i.e. Franz Ferdinand, Modest Mouse, etc.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
The actual music without the lyrics is someof the best out there IMO, but there lyrics suck


Ive got few mp3s of theirs and I dont understand the hate, but then I really dont care what people think about what I listen to,

silly rock(this what its called these days???) fans think there is something called "good taste" in music make me laugh.


BuddyChrist83 said:
been reading some Powers, eh -jinx-?

(There's an arc in the Powers comic wherein it's revealed that the hot hot superhero group on the block
was formed by a marketing firm, funded by the government - the entire "friends since they were kids" thing was a hoax.
Reminds me of The Simpsons episode with Bart's boy band.

It's your classic deal nowadays, X person thinks Y band is the greatest of all time because of Z reasons (A singer can do T chords, B guitarist is capable of N solos), but it's all the same to me. Regardless of who you like, why you like it, or who you don't like and so on, music is just another artform. Everyone has their tastes and certain people are more emotionally swung by different types of music. I don't care who you adore or cherish, but putting these silly labels like "greatest of all time" or "genius" on these people or these bands or groups.. is silly and pointless. Unless you're pureposely just trying to start a fight with someone else.

Some people do not understand Cubism or abstract art. Others don't quite get Impressionism or Romantic literature. This does not mean they suck. I like to look at art as something that, regardless of who cherishes it, it is being cherished. If you are getting something out of it, than the goal of art itself has been acheived.

Now all means don't stop voicing your opinions, or having arguments about music. I certainly don't want to kill coversation, but gosh don't take it so damn seriously.


DarthWufei said:
It's your classic deal nowadays, X person thinks Y band is the greatest of all time because of Z reasons (A singer can do T chords, B guitarist is capable of N solos), but it's all the same to me. Regardless of who you like, why you like it, or who you don't like and so on, music is just another artform. Everyone has their tastes and certain people are more emotionally swung by different types of music. I don't care who you adore or cherish, but putting these silly labels like "greatest of all time" or "genius" on these people or these bands or groups.. is silly and pointless. Unless you're pureposely just trying to start a fight with someone else.

Some people do not understand Cubism or abstract art. Others don't quite get Impressionism or Romantic literature. This does not mean they suck. I like to look at art as something that, regardless of who cherishes it, it is being cherished. If you are getting something out of it, than the goal of art itself has been acheived.

Now all means don't stop voicing your opinions, or having arguments about music. I certainly don't want to kill coversation, but gosh don't take it so damn seriously.

I 100% agree with this when it comes to genres and styles. But you can definately say bands are more original (and more themselves) then poser and wannabe bands. There's really no opinions when it comes to stuff like that.


Online Ho Champ
The complaint i have about linkin park is that all their songs are the same format for the most part. Not that it never works they have some nice songs. One thing they have going for them is atleast alot of their music blends well they do have someone that knows how to master their sound ill give them that much. They need to take it to the next level though the same 2:52 length songs for the whole album gets mundane they need diversity.
Yeah, the lyrics might be somewhat simple, faux-angst for the most part, but damn, they do write some really catchy melodies. They definitely have a knack for writing catchy, hooky, pop-metal songs. The production is top notch, and they're enjoyable to listen to when you don't really wanna think about the music, IMO. "Nobody's Listening" off of Meteora has an awesome pan flute sample, and the rapping is pretty good. For the typical "I hate Linkin Park just because" type of person, I recommend they check out that song. Very different for them (only thing close is "High Voltage" from the Hybrid Theory days.)


yeah i like them a lot also. any word on a new album? or will we be waiting another 2-3 yrs?

also one thing i like about them is thier humbleness. like they arent all over mtv like certain other bands. not that its a bad thing but i get annoyed when i see too much of one band artist on tv, besides thier music. for example last yr i remember good charlotte was all over mtv...trl...thier rock countdown...everywhere. linkin park hardly ever seem brash.


effzee said:
yeah i like them a lot also. any word on a new album? or will we be waiting another 2-3 yrs?

also one thing i like about them is thier humbleness. like they arent all over mtv like certain other bands. not that its a bad thing but i get annoyed when i see too much of one band artist on tv, besides thier music. for example last yr i remember good charlotte was all over mtv...trl...thier rock countdown...everywhere. linkin park hardly ever seem brash.

I like their vids. My fav being Reanimation's Points of Authority.

I haven't really looked for any info on a new album, but last I heard, they were working on one. No clue as to how long from now it'll be out.

All I've found is "Linkin Park hit the studio to record and write a new album in October."


Funny thing is I'm not that big of a fan of Linkin Park, I just love these kinds of threads cause they confuse me. Why do people hate things when/because everyone likes them? What's the thought process behind that?


LakeEarth said:
Funny thing is I'm not that big of a fan of Linkin Park, I just love these kinds of threads cause they confuse me. Why do people hate things when/because everyone likes them? What's the thought process behind that?

the desire to not fit in and be one of the horde?

i never really understood that trend of hating the current trend to avoid being trendy


No it's cool if you don't like it... but you have to admit, there are a lot of people out there who will not like something just because others do.


Lyrical whininess aside, I've found that Linkin Park frequently sound extremely overproduced. The singer is almost always buried under layer after layer of studio effects, and the guitars sound way too bright. It's basically typical "pop" production applied to a hard rock band.

As far as the music itself goes, there's nothing in the overall composition that truly differentiates LP from other bands in the genre. They use a lot of the same chord and drum patterns, which mostly exist to support the vocals and don't really stand on their own two feet at all.

Meh, just my take on things.
Anyone remember that Nickelback MP3 where they guy took two songs, minutely slowed one down, then had them play on the right and left channel, and they both sounded like the same song?

What I'm saying is that, one could easily do that for Linkin Park. You heard one song on the radio, and you pretty much heard all of their artistic talent. Instead of growing, trying new genres, new song formats (longer than 3 minutes), new topics for lyrics, they spew the same angsty drivel, all to the tune of the cookie cutter song pattern.

Faint Ambience
Semblance of Music
Guitars, Volume goes Up
Verse 1 rapped
Screaming Chorus
Verse 2
Chorus again
Little diversity to "break pattern"

And there you have it, now keep in mind I haven't listened to them in a long time, so my pattern isn't exact, but the gist is there. And that is why I dislike Linkin Park.


they're not near as bad as that nickelback MP3 that Diablos made (and that thing kicked ass! but not in a good music type of way)

DJ Sl4m

The only thing I can imaging being wrong about the theory is that the DJ's are pretty terrible.

They can't scrath, much less transform, so the only way I could see them bringing them along for the ride is if they were friends before hand.

I'm not trying to lash out in jealousy at the DJ's, I'm just being honest when I say they don't contribute much to the overall sound, and what they do contribute, isn't fancy or polished at all.

But everything else about LP I absolutely love and wouldn't change a thing.

DJ Sl4m

Gorgie said:
Anyone remember that Nickelback MP3 where they guy took two songs, minutely slowed one down, then had them play on the right and left channel, and they both sounded like the same song?

What I'm saying is that, one could easily do that for Linkin Park. You heard one song on the radio, and you pretty much heard all of their artistic talent. Instead of growing, trying new genres, new song formats (longer than 3 minutes), new topics for lyrics, they spew the same angsty drivel, all to the tune of the cookie cutter song pattern.

Faint Ambience
Semblance of Music
Guitars, Volume goes Up
Verse 1 rapped
Screaming Chorus
Verse 2
Chorus again
Little diversity to "break pattern"

And there you have it, now keep in mind I haven't listened to them in a long time, so my pattern isn't exact, but the gist is there. And that is why I dislike Linkin Park.

You need to learn your topic before you hate on it.

December and a few other songs are slow and mellow, some tunz are all electronic.

The last album was nothing but short tunes and I do agree they went after the radio airplay with thier goals for that album seeing that the songs are soo short, but thier other stuff isn't as short as the tracks from Meteora.


Meier said:
Linkin Park has been around for ages. I used to listen to their stuff for free off mp3.com before Hybrid Theory made them huge. Sorry to burst your bubble though (even if it's obviously a slightly facetious one) :(

Yeah, ditto. I knew of them back with they were called Hybrid Theory on mp3.com.

Linkin Park is probably my biggest guilty pleasure. As much as I hate to say it, they're really not all that bad. Yeah, they have a formula and they never deviate from it, but because of that they've mastered the art of the 3 minute pop rock song. I'd rather hear a Linkin Park song than any of that stupid Yellowcard/Good Charlotte/New Found Glory/Maroon 5/TRL Warped Tour Top Ten shit.

Listen to a song by one of those bands I mentioned. Their lyrics are far worse. If you think LP's lyrics are bad, you haven't done your research.


does it matter what the pattern is? what the production sounds like? i mean if it sounds good cant people listen to it without worrying if it sounds too much like band x, or if the chords are similar...its the same genre so of course they are going to sound the same somewhat. im not saying dont appreciate talent, but i dont see the need to search so deep into every music i listen to to make sure if meets some standard. im not looking for profound enlightment in linkin park but to me most of thier songs just sound right and i can enjoy that without worrying about other things.
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