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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs

I have Ubuntu 13.1. So I guess I'm SoL then?

Well, I don't recommend using that PPA anyway. It seems out of date and I'm not sure it would work anyway. (I don't have ubuntu, so I can't compare the versions and the packages installed).

You can download the source code:

And can usually go to where you unpack the tar.gz file and do
to compile

If you don't want to navigate to the folder each time, you could probably do something like
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install
This will install clementine in /usr/local/bin , which is usually in $PATH.

You could also probably just make your own deb file, if you want the package manager to deal with it. Don't really know how to do that, though.

A few hints:

First, you need to remove the current install of clementine, otherwise, that might cause a conflict.

Second, you'll need to install the -dev packages of the required libraries.

According to the launchpad for clementine, this should do it:

sudo apt-get install cmake docbook-to-man libboost-dev libboost-serialization-dev libcdio-dev libchromaprint-dev libechonest-dev libfftw3-dev libglew-dev libgpod-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev libgstreamer0.10-dev libindicate-qt-dev liblastfm-dev libmtp-dev libplist-dev libprojectm-dev libprotobuf-dev libqjson-dev libqt4-dev libqt4-opengl-dev libqxt-dev libsparsehash-dev libsqlite3-dev libtag1-dev libusbmuxd-dev protobuf-compiler qt4-dev-tools


Now it's telling me that it can't find CMakeLists.txt when I try to run cmake in terminal. I'm following the steps as shown in the wiki :/

Also, how do you search for file names in terminal? I thought it was grep, but whenever I try searching for a filename in root or any directory it keeps giving me an error saying that the directory is a directory.
Now it's telling me that it can't find CMakeLists.txt when I try to run cmake in terminal. I'm following the steps as shown in the wiki :/

It's in the root of the archive:


Are you sure you are calling cmake in the source directory?

Also, how do you search for file names in terminal? I thought it was grep, but whenever I try searching for a filename in root or any directory it keeps giving me an error saying that the directory is a directory.

One command that's available in every distribution (and *nix) is find.

find [I]where[/I] -name '[I]file_name_pattern[/I]'

For example: find . -name '*.bak'
Will list all files that match the pattern *.bak in the current directory (the dot) and its subdirectory. The single quotes are important.


It's in the root of the archive:


Are you sure you are calling cmake in the source directory?

One command that's available in every distribution (and *nix) is find.

find [I]where[/I] -name '[I]file_name_pattern[/I]'

For example: find . -name '*.bak'
Will list all files that match the pattern *.bak in the current directory (the dot) and its subdirectory. The single quotes are important.

ah, that was the problem, thanks.

Thanks for that find command. I wasgetting so frustrated not knowing how to search for files in terminal

Getting used to using Linux as my main OS is gonna take some getting used to, heh.

EDIT: more errors ugh...

[ 77%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/clementine_lib.dir/devices/imobiledeviceconnection.cpp.o
/home/haku/Downloads/clementine-1.1.1/src/devices/imobiledeviceconnection.cpp: In constructor ‘iMobileDeviceConnection::iMobileDeviceConnection(const QString&)’:
/home/haku/Downloads/clementine-1.1.1/src/devices/imobiledeviceconnection.cpp:46:79: error: cannot convert ‘uint16_t* {aka short unsigned int*}’ to ‘lockdownd_service_descriptor**’ for argument ‘3’ to ‘lockdownd_error_t lockdownd_start_service(lockdownd_client_t, const char*, lockdownd_service_descriptor**)’
   lockdown_err = lockdownd_start_service(lockdown, "com.apple.afc", &afc_port_);
/home/haku/Downloads/clementine-1.1.1/src/devices/imobiledeviceconnection.cpp:53:65: error: invalid conversion from ‘uint16_t {aka short unsigned int}’ to ‘lockdownd_service_descriptor_t {aka lockdownd_service_descriptor*}’ [-fpermissive]
   afc_error_t afc_err = afc_client_new(device_, afc_port_, &afc_);
In file included from /home/haku/Downloads/clementine-1.1.1/src/devices/imobiledeviceconnection.h:23:0,
                 from /home/haku/Downloads/clementine-1.1.1/src/devices/imobiledeviceconnection.cpp:18:
/usr/include/libimobiledevice/afc.h:96:13: error:   initializing argument 2 of ‘afc_error_t afc_client_new(idevice_t, lockdownd_service_descriptor_t, afc_client_private**)’ [-fpermissive]
 afc_error_t afc_client_new(idevice_t device, lockdownd_service_descriptor_t service, afc_client_t *client);
make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/clementine_lib.dir/devices/imobiledeviceconnection.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/clementine_lib.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

error occured after the command, make, and once progress got to 77%
This probably isn't a solution you're looking for but I use Deadbeef and I dumped all my iPod music in a folder, set a path there in the program and it all uploaded and worked just fine. The only problem is Deadbeef is a pretty lightweight, bear bones type of music player so you don't get extra features like Clementine does (aka it's basically library, playlists and using the find command to get around quicker).


I just updated from Ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10. There were some hiccups but now it runs. And I am finally free from using the legacy AMD driver. feelsgoodman.jpg
But there is one minor problem: The volume indicator in the panel does not work. I am using Xfce (Xubuntu metapackage). The sound itself works once I configured it in the pulse options GUI, but the indicator just displays "silent" and offers an empty right click menu. The increase/decrease volume buttons and the volume notification both work. Does anybody have an idea what could be causing this or how to fix it?


Neo Member
How about the best distro for booting of a cd or usb. I just want to transfer files off an HD thats in a laptop before I reinstall windows ( can't boot into current windows installation) Its a sony vaio where the hd is under the keyboard and i dont feel like taking it apart.


How about the best distro for booting of a cd or usb. I just want to transfer files off an HD thats in a laptop before I reinstall windows ( can't boot into current windows installation) Its a sony vaio where the hd is under the keyboard and i dont feel like taking it apart.
Knoppix is my live distro of choice. Always have a CD with a reasonably recent version nearby if something goes awry with some system.


For that kind of thing you could use just about any distro. Knoppix is a very good live distro. Personally I always have a USB key with System Rescue CD on it with me wherever I go, but Knoppix has way more applications outside of system restore stuff. Like, I wouldn't want to use SysRescueCD as a live distro for just using a computer but Knoppix is awesome for that.


Ok I know everyone loves to hate Unity, my former self included, but Ubuntu 13.10 kicks ass. I've been a long time proponent of Gnome, used mint for a while, elementary, opensuse, etc. I'm a distro hopper.

But if you turn off the ads(really easy), the new Unity is lightning fast, slick, clean, and functional. I added Unity Tweak Tool and it gives me way more customization then i'll ever need. I really have no quarrels with this release....

Ok I know everyone loves to hate Unity, my former self included, but Ubuntu 13.10 kicks ass. I've been a long time proponent of Gnome, used mint for a while, elementary, opensuse, etc. I'm a distro hopper.

But if you turn off the ads(really easy), the new Unity is lightning fast, slick, clean, and functional. I added Unity Tweak Tool and it gives me way more customization then i'll ever need. I really have no quarrels with this release....

I agree. Even when I didn't like Unity I never found anything particularly bad about it. After using Mint and Cinnamon for a long time, even Cinnamon started to look too old-school to me.

So here I am, back with Unity.


AMD's official website if you want it straight from the source. You can open up the Ubuntu Software Center and search for "additional drivers" as well.

When I run additional drivers, it keeps telling me about my WiFi driver and asking to remove it. My only option is to either remove it or exit the program. I also downloaded the driver from amd, but the program isn't a Linux executable


Don't install the drivers from the website though. That will lead to trouble if you don't know what you're doing (and even if you do). Use the software center instead.

Edit: Oh, that's weird. Perhaps the wifi driver you're using is an open source one, and there's a proprietary one available that it wants to install when you choose "additional drivers". That is, it wants to remove the open source one to install the proprietary one. I'm just guessing though.


Don't install the drivers from the website though. That will lead to trouble if you don't know what you're doing (and even if you do). Use the software center instead.

Edit: Oh, that's weird. Perhaps the wifi driver you're using is an open source one, and there's a proprietary one available that it wants to install when you choose "additional drivers". That is, it wants to remove the open source one to install the proprietary one. I'm just guessing though.

Funny enough its the other way round. I have proprietary drivers that it wants to remove for open source ones
Funny enough its the other way round. I have proprietary drivers that it wants to remove for open source ones
Well, Steam has (maybe had since I didn't use it) a feature where it would download drivers for you. Other than that sorry man, you'll have to get someone more knowledgeable than me. I had Ubuntu but I've been Crunchbang for a while so my memory is a little hazy. Is there a particular reason why you want different drivers?


Well, Steam has (maybe had since I didn't use it) a feature where it would download drivers for you. Other than that sorry man, you'll have to get someone more knowledgeable than me. I had Ubuntu but I've been Crunchbang for a while so my memory is a little hazy. Is there a particular reason why you want different drivers?

My Laptop seems to be running everything real slow. For example most of the time when I fullscreen a youtube vid the framerate cuts in half. I don't know if it's just my laptop being terrible or a driver issue.
My Laptop seems to be running everything real slow. For example most of the time when I fullscreen a youtube vid the framerate cuts in half. I don't know if it's just my laptop being terrible or a driver issue.
Everything? Boot, Thunderbird, web browsing, file searching, terminal use is all slow? Or specifically Youtube videos? If it's just Youtube it's more than likely a flash bug.
Terminal is alright, but thunderbird, web browsing, and file searching are all slow as hell

nope, I'll try this. What does it do?
Definitely go with Hugh Buelow's suggestion first but that sounds like a Unity based problem to me. If not then the people here that are more knowledgeable will correct me and you'll get your answer anyways ;)


Wow, my Linux woes continue. It seems that Ubuntu is trying its very best to give me the worst impression of Linux. Just woke up and tried booting up my laptop, just to discover that my laptop now no longer boots up to Ubuntu anymore. It gets through the initial loading screen, but after that the screen permanently goes black and my mouse cursor turns into an outlined x. I don't know what to do.... :/
Aren't the proprietary drivers from the Software Center outdated?
Again, I haven't used Ubuntu in quite some time so I'm just speaking from memory and basic Google searches. Those that use it are probably more knowledgeable.

Wow, my Linux woes continue. It seems that Ubuntu is trying its very best to give me the worst impression of Linux. Just woke up and tried booting up my laptop, just to discover that my laptop now no longer boots up to Ubuntu anymore. It gets through the initial loading screen, but after that the screen permanently goes black and my mouse cursor turns into an outlined x. I don't know what to do.... :/

And that is why I stopped using it. Ubuntu is the nicest looking Linux OS but they release with way too many bugs in the wild for my taste. If you want to salvage your Linux experience you might want to try Mint. They claim to be right behind Ubuntu as far as users and it's based on Ubuntu/Debian so the functionality will still be there. We have quite a few users running it and I haven't heard any major complaints in the bug department.

Of course, I use Crunchbang and wish more people would use it but you'll feel like you're fighting the OS for a while if you don't know Linux and are trying to just get around.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Upgraded to Gnome 3.10 using the next and staging ppa's, a bunch of images are missing.


Wow, my Linux woes continue. It seems that Ubuntu is trying its very best to give me the worst impression of Linux. Just woke up and tried booting up my laptop, just to discover that my laptop now no longer boots up to Ubuntu anymore. It gets through the initial loading screen, but after that the screen permanently goes black and my mouse cursor turns into an outlined x. I don't know what to do.... :/

The X cursor means that it is in x11, so not all hope is gone.

Did you modify your .xsession or .xinit?
Nope. Didn't do anything other than try to run additional drivers yesterday

I see. That might be bad.

First, you'll need to need to go into a console. Press Ctrl-Alt-F2 and log-in.

Run the command:
tail -n 50 ~/.xsession-errors

Look to see if there is a error related to unity, nux or opengl in there.

You should be able to return to you X session using Ctrl-Alt-F7 (or F8, or F1 depending on how the distro is configured).


Which driver did you install?

Gallium 0.4 I think, the one that Ubuntu installs automatically. Additional drivers didn't install anything, because like I said yesterday, it would only let me attempt to remove the wireless proprietary driver. At one point I tried actually removing it, but instead of removing it, the remove button became grayed out for about 10 seconds before going black again and nothing happening. When trying to run additional drivers again I'd be met with the same window talking about removing the wireless adapter proprietary driver.
Gallium 0.4 I think, the one that Ubuntu installs automatically. Additional drivers didn't install anything, because like I said yesterday, it would only let me attempt to remove the wireless proprietary driver. At one point I tried actually removing it, but instead of removing it, the remove button became grayed out for about 10 seconds before going black again and nothing happening. When trying to run additional drivers again I'd be met with the same window talking about removing the wireless adapter proprietary driver.

Try the three first steps (before installing the proprietary drivers):



Gallium 0.4 I think, the one that Ubuntu installs automatically. Additional drivers didn't install anything, because like I said yesterday, it would only let me attempt to remove the wireless proprietary driver. At one point I tried actually removing it, but instead of removing it, the remove button became grayed out for about 10 seconds before going black again and nothing happening. When trying to run additional drivers again I'd be met with the same window talking about removing the wireless adapter proprietary driver.

If you can get to the root of these problems, cool. If not, I strongly suggest trying out Mint(Cinnamon), Elementary OS, Debian, and maybe Crunchbang. (On live USBs of course)

They are all much more stable than Ubuntu and it's not uncommon for someone to go through a few distros before they find one that works in perfect harmony with their hardware.
If you can get to the root of these problems, cool. If not, I strongly suggest trying out Mint(Cinnamon), Elementary OS, Debian, and maybe Crunchbang. (On live USBs of course)

This is truth. I would even say try it in that left to right order except switch Crunchbang and Debian.


If you can get to the root of these problems, cool. If not, I strongly suggest trying out Mint(Cinnamon), Elementary OS, Debian, and maybe Crunchbang. (On live USBs of course)

They are all much more stable than Ubuntu and it's not uncommon for someone to go through a few distros before they find one that works in perfect harmony with their hardware.

Elementary OS seems real neat. What's the difference between It and the others you suggested as well as Ubuntu?


Elementary OS seems real neat. What's the difference between It and the others you suggested as well as Ubuntu?

Well it's based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS but they've added their own compositor, desktop environment, apps, etc. So the commands are all Ubuntu(debian) commands, but the GUI aspect will feel much different. They also trimmed a lot of the fat, so what you get is a light on resources, visually awesome, pretty stable distro.

Mint is quite similar being based on Ubuntu, but it will also have a very different feel to it. The environment is a little more traditional, and they've added a bunch of tweaks to make it work better out of the box.

Debian is the root of dozens of distros including the ones above. Not the most visually appealing, but it's as stable as a rock.

Crunchbang is basically debian with a different DE.
The only issue I would have as someone new to (Crunchbang) Linux is that manually adding your software to openBox can be a bit tedious and overwhelming at first.

I really like my setup with tint2, wBar and openBox (automenu via alan) but it is quite different to a traditional Windows 7 desktop - eg. no icons, you need to know the excact commands to add software, etc.


Well it's based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS but they've added their own compositor, desktop environment, apps, etc. So the commands are all Ubuntu(debian) commands, but the GUI aspect will feel much different. They also trimmed a lot of the fat, so what you get is a light on resources, visually awesome, pretty stable distro.

Mint is quite similar being based on Ubuntu, but it will also have a very different feel to it. The environment is a little more traditional, and they've added a bunch of tweaks to make it work better out of the box.

Debian is the root of dozens of distros including the ones above. Not the most visually appealing, but it's as stable as a rock.

Crunchbang is basically debian with a different DE.

I heard that you can't customize the terminal in Elementary. Is that true?
Debian can be visually appealing! You can install whatever desktop environment you want after all.
That is an experience I can't wait to have. The only thing I don't like about Debian is that all the packages are usually old. Heck, adding plugins to vim meant actually having to upgrade vim since the version that came with it didn't meet the minimum requirements! It seems like every other time I install something I run into an outdated library problem.
That is an experience I can't wait to have. The only thing I don't like about Debian is that all the packages are usually old. Heck, adding plugins to vim meant actually having to upgrade vim since the version that came with it didn't meet the minimum requirements! It seems like every other time I install something I run into an outdated library problem.

Use either Debian Backports or SID.
I'm a Crunchbang user and the only flavor they've got now is based on Debian stable. The only real reason I would leave is what I just described and that's not a huge deal for me right now.

Debian Backports is a "project" where new packages from testing are repacked/recompiled for Debian stable. The only thing you risk is that testing is not as good as stable (or in my eyes SID) and of course backport packages don't get tested that much as stable packages. It is just enabling another repository source with newer Debian packages a trade off between old/stable and new/testing.
Debian Backports is a "project" where new packages from testing are repacked/recompiled for Debian stable. The only thing you risk is that testing is not as good as stable (or in my eyes SID) and of course backport packages don't get tested that much as stable packages. It is just enabling another repository source with newer Debian packages a trade off between old/stable and new/testing.
Hmmmm...that is very interesting. I'll definitely look into it. Have you or has anyone here tried that?

EDIT: Did Karsius ever get his Linux woes resolved?
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