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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs


Is the RC really similar to the final release? I just checked for updates and my total update size was only 1MB...


zoku88 said:
Anyway, question: Windows 7 has this nice feature where you can use a sound mixer to control every applications' sound from a single place. Is there anything in Linux that does anything similar?

If you're up for it, OSS4 provides a tool called ossxmix which let's you do just that. OSS4 doesn't work with hibernation and sleep modes though. If you put your computer in hibernation mode and then bring it back, you need to restart OSS for it to work again. So that's pretty lame, but other than that I find it a lot better than ALSA, both when it comes to ease of use and features.
zoku88 said:
Is the RC really similar to the final release? I just checked for updates and my total update size was only 1MB...
Yeah, same thing here. No updates since a few days. I'm wondering if they're just very similar, or if my mirror hasn't updated yet.


Well, RC means Release Candidate. That's the version that will be released if there are no more serious bug reports, so if you were already running the RC and the new release comes out, it shouldn't be surprising that there are so few changes.

I don't know that Ubuntu works that way for a fact though. I never tried any unstable ubuntu releases (well except the stable releases that were unstable..) and now I don't even use ubuntu anymore.


yeah i wouldnt be surprised if there are very few updates from the RC, that wasnt even out that long and anything since then should just be bug fixes i think.

i on the other hand have 1626 packages to download.. 43 minutes remaining :(


panda21 said:
wheres the official 10.10 at?? i thought it was release today

if i do that upgrade command now do i get the 'final' 10.10 or the RC?
go to software sources in the administration menu and ensure that on the updates tab under "release upgrade" normal releases is selected.


Junior Member
Well, one of my friends decided to put Linux on his computer. I am now using Ubuntu 10.10 on here.
There is a problem though. I told him that he could dual boot Windows XP and Ubuntu, and he said that'd be great. So he went through the installation and I don't think he selected to partition his hard drive. Now, the computer will only boot into Ubuntu.

Is there anyway I can uninstall Ubuntu to get back into Windows XP? Or has XP been overwritten? Please help! I think XP iis overwritten and I need to install XP again, but he doesn't have the install disk.

I could, y'know, easily burn XP onto a disk, but this computer is so old, it has no CD burner.
Anyway, all his music and video's should still be on the hard drive, right?

Also, I should note that he installed it in Japanese, so I couldn't tell him where to select to make a partition, but I told him he needed to make one.
Keyouta said:
Well, one of my friends decided to put Linux on his computer. I am now using Ubuntu 10.10 on here.
There is a problem though. I told him that he could dual boot Windows XP and Ubuntu, and he said that'd be great. So he went through the installation and I don't think he selected to partition his hard drive. Now, the computer will only boot into Ubuntu.

Is there anyway I can uninstall Ubuntu to get back into Windows XP? Or has XP been overwritten? Please help! I think XP iis overwritten and I need to install XP again, but he doesn't have the install disk.

I could, y'know, easily burn XP onto a disk, but this computer is so old, it has no CD burner.
Anyway, all his music and video's should still be on the hard drive, right?

Also, I should note that he installed it in Japanese, so I couldn't tell him where to select to make a partition, but I told him he needed to make one.

Open up a terminal window and type "df -h"

No inverted commas, this should give a reading of all partitions. If a windows partition is found it will be listed as NTFS or FAT-32. If you don't see it compare the size of the listed partitions to the size of his hard drive to see if there is a significant difference. If there is the partition is probably still there if its all EXT3/4/swap and that is the entire hard drive then I think it's gone.

Ubuntu I think is clever enough to not overwrite your windows install without you explicitly stating so, chances are its there and you can't find it or system has not mounted it.


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He didn't format the drive when he was installing did he?

I'm dual booting with Win 7 (10.04 here haven't had time to burn my 10.10 iso cause I want to format my nix partition) and thought it was stupidly easy. I think it would be hard to screw this up, but I feel with your sort of weird wording above that you might have. :/\

PS: Don't forget to post in my official 10.10 thread Linux GAF! Click ME!
For the poeple who have Ubuntu 10.04 and chrome. Is there a way to make chrome display pdf's in the browser instead of having to download them?


ghostofsparta said:
For the poeple who have Ubuntu 10.04 and chrome. Is there a way to make chrome display pdf's in the browser instead of having to download them?

yup, i think its off by default, if you go on about:plugins and turn on chrome pdf viewer.. its kind of buggy though so i dont know if thats filtered down to the stable version yet.

theres also that google document viewer that i think is an extension or something, that will display it in google docs, but they might of deprecated that since the plugin, and its super slow

basically its a mess but it sort of works


Looking for people's opinion on the best music player on the OS? I mainly want one that I can auto update the artwork and fetch track information.

I tried Amarok and didn't like it too much.


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
Looking for people's opinion on the best music player on the OS? I mainly want one that I can auto update the artwork and fetch track information.

I tried Amarok and didn't like it too much.
I really like Banshee, personally. but I can't remember how good it was with artwork/track information. I'm 100% sure Rhythmbox handles that stuff pretty well but it's kind of boring, so yeah.

note this is all GNOME stuff, i'm not even sure if there's a KDE alternative to amarok


remz said:
I really like Banshee, personally. but I can't remember how good it was with artwork/track information. I'm 100% sure Rhythmbox handles that stuff pretty well but it's kind of boring, so yeah.

note this is all GNOME stuff, i'm not even sure if there's a KDE alternative to amarok

Amarok is KDE native I think, although of course you can install it in Gnome. The older version (1.4) was the best. And they made a port of that, it's called Clementine music player. And Guayadeque Music Player is also good, you can read about it here.


remz said:
I really like Banshee, personally. but I can't remember how good it was with artwork/track information. I'm 100% sure Rhythmbox handles that stuff pretty well but it's kind of boring, so yeah.

note this is all GNOME stuff, i'm not even sure if there's a KDE alternative to amarok

+1 for Banshee. There's also one I liked called 'Listen', but it has gone through periods of inactivity. Not sure if its active now.

AmaroK is KDE-based, Exaile is a GTK music player meant to be the Gnome equivalent version of AmaroK.


zoku88 said:
*shrug* The included Rythmbox music player is good enough for me.

Featurewise, its alright, but its mind-numbingly slow on large libraries. Banshee was about 10x faster for me on my 50 gig library.


thcsquad said:
Featurewise, its alright, but its mind-numbingly slow on large libraries. Banshee was about 10x faster for me on my 50 gig library.
Huh, I have 40GB and I haven't really noticed anything odd (except for startup, which takes a few seconds, I guess.)
Threi said:
I like exaile, granted, i never use use linux enough to go indepth with the media players though.
And you won't have to, because you've already discovered that Exaile is the best damn music player ever.

<3 Exaile


zoku88 said:
Huh, I have 40GB and I haven't really noticed anything odd (except for startup, which takes a few seconds, I guess.)

Well, I formulated my opinion circa 2008, Rhythmbox may have improved since then. But Banshee was already good two years ago!

I will say Rhythmbox's integration with the new music stores and such is pretty convenient.


I would like to take a moment to mention that personally I thought Clementine as a player was pretty awful, it was potential, and Amarok 1.4 was indeed great, but it's just not there yet. It also amazes em how bad amarok 2.0 is, completely baffling

also thank you to the dude that mentioned exaile, I'd forgotten what it was called and had been looking for it for AGES


thcsquad said:
Well, I formulated my opinion circa 2008, Rhythmbox may have improved since then. But Banshee was already good two years ago!

I will say Rhythmbox's integration with the new music stores and such is pretty convenient.
I must also say that I've never used Banshee, so maybe Rythmbox is still slow, but I just don't have anything to compare it to.

(I would compare it to Amarok, but I can't get the latest release to not segfault while scanning my collection.)


Junior Member
How do I get ubuntu 10.10 to recognize my camera as a hard drive or flash drive? It's connected through USB and shows up as Digital Camera. I want to use photorec to recover some deleted pictures.



I'm moving on to Lunux, Ubuntu to be exact,

My question is which version should i download for a Laptop, the net-book version or the desktop version?

Is there a difference between the two?

I just started watching CBT's and reading a guide to Linux, the Author suggests Redhat, but its not free so i figured ubuntu would do.


Norwegian Wood said:

I'm moving on to Lunux, Ubuntu to be exact,

My question is which version should i download for a Laptop, the net-book version or the desktop version?

Is there a difference between the two?

I just started watching CBT's and reading a guide to Linux, the Author suggests Redhat, but its not free so i figured ubuntu would do.

The netbook version has an interface with much bigger icons, optimized for smaller screens:

If it's a regular sized laptop, then just get the desktop version.

As for Red Hat: The desktop version of Red Hat is Fedora, and that's free. The paid 'Red Hat' distro is actually more corporate-geared, so you wouldn't really want it anyway. Fedora is comparable to Ubuntu, and you probably can't go wrong with either. Personally I'd recommend Ubuntu, though, if only for the fact that many more people use it and so its easier to find other people to help you.

Whats 10.10 like guys? I'm still on 10.4. Any killer features/apps that I should upgrade for?

I don't know if there's any killer features or apps on 10.10 for the desktop version. The netbook interface has been completely redesigned, so if you're using it then upgrade immediately. But I remember reading the change list for 10.10 desktop version and it didn't make me feel like I needed to upgrade.


Norwegian Wood said:

I'm moving on to Lunux, Ubuntu to be exact,

My question is which version should i download for a Laptop, the net-book version or the desktop version?

Is there a difference between the two?

I just started watching CBT's and reading a guide to Linux, the Author suggests Redhat, but its not free so i figured ubuntu would do.
Probably desktop version, the main difference is that the netbook version has a different interface designed for small screens.

But if you want to decide for yourself, just download both, but them on a USB stick one at a time and live boot them to try before installing.


thcsquad said:
I don't know if there's any killer features or apps on 10.10 for the desktop version. The netbook interface has been completely redesigned, so if you're using it then upgrade immediately. But I remember reading the change list for 10.10 desktop version and it didn't make me feel like I needed to upgrade.

Cool. I'll probably hold off then. I've four installations going at the moment. Although on one of them - on a laptop - the microphone is not working with skype. I might upgrade there and see if that fixes the issue, pulseaudio seems to be a SOB...


Norwegian Wood said:
What would you guys recommend though, I'm taking a linux classes in college.

so i guess Ubuntu or Fedora is okay?

It depends. Ubuntu is more end-user oriented. Fedora is the test project for a lot of cooler apps and systems that are later implemented in Red Hat, which is directed to servers.

BTW, Linux takes the London Stock exchange and brings speed to it!


London Stock Exchange smashes world record trade speed with Linux
New system double speed of rivals, LSE says
By Leo King | Computerworld UK | Published 10:51, 20 October 10

The London Stock Exchange has said its new Linux-based system is delivering world record networking speed, with 126 microsecond trading times.

The news comes ahead a major Linux-based switchover in twelve days, during which the open source system will replace Microsoft .Net technology on the group’s main stock exchange. The LSE had long been criticised on speed and reliability, grappling with trading speeds of several hundred microseconds.

The record breaking times were measured on the LSE’s Turquoise smaller dark pool trading venue, where trades are conducted anonymously. That network switched over to Linux from Cinnober technology two weeks ago. Speed is crucial as more firms trade automatically at lightning speed, using advanced algorithms.

London Stock Exchange completes first live Linux test London Stock Exchange hit by glitch after Linux launch London Stock Exchange timeline of technical problems
The 126 microsecond speed is “twice as fast” as its main international competitors, the London Stock Exchange said. BATS Europe and Chi-X, two dedicated electronic rivals to the LSE, are reported to have an average latency of 250 and 175 microseconds respectively. Netiher company immediately provided details. But many of the LSE’s older and more traditional rivals offer speeds of around 300 to 400 microseconds. Nevertheless, Linux is now standard in many exchanges.

Millennium Exchange is set to go live on the LSE’s main exchange in 12 days’ time, on 1 November. The LSE has already conducted one live ‘dress rehearsal’ last weekend, and announced it would hold a second dress rehearsal this weekend and one the Saturday after, two days before the go-live.

The third dress rehearsal was pegged in after some of the LSE’s customers, which number 300 trading firms in total, this week requested more time to test their systems live on the new Linux network. While it is understood the LSE’s technology ran largely successfully on the first test, the migration is complex for customers and may be presenting some challenges.

If the third test is successful, the LSE will open on Linux on 1 November, otherwise it will postpone the launch for a fortnight.

David Lester, CEO of Turquoise, said that alongside the 126 microsecond average latency, 99 percent of orders would be processed within 210 microseconds, and only 0.1 percent will take longer than 400 microseconds.

He said the the speed demonstrates the LSE has “made it clear we intend to compete, and compete strongly”.


I don't know if it's been discussed in this thread but Lubuntu rules. I had to install it on a coworker's laptop that only really had 440 mb ram (stupid old video card) and the thing runs like a charm.


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Norwegian Wood said:
What would you guys recommend though, I'm taking a linux classes in college.

so i guess Ubuntu or Fedora is okay?

They might actually require you to use a certain distro for class so I'd ask 1st!


Brettison said:
They might actually require you to use a certain distro for class so I'd ask 1st!

Thanks guys,

I have sent my professor an e-mail.

I'm really looking forward to work with Linux, reading about it has been fascinating.


so apparently they are making unity the default desktop in ubuntu 11.04

this seems ill advised. its good that they are trying to develop the desktop but they could just help work on gnome shell


panda21 said:
so apparently they are making unity the default desktop in ubuntu 11.04

this seems ill advised. its good that they are trying to develop the desktop but they could just help work on gnome shell

Stupid movement ever. Unity is pretty good, for laptops. Not for desktops. I guess they are trying to be unique in a way, differentiating ubuntu from windows, osx and other distros.

We'll see.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So, what's the best live-boot distro out there now? Is Knoppix still the best to futz about with?


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TheSeks said:
So, what's the best live-boot distro out there now? Is Knoppix still the best to futz about with?

Knoppix is still good, but honestly I see no reason not to just use the live cd version of whatever your general favorite nix flavor is UNLESS you plan on taking it around to random comps with iffy specs. Then you might want to go with a light distro like Damn Small or Puppy.

PS: Going with Unity makes me want to pull hair out. Seriously it's a nice try, but it's not even close to being good for a full on desktop.


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Ugh I've ranted about this before, but it takes WAAAAAYYYY to fuck'n long for Ubuntu to get their browser updates out. Chromium was STILL stuck on version 6 until I finally decided screw it I'll just update my repository with a PPA from a non stable channel that isn't canonical maintained.

Granted I understand that FF is still their browser they are mainly behind, but even then I feel like it takes then longer than usual to get the security updates for that out too.

I'm a huge proponent of software repositories, and think it's way better to find software and keep everything up to date for the lay person. Yet in this instance it just doesn't seem to turn out as a good thing. My windows versions easily update ASAP if I check for updates in say Chrome or FF, and even if I don't the update flag usually comes up quick.

Oh well I'm on the Chromium daily PPA now which took me from 6.xx to 9.xx :lol !
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