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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs


itxaka said:
How is the software in the final version of F15? I found the betas to be lacking in software, they were pretty barebones :(
Seems like standard software to me? Rhythmbox, Firefox 4, Evolution 3 and other parts of Gnome... nothing has crashed on me yet, though GS reports errors from time to time.

So far it's not as fluid as Ubuntu is after install, the graphical package manager feels especially bare bones after the improvements Canonical has made to their software center over the last year. But it gives me a configured Gnome 3 desktop with the tools I need to manage software and a wiki that seems nice.

My power consumption seems to have gone up compared to Ubuntu. I think it's Mutter, but G3 has few power managing features which sucks.
peakish said:
Seems like standard software to me? Rhythmbox, Firefox 4, Evolution 3 and other parts of Gnome... nothing has crashed on me yet, though GS reports errors from time to time.

So far it's not as fluid as Ubuntu is after install, the graphical package manager feels especially bare bones after the improvements Canonical has made to their software center over the last year. But it gives me a configured Gnome 3 desktop with the tools I need to manage software and a wiki that seems nice.

My power consumption seems to have gone up compared to Ubuntu. I think it's Mutter, but G3 has few power managing features which sucks.

When you installed F15, did it default to the RC1 kernel instead of the final F15 kernel build? I actually installed via the liveCD instead of the regular install-only DVD and it kept crashing on me when I tried to do system updates until I upgraded the kernel by itself through the terminal.

Granted, this was in Virtualbox so I could test it before doing a regular install via dual-booting, but it shouldn't do THAT.


hikarutilmitt said:
When you installed F15, did it default to the RC1 kernel instead of the final F15 kernel build? I actually installed via the liveCD instead of the regular install-only DVD and it kept crashing on me when I tried to do system updates until I upgraded the kernel by itself through the terminal.

Granted, this was in Virtualbox so I could test it before doing a regular install via dual-booting, but it shouldn't do THAT.
It installed the rc1-version from the disc, but updated to one without that naming yesterday. System updates have been no problem so far.


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Linux Mint 11 Releases!

Linux Mint 11 “Katya” released!
Written by Clem on Thursday, May 26th, 2011 @ 6:32 am

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 11 “Katya”.



ok, need some linux help please.

I'm trying to run a minecraft server on unRAID (slackware based). I want to create some scripts that I can execute as buttons on 'unMenu' so I can easily start and shutdown the server.

The server will run in the shell, and then sit there waiting for input. To stop it, I need to type 'stop' and press enter, and then it'll save the world and gracefully exit, and I'm back in the shell. That all works if I run it via telnetting into the NAS box, but I want to run it directly on the box.

I was thinking that 'screen' might be the best option, as the server takes over the shell waiting for different server commands. So launch it in a detached screen and then when I want to stop it, just send 'stop' and a carriage return to that screen. But it isn't working. It launches the server ok, but it doesn't seem to be in a screen, so I can't get in and stop it neatly.

someone else suggested just using 'nohup' but AFAIK (very noob here), that doesn't let me send input to it after its started - its 'fire and forget'.

this is what I previously had as a first attempt:
#define USER_SCRIPT_LABEL Start Minecraft server
#define USER_SCRIPT_DESCR Start minecraft server. needs sde2 mounted first
cd /mnt/disk/sde2/MCunraid
screen -d -m -S minecraft /usr/lib/java/bin/java -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -jar CraftBukkit.jar

MCunraid is the folder where I have the Craftbukkit.jar and all the world files etc. I *think* that screen command should create a detached screen instance called 'minecraft' and launch the server from within it. The server does launch, but I can't access the screen and no screens are listed. if I type that screen line in directly, the screen does setup detached correctly

The alternative someone suggested was
nohup minecraft /usr/lib/java/bin/java -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -jar CraftBukkit.jar  2>&1 1>/tmp/logfile &
but I think nohup doesn't let me send a 'stop' command to it? And anyway that 'minecraft' doesn't look like it belongs.

for stopping the server, I need to 'type' in STOP and then press enter. My approach was

screen -r minecraft -X stuff "stop $(echo -ne '\r')"
to send to screen 'minecraft' the text s-t-o-p and a carriage return. But that doesn't work, even if I type it directly onto the command line. But if I 'screen -r' I can get to the screen with the server running, then type 'stop' and it shuts down properly.

the alternative suggested was
minecraft -p -X stuff 'stop' 2>&1 1>/tmp/stop_log
which I don't understand because I thought you couldn't send inputs to a nohup'd process?

any guidance here? The server runs well if I telnet in and do it manually, just need to run it without being connected from my remote computer.


I'd suggest using some wrapper for starting the minecraft server. A while ago I found a python script that provided the means to connect to the server through a tcp port. That way you can write a program/script in any language to send commands to the server. The script is called "multiplexer.py". Unfortunately I don't have a link ready but you should be able to find it at the official minecraft forum.

I'm using screen myself to run my own minecraft server. I'm also using the script I mentioned above since I originally planned on doing something like you.

Btw, any reason you're using telnet to connect to your server? Ssh is a lot better suited for that task and more secure as well.


no particular reason, was just using terminal on osx. Never used ssh.

I got the minecraft server working, including talking to the detached screen command, but only on the command line. if I run it in a script I'm getting odd results, so I'm checking on the unraid forums in case its something in the way they have things configured (I'm trying to use the unMENU plugin to give me easy to use buttons to start/stop)

to start the server:
 cd /mnt/disk/sde2/MCunraid
screen -d -m -S minecraft /usr/lib/java/bin/java -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -jar CraftBukkit.jar

to stop the server
 screen -S minecraft -p 0 -X stuff "stop$(printf \\r)"

seems like the -p is key. If you try and -X into a screen that has never been attached (I start mine detached), the commands don't get through. The -p pointing to a specific window somehow makes the message get through to the other side


Has anyone give Fuduntu a try?
Seems like a nice simple distro for netbooks. A simple dock and one panel, jupiter out of the box, nautilus elementary and such.

Despite the name is a Fedora derivative and it looks kind of nice.



Linux 3.0 RC1 released!

Linux 3.0-rc1

Yay! Let the bikeshed painting discussions about version numbering
begin (or at least re-start).

I decided to just bite the bullet, and call the next version 3.0. It
will get released close enough to the 20-year mark, which is excuse
enough for me, although honestly, the real reason is just that I can
no longe rcomfortably count as high as 40.

The whole renumbering was discussed at last years Kernel Summit, and
there was a plan to take it up this year too. But let's face it -
what's the point of being in charge if you can't pick the bike shed
color without holding a referendum on it? So I'm just going all
alpha-male, and just renumbering it. You'll like it.

Now, my alpha-maleness sadly does not actually extend to all the
scripts and Makefile rules, so the kernel is fighting back, and is
calling itself 3.0.0-rc1. We'll have the usual 6-7 weeks to wrestle it
into submission, and get scripts etc cleaned up, and the final release
should be just "3.0". The -stable team can use the third number for
their versioning.

So what are the big changes?

NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. Sure, we have the usual two thirds driver
changes, and a lot of random fixes, but the point is that 3.0 is
*just* about renumbering, we are very much *not* doing a KDE-4 or a
Gnome-3 here. No breakage, no special scary new features, nothing at
all like that. We've been doing time-based releases for many years
now, this is in no way about features. If you want an excuse for the
renumbering, you really should look at the time-based one ("20 years")

So no ABI changes, no API changes, no magical new features - just
steady plodding progress. In addition to the driver changes (and the
bulk really is driver updates), we've had some nice VFS cleanups,
various VM fixes, some nice initial ARM consolidation (yay!) and in
general this is supposed to be a fairly normal release cycle. The
merge window was a few days shorter than usual, but if that ends up
meaning a smaller release and a nice stable 3.0 release, that is all
good. There's absolutely no reason to aim for the traditional ".0"
problems that so many projects have.

In fact, I think that in addition to the shorter merge window, I'm
also considering make this one of my "Linus is being a difficult
^&^hole" releases, where I really want to be pretty strict about what
I pull during the stabilization window. Part of that is that I'm going
to be traveling next week with a slow atom laptop, so you had better
convince me I *really* want to pull from you, because that thing
really is not the most impressive piece of hardware ever built. It
does the "git" workflow quite well, but let's just say that compiling
the kernel is not quite the user experience I've gotten used to.

So be nice to me, and send me only really important fixes. And let's
make sure we really make the next release not just an all new shiny
number, but a good kernel too.


Go forth and test,



So tempted.....

Btw, does anyone run Linux on a sandy bridge desktop part?

I'm trying to overclock mine, but I'm not sure if it's working. Linux is reported clockspeeds that are actually quite a bit lower than the factory setting (even when I'm stressing it..)


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Okay so back to my server questions....

We are now on to Aptitude questions as I've been busy, but had some time to boot into Ubuntu Server and try some of your answers out the other day.

13) How do I access the menu?

Like There is a list of words at the top of aptitude that appear to be a menu. Then bellow that is another list of words that appear to be commands and each is followed by a keyboard key to work it. So I get that part, but the top list which appears to be the menu (I could be wrong here) doesn't have any keyboard shortcuts and I couldn't figure out any on my own to access the menus?

This isn't exact, but it's the 1st pic I found to help illustrate things...


I got that q was for quit. I tried u for update, but I kept getting updates failed. C-T wtf does that mean? How do I access actions or undo?

14) Is there a way I can just update everything at once?

It seemed I had some security updates and some package updates. Anyway I can just have it all update at once? What about a way so it'll just update say all of the security patches?


Brettison said:
Okay so back to my server questions....

We are now on to Aptitude questions as I've been busy, but had some time to boot into Ubuntu Server and try some of your answers out the other day.

13) How do I access the menu?

Like There is a list of words at the top of aptitude that appear to be a menu. Then bellow that is another list of words that appear to be commands and each is followed by a keyboard key to work it. So I get that part, but the top list which appears to be the menu (I could be wrong here) doesn't have any keyboard shortcuts and I couldn't figure out any on my own to access the menus?

This isn't exact, but it's the 1st pic I found to help illustrate things...


I got that q was for quit. I tried u for update, but I kept getting updates failed. C-T wtf does that mean? How do I access actions or undo?

14) Is there a way I can just update everything at once?

It seemed I had some security updates and some package updates. Anyway I can just have it all update at once? What about a way so it'll just update say all of the security patches?

C-T I think is control+T

apt-get upgrade/apt-get safe-upgrade will upgrade the whole system at once.

I am sure there is a method to only install the security packages but I can't recall it now.

When in doubt about something just pull the man pages of it. They actually have not only the switches and what they do but some examples that help you understand the commands.

man nameofthecommand


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itxaka said:
C-T I think is control+T

apt-get upgrade/apt-get safe-upgrade

When in doubt about something just pull the man pages of it. They actually have not only the switches and what they do but some examples that help you understand the commands.

man nameofthecommand

So I do that in the regular terminal interface and not in aptitude right? Should I be updating/upgrading via the regular terminal or aptitude?


Brettison said:
So I do that in the regular terminal interface and not in aptitude right? Should I be updating/upgrading via the regular terminal or aptitude?

You can do it on apt-get or aptitude. Both methods use apt + dpkg as their core so it doesn't really matter.

And as far as I know, upgrade will also remove uneeded packages (those that no longer have dependencies because you installed a packaged which installed them) while safe-upgrade will not remove anything.

Also you can launch aptitude from the terminal as well, no need to enter the menu at all. aptitude update/install/upgrade works the same as apt-get except that if it founds any problems it tries to solve them and presents you with the choice while apt-get will just stop.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Thanks for the info!

Decided I'd try and use the menu based program versus direct from the termianl. Got the packages updated easily. Got the security updates installed as well though I'm not quite sure how. LOL

Oh well it's all a learning experience for me. Thanks a ton guys and gals! I'll post back with more questions when I can! :p
man nameofthecommand

And for shorter help:
nameofthecommand --help

And for just a few lines that show basic usage of the command:
nameofthecommand --usage

Also, some commands use a poor man's hypertext help system called info
info nameofthecommand
Info will call man if there is no specific "info" page on the command, so you get the best of both worlds.


angelfly said:
I always just disable the speaker in the kernel. Although Gnome and KDE should have settings for turning it off as well.

I thought the speaker was disabled by default on the /etc/modules.d/blacklist.conf file on all distros?

BTW, can anyone confirm if Ubuntu still has the stupid copy/paste bug? The one where you copy something from an app, close the app and the clipboard just disappears?

Maybe it's my system only or something because I can't fucking believe that they haven't fixed yet, after 3 years. It's impossible. No, it can't be it's gotta be me.


itxaka said:
BTW, can anyone confirm if Ubuntu still has the stupid copy/paste bug? The one where you copy something from an app, close the app and the clipboard just disappears?

Maybe it's my system only or something because I can't fucking believe that they haven't fixed yet, after 3 years. It's impossible. No, it can't be it's gotta be me.

I have that on Arch Linux as well so it's probably not a distro specific bug. It's usually only the middle click clipboard that gets lost though (i.e. it works fine with ctrl+c, ctrl+v) so it's manageable, but yeah they really should fix that. But I bet it's something about how that specific clipboard function for the middle click works so maybe a fix is not easy.
itxaka said:
I thought the speaker was disabled by default on the /etc/modules.d/blacklist.conf file on all distros?

BTW, can anyone confirm if Ubuntu still has the stupid copy/paste bug? The one where you copy something from an app, close the app and the clipboard just disappears?

Maybe it's my system only or something because I can't fucking believe that they haven't fixed yet, after 3 years. It's impossible. No, it can't be it's gotta be me.

I wasn't aware of this problem.

As Synt4x suggested, the issue is not with Ubuntu. It isn't a Linux thing, either, and it's not really an inherent problem with X11. I believe it is a problem with gtk applications and gtk desktop environments (not because they're gtk, but because gtk DEs just don't often include higher level subroutines that hold onto copied items), as the one that I use is not gtk-based and works rather universally well. The problem occurs in, for example, lxde on opensuse, which further bolsters my zealoutry suspicion. (btw, lxde is generally rather awesome)

The workaround is to install a clipboard management program. Possibly, Glipper or the Gnome Clipboard Manager might provide this functionality. There are a few others listed here. The Gnome Clipboard Daemon explicitly advertises itself as being made to work around the problem you describe.


GameplayWhore said:
I wasn't aware of this problem.
The Gnome Clipboard Daemon explicitly advertises itself as being made to work around the problem you describe.

Love it. K.I.S.S. program as it's best. Should be made a dependency for gtk applications. Thank you very much my friend.

Does gnome with gtk3 has the same problem? I suspect if what you say its true, KDE won't have this issue?

It really gets on my nerves. Something so simple that you give for granted and it doesn't work when there is probably hundreds of workarounds. RRRRRAAAAAGEEEE.

I have that on Arch Linux as well so it's probably not a distro specific bug. It's usually only the middle click clipboard that gets lost though (i.e. it works fine with ctrl+c, ctrl+v) so it's manageable, but yeah they really should fix that. But I bet it's something about how that specific clipboard function for the middle click works so maybe a fix is not easy.

I only use ctrl+c/v (In fact I didn't know you can use the middle clip to copy or paste, themoreyouknow.jpg) so it doesn't seem to be restricted to that :/
itxaka said:
Love it. K.I.S.S. program as it's best. Should be made a dependency for gtk applications. Thank you very much my friend.

I agree that it should be considered a base functionality for a full desktop environment. It's a weird oversight.

Does gnome with gtk3 has the same problem? I suspect if what you say its true, KDE won't have this issue?

I get the impression that the major changes in Gnome 3 are all visual and workflow oriented. That is, if you don't use gnome-shell, then Gnome 3 is basically little different from Gnome 2. Be aware that I'm probably pretty wrong here and that there could be some really great under the hood features

Oh, I do like the integrated messaging idea. I personally can't use it, because I run my messaging off a common server (which I broke... again). But it's one of those concepts that seem pretty sensible for most.

Back to the topic at hand: kde uses a system tray app called "klipper". There's a checkbox in its configuration dialog called "Prevent empty clipboard" which is enabled by default, and that's the feature that holds clipped items when applications owning them exit. It's possible, I guess, to install kde without installing klipper (some distros might have a "kde-light" metapackage/group/pattern which could do this), but it seems tgat the general default is to include it.

It really gets on my nerves. Something so simple that you give for granted and it doesn't work when there is probably hundreds of workarounds. RRRRRAAAAAGEEEE.

There's a lot of that in operating systems in general. I still can't believe there are environments wherein I can't set the taskbar to only show minimized entries and can't set the titlebar so that double-clicking on it shades instead of maximizes.

I only use ctrl+c/v (In fact I didn't know you can use the middle clip to copy or paste, themoreyouknow.jpg) so it doesn't seem to be restricted to that :/

The middle-clicking thing is the Selection Buffer. It is fairly independent of the Clipboard and is generally meant for working with quick snippets of text. The Clipboard is more powerful, but here are two use cases in which Selection is more helpful:

* Terminal: Type ls, get file listing. Type a command that takes a file as input (like "less" or "shred") and a space. Then look at the files. Here's where it gets a little quicker. Instead of typing the file name or right-clicking on it to copy/paste, you position your mouse pointer over the file name then double left-click and single middle-click. Bam, in a quarter-second, the filename is printed next to the command.

* Browser: I always put the "Clear" and "Go" buttons onto my url bar if they're not already there. Why? Well, sometimes I'm literally too lazy to reach for the keyboard (or to do the slightly acrobatic hand motion of reaching for Ctrl with one finger and V with another). So if I have a url that I've Selected, all I need to do is left-click Clear, middle-click the white bare, left-click Go (or sometimes I do the first two things with the mouse in my left hand and then press Enter with my right). It requires less contortionism, it's a bit comfortable to keep my hands where they are, and it's a little faster. Some browsers will also automatically go to the url in the Selection buffer if you middle-click on an empty spot in your current page.

Typing the above makes me realize that the difference isn't phenomenally huge from an objective standpoint. But I used to have RSI, and doing key-combos (ctrl-v, alt-tab, etc) still causes me some discomfort. It's just nice to be able to do the same things without moving hands and fingers all over the place.

Fwiw, I also use mouse gestures in my browsers. They're keen.


GameplayWhore said:
* Browser: I always put the "Clear" and "Go" buttons onto my url bar if they're not already there. Why? Well, sometimes I'm literally too lazy to reach for the keyboard (or to do the slightly acrobatic hand motion of reaching for Ctrl with one finger and V with another). So if I have a url that I've Selected, all I need to do is left-click Clear, middle-click the white bare, left-click Go (or sometimes I do the first two things with the mouse in my left hand and then press Enter with my right). It requires less contortionism, it's a bit comfortable to keep my hands where they are, and it's a little faster. Some browsers will also automatically go to the url in the Selection buffer if you middle-click on an empty spot in your current page.

In firefox 4 you can also just middle-click anywhere that is not a link on a page and it will go to the URL that you had selected for the middle-click clipboard. It might be a setting in firefox you have to change for it to work though, not sure.


Alright Linux-GAF. I need something to hold me over while I RMA my SSD. Are all distros of Linux capable of running off of a USB stick or a DVD? I've got a 4GB USB stick on hand as well as a DVD burner. It needs to be able to run a media player that's capable of displaying 1080p video, which I imagine wouldn't be too drastic of a problem, but you never know, I guess. Other than that I'll be using Open Office, the Internet, and some type of IRC client. That's pretty much it. I really want to get into Linux a little more, but the fact that there are so many different distros and so many different recommendations flying around has always been kind of a turn off. I figure since my hand is pretty much being forced at this point that it's a good opportunity to get started.


Well I'm kinda pissed. Had to switch over to Windows 7 Pro x64 full time for work for encryption w/ PGP purposes and I cannot have a dual-boot with two partitions and two encrypted boot loaders since the MBR freaks out.

So.... the compromise is I've got VM Player loaded up with Xubuntu 11.04 and pretty much use it exclusively with the bridged networking, it's quite tasty.

Also--- I think I'm quickly becoming a VMware whore because after using VirtualBox for a such a long time and coming to use the newer versions of VMware Player and ESXi, the other stuff just doesn't compare. The other interesting thing was I got to play around with Arch the other night.... crazy!! I don't think I'm to the point where I can comfortably build my own Linux distro from the core image they have but it is amazing that it starts out bare bones and you can build it how you want. Pacman also seems like a really good manager, but I'm so used to aptitude and apt-get to let go just yet. :)


Super Linux noob here. How do I install from a PPA? I added the key for MPlayer and did the update. A bunch of text flew by, but it seems like nothing else happened. I tried using the commands from the drop down (after selecting Natty) and that didn't work either. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Izayoi said:
Super Linux noob here. How do I install from a PPA? I added the key for MPlayer and did the update. A bunch of text flew by, but it seems like nothing else happened. I tried using the commands from the drop down (after selecting Natty) and that didn't work either. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Are you sure it didn't install? You should just add the PPA to your sources list, hit the button to search for updates, and then boom install.

Also are you sure your made your USB have permanent space so you can download stuff and keep it there? :p


Brettison said:
Are you sure it didn't install? You should just add the PPA to your sources list, hit the button to search for updates, and then boom install.

Also are you sure your made your USB have permanent space so you can download stuff and keep it there? :p
Where would I find it after it installed? It's not under Applications.

And yeah, I gave Ubuntu 1GB of permanent storage to work with. Is that not enough?

Wait, is there another command I need to use after I update? Also, what's the sources list? I'm using the terminal...


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Izayoi said:
Where would I find it after it installed? It's not under Applications.

And yeah, I gave Ubuntu 1GB of permanent storage to work with. Is that not enough?

Wait, is there another command I need to use after I update?

Go to the software center and look at your installed programs to see if it's on the list.

EDIT: FUCK GUI is waaaayyyy easier
Izayoi said:
Super Linux noob here. How do I install from a PPA? I added the key for MPlayer and did the update. A bunch of text flew by, but it seems like nothing else happened. I tried using the commands from the drop down (after selecting Natty) and that didn't work either. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Hi there!

So, I see you added the key and updated, that's good so far. Did you also install it again? Or did you already have it on your machine? Try running a:

sudo apt-get install mplayer

That should pull in mplayer and hopefully the rest from that PPA too.

If you already had it installed, you need to update the packages. Run:

sudo apt-get upgrade

This is different from running "apt-get update". "update" simply updates the information about packages while "upgrade" actually installs the latest versions.

Basically, the steps are 1) added the sources to your system, which you did, so the system has an additional place to get software; 2) update the system, which you also did, so it knows about the available packages and what the latest versions are; 3) install the actual packages, which will presumably be taken from the newly added sources, because those contain the latest versions.

//Edit: woah, you guys beat me. Try this anyway. ;)


Brettison said:
Go to the software center and look at your installed programs to see if it's on the list.

EDIT: FUCK GUI is waaaayyyy easier
How do I access the GUI?

Suitcase Test said:
Hi there!

So, I see you added the key and updated, that's good so far. Did you also install it again? Or did you already have it on your machine? Try running a:

sudo apt-get install mplayer

That should pull in mplayer and hopefully the rest from that PPA too.

If you already had it installed, you need to update the packages. Run:

sudo apt-get upgrade

This is different from running "apt-get update". "update" simply updates the information about packages while "upgrade" actually installs the latest versions.

Basically, the steps are 1) added the sources to your system, which you did, so the system has an additional place to get software; 2) update the system, which you also did, so it knows about the available packages and what the latest versions are; 3) install the actual packages, which will presumably be taken from the newly added sources, because those contain the latest versions.

//Edit: woah, you guys beat me. Try this anyway. ;)
I did not have it installed yet, so I ran the install command and it spit this at me:



Ask me about the GAF Notebook
EDIT: Follow This Guide!

Click applications and go to the sofware center. Then in the menus at the top you can click software sources and add a PPA under one of the tabs. Then just try and update your system like normal under system, and it should appear in your list. Then install your updates. :p


Izayoi said:
How do I access the GUI?

I did not have it installed yet, so I ran the install command and it spit this at me:


are you sure you added the ppa correctly? Because I can see a "deb-src http://...." in your terminal.

in order to add a ppa you have to do a:

sudo add-apt-repository nameoftheppa

so in your case:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:motumedia/mplayer-daily


Brettison said:
EDIT: Follow This Guide!

Click applications and go to the sofware center. Then in the menus at the top you can click software sources and add a PPA under one of the tabs. Then just try and update your system like normal under system, and it should appear in your list. Then install your updates. :p
I did that, and I got it to show up in Software Center, but when I try to install it from there I get this:


itxaka said:
are you sure you added the ppa correctly? Because I can see a "deb-src http://...." in your terminal.

in order to add a ppa you have to do a:

sudo add-apt-repository nameoftheppa

so in your case:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:motumedia/mplayer-daily
That was the first thing I did. I did the src and deb-src after because I wasn't sure if the first command did anything.


Pctx said:
Well I'm kinda pissed. Had to switch over to Windows 7 Pro x64 full time for work for encryption w/ PGP purposes and I cannot have a dual-boot with two partitions and two encrypted boot loaders since the MBR freaks out.

So.... the compromise is I've got VM Player loaded up with Xubuntu 11.04 and pretty much use it exclusively with the bridged networking, it's quite tasty.

Also--- I think I'm quickly becoming a VMware whore because after using VirtualBox for a such a long time and coming to use the newer versions of VMware Player and ESXi, the other stuff just doesn't compare. The other interesting thing was I got to play around with Arch the other night.... crazy!! I don't think I'm to the point where I can comfortably build my own Linux distro from the core image they have but it is amazing that it starts out bare bones and you can build it how you want. Pacman also seems like a really good manager, but I'm so used to aptitude and apt-get to let go just yet. :)
Interesting, I think this is the post I needed to read today. I've got Win7 Home Premium (64bit) on my lappy for gaming, and I set it up to dual boot Xubuntu as my primary OS. Oh, the drama. First Windows stopped booting, then after some chanting & swearing it came good. Now the Linux side of things is broken beyond repair - not sure if it's related. I need to do a re-install, but I don't want to risk my Win7 installation again. Perhaps running Ubuntu in a VM is the solution.


Izayoi said:
I did that, and I got it to show up in Software Center, but when I try to install it from there I get this:


That was the first thing I did. I did the src and deb-src after because I wasn't sure if the first command did anything.

I see. all those libs are not in the ppa except for libbruray.

Try to install first ubuntu-restricted-extras as that should install all the codecs and libs needed.

Mind if I ask why do you need a daily mplayer version? Blue ray is the only thing I can think of that would need it. Other than that I would go with medibuntu repository.


Pctx said:
Well I'm kinda pissed. Had to switch over to Windows 7 Pro x64 full time for work for encryption w/ PGP purposes and I cannot have a dual-boot with two partitions and two encrypted boot loaders since the MBR freaks out.

So.... the compromise is I've got VM Player loaded up with Xubuntu 11.04 and pretty much use it exclusively with the bridged networking, it's quite tasty.

Also--- I think I'm quickly becoming a VMware whore because after using VirtualBox for a such a long time and coming to use the newer versions of VMware Player and ESXi, the other stuff just doesn't compare. The other interesting thing was I got to play around with Arch the other night.... crazy!! I don't think I'm to the point where I can comfortably build my own Linux distro from the core image they have but it is amazing that it starts out bare bones and you can build it how you want. Pacman also seems like a really good manager, but I'm so used to aptitude and apt-get to let go just yet. :)

You actually can but it's kind of a pain in the ass: http://superuser.com/questions/251109/encrypt-multiple-systems-win7-deb

I rather buy another HDD so I can have them separated and fully encrypted that going with the above route.


itxaka said:
I see. all those libs are not in the ppa except for libbruray.

Try to install first ubuntu-restricted-extras as that should install all the codecs and libs needed.

Mind if I ask why do you need a daily mplayer version? Blue ray is the only thing I can think of that would need it. Other than that I would go with medibuntu repository.
Blu-ray support is not a necessicity, but it would be fantastic. If I can't get this to work then I suppose I'll just deal with it. The I was going with a daily build is because it was the only Linux binary I saw. Am I going to have to compile a bunch of code and stuff if I do it some other way? That's what it looked like, and I do enough of that for school and would rather not be debugging outside of the classroom. It says I need three parts on this page, but I have no idea what to do with them when I get them. I would also prefer MPlayer over other media players because it seems like it has more format/codec support than any other player.

Does the medibuntu repository a stable build of MPlayer in it?


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Izayoi said:
Blu-ray support is not a necessicity, but it would be fantastic. If I can't get this to work then I suppose I'll just deal with it. The I was going with a daily build is because it was the only Linux binary I saw. Am I going to have to compile a bunch of code and stuff if I do it some other way? That's what it looked like, and I do enough of that for school and would rather not be debugging outside of the classroom. It says I need three parts on this page, but I have no idea what to do with them when I get them. I would also prefer MPlayer over other media players because it seems like it has more format/codec support than any other player.

Does the medibuntu repository a stable build of MPlayer in it?

Honestly the preinstalled media player should play anything you have.


I restarted to see if all of the stuff I had installed would actually show up and now everything is gone.



So is there something special I have to do to use this persistent storage?


Sew said:
Interesting, I think this is the post I needed to read today. I've got Win7 Home Premium (64bit) on my lappy for gaming, and I set it up to dual boot Xubuntu as my primary OS. Oh, the drama. First Windows stopped booting, then after some chanting & swearing it came good. Now the Linux side of things is broken beyond repair - not sure if it's related. I need to do a re-install, but I don't want to risk my Win7 installation again. Perhaps running Ubuntu in a VM is the solution.

It's pretty darn flawless. One of the biggest things that I was worried about was getting files from my Windows box to my Ubuntu servers.... with my Xubuntu machine, I just simply download the files on that and scp the files over to my servers. Pretty boss. That is of course if I need to. More and more lately I've been using straight up wget for files and tar.gz packages of which transferring files from a *Nix box or Win box irrelevant.

itxaka said:
You actually can but it's kind of a pain in the ass: http://superuser.com/questions/251109/encrypt-multiple-systems-win7-deb

I rather buy another HDD so I can have them separated and fully encrypted that going with the above route.

Yeah, funny because I did end up reading some similar. I also have toyed with the idea of using TrueCrypt on one and PGP on the other. At this point though it is actually quite nice being in the native Window world for all the RDP sessions I'm doing that require a Win7 client on our DC's and the ability to run terminator on my VM and do all the ssh stuff when I need to.


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It's probably nothing, and doesn't really effect me personally.... plus I'm probably way off base and KNOW nothing is full proof...

yet does anyone else feel slightly more secure during these publicized hacker wars (I know it happens a lot that we don't hear about) running a version of linux verses say windows or even osx? LOL


Pctx said:
B]More and more lately I've been using straight up wget for files[/B]

You might want to consider using rsync on the *nix side if you're constantly transferring files. The advantage to rsync is that it will only push the files that are new to the other server. Saves time and bandwidth.
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