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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs


yeah I haven't been liking unity so far, might try out xubuntu mself.

Wubi installs: so good.

*edit* Just installed it over my existing ubuntu installation, it's allright, not mindblowing (better than unity though)

Gnome Lite is the best thing to call it. Its nice and snappy though, I like that.


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Threi said:
yeah I haven't been liking unity so far, might try out xubuntu mself.

Wubi installs: so good.

It sort of lacks the wow factor of Unity or Gnome 3. Yet it just works so well, and it appears to feel sooo smooth.


yeah i was pretty impressed with xubuntu, it seems to be just like old school gnome, but lighter and faster.

gnome 3 is serving me well on my arch machine though, only thing i dislike is the lack of customisation, and the inability to launch more than one of the same program (makes sense for browsers and stuff but not so much for terminals)


panda21 said:
gnome 3 is serving me well on my arch machine though, only thing i dislike is the lack of customisation, and the inability to launch more than one of the same program (makes sense for browsers and stuff but not so much for terminals)
You can launch new instances by right or middle clicking on the icon. Sadly there's no system for easy switching between them using the icon.


Brettison said:
Maybe I just missed it or else it's something I could manually add. IDK...



It should work out of the box as it's freedesktop standard. Oh wait, this is xubuntu 11.04 right? Maybe it's broken?


My Greybird theme is broken somehow :(

First, thankyou to the new upload screenshot function in 11.04. Niiice!

Second: I hope the screenshot I used isn't too confusing. What it shows is Firefox open, displaying a picture of what Greybird should look like. But if you look at my Firefox window title, it's got an old looking blue bar there. I've switched themes back and forth, rebooted etc, but it seems stuck. Any ideas?


I don't know about Firefox, but I had to go in the options and tell Chrome to use the system theme after upgrading. Which took like two seconds, but still.


Ah, fixed it. I had to make sure it was set to greybird in both 'Appearance' and 'Window Manager' settings. In the latter, greybird breaks from alphabetical order and is at the bottom of the list.

(Once again, <3 upload to zimagez. Hope it's a reliable service.)


Dunno if anyone can help me with this, I got a vps a few days ago, through SSH I installed the ubuntu desk environment and installed VNC, it's all working fine and dandy

I also installed appache but now I wanted to add virtualhost & a mail server, are there any guides on how to do this? appache mysql are installed already

(semi noob with ubuntu been using mostly the gUi side of things)


Dunno if anyone can help me with this, I got a vps a few days ago, through SSH I installed the ubuntu desk environment and installed VNC, it's all working fine and dandy

I also installed appache but now I wanted to add virtualhost & a mail server, are there any guides on how to do this? appache mysql are installed already

(semi noob with ubuntu been using mostly the gUi side of things)

http://www.howtoforge.com has a lot of manuals and step by step tutorials on configuring servers on all flavours.


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Notifications for the music player work. It just was a plugin in gmusic, but it wasn't enabled by default. Why not enable by default? IDK... I would have done it...


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Meh I just don't like the default music player. I installed banshee 2.0 and like that much more. Beyond that I have really no big complaints here. It's very much like classic gnome with a dock. If that's your thang I'd highly recommend Xubuntu. Just don't expect anything really new, but something extremely well put together and usable.


Threi said:
As good as Xubuntu is though...I think Linux Mint is the go-to distro mod if you don't want to deal with unity.

what's wrong with going with the current ubuntu through gnome? it still has gnome2 right


hitsugi said:
what's wrong with going with the current ubuntu through gnome? it still has gnome2 right

yes but no applets for example. So if you got a laptop forget about any energy controller thing for example.


Happy to see all of the XFCE converts popping up in this thread. >:)

I'm running 10.04LTS w/ XFCE 4.8 and the thing is a rock. Love it!! :)


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Pctx said:
Happy to see all of the XFCE converts popping up in this thread. >:)

I'm running 10.04LTS w/ XFCE 4.8 and the thing is a rock. Love it!! :)

Any reason you need the LTS and haven't updated yet? I'm just curious!


Brettison said:
That and Gnome 2 isn't gonna be supported by Ubuntu going forward.

which is kind of depressing D: gnome2 is what i got into linux with and i'm just at the point of comfort with it


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On a side note I got an older 200 gig SATA drive out a comp my GF was getting rid of! w00t!

I ran DBAN last night before I went to bed to just do a general wipe of the drive. Now I'm gonna use it as my primary Linux hdd verses partitioning my main drive into separate deals for Win 7 and Linux! This should make life WAAAYYY easier.


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So the Mangler team (Linux app that lets you connect to Ventrilo servers) just released 1.2.2, but only as source code. They are refusing to release packages from here on out.

Is it wrong of me to be kind of miffed about this? There reasoning is you should just be getting stuff from your package manager, and even state...

"If you’re an Ubuntu user, you should start loudly complaining to the Ubuntu team to have Mangler included in the Ubuntu repositories. Going forward, we will not be supplying Debian packages."

I get the reasoning that you'd rather have stuff go through a software center, but IDK. Seems like they weren't in and just went nuclear with only doing the source code now with no .deb or.rpms from here on out, and they figured fuck it we'll just do it this way and make people complain and get us in the respective software centers. This would be in contrast to saying hey we'd like to just get into the software centers for say Ubuntu and Fedora to make life easy on us. If you could get us in that would be great, and then stop releasing the packages on their site when they finally got in.

Doing it the way they are doing now you can only download the old packages or download the source for the latest version. It's shit like this that happens all the time in the Linux universe, and IMO is part of the big cock block the hardcore give the rest of the population. Then they wonder why Linux adoption isn't as fast as they'd like it to be.



It's not exactly the same, but it does somewhat remind me of when Pidgin changed the input box to dynamically size from one line. People hated it, and the Pidgin devs spent like a month or more bitching at the users for wanting it changed back or an option, declaring it simply to be better.

Then there was a fork that did nothing but add the ability to set the input box size, and eventually they added in an option for it. (Although not the old functionality, I don't mind but lots of people do.)

It's like they say about academia, the lowest stakes make for the largest fights or whatever the quote is.


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markot said:

There is a Gnome Tweak tool you can download in the Fedora repositories. I saw the dude on the This Week In Linux little video about the Fedora 15 beta use the tool, and one of the things mentioned was it can add back in the min/max buttons!


If I move to Xubuntu, what should I expect? I mean, anything I might miss from Gnome 2? Are there any decent themes to it? I'm all about the eye-candy - I can't stand an ugly desktop, which is one of the reasons I don't want to move to Unity... At least not until it's more themeable.


It's the perfect time for Gnome 2 users to jump to Xubuntu (11.04). XFCE 4.8 now features some of the nice usability touches of Gnome, and is very easy on the eyes. My picture from a few posts back shows it stock:

One thing you'll instantly notice coming from Ubuntu/Gnome2 is the menu. No Applications | Places etc, just the XFCE logo. It's easily customised; after taking that screenshot I changed mine to a grey logo to fit the theme better, and added text ('Applications') to make it a bigger target. I'd like a separate Places menu if possible but I haven't looked into that yet.

The other thing I miss is Gnome's dropdown clock with timezones; I'll be looking into that too.

One thing you'll see on my desktop that isn't stock, is the transparent icon backgrounds. XFCE still has (IMO nasty) background colour blobs beneath icon text on the desktop. There is an old but effective fix for this. Create a new file and enter this:

style "xfdesktop-icon-view" {
XfdesktopIconView::label-alpha = 0

#Text colors you can delete these if you want you use gtk theme colors
fg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff"
fg[SELECTED] = "#000000"
fg[ACTIVE] = "#000000"

widget_class "*XfdesktopIconView*" style "xfdesktop-icon-view"

Save it in /home/yourname as .gtkrc-2.0

Go into Appearance settings and toggle between any themes to load the setting.

[edit] Ugh, I linked the wrong image. Fixed now.



What mine is looking like atm - searched and couldn't find a fix to remove transparency for the indicator plugin, so i just rearranged it so that it looks almost "intentional" lol.


Sew said:
It's the perfect time for Gnome 2 users to jump to Xubuntu (11.04). XFCE 4.8 now features some of the nice usability touches of Gnome, and is very easy on the eyes. My picture from a few posts back shows it stock:


One thing you'll instantly notice coming from Ubuntu/Gnome2 is the menu. No Applications | Places etc, just the XFCE logo. It's easily customised; after taking that screenshot I changed mine to a grey logo to fit the theme better, and added text ('Applications') to make it a bigger target. I'd like a separate Places menu if possible but I haven't looked into that yet.

The other thing I miss is Gnome's dropdown clock with timezones; I'll be looking into that too.

One thing you'll see on my desktop that isn't stock, is the transparent icon backgrounds. XFCE still has (IMO nasty) background colour blobs beneath icon text on the desktop. There is an old but effective fix for this. Create a new file and enter this:

style "xfdesktop-icon-view" {
XfdesktopIconView::label-alpha = 0

#Text colors you can delete these if you want you use gtk theme colors
fg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff"
fg[SELECTED] = "#000000"
fg[ACTIVE] = "#000000"

widget_class "*XfdesktopIconView*" style "xfdesktop-icon-view"

Save it in /home/yourname as .gtkrc-2.0

Go into Appearance settings and toggle between any themes to load the setting.

[edit] Ugh, I linked the wrong image. Fixed now.

Oh wow, that looks freaking hot. I guess its time to change sides!


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On a side note (it might be shown off tomorrow), but supposedly Chrome is getting Netflix extension so it can work with Chrome OS which means it'll work with Chrome which means boom Netflix on Linux is solved!
Well... that Xubuntu upgrade went about as bad as possible...

Anyway, will do a fresh install of 11.04 tonight and give my impression on a non-crippled system.


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I think the general computer rule should be if at all possible shit will fuck up during an OS upgrade no matter the OS. LOL
GameplayWhore said:
That's why rolling release is such a beautiful concept. :)
I'm not sure that logic works, since it just means the catastrophic system shattering update might happen at any time rather than just predetermined intervals.

Anyway, did the reinstall, getting all my crap back in order. Not a fan of what they did with the installer's partition thingy though. Why can't I specify that I want to mount something to "/media/maindisk" anymore? C'mon son
Elfforkusu said:
I'm not sure that logic works, since it just means the catastrophic system shattering update might happen at any time rather than just predetermined intervals.

I'll let you know in a year. ;)

Anyway, did the reinstall, getting all my crap back in order. Not a fan of what they did with the installer's partition thingy though. Why can't I specify that I want to mount something to "/media/maindisk" anymore? C'mon son

Are you trying to manually mount something into the /media tree? As I understand it, that's supposed to be for
automatically mounted-by-label partitions. But it should still be possible. What's it doing exactly?


Made the jump from Slackware to Arch.

Feeling really happy about the decision.

My only problem is the absence of auditd from Arch. I know the functionality is built into the Kernel, why the fuck is there not a userspace application for it?
GameplayWhore said:
I'll let you know in a year. ;)

Are you trying to manually mount something into the /media tree? As I understand it, that's supposed to be for
automatically mounted-by-label partitions. But it should still be possible. What's it doing exactly?
I am, yes. It was doing the auto-mount thing, but I use that partition as my primary workspace and the lengthy, incomprehensible GUID directory name was not cutting it.

I ended up manually specifying an entry in /etc/fstab. The installer used to do it for me. Is "/media => automount" something that's gained traction, or are they just being ornery?

I guess I could do what I want ("pretty names") with symlinks in the future if necessary...
Elfforkusu said:
I am, yes. It was doing the auto-mount thing, but I use that partition as my primary workspace and the lengthy, incomprehensible GUID directory name was not cutting it.

I ended up manually specifying an entry in /etc/fstab. The installer used to do it for me. Is "/media => automount" something that's gained traction, or are they just being ornery?

I guess I could do what I want ("pretty names") with symlinks in the future if necessary...

As I vaguely understand it, manually mounted stuff and stuff in fstab generally goes under /mnt/, and stuff that automatically mounts (and automatically names it based on the label) when you're in a graphical environment.

There's also autofs, in which you specify which drives (by label) will mount, and they automatically mount when you plug them in, and they automatically dismount after a period of disuse. This is what I'm restarting to use now with my media setup.
GameplayWhore said:
As I vaguely understand it, manually mounted stuff and stuff in fstab generally goes under /mnt/, and stuff that automatically mounts (and automatically names it based on the label) when you're in a graphical environment.

There's also autofs, in which you specify which drives (by label) will mount, and they automatically mount when you plug them in, and they automatically dismount after a period of disuse. This is what I'm restarting to use now with my media setup.
Well, whether it's /media or /mnt, the installer no longer lets you do either.

Anyway, my current setup (giant image within):

Played around with the newer XFCE panels, decided to just stick with Docky for now. Not sure how to fix that default icon Thunar is wearing.


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Pctx said:
Clients with certain LAMP stacks. I'm actually moving up to 11.04 right now as I type.

Word word.... I might have stuck with 10.04 though... IDK kernel upgrade would be nice even if I'm not sure about the new feature set helping you... updated Eucalyptus and now Open Stack MIGHT be nice, but that would require a ton of changes and stuff....

IDK what kernel you were rocking the lamps on though, and how much traffic you were getting... I know the big kernel lock removal was a big deal to a lot of people, but I'd think that would be more for server farms and shit verses a LAMP stack...

Let us know how the migration goes.

If I may probe further because I'm curious? I assume you're rocking the server version of Ubuntu? Any reason you and your clients chose Ubuntu for the LAMP verses many other distros people tend to think of for server needs? (I have my own random thoughts on this, but won't bore others here).


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Alright so call it ballsy, call it crazy, and maybe call it both, but Canonical is putting on the next UDS or Ubuntu Developer Summit they do twice a year right after the latest launch to plan ahead and Mark Shuttleworth came out with some LOFTY goals.

Mark Shuttleworth Keynote!


Mark Shuttleworth interview!

All of this is taking place at the recent UDS held in Budapest, in which the Ubuntu developer community as a whole looked towards what they were going to accomplish with Ubuntu 11.10 aka Oneiric Ocelot. Shuttleworth also said at this point you have to look more broadly forward with the next LTS only a year away.

The big key is Shuttleworth has a goal of 200 million users. He says there 20 million in, and talks quite extensively about how to grab the next 180. I've never been a big Shuttleworth fan personally, and I'm not saying I agree with him here. That being said he does make some very interesting points, and also makes some points that I've personally been thinking about as I'm part of the new wave of Ubuntu users and showing it off to my friends and family, people who could potentially be part of that 180 million, and what is blocking the way.


Brettison said:
Mark Shuttleworth Keynote!


Mark Shuttleworth interview!

The big key is Shuttleworth has a goal of 200 million users. He says there 20 million in, and talks quite extensively about how to grab the next 180. I've never been a big Shuttleworth fan personally, and I'm not saying I agree with him here. That being said he does make some very interesting points, and also makes some points that I've personally been thinking about as I'm part of the new wave of Ubuntu users and showing it off to my friends and family, people who could potentially be part of that 180 million, and what is blocking the way.
Watched them both. I don't think he mentions many details at all - beyond all the obvious things that Linux has been struggling with for decades in getting acceptance in desktop use.

He basically says -

- Community get on board with the vision to align with mainstream and business use cases or get out. I agree this is absolutely necessary.
- A lot of open source software is crap and not at all competitive (the amount of open source advocates that can't admit this is astonishing).
- Need to focus on what exactly is holding back the next 180 million from using Ubuntu.

I think he's on the right track, and it's not like those of us who want to see Linux in broader use have any alternatives. No one else is even close.


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I'd agree he doesn't mention details though I assume that's what he thinks the actual summit sessions are for. Still would have been nice to hear some details though.

aswedc said:
- Community get on board with the vision to align with mainstream and business use cases or get out. I agree this is absolutely necessary.
- A lot of open source software is crap and not at all competitive (the amount of open source advocates that can't admit this is astonishing).
- Need to focus on what exactly is holding back the next 180 million from using Ubuntu.

I can't fucking quote that enough. It's one of the areas that makes me want to pull my hair out as a relatively new user in the linux space that considers himself casual which makes me IDK have a slighly better read on other casual users. Now I like the idea of having an open source alternative for everything, but gosh damn go on some linux forums and they'll bend you over for even thinking about using proprietary software even if the open source variant just isn't up to par. They'd rather you use the open source version just because even if it sucks.

Again I'd like to hear more details, and maybe they are hashing it out. Yet while over the past few years of getting into Linux and Ubuntu I've never been a big Shuttleworth fan he struck me as someone who "got it" where as(hate on me if you will) a lot of the hardcore GNU/Linux nerds don't in terms of the broader population.


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So Linux GAF I'm a newb hence myself posting in the newb thread, but sort of have a bunch of questions about linux server stuff. I just feel lame just inundating this thread with a bunch of questions and such. :?
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