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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs


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Not sure about Joomla, but one of the smallerish gripes I've always had with Drupal is they really seem to be about coding to the specific version. Granted it's waaayyy more extensive in Drupal in terms of what you can do, but I've always liked how if you go with Wordpress you basically can auto update in less than 5 mins to the newest version to keep up with releases.

That helps because the newest releases usually stay up to work with the most current pieces of the lamp stack. Easy to just grab the latest version of stuff verses having to co-opt your system with an older version.


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On a side note: Why do I feel like I'm the only nub around here not using Arch... it's like you all use that shit... I'm just so linux nub mainstream... :(

PS: On a side note to the previous topic about Unity... it appears they are moving everything to GTK3 and ditching GTK2...
Brettison said:
On a side note: Why do I feel like I'm the only nub around here not using Arch... it's like you all use that shit... I'm just so linux nub mainstream... :(

PS: On a side note to the previous topic about Unity... it appears they are moving everything to GTK3 and ditching GTK2...

Heh, Arch isn't super popular or anything. It's just that even though this is a self-described "noob" thread, it really mostly consists of advanced users who are very experimenty. It's a flavour of the week (though "week" in this case is more like a period of 6 to 18 months), and sooner or later there'll be another one that our type suddenly latches on.

I really hope it's somehow related to Mint or PCLinuxOS or an offshoot of opensuse. All three have some good things going.


Brettison said:
On a side note: Why do I feel like I'm the only nub around here not using Arch... it's like you all use that shit... I'm just so linux nub mainstream... :(

PS: On a side note to the previous topic about Unity... it appears they are moving everything to GTK3 and ditching GTK2...
Don't worry, I'm a nub who is using gentoo.


Brettison said:
On a side note: Why do I feel like I'm the only nub around here not using Arch... it's like you all use that shit... I'm just so linux nub mainstream... :(
Sadly I'm not really a good Arch user in that I know stuff. I just use it because:

- It's fun to build (or well, pacman) things with your own hands. I've learnt a lot from getting to know which components go into a desktop Linux system and feel like I appreciate the work that distributions do in giving it to you automatically more.
- Being in full control over your system is very nice when I want to try out stuff. I've broken a few Ubuntu installs when I took my first steps into trying out different DE's and whatnot back in '06, in Arch this has never been the case and I've never managed to do anything that couldn't be fixed very quickly.
- pacman is fast and easy.
- I appreciate the transparency of system wide options such as mirror selection, network selection, daemon loading, etc.
- Bleeding edge stuffz! And AUR.

But like I said, I don't really know stuff. If I have problems I look at the wiki and search the forums which fixes just about everything (even bad fonts though that took a while!). I'd wager that anyone with basic Linux knowledge could do that since it's so simple, the real problem for nubz like us is sticking to it and not giving up when stuff fails. I don't feel like an Archer doing just that, but at least I'm having fun and a desktop I'm satisfied with.

Brettison said:
PS: On a side note to the previous topic about Unity... it appears they are moving everything to GTK3 and ditching GTK2...
Yeah, they need to do that to get Gnome 3 running. The real good news about that is that the Shell should be easy to install from the repositories in 11.10 though I might even then stay in Fedora on my laptop.


Brettison said:
On a side note: Why do I feel like I'm the only nub around here not using Arch... it's like you all use that shit... I'm just so linux nub mainstream... :(

PS: On a side note to the previous topic about Unity... it appears they are moving everything to GTK3 and ditching GTK2...

Because you use ubuntu!

Lol joke man!

I'm back, let me know if you have any questions Bretti! Got plenty of time again!

Gotta check my linux box back, no idea of anything important that has happen in the last month. Any important news? Has Stallman killed Bill Gates already?

PS: Yes i'm drunk, sue me wintards :p


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itxaka said:
Because you use ubuntu!

Lol joke man!

I'm back, let me know if you have any questions Bretti! Got plenty of time again!

Gotta check my linux box back, no idea of anything important that has happen in the last month. Any important news? Has Stallman killed Bill Gates already?

PS: Yes i'm drunk, sue me wintards :p

Hey I'm an Ubuntu whore, but I'm content and knowing I'm going the n00b route.

In terms of questions if you could reread the last page (or this page depending upon your gaf post settings) and comment on my Public Key and SSH stuff that would be cool. :p


Here's a tip for those who want some way to keep track of their finances: ledger

It's a CLI journal program which is simple in concept and execution. Expenses and assets are modified in a text file located somewhere, like so:
2011-07-31 * Salary get!
    Assets:Debit        $1700.00
2011-08-01 * Paid rent for August
    Expenses:Rent        $500.00
In the first input I added $1700 to my debit account and noted that the deposit "came from" my salary. In the second input I then added money as an expense for next months rent and took the money from the same debit account. Super simple, everything's balanced automatically by the program.

Specialising input into categories is super easy. Maybe I want to keep track of how much money I spend on different types of games:
2011-08-01 * Chantelise on GG, Sakura Wars from Amazon
    Expenses:Games:PC:Action:Loli        $10.00
    Expenses:Games:Wii:Strategy:Dating        $20.00
I've found this on-the-fly category creation to be wonderful. Oh, it keeps track of different currencies if you want it too as well, I think you might be able to translate it somehow but I don't know how. In the manual an example uses this to keep track of stocks or something.

So that's it for entering transfers, now for the actual software. If the records are kept in a file called example the balance is checked simply by calling ledger with options -f $FILENAME$ bal

$ ledger -f example bal
            $1170.00  Assets
             $530.00  Expenses
           $-1700.00  Income
Adding the flag -s let's us view more specific categories:
$ ledger -f example -s bal
            $1170.00  Assets:Debit
             $530.00  Expenses
              $30.00    Games
              $10.00      PC:Action:Loli
              $20.00      Wii:Strategy:Dating
             $500.00    Rent
           $-1700.00  Income:Salary
I don't want to make this post much longer, but I'll give a few more examples. It's possible to check individual registers by using reg instead of bal. One can also specify what categories to include in the summaries by adding more arguments. Respectively:
$ ledger -f example reg
2011/07/31 Salary get!          Assets:Debit               $1700.00     $1700.00
                                Income:Salary             $-1700.00            0
2011/08/01 Paid rent for August Expenses:Rent               $500.00      $500.00
                                Assets:Debit               $-500.00            0
2011/08/01 Chantelise on GG, .. Ex:Ga:PC:Action:Loli         $10.00       $10.00
                                Ex:Ga:Wi:St:Dating           $20.00       $30.00
                                Assets:Debit                $-30.00            0

$ ledger -f example reg Games
2011/08/01 Chantelise on GG, .. Ex:Ga:PC:Action:Loli         $10.00       $10.00
                                Ex:Ga:Wi:St:Dating           $20.00       $30.00

$ ledger -f example bal Games
              $30.00  Expenses:Games
Finally using my own register which I've kept for a few months, I can see how much money I've spent on food (Mat) every month by adding the flag -M. It's also possible to check over specific periods, per week or year, etc.
$ myLedger -M reg Utgifter:Mat
2011/05/01 - 2011/05/31         Utgifter:Mat                 104.48       104.48
                                Utgifter:Mat:Frukt            21.13       125.61
                                Utgifter:Mat:Lunch            65.00       190.61
2011/06/01 - 2011/06/30         Utgifter:Mat                 704.72       895.33
                                Utgifter:Mat:Frukt            14.57       909.90
                                Utgifter:Mat:Lunch           190.00      1099.90
2011/07/01 - 2011/07/31         Utgifter:Mat                1179.49      2279.39
                                Utgifter:Mat:Lunch            65.00      2344.39
Damn, I should eat more fruit. (I've made an alias so that myLedger points to my register without having to add the -f flag btw)

So that's ledger. I like it because of it's simplicity and the easy ways to quickly filter out relevant data over different time periods. The only bother is that typing categories might get boring if you're entering many receipts at once :p

Get it at https://github.com/jwiegley/ledger/wiki/


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BTW I actually reaaaaallly like the updated preview of the Ubuntu Software Center... granted I'll have to look it all over to see if it works and how functional it is when it drops... still I think it looks funking wwwaaayyy better...

I don't think this of everything making the switch to GTK3 over GTK2 either.

Brettison said:
BTW I actually reaaaaallly like the updated preview of the Ubuntu Software Center... granted I'll have to look it all over to see if it works and how functional it is when it drops... still I think it looks funking wwwaaayyy better...


As long as their package manager can do something so simple and necessary as having two levels of categories, consider me onboard.

Ye gods, 4½ stars for SuperTuxKart? They must have massively overhauled it since I last played.


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GameplayWhore said:
As long as their package manager can do something so simple and necessary as having two levels of categories, consider me onboard.

Ye gods, 4½ stars for SuperTuxKart? They must have massively overhauled it since I last played.

Starved Linux Gamers rate a game high, and it doesn't have many reviews to begin with.

Honestly the best Nix games are all the ones from the Indie Bundles... not counting Quake Live! :p
Brettison said:
Starved Linux Gamers rate a game high, and it doesn't have many reviews to begin with.

Honestly the best Nix games are all the ones from the Indie Bundles... not counting Quake Live! :p

There are some pretty good ones out there. gl-117 was solid when I played it a few years ago. Frozen-Bubbles is a well-crafted knockoff. TORCS and FlightGear are supposed to be decent simulators, Neverball and Neverputt are pretty great, foobilliard is amusing, xbill is still cute, albeit silly. nethack is probably the greatest game ever made.

The thing about the above games is that they work. Some
of them are not polished, and they're often fairly simple, but you can play them.

When I last played TuxKart, I had constant problems with my kart dropping through the floor into empty space, and the controls were incredibly klunky, and I have miserably low standards.

I'll give it another go, I guess. :)


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Only Nix games that really seemed good, polished, and deep were Nexus (that has a new name as the game got split off for some long reason) and Terrorist Hunt which I think was a quake 3 mod.

This isn't counting the emulators of course. The indie bundle games are awesome though!


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Tworak said:
Dear KDE4, GNOME-3 and Unity,

You fucking suck and I hate you.
Hey Xfce. You're kind of shit, too.

Meh I'm not saying they are perfect, but I'd hardly call them shitty. This especially goes for KDE4 as it's really solid now that it's been bug fixed for a few iterations. Gnome 3 and Unity might not be the greatest and need the 2nd cycle of work going on now to get them more up to par, but I'd hardly call them shitty.

None of them are THAT bad. IMO of course.


Gnome 3 feels like there was some thought put into its ergonomics, at least. Lots of features mouse-activate on screen edges to make the best use of Fitt's Law, launchers and virtual desktops attach to the left and right sides to make better use of widescreen monitor space and it's pretty good at getting out of the way the rest of the time.

While it's not going to lure me away from hyper-minimalist evilwm, it does seem like an improvement over Gnome 2.


Brettison said:
Meh I'm not saying they are perfect, but I'd hardly call them shitty. This especially goes for KDE4 as it's really solid now that it's been bug fixed for a few iterations. Gnome 3 and Unity might not be the greatest and need the 2nd cycle of work going on now to get them more up to par, but I'd hardly call them shitty.

None of them are THAT bad. IMO of course.
Linus Torvalds isn't happy with any of them (HAH HAH! my feelings, vindicated!) either and called for Red Hat to fork gnome-2. let's hope to GOD it happens.

I fear he wasn't completely serious, though. baww.

tuffy said:
Gnome 3 feels like there was some thought put into its ergonomics, at least. Lots of features mouse-activate on screen edges to make the best use of Fitt's Law, launchers and virtual desktops attach to the left and right sides to make better use of widescreen monitor space and it's pretty good at getting out of the way the rest of the time.

While it's not going to lure me away from hyper-minimalist evilwm, it does seem like an improvement over Gnome 2.
I don't know. to me, it feels gnome-3 and Unity are kind of us-too OSX too much. Panicking when no innovation is going on with gnome-2 so forced to quickly squirt out abomination after abomination. I'm not sure why I would say that since gnome-2 pretty much looks identical to OSX.

Seems it's time for me to get a Macintosh!


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OMG yes... Ubuntu 11.10 is gonna have an option to hide mounted drives...

It's not a big thing, but it was something I really wanted to do in 11.04.I couldn't figure out how to do it either, and thought I was probably just stupid. LOL Now I can w00t!!!


I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 (64-bit) on a separate partition. After everything was finally installed... all my computer does is boot Windows 7. I'm assuming there is a problem with the bootloader and was wondering what the most easiest way to fix this is. It's kind of frustrating knowing Ubuntu is sitting on my hard drive unable to be used because of this.


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Diablos said:
I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 (64-bit) on a separate partition. After everything was finally installed... all my computer does is boot Windows 7. I'm assuming there is a problem with the bootloader and was wondering what the most easiest way to fix this is. It's kind of frustrating knowing Ubuntu is sitting on my hard drive unable to be used because of this.

Do you still have the cd/dvd or usb stick you installed with? You need to reinstall GRUB which is the linux bootloader. It's not that hard to do if you still have the copy of Ubuntu you installed. You need to be able to load the .iso and boot as a live cd. Then you can open the terminal and reinstall from there.

Let us know if you still have the copy you installed with, and can boot as a live cd. Then I'm sure I or someone else here could help you from there!


Oddly enough I booted with the Windows 7 disc, went into recovery options, and fixed the MBR. Then I installed Ubuntu onto a clean partition. Works great!

My only complaints now: Some fonts are kind of weird on the web, and it's tough to get it close to what I'm used to, but I have it looking pretty decent.

And, most importantly, video. I am using a Radeon HD 3xxx series. I installed the proprietary driver (FGLRX). Desktop performance is good, however video playback is AWFUL. From SD to HD, low-res Flash to x264 in a media player, it's really jerky. I'm assuming this is because ATI is too lazy to develop a respectable driver for Linux users of any stripe.

Is there any (easy) way to fix this? Bear in mind I know nothing about Linux (I'm amazed at how user-friendly Ububtu is). I need to upgrade my GPU soon anyway; if there's not a way to resolve this, how good are nVidia drivers under Linux and specifically Ubuntu?

I am really loving this. If I can figure out how to resolve video playback crappiness I'm probably going to use Ubuntu as my primary OS.

belvedere said:
Any recommendations for the best (simple) FTP Server app, or distro that comes with such a thing?

There's a zillion of them, and ftp is simple enough that they all work well. I think the popular ones are pure-ftpd and vsftpd.

However, is there any chance I can convince you to dump ftp and use sftp instead? The 's' stands for awesomer.

Edit: openssh or openssh-server, depending on your distro, then you can connect with a typical Linux file manager by browsing to sftp://myserver/somepath or with a dedicated sftp app (on any platform) like FileZilla. You just login with a regular username. Only thing that's complicated is if you want to set up anonymous access, and that's not terribly hard.


Also, for some reason even though I now have a bootloader the "Windows 7 loader" takes me to a black screen with a cursor, which then goes back to the bootloader.

I have no idea why Windows 7 is being such a pain for dual booting. It will either force Win7 or give you the option for Ubuntu and some testing options (but no Win7 even though it says so).

Sorry for all the noob questions; I really have no idea how to fix this.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Diablos said:
Oddly enough I booted with the Windows 7 disc, went into recovery options, and fixed the MBR. Then I installed Ubuntu onto a clean partition. Works great!

My only complaints now: Some fonts are kind of weird on the web, and it's tough to get it close to what I'm used to, but I have it looking pretty decent.

And, most importantly, video. I am using a Radeon HD 3xxx series. I installed the proprietary driver (FGLRX). Desktop performance is good, however video playback is AWFUL. From SD to HD, low-res Flash to x264 in a media player, it's really jerky. I'm assuming this is because ATI is too lazy to develop a respectable driver for Linux users of any stripe.

Is there any (easy) way to fix this? Bear in mind I know nothing about Linux (I'm amazed at how user-friendly Ububtu is). I need to upgrade my GPU soon anyway; if there's not a way to resolve this, how good are nVidia drivers under Linux and specifically Ubuntu?

I am really loving this. If I can figure out how to resolve video playback crappiness I'm probably going to use Ubuntu as my primary OS.


I have a 4XXX series card and things are fine here. I use Chrome as my browser though which has flash built in verses the separate version of the system, and I use VLC as my media player. Things are all good here, but maybe it's a 3XXX series card issue while I have a 4XXX series card.


Diablos said:
Also, for some reason even though I now have a bootloader the "Windows 7 loader" takes me to a black screen with a cursor, which then goes back to the bootloader.

I have no idea why Windows 7 is being such a pain for dual booting. It will either force Win7 or give you the option for Ubuntu and some testing options (but no Win7 even though it says so).

Sorry for all the noob questions; I really have no idea how to fix this.
You may have deleted a tiny partition Windows needs in order to actually boot. And yea, Windows is a really pain about dual booting.

Btw, has anyone tried the ekopath compiler? It's supposedly compatible with gcc, but.... I don't want to test my luck >.>


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Downloaded the 3 Ubuntu Alpha via torrent. Haven't done anything with it yet though, and honestly forgot I downloaded it. Normally I wait for beta to try it out on a USB stick cause Alphas are always touch and go for me!


Diablos said:
I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 (64-bit) on a separate partition. After everything was finally installed... all my computer does is boot Windows 7. I'm assuming there is a problem with the bootloader and was wondering what the most easiest way to fix this is. It's kind of frustrating knowing Ubuntu is sitting on my hard drive unable to be used because of this.
should have used WUBI

I know people hate it because it isn't a "true" linux installation but screw them; its stable as hell and works. And Linux isn't a main installation either.


Threi said:
should have used WUBI

I know people hate it because it isn't a "true" linux installation but screw them; its stable as hell and works. And Linux isn't a main installation either.

wubi is one of the best things ever. Not touching the hdd partitions means you can install it on whichever computer you want to give it a spin and delete it 10 minutes later with no problems.

No idea it was hated, people are strange :/


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itxaka said:
wubi is one of the best things ever. Not touching the hdd partitions means you can install it on whichever computer you want to give it a spin and delete it 10 minutes later with no problems.

No idea it was hated, people are strange :/

It's hated cause it's sort of this nebulous virtual machine install. I don't quite get the difference but the wiki explains it as...

"It is not a virtual machine, but creates a stand-alone installation within a loopmounted device, also known as a disk image, like Topologilinux does. It is not a Linux distribution of its own, but rather an installer for Ubuntu."

Wubi was what got me to try Linux back out when 8.04 hit. Twas my 1st dive back into the linux world post 90s and the ugly crazy headache that linux was for me back then.

Only thing I hated about Wubi was sometimes updates would mess with grub and you had to fiddle with one thing post update to get it to boot again. Other than that I recommend it to anyone who wants to just try things out sans live cd.

That being said I love my new setup I got a few months ago when I got a 2nd hdd from and old comp from my gf. That allowed me a linux only hdd to fuck with for real!


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Alright Linux GAF am I crazy for sort of wanting to start a Linux or maybe an Ubuntu Tumblr blog? lol

It's funny cause I'm a n00b, probably no use for one, and tumblr isn't even open source like say Drupal or Wordpress. I already have a Tumblr account though, and Tumblr seems to be the best blog hosting service that is free (for now... how they are making enough money I have no idea! LOL). I might end up just saying fuck it, and create one later anyways. LOL


Diablos said:
And, most importantly, video. I am using a Radeon HD 3xxx series. I installed the proprietary driver (FGLRX). Desktop performance is good, however video playback is AWFUL. From SD to HD, low-res Flash to x264 in a media player, it's really jerky. I'm assuming this is because ATI is too lazy to develop a respectable driver for Linux users of any stripe.

I have 32 bit kubuntu 11.04 installed and am not experiencing stuttering in video playback. I have two ATI HD 3870's in crossfire mode. Flash video in firefox is smooth, video playback in XBMC is fine.
However, I couldn't get dragon player to work right. I hear good things about VLC, but XBMC works fine for me.
I tried Ubuntu 11.04 and I unfortunately found Unity to be anything BUT snappy. It also seems to have weird glitches if you leave your system on all the time and it downloads some updates... the bar would disappear and the menus at the top would only allow me to access the shortcut menu, nothing else.

My boot drive just blew up last night and I need to re-do everything (arrghhh) so I guess the silver lining is a return to 10.04 LTS. Still, curiosity can't help but make me wonder if Unity would be nice with a newer video card vs. my aging ATI...


Oracle Dragon said:
I tried Ubuntu 11.04 and I unfortunately found Unity to be anything BUT snappy. It also seems to have weird glitches if you leave your system on all the time and it downloads some updates... the bar would disappear and the menus at the top would only allow me to access the shortcut menu, nothing else.

My boot drive just blew up last night and I need to re-do everything (arrghhh) so I guess the silver lining is a return to 10.04 LTS. Still, curiosity can't help but make me wonder if Unity would be nice with a newer video card vs. my aging ATI...

Sorry to hear about your boot drive, i feel your pain. That is the very reason I am using kubuntu. Since I am such a linux noob, I had to install three times (once because I tried 64 bit and it was glitchy, twice because I lost my xserver due to trying to remove akonadi and was too uniformed to reinstall kde and three because I listened to some good advice and moved my home folder to a different partition).


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Oracle Dragon said:
I tried Ubuntu 11.04 and I unfortunately found Unity to be anything BUT snappy. It also seems to have weird glitches if you leave your system on all the time and it downloads some updates... the bar would disappear and the menus at the top would only allow me to access the shortcut menu, nothing else.

My boot drive just blew up last night and I need to re-do everything (arrghhh) so I guess the silver lining is a return to 10.04 LTS. Still, curiosity can't help but make me wonder if Unity would be nice with a newer video card vs. my aging ATI...

Hope you had your essentials backed up! At least with Linux you don't have to worry about every having serial key issues on a reinstall! :p


itxaka said:
wubi is one of the best things ever. Not touching the hdd partitions means you can install it on whichever computer you want to give it a spin and delete it 10 minutes later with no problems.

No idea it was hated, people are strange :/

Well, my problem with WUBI is that it leaves the distro at the mercy of the host system in addition to not being as flexible or as efficient as a natively installed system.


Does anyone know where to find a copy of Damn Vulnerable Linux or similar OSes?

I haven't been able to find DVL 1.5 and I could use a copy.


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Solaros said:
Does anyone know where to find a copy of Damn Vulnerable Linux or similar OSes?

I haven't been able to find DVL 1.5 and I could use a copy.

Dude had your exact problem so he uploaded it since the website is down while they redo it and get ready for 2.0 to release!



Hey guys, I have a quick question that maybe someone here can help me with.

I just bought a brand new computer a month ago and planned to dual-boot it with BackTrack. During the installation process however, I noticed that my hard drive has a Windows Vista partition, but my OS is Windows 7 Home Premium. Does anyone know what the reasoning behind this could be? I'm wondering if BackTrack is incorrectly reading the OS on the partition, or if HP tried to pull a quick one and pretty much gave me Windows Vista with a 7 "skin" if you get what I mean. I just don't understand why only 208MB would be towards 7 and the rest Vista.

Pic: http://i.imgur.com/VOxsB.jpg

Any insight would be helpful. Thanks in advance.


Neo Member
Noez said:
Hey guys, I have a quick question that maybe someone here can help me with.

I just bought a brand new computer a month ago and planned to dual-boot it with BackTrack. During the installation process however, I noticed that my hard drive has a Windows Vista partition, but my OS is Windows 7 Home Premium. Does anyone know what the reasoning behind this could be? I'm wondering if BackTrack is incorrectly reading the OS on the partition, or if HP tried to pull a quick one and pretty much gave me Windows Vista with a 7 "skin" if you get what I mean. I just don't understand why only 208MB would be towards 7 and the rest Vista.

Pic: http://i.imgur.com/VOxsB.jpg

Any insight would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
The Vista loaders are usually recovery partitions. Just about every Windows 7 PC has them installed.


Dub_Ex said:
The Vista loaders are usually recovery partitions. Just about every Windows 7 PC has them installed.

The 15.7 GB is my Recovery partition, but the 624 GB is what my OS is running off of.


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Noez said:
The 15.7 GB is my Recovery partition, but the 624 GB is what my OS is running off of.

Can you switch to that drive, and browse the files? Maybe the files will give you a heads up on wtf it is cause I can't figure it out from the pic. :p

PS: It appears they turned on the new login screen for Ubuntu yesterday in the alpha. It's still ghetto though until they turn all of the features on.


Brettison said:
Can you switch to that drive, and browse the files? Maybe the files will give you a heads up on wtf it is cause I can't figure it out from the pic.

Which drive? I can't explore the Windows 7 partition but I think it's just boot stuff since it's a system partition. The 624 GB partition is what I'm running off now, what my files are being saved to and everything. The Recovery partition obviously has recovery stuff, and the last partition is for HP_Tools which is just some diagnostic stuff.
It's been 6 months since I began using Ubuntu, and I don't regret it. Especially since NTFS support has been good.

Oh, and is it me or Unity kind of suck ?
GNOME & Xfce are awesome though


Tribes of Trusty said:
It's been 6 months since I began using Ubuntu, and I don't regret it. Especially since NTFS support has been good.

Oh, and is it me or Unity kind of suck ?
GNOME & Xfce are awesome though
Haha, you're definitely not alone in thinking Unity sucks, it's been quite controversial :) I happen to like it personally, though I prefer Gnome 3 + Shell by far.

Nice to hear that it's been a good ride so far anyway.
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