Also if you don't want your computer to ever log which files you have recently used, you can remove the file ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel and replace it with a directory of the same name. I don't know if every application uses this though.
I use yaourt. It's pretty amazing*. Nonetheless, whether you use yaourt or packer, the tool doesn't exist in the default repositories, and you have to do extra legwork to get them installed.
* except for the terrible name.
edit: Hm, interesting. I also have packer installed, but it's somehow a newer version than what's available on AUR. How the hell did that happen?!?
Yup I also use yaourt. Though sometimes it can be pretty slow when you first use it and it has to load everything in. Doesn't seem to happen on my server, probably because it doesn't have a ton of installed packages. But sometimes on my laptop it can take up to 30 seconds after entering the command before anything happens. This only happens the first time I use it, after that it seems everything is loaded into active memory. I've tried other wrappers though but I was never as satisfied with their functionality as I was with yaourt. Haven't tried packer though. And the name is actually a french word if I recall correctly.
And yeah I have also wondered about the installed packages showing up as newer than the version on AUR. I have just assumed that perhaps I changed the buildscript when I installed it because a newer version was out but the script was not updated... or something.
Also, yaourt feels very nice to type on a keyboard with the Dvorak layout.

Actually, so does pacman. But yaourt just, like, rolls of your fingers.