It's not been decided yet, but yeah that's a shame.
Given their options, all of which sucked, I can see why they went with that one. As far as I can tell from that post, it was the least sucky option they had (from a user perspective.)
It's not been decided yet, but yeah that's a shame.
Am I the only one who thought that the minimize effect at the 12 second mark was the page sticking to the screen over and over again as a glitch (instead of a pseudo rendition of the Sydney Opera House)?
which version of ubuntu?So GAF I installed Ubuntu on my mom's computer, but the wireless internet keeps dropping. It connects at first drops, and then the only way I can reconnect is if I plug in the wireless adapter again. Any ideas on what might be causing this issue?
which version of ubuntu?
which adapter?
I'm going to go ahead and assume it's a device with questionable or worse linux drivers. that's how it goes usually, unfortunately.
Ubuntu 12.04. Yea that was my guess as well. Can anyone recommend a solid wireless adapter that works well with Ubuntu.
There is a task manager but it's called System Monitor.Certainly a different experience on a linux OS. why is there no task manager?! definitely liking the workspace switcher. Do I need firewall for linux?
So, basically this is how Fedora will support the secure boot feature that MS requires for systems shipping with Win 8 (although, you can disable it in UEFI, somewhere.)
Basically, they're just going to pay for the signing.
If you want to use a taskmanager primarily for monitoring/killing programs, there is htop. You can use the PIDs with kill to force quit a faulty programm.
pgrep -fl firefox
pkill -f firefox
I use 'killall' for killing by process name.
I used to use that a long time ago. I think I stopped using it because it wasn't available on FreeBSD, which I ran for a time. In fact I didn't even realize that it was available on Linux, and am suddenly surprised that it's built into archlinux.
A command not worth spreading. It does drastically different things between Solaris and Linux.
Edit: nearly forgot about this... when ye first install a linux os, first account ye create is the root account? if so, I should create another account? was wondering why there was a admin account and a standard one in user accounts.
killall5 is the equivalent
Edit: nearly forgot about this... when ye first install a linux os, first account ye create is the root account? if so, I should create another account? was wondering why there was a admin account and a standard one in user accounts.
killall5 is the equivalent
What does killall do in Solaris?
"On Solaris, killall is used to terminate all active processes."
x264 --help
man ls
For most commands there's a manual for it which you can read by typing "man <command>", eg:
Then you press 'q' to exit the manual when you're done. Remember these two methods of getting help because every command worth a damn has any of those two. Sometimes both.Code:man ls
Well I'm not very familiar with codecs and encoding video etc, but remember that most commands have a manual page or at the very least a help flag that gives you a quick overview of all options (flags) you can use with the command.
x264 only has a help flag, which you use like this in a terminal:
Code:x264 --help
For most commands there's a manual for it which you can read by typing "man <command>", eg:
Then you press 'q' to exit the manual when you're done. Remember these two methods of getting help because every command worth a damn has any of those two. Sometimes both.Code:man ls
What exactly is it you're trying to do btw?
oh I'm just setting up my encoding stuff. I have a tendency to encode and backup every dvd I have. Truthfully I don't think I'll have to worry about x264 (I'm more concerned with using avxsynth and nero aac atm) since the gui i used to encode x264 always showed me the cli version of my settings. My main concern atm is Nero aac.
I keep getting permission denied with the linux binary. can't use it at all. truly baffling.
The faac encoder is no longer maintained and of dubious quality. Its developers moved on to neroAacEnc, which is better, actively developed, but closed-source.edit: I don't know what Nero AAC is specifically, though. edit: I see its in my repositories, but is it substantially different from regular AAC?
oh I'm just setting up my encoding stuff. I have a tendency to encode and backup every dvd I have. Truthfully I don't think I'll have to worry about x264 (I'm more concerned with using avxsynth and nero aac atm) since the gui i used to encode x264 always showed me the cli version of my settings. My main concern atm is Nero aac.
I keep getting permission denied with the linux binary. can't use it at all. truly baffling.
sudo chown <username>:users <filename>
i.e.: sudo chown synt4x:users filename
sudo chmod +x filename
just installed my vorbis encoder after failing with nero aac. not sure how to use nero aac in ubuntu (keep getting permission denied...) but ogg vorbis works just as fine if not better
I'm suddenly curious… did you install that aac encoder using a graphical program or with apt-get/aptitude, or by some other means?
nope. could only get it from nero's site. was in a zip file.
meanwhile changed permissions only for terminal to tell me it does not exist!
perhaps i shud just get wine, run foobar, and use it there? the zip files came with windows and linux binaries of the encoder.
neroAacEnc (when at directory in terminal)
Alright I think I know what the problem is now. I feel pretty stupid for not asking this earlier, but are you using 64-bit Ubuntu? Nero AAC is apparently only compiled for 32-bit architectures because I looked at the Arch Linux User Repository package for neroaacenc, and it says there that if you use a 64-bit OS, you need to have the 32-bit version of gcc-libs installed. In Ubuntu what this means is that you need to install the "ia32-libs" package. That will make it possible to run 32-bit apps.
And in the future you should post the whole error message that it gives you, because I think that the file not found in this case was something to do with that and it would have been apparent from the error message what it was you were missing. Error messages in linux are very helpful so you should always post the complete message when asking for help.
Though you did say that it gave you file not found when you used chown which is weird...
Gnome Terminal lets you copy and paste with ctrl+shift+C and ctrl+shift+V.Some terminal emulators doesn't let you use ctrl+c/v.
Gnome Terminal lets you copy and paste with ctrl+shift+C and ctrl+shift+V.
I miss that so much now that I'm back to windows at work.![]()
Hey Linux people. Andrex needs to learn how to do SSH because he wants to access some native files on his server via SSH on a chromebook so he can pull the files and use them with cloud 9 for development purposes.
So, basically this is how Fedora will support the secure boot feature that MS requires for systems shipping with Win 8 (although, you can disable it in UEFI, somewhere.)
Basically, they're just going to pay for the signing.