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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs


I just don't understand why the slide screen is there. Slide screens are usually on smartphones and some tablets, mainly because (and more on the former than the latter) so that if the screen is accidentally, unkowingly in contact with a surface, the lock screen acts as a barrier so that you don't accidentally do stuff. (Basically the smartphone equivalent to stopping the infamous butt-dial.) Now on here, since it's for laptops and desktops, there's no real reason to have a slide screen, and it seems to be odd enough, seeing as this interface will be used with a mouse and keyboard, instead of fingers on a touchscreen.

Besides that, I just honestly don't see the appeal. I love eyecandy, especially good UI design, but I just don't see the reason for this. Sure, it looks good, but it looks no better to me than the login screen on Ubuntu/Unity 12.04. Just seems like there's no real purpose or reason for it.
I'd wager they want to keep "clutter" to a minimum at every screen. As in, at your lock screen you have the simple backdrop and some useful notifications as needed. But when you want to enter your password, you only need to enter your password and so the extra information goes away. I don't really care much either way they do it.

Edit: For some more speculation, since they want to give you the option to switch users from the lock screen (assuming things do look the same for that, I think the video shows the real login screen), this separates the Lock from User Management. Especially useful if there are many accounts for the computer, they won't have to hide those under another button.
Mouse wheel scroll works too. Not something to get worked up over.

As long as lock screens aren't mandated on idle time (I like to only lock when I choose to lock), I'm fine with these changes.

Though, ugh, pop up notifications have been my personal cancer since Windows 2000. But as long as they're optional and I can globally turn them off, I'm find with these changes.

edit: I like the pointer scrolling video. But the only mouse I can think of that can work the way they describe is Apple's magic mouse. Are there others that have that capability now?

edit²: Hey, this Wayland thing: Will I still be able to open apps remotely via ssh when it becomes dominant? And does it have some sort of equivalent to the "~/.XCompose" file?


I just don't understand why the slide screen is there. Slide screens are usually on smartphones and some tablets, mainly because (and more on the former than the latter) so that if the screen is accidentally, unkowingly in contact with a surface, the lock screen acts as a barrier so that you don't accidentally do stuff. (Basically the smartphone equivalent to stopping the infamous butt-dial.) Now on here, since it's for laptops and desktops, there's no real reason to have a slide screen, and it seems to be odd enough, seeing as this interface will be used with a mouse and keyboard, instead of fingers on a touchscreen.

Besides that, I just honestly don't see the appeal. I love eyecandy, especially good UI design, but I just don't see the reason for this. Sure, it looks good, but it looks no better to me than the login screen on Ubuntu/Unity 12.04. Just seems like there's no real purpose or reason for it.

One of the goals is to unify the look and behavior of login and login to an already running session (unlock). There's no good reason for the distinction to exist in the first place, it's cruft based on old limitations of Linux systems.


I mean, I have nothing against the lock-screen, nor do I think it detracts from the distro at all, I just think it's kind of dumb. You can have an elegent lock/login screen without having to ape a smartphone.

I wish I could find it, but Unity 12.04 was supposed to have a brand new, different login screen, but it didn't make it. It looked very elegant, nice, simple, and looked easy to use.


As long as lock screens aren't mandated on idle time (I like to only lock when I choose to lock), I'm fine with these changes.

Though, ugh, pop up notifications have been my personal cancer since Windows 2000. But as long as they're optional and I can globally turn them off, I'm find with these changes.

edit: I like the pointer scrolling video. But the only mouse I can think of that can work the way they describe is Apple's magic mouse. Are there others that have that capability now?

edit²: Hey, this Wayland thing: Will I still be able to open apps remotely via ssh when it becomes dominant? And does it have some sort of equivalent to the "~/.XCompose" file?

Hmm, what are you talking about exactly? If you're talking about network transparency, I think they explicitly say that it will not be network transparent. You could run an X server on top of Wayland, though.

If you're just talking about logging in a remote computer and like launching applications, but not sending any of the graphical output to your computer, then I think that's fine.
Hmm, what are you talking about exactly? If you're talking about network transparency, I think they explicitly say that it will not be network transparent. You could run an X server on top of Wayland, though.

If you're just talking about logging in a remote computer and like launching applications, but not sending any of the graphical output to your computer, then I think that's fine.

Right now, my IM program and my general, multitabbed text editor that I used to keep extensive notes and handle basic scheduling are running from my home computer here on my work computer. This is far, far easier and more flexible for me than setting up some sort of data synchronization. This capability is one of the killer apps for me with respect to Linux and similar systems.

edit: I can just hit Alt-F2 to bring up the run dialog and type "runfromhome pidgin medit", and I'm good to go for the day.


Right now, my IM program and my general, multitabbed text editor that I used to keep extensive notes and handle basic scheduling are running from my home computer here on my work computer. This is far, far easier and more flexible for me than setting up some sort of data synchronization. This capability is one of the killer apps for me with respect to Linux and similar systems.

edit: I can just hit Alt-F2 to bring up the run dialog and type "runfromhome pidgin medit", and I'm good to go for the day.

That's cool. I wish I could do that from work. I'm sure it would against the company security policy or something.

But yea, I think you'd have to run something on top of Wayland to do that, unless you're using a CLI IM program or something, haha XD

BTW, word of advice for anyone who compiles their own crap: Never enable -flto when compiling webkit-gtk. On my 8GB machine, it took the entire RAM as well as 8GB of swap to compile, and it was still running after 8-9 hours o_O.


I don't really see the problem? Looks nice, miles above Unity. I like the animations and don't feel the slider is a huge detriment to mouse/keyboard.

Apart from what other people have said (no point in a slide, desktop is not a phone) one thign that struck me is that I never expected gnome to do this bullshit. You can agree with them or disagree the way they are taking gnome 3 but if one thing is obvious is that they did trash everything and started from zero, making everything up.

To see them now just copying one thing as this, plainly sucks. They were no more tied to older desktops or legacy shit. They were the ones creating instead of copying but his...this just reeks of the same old shit we are seeing with any other desktop out there. Copying and copying and copying. I wonder if Icaza is back at gnome, that would explain the copying windows (lol, sorry couldn't keep from saying it :D)
XFCE futures!

I don't really care for Gnome 3, Unity, Windows 8 or any of the current phone -> desktop trends, but I'm also not extremely concerned. I'll be over here in my XFCE tower until the madness blows over and we end up with some really neat actual future desktop paradigm.


XFCE futures!

I don't really care for Gnome 3, Unity, Windows 8 or any of the current phone -> desktop trends, but I'm also not extremely concerned. I'll be over here in my XFCE tower until the madness blows over and we end up with some really neat actual future desktop paradigm.

Feel free to visit those of us residing in Tiling Tower.
XFCE futures!

I don't really care for Gnome 3, Unity, Windows 8 or any of the current phone -> desktop trends, but I'm also not extremely concerned. I'll be over here in my XFCE tower until the madness blows over and we end up with some really neat actual future desktop paradigm.

I am likely going to be standardizing my workplace on XFCE at some point in the future. No random extra crap all over the place but still very configurable.


Tip time!

I just got a fraking alarm from a FS which was filling up.

Looking around I found that the culprit was some 800 files that were coming from another system so I had to remove the older ones.

And then I remembered the backticks ``

 rm `ls -ltr|head -200| cut -d " " -f 20`

What this will do is execute the commands inside the backticks and feed the results to the command outside.

So in this case it will do an ls, only pick up the 200 first lines, cut the output so it leaves only the filename and feed it back to the rm command.

-But Itxakaaaa, Im sure you can do this with find!
-Shut up Yes, of course! But it's not bad to know another way of doing it in case it comes in handy.

Also, stty erase ^H is wonderful.


Posted in the 12.04 thread, but I guess more help couldn't hurt:

Anyone have an idea as to why my Logitech M305 wireless USB mouse doesn't work now? It worked perfectly fine on 11.10, and I'm not sure if I actually ever used it with 12.04 before today, but I think I did. Either way, for some reason it doesn't seem to be working now. Any advice?

Already shutdown and restarted to see if anything worked, but no dice.


Posted in the 12.04 thread, but I guess more help couldn't hurt:

Anyone have an idea as to why my Logitech M305 wireless USB mouse doesn't work now? It worked perfectly fine on 11.10, and I'm not sure if I actually ever used it with 12.04 before today, but I think I did. Either way, for some reason it doesn't seem to be working now. Any advice?

Already shutdown and restarted to see if anything worked, but no dice.

Is the receiver being detected?
Tip time!

I just got a fraking alarm from a FS which was filling up.

Looking around I found that the culprit was some 800 files that were coming from another system so I had to remove the older ones.

And then I remembered the backticks ``

 rm `ls -ltr|head -200| cut -d " " -f 20`

What this will do is execute the commands inside the backticks and feed the results to the command outside.

So in this case it will do an ls, only pick up the 200 first lines, cut the output so it leaves only the filename and feed it back to the rm command.

But it's not bad to know another way of doing it in case it comes in handy.

NB:ls -1 (as in the numeral one) will show just the file, so you wouldnot need to use the cut command.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
How/where can I check? The little green light on the mouse isn't lighting up, which it usually does, so I'm guessing no.

Weird. I have an M310 and mine works fine. See if you can boot up and then unplug and replug in your little receiver.


Weird. I have an M310 and mine works fine. See if you can boot up and then unplug and replug in your little receiver.

Weird. I tried that before and it didn't work, but it seems to be working perfectly fine now after doing what you suggested. Thanks for the help, Brettison.


NB:ls -1 (as in the numeral one) will show just the file, so you wouldnot need to use the cut command.

But then I wouldn't get them ordered by date would I?

itxaka@itxaka-virtual-machine:~$ ls -ltr
total 36
-rw-r--r-- 1 itxaka itxaka  179 may  4 16:56 examples.desktop
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:02 Vídeos
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:02 Público
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:02 Plantillas
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:02 Música
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:02 Imágenes
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:02 Escritorio
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:02 Documentos
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:29 Descargas
itxaka@itxaka-virtual-machine:~$ ls -1


But then I wouldn't get them ordered by date would I?

itxaka@itxaka-virtual-machine:~$ ls -ltr
total 36
-rw-r--r-- 1 itxaka itxaka  179 may  4 16:56 examples.desktop
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:02 Vídeos
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:02 Público
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:02 Plantillas
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:02 Música
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:02 Imágenes
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:02 Escritorio
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:02 Documentos
drwxr-xr-x 2 itxaka itxaka 4096 may  4 18:29 Descargas
itxaka@itxaka-virtual-machine:~$ ls -1

You could always do ls -1tr


Weird. I tried that before and it didn't work, but it seems to be working perfectly fine now after doing what you suggested. Thanks for the help, Brettison.

And for the future, the command "dmesg" will show you exactly what's happened hardware-wise since you started up your computer. So inserting a USB device and entering the command will show you exactly what the kernel is trying to do with it. Usually if something doesn't work right it'll show some error message.

This command is one of the first things I use when I'm trying to diagnose a computer which I suspect might have some faulty hardware. It's definitely worth remembering.


And for the future, the command "dmesg" will show you exactly what's happened hardware-wise since you started up your computer. So inserting a USB device and entering the command will show you exactly what the kernel is trying to do with it. Usually if something doesn't work right it'll show some error message.

This command is one of the first things I use when I'm trying to diagnose a computer which I suspect might have some faulty hardware. It's definitely worth remembering.

Cool, thank you for the advice.


My father has a laptop from when Vista was first released, and with its specs, I do not think it should be running Vista at all.

So I have a question: What Linux distro can I install on this computer that will allow it to run more smoothly, has an easy-to-use interface (all he and my sister really do is surf the Internet), and runs on relatively crappy hardware?

System Specs:
Toshiba Satellite A135
Intel T2080 @ 1.73 GHz
1.00 GB RAM

Will provide any other information if it is helpful. Thank you


My parents run Fedora 16 and GNOME 3 on a 2004 laptop with a Pentium M / 1GB. Any decent distro will be fine on that system.


How the fuck I didn't knew that?!

I blame the excessive use of awk print ¬_¬


To be fair, I found that out that you could do that about 30s before making that post, haha. It was more like "it feels like you should be able to do this, so let me try it out."

I didn't even know that ls had the numeral "1" option before this thread >.>
Pinguy OS, a distrib based on Ubuntu 12.04, has reached Beta status.

What Is Pinguy OS?


Ubuntu is a great OS and undoubtedly the most popular and easiest Linux based Distro to use but even with its default setup and chosen programs it's still lacking functionality and ease of use for most new users. So what I decided to do was build a Distro that looks good, could do everything most user would ever want to do and that was very simple to use.

I started out by listening to what my friends and family wanted to use their PC for and found the most user friendly programs for the task they wanted to do. After a while I got a good idea what most people use their PC for and what programs were the easiest to use. Like using Shotwell for easily uploading images to Facebook, gtkpod for putting music, photos and video on a ipod/iphone and Arista for converting the video to a iPod friendly format.

So all the programs in Pinguy OS have been chosen because of their ease of use and functionality, I also changed every file type to open with the right program, like for some reason by default .iso are opened with Archive Manager so I changed that to Brasero Disc Burner.

As I already said apart from it being easy to use I also wanted it to be a very good looking operating system. There are now a lot of programs out there for Linux to give the OS a very smart and polished implementation, like CoverGloobus, Gloobus Preview, GNOME Do, and Docky. These programs don't just give the OS a good look and feel but they are also very useful and handy.

Pinguy OS is an optimise build of Ubuntu 11.04 Minimal CD with added repositories, tweaks and enhancements that can run as a Live DVD or be installed. It has all the added packages needed for video, music and web content e.g. flash and java, plus a few fixes as well. Like fixing the wireless problems, gwibber’s Facebook problem and flash videos in full-screen.

Everything is set-up for samba, all you need to do is right click a folder you want to share and add a password in samba using system-config-samba.
It also has a UPnP/DLNA server (pms-linux) so you can share your music, video’s etc. With a PS3, XBOX 360, Smart Phones or any other UPnP/DLNA media reader.

Nautilus has been replaced for Elementary-Nautilus with added plug-ins so it can get music and video art from the web. The default theme is Elementary using ttf-droid font with Docky and a custom Conky.

I have also added DVB support to Totem for anyone with a TV card that wants to watch tv on their PC but doesn't want to install a dedicated program like myth-tv.

For a full list of installed programs and repos for 10.04.2 *OLD* download this file.

If you prefer to download and install the LTS (long term support) 10.04. It can still be downloaded from here.

If you like this Distro and would like to help it improve and grow you can always donate, it doesn't matter how small the amount is, it all helps.



How easy would it be to partition my HDD that has Ubuntu (12.04) to try out Windows 8?
I did that sometime by getting a live Gparted USB, booting with that and resizing a partition to create a new one.

It was actually for the Win 8 Consumer Preview, hehe.

Edit: Maybe it won't work if you're running logical partitions instead of primary, I actually know nothing about this.


Cool! Could you give me like a quick for dummies on how to do it? I don't want to screw up my current Ubuntu install.
Messing with partitions is dangerous by default I'd say. I was fine, but back everything up and prepare for the worst.

If you install Gparted on Ubuntu you'll get a preview of what to do, so begin with that. Study your partition table and stuff. Since everything is mounted you probably won't be able to do it running locally though, hence the Live USB thing.

Like I said I'm not sure of how things are with Logical vs. Primary partitions. I think Windows only likes being on Primary ones, and that Logical space can't be made Primary without remaking everything. Someone better than me will hopefully know more and answer soon.

Edit: Googling the issue gave me a thread where someone said that moving from logical to primary is possible, [of course] as long as the partition you want to resize lies in the beginning or end of the extended partition group. How does your table look in Gparted?


Messing with partitions is dangerous by default I'd say. I was fine, but back everything up and prepare for the worst.

If you install Gparted on Ubuntu you'll get a preview of what to do, so begin with that. Study your partition table and stuff. Since everything is mounted you probably won't be able to do it running locally though, hence the Live USB thing.

Like I said I'm not sure of how things are with Logical vs. Primary partitions. I think Windows only likes being on Primary ones, and that Logical space can't be made Primary without remaking everything. Someone better than me will hopefully know more and answer soon.

Edit: Googling the issue gave me a thread where someone said that moving from logical to primary is possible, [of course] as long as the partition you want to resize lies in the beginning or end of the extended partition group. How does your table look in Gparted?

Cool. One more thing, how easy is it to delete a partition once I'm done bothering with it?


Anyway, aren't you still running on your original install? It's by far time to fuck something up and reinstall everything, or switch to Gentoo or something!


Unconfirmed Member
Is there any way to control the fan in Ubuntu? I have a Lenovo x120e laptop. On Windows, there's a ThinkPad Fan Control program, however I can't find anything on Ubuntu for it.

The fan constantly runs on the laptop and it's becoming a little bit annoying.


Is there any way to control the fan in Ubuntu? I have a Lenovo x120e laptop. On Windows, there's a ThinkPad Fan Control program, however I can't find anything on Ubuntu for it.

The fan constantly runs on the laptop and it's becoming a little bit annoying.

Try "thinkfan" in the software center.

You may also want to try AMD's proprietary graphics drivers if you haven't already, my AMD E-350 notebook runs a bit cooler with it.


Unconfirmed Member
Try "thinkfan" in the software center.

You may also want to try AMD's proprietary graphics drivers if you haven't already, my AMD E-350 notebook runs a bit cooler with it.

I downloaded the driver, but every time I try to download the post-release driver it fails. Thanks, I'll check out ThinkFan in the software centre.
AMD drivers are very hit or miss. My last laptop they sucked, on my current two year old laptop they actually work pretty well. Of course, the assholes are discontinuing support on the new one already.

Lesson: buy Nvidia.
Just wanted to say Lubuntu is awesome. I'm running it on a first-generation netbook and it is completely usable, and dare I say snappy at times.
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