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Linux Distro Noob thread of Linux noobs


Wait so I have an windows iso, and then I used my sisters windows pc to make a bootble usb. So I should had done this last step on linux?

It shouldn't really matter what computer you use to create the bootable usb... I think.

I mean, it might be simpler in Linux, since it's just a simple dd command. For Windows, though, you might need some special program to 'burn' an ISO to a USB.

The dd command is just

dd if=path/to/iso.iso of=/dev/sd(usb letter)


Wait so I have an windows iso, and then I used my sisters windows pc to make a bootble usb. So I should had done this last step on linux?

Which windows it is? If it's winXP you need a special program to install it from usb. Windows 7 is ok, there is a MS app to make a usb bootable with it.

Sounds like it's not picking up the usb as bootable. Press F8/f12 when the computer is starting (just rigth after the bios post) and it should give you a list of devices to boot from, select usb (usb-hdd normally) and it should start.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I tried installing Ubuntu and yes, it runs


-no sound (X-Fi Titanium, old model)
-only 4:3 resolutions (up to 1024) on GTX670

I tried installing new Nvidia drivers but it doesn't let me saying that I must be root. I browsed multiple solutions online but they are all gibberish to me.

Can someone explain me like you would explain this to a person who knows nothing about linux and spent all his life on Windows (and has been hating it for some time) WHAT TO DO??


To install nVidia drivers you should use the "Additional Drivers" application, or at least I think that's what it's called. It will ask you for your own password at one point.

As for your sound card try looking at the Sound panel in system settings. Your card should work on Ubuntu, it might be that the sound output is set to the onboard card by default.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
yeah, I used it and there is NOTHING in there. It can't find the drivers I've downloaded.


yeah, I downloaded .run drivers.

which drivers should I download?

You shouldn't manually download them. You should click on the restricted drivers thing (it should pop up for you) and install them from there.

If it doesn't pop up, go to something like System->Administration and there should be something about restricted drivers in there.


You shouldn't manually download them. You should click on the restricted drivers thing (it should pop up for you) and install them from there.

If it doesn't pop up, go to something like System->Administration and there should be something about restricted drivers in there.

Maybe if the card is new, additional drivers won't show anything because the card is not supported yet.

The newest drivers to support the GTX670 are the 295.53. The ones that come with precise are the 295.40 http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/nvidia-current

Which means that he has to use a ppa to get the drivers.


open a terminal and write:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:upubuntu-com/nvidia

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install nvidia-current

The password it would ask for it's your password. After that reboot and you should have your new drivers installed :D

Linux distros should step up their drivers updates. They move too fast :/


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
yay, video drivers are installed! thanks a lot

now onto sound drivers...

edit: and sound works too!!! thanks, guys


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
found it in Dash

any suggestions on some crazy themes/desktop settings?

feels so good to be on Linux, works crazy fast, very responsive

I think I'll clean up my Windows and leave it only for games.


found it in Dash

any suggestions on some crazy themes/desktop settings?

feels so good to be on Linux, works crazy fast, very responsive

I think I'll clean up my Windows and leave it only for games.

Not exactly just a theme but I much prefer how gnome-shell looks and works over the default Ubuntu setup. Check it out over here, and install using the Ubuntu Software Center if you like it.

It feels like Ubuntu is the worst offender of this.

They're getting better with the -updates packages offered in addition to the standard ones. Not sure why nVidia's drivers have not been updated yet.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
ok, this is getting interesting

the system has been running very smooth until I decided to download a big file at high speed. During this process it lags heavily. Win7 lags this way EVERY MINUTE even though I cleaned it up, Ubuntu does this only when it downloads something big and at very high speed.

any way to fix this? apart from buying an SSD?


ok, this is getting interesting

the system has been running very smooth until I decided to download a big file at high speed. During this process it lags heavily. Win7 lags this way EVERY MINUTE even though I cleaned it up, Ubuntu does this only when it downloads something big and at very high speed.

any way to fix this? apart from buying an SSD?

That is a very weird problem, but it sounds like the driver for your network card might be the root of the problem, not your HDD. If you have a different card it's worth giving it a shot.

It's also worth firing up the System Monitor utility and then triggering the problem to see what it says.


That is a very weird problem, but it sounds like the driver for your network card might be the root of the problem, not your HDD. If you have a different card it's worth giving it a shot.

It's also worth firing up the System Monitor utility and then triggering the problem to see what it says.

I would recommend this.

Also, if you want to test out your HDD, you could try copying the big file to different places to see how it performs. If you don't see any performance degradation, then that would also be a hint for it being your network card.

Also, how full is your HDD? If your HDD is pretty full, then it can slow it down.


Well after pulling my hair out trying to get SELinux to work with our LMS I finally said "F*** IT!" and turned the thing off. Apparently I'm not alone as a gander over to Stack-Overflow has a lot of people asking is it worth it to leave turned on. The resounding answer is no. Oh well, couple of tweaks and CentOS is still by far the best distro I've used for web administration.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I would recommend this.

Also, if you want to test out your HDD, you could try copying the big file to different places to see how it performs. If you don't see any performance degradation, then that would also be a hint for it being your network card.

Also, how full is your HDD? If your HDD is pretty full, then it can slow it down.

my HDD is almost full. I'll fire up diagnostics tool.

Also how do I end a process and where can I see applications running?

I really like Ubuntu. It's super fast and lean compared to Win7.

Also I noticed that a copious amount of screentearing during video playback. Can it be fixed somewhere?


my HDD is almost full. I'll fire up diagnostics tool.

Also how do I end a process and where can I see applications running?

I really like Ubuntu. It's super fast and lean compared to Win7.

Also I noticed that a copious amount of screentearing during video playback. Can it be fixed somewhere?

You can use 'top' to see currently running applications.

You can also install 'htop' and see the same thing, I would try both and see what you like.

To kill a certain process, you can either do it by name:

pkill firefox

or by process ID

kill (insert process ID)

You can find a process by looking at top.

Or, you can do something like

ps aux | grep firefox

and find the process ID from there.

For video tearing, that might be because whatever player you're using is not using vdpau (Nvidia's video acceleration thing.)

One player that does use it is mplayer, so you can try installing that and then use it by
mplayer video-file-name

And see if that tears. Also, it will print out in the terminal whether it used vdpau or not.


Well after pulling my hair out trying to get SELinux to work with our LMS I finally said "F*** IT!" and turned the thing off. Apparently I'm not alone as a gander over to Stack-Overflow has a lot of people asking is it worth it to leave turned on. The resounding answer is no. Oh well, couple of tweaks and CentOS is still by far the best distro I've used for web administration.

Itxaka said:
You are in for a ride with SELinux. If things haven't change just always remember that when something is not working its always SELinux fault. The hours I have spent deploying shit that didn't work due to SELinux policies. And wow at making policies yourself, ugh.

I told you so ;)


my HDD is almost full. I'll fire up diagnostics tool.

Also how do I end a process and where can I see applications running?

I really like Ubuntu. It's super fast and lean compared to Win7.

Also I noticed that a copious amount of screentearing during video playback. Can it be fixed somewhere?

In addition to zoku's suggestions: there's a graphical utility called gnome-system-monitor, or System Monitor in the dash. For video acceleration you might try mplayer or VLC, I believe both are available in Ubuntu's repository.
I have noticed that it also tears when I just scroll a page in the browser.

That's weird. It almost sounds like the graphics drivers aren't doing their job. Maybe you don't have direct rendering working right.

If you open up a terminal and type "glxinfo" (without the quotes), it'll toss back a wall of text, and one of the lines is "Direct Rendering". Screen tearing often suggests to me that the system is instead using software rendering (essentially not using hardware acceleration on the gpu).

edit: Type this instead so that it shows less crap:
glxinfo | grep ^direct

Will try this player out.

For what it's worth, mplayer is like a bare media engine, and there are several graphical apps which use it to display movies. I use smplayer personally, but here are a list of front ends for mplayer that you can try out. So you'll get, like, buttons and shit.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Direct rendering is enabled

also mplayer still has screen tearing. And yes, I couldn't even fast forward it, lol
Direct rendering is enabled

also mplayer still has screen tearing. And yes, I couldn't even fast forward it, lol

Oh, good. Well, bad, but in the old days that was a huge annoyance.

Try disabling compositing. That can sometimes interfere with stuff and be generally annoying. That's the thing that allows your desktop to do special effects.

Er… anybody know how to disable compositing on whatever DE Ubuntu uses?

edit: this page also suggests running nvidia-settings and setting sync to VBlank.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I did this in Nvidia X Server settings and it did nothing.

also 1080p videos on youtube run like shit. I suspect it doesn't use hardware acceleration indeed.


I did this in Nvidia X Server settings and it did nothing.

also 1080p videos on youtube run like shit. I suspect it doesn't use hardware acceleration indeed.

To enable GPU acceleration in Flash create the file /etc/adobe/mms.cfg with the following two lines:

To get rid of tearing you have a few options.

One is to configure 'compiz' (an OpenGL program) to force v-sync. I've successfully managed to avoid using compiz for years so I'm not sure what the optimal way to do that is these days.

Another solution is to use the 2D mode for your desktop, which is also less resource intensive. You can select "Ubuntu 2D" from the login screen by clicking a little arrow next to your name. If you choose to go this route, run the following command in a terminal at any time to make 2D mode work a little better:
gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager --type boolean "true"

A third solution is to install gnome-shell and use GNOME, which is a 3D desktop like the Ubuntu default but much better performing in my experience.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
thanks, Massa, I'll try this.

not all 1080p videos on youtube are lagging though. Also VLC removes tearing in videos.


lol, I installed Gnome desktop environment but can't find it again.
When you log into your computer, the login window should give you a choice between unity and gnome session

You might be able to do something like

 gnome-shell --replace

Which should start it during your currently running session, I think.

This might not work, though. So it's probably just safer to log out.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Great. I restarted and it doesn't recognize my password. It just boots me again to PW screen. Logged in as guest.

What should I do?

edit: great, it seems that password is right, it just doesn't boot into the system, sends me back to login screen.


Great. I restarted and it doesn't recognize my password. It just boots me again to PW screen. Logged in as guest.

What should I do?

edit: great, it seems that password is right, it just doesn't boot into the system, sends me back to login screen.
Is this when you try to log in to gnome? Or does this happen when you try to log in top Unity as well?
Oh man.

Ohhhh, maaaaan…

I just set /tmp to run in ram, installed anything-sync-daemon and set it to sync /var/log and my two main browser profiles (I'm one of those crazy "huge numbers of tabs" people). Going on the web is like ten times as fast. Why have I never done something like this before? It was the mere work of seconds!
What distro should I try, I have used Ubuntu/Mint would like to try something else do I go 32 or 64bit?

On Distrowatch's list of frequently accessed distributions, Mageia is third most popular, behind the two you listed.

edit: It is also heir to what used to be the incontestably finest distro of pretty much the whole first half of last decade, Mandrake.


Great. I restarted and it doesn't recognize my password. It just boots me again to PW screen. Logged in as guest.

What should I do?

edit: great, it seems that password is right, it just doesn't boot into the system, sends me back to login screen.

Your problem is probably with the session it's trying to load and failed somehow. Did you switch to Unity 2D or GNOME like I suggested? If so, might want to select Unity again to figure out what the problem is. How did you install GNOME?

What distro should I try, I have used Ubuntu/Mint would like to try something else do I go 32 or 64bit?

I'd recommend Fedora 64-bit.
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