Ye I get an error saying Grub
Sounds to me like you need to remake your windows usb stick.
Ye I get an error saying Grub
Sounds to me like you need to remake your windows usb stick.
Wait so I have an windows iso, and then I used my sisters windows pc to make a bootble usb. So I should had done this last step on linux?
dd if=path/to/iso.iso of=/dev/sd(usb letter)
Wait so I have an windows iso, and then I used my sisters windows pc to make a bootble usb. So I should had done this last step on linux?
yeah, I used it and there is NOTHING in there. It can't find the drivers I've downloaded.
Can you give a screenshot of what the additional drivers window looks like?
I'm pretty sure the additional drivers thing doesn't use the files you've download. I'm guessing you downloaded some ',run' file from nvidia. You can pretty much delete that.
yeah, I downloaded .run drivers.
which drivers should I download?
You shouldn't manually download them. You should click on the restricted drivers thing (it should pop up for you) and install them from there.
If it doesn't pop up, go to something like System->Administration and there should be something about restricted drivers in there.
You should be able to search for it in the Overview, or doesn't it show up there?ok, so I installed Skype
how do I run it? I just can't find it.
You should be able to search for it in the Overview, or doesn't it show up there?
what is the Overview? do you mean Dash Home?You should be able to search for it in the Overview, or doesn't it show up there?
Well, yes, but it shouldn't be necessary if properly installedeither that, or open a terminal and type in skype
Linux distros should step up their drivers updates. They move too fast :/
found it in Dash
any suggestions on some crazy themes/desktop settings?
feels so good to be on Linux, works crazy fast, very responsive
I think I'll clean up my Windows and leave it only for games.
It feels like Ubuntu is the worst offender of this.
Here are some instructions on how to compile it.
How well does linux do with SSDs? are there drivers floating about for intel ssds? What about TRIM?
I have an Intel SSD. What do I need a driver for? Seems to work fine for me.
As for TRIM, apparently there is TRIM support.
I didn't know that, since I know Linus wasn't a fan.
ok, this is getting interesting
the system has been running very smooth until I decided to download a big file at high speed. During this process it lags heavily. Win7 lags this way EVERY MINUTE even though I cleaned it up, Ubuntu does this only when it downloads something big and at very high speed.
any way to fix this? apart from buying an SSD?
That is a very weird problem, but it sounds like the driver for your network card might be the root of the problem, not your HDD. If you have a different card it's worth giving it a shot.
It's also worth firing up the System Monitor utility and then triggering the problem to see what it says.
I would recommend this.
Also, if you want to test out your HDD, you could try copying the big file to different places to see how it performs. If you don't see any performance degradation, then that would also be a hint for it being your network card.
Also, how full is your HDD? If your HDD is pretty full, then it can slow it down.
my HDD is almost full. I'll fire up diagnostics tool.
Also how do I end a process and where can I see applications running?
I really like Ubuntu. It's super fast and lean compared to Win7.
Also I noticed that a copious amount of screentearing during video playback. Can it be fixed somewhere?
pkill firefox
kill (insert process ID)
ps aux | grep firefox
mplayer video-file-name
Well after pulling my hair out trying to get SELinux to work with our LMS I finally said "F*** IT!" and turned the thing off. Apparently I'm not alone as a gander over to Stack-Overflow has a lot of people asking is it worth it to leave turned on. The resounding answer is no. Oh well, couple of tweaks and CentOS is still by far the best distro I've used for web administration.
Itxaka said:You are in for a ride with SELinux. If things haven't change just always remember that when something is not working its always SELinux fault. The hours I have spent deploying shit that didn't work due to SELinux policies. And wow at making policies yourself, ugh.
my HDD is almost full. I'll fire up diagnostics tool.
Also how do I end a process and where can I see applications running?
I really like Ubuntu. It's super fast and lean compared to Win7.
Also I noticed that a copious amount of screentearing during video playback. Can it be fixed somewhere?
I told you so![]()
And see if that tears. Also, it will print out in the terminal whether it used vdpau or not.
I have noticed that it also tears when I just scroll a page in the browser.
glxinfo | grep ^direct
Will try this player out.
Direct rendering is enabled
also mplayer still has screen tearing. And yes, I couldn't even fast forward it, lol
I did this in Nvidia X Server settings and it did nothing.
also 1080p videos on youtube run like shit. I suspect it doesn't use hardware acceleration indeed.
gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager --type boolean "true"
When you log into your computer, the login window should give you a choice between unity and gnome sessionlol, I installed Gnome desktop environment but can't find it again.
gnome-shell --replace
Is this when you try to log in to gnome? Or does this happen when you try to log in top Unity as well?Great. I restarted and it doesn't recognize my password. It just boots me again to PW screen. Logged in as guest.
What should I do?
edit: great, it seems that password is right, it just doesn't boot into the system, sends me back to login screen.
What distro should I try, I have used Ubuntu/Mint would like to try something else do I go 32 or 64bit?
Great. I restarted and it doesn't recognize my password. It just boots me again to PW screen. Logged in as guest.
What should I do?
edit: great, it seems that password is right, it just doesn't boot into the system, sends me back to login screen.
What distro should I try, I have used Ubuntu/Mint would like to try something else do I go 32 or 64bit?
On Distrowatch's list of frequently accessed distributions, Mageia is third most popular, behind the two you listed.
I'd recommend Fedora 64-bit.