You can use gnome-keyring with other DM's, I believe Ubuntu which uses LightDM also uses gnome-keyring (unless they already forked that too). You just need a good enough DM so that it will unlock the keyring at the same time as it unlocks your session.
But to your actual point, most GNOME-specific libraries have been killed in the past few years, they have made a concentrated effort to provide everything for application developers in GTK+, glib and a few others. The
GNOME platform is significantly simpler now than it was just a couple years ago.
That isnt actually default behavior. Ubuntu probably has some stuff added to a session wrapper script that they have lightdm call in order for this to happen. Or, it's related to one of their ubuntu specific patches. I actually use lightdm. It's not really a factor of a DM being good enough. I mean, should they be expected find every different keyring installed on the system (like, what if someone had KDE and GNOME keyrings.)
Perhaps if there was some standard directory for keyings desktop files to be, I guess. Then when you installed the keyring, the desktop file (which would have an exec statement which would have necessary arguments in it) would be in this directory. Then the only things DMs would have to do is do a foreach on that directory and unlock them.
This is what I found from the arch wiki anyway. Not something a normal user would know. Then again, maybe a normal user wouldn't install an application that depended on gnome-keyring without actually running GNOME, either.
Actually looking at the platform as defined in the link, most of those seem pretty standard. Not really what I was thinking when talking about vertical integration.
There are a few specific cases like Empathy and Epiphany where the apps are designed specifically to work under GNOME. This is not the platform that they present for third party apps though, these are core apps that define what the GNOME core experience is like. For example, gnome-desktop (terribly misleading name) is just a very unstable library that offers neither API nor ABI stability between GNOME versions, it's used for functions that are not yet ready to be promoted to a stable platform.
Did not actually know that. I'm actually using empathy 2.x right now, since 3.x is when they switched to using gnome-desktop. I had always assumed that that was, idk, something more desktopy (something that gnome-shell runs on? IDK.)
Well, the goal of these desktop environments is to provide a nice and integrated experience for users and developers alike. They both go about it in very different ways though.
There's a pretty big distinction there: GNOME is and will continue to be an open platform. Ubuntu makes it specially hard to integrate the technologies they use into other open source operating systems. Even Unity, which in theory is supposed to be a simple thing, can be quite a pain to integrate elsewhere. I believe Debian, which must support over 100 different environments these days, still can't integrate it.
Yea, I just worried about some other programs being designed specifically with GNOME in mind. It's something I've heard people complain about w.r.t. udisks2, for example. Though, since I'm not actually a user of that, I have no idea what the specific complaints are.
I guess it's not really the same as Ubuntu. Maybe something like Chrome OS, where they get support for things like netflix, but that doesn't trickle down to the rest of us? IDK.
When looking at GNOME OS you should look at their goals. If you're the kind of user that runs a rolling distro and has no problem compiling every program you use from a terminal command then you're probably not the target. If you dislike things like udev or dbus you're definitely not the target. But if you just want to be able to download Libreoffice when a new version comes out and install it with a few clicks, have it auto-update, integrate with the MIME system, provide launchers and things like that, then that kind of integration and ease of use is what the goal of GNOME OS is.
One a sidenote, I really like dbus, but I don't think it goes far enough.
From what I know, you communicate with components specifically by name. Like, you send a message to NetworkManager or to Pidgin.
For the latter case, I think it should be much more general. There should be some sort of standard IM interface that IM-clients that use dbus are expected to implement. Instead of saying @pidgin write-message to message:"blah"
It should be
@IM-clients write-message to message:"blah" and any running IM-client could receive the message.
Something thing for like, a network manager or whatnot.