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Listen, all you fools...



Rockin and rollin, all the way through town
Yeah baby, I get around
Paint my murder, paint the town red
One city's spider hangin' by a thread
You can't run, I'm havin' too much fun

Listen up you fools, don't you know that Carnage rules
Don't you want them to tell you twice
Heed my warning and pay my price

All day long I'm completely insane
Crashin' and bashin' like a hurricane
Cruisin' on my ride, you better step aside
First on my list, question mugs with my fist
My brain's on red, hear what I say

Listen up you fools, don't you know that Carnage rules
Don't you want them to tell you twice
Heed my warning and pay my price

I'm out of my mind, no time to waste
It helps me unwind, I love the taste
This way sick dude is nothing but rude
There's no stopin all this choppin
No matter what your size crushin spiders like flies

Listen up you fools, don't you know that Carnage rules
Don't you want them to tell you twice
Heed my warning and pay my price




Note: the Genesis version > the SNES version because of the better thwipping sound. I played this game so many times and know every most every secret. Damn, this game was hyped when it was released and it definetly met it well.


The Death and Return of Superman is really, really bad. Like, piece of shit bad. You liked that stinker?

MCarnage was fun (at first), it just didnt live up to it's hype.


Bitch, please. Get that nasty Sunsoft game out of this thread. I don't know, I was young and kinda liked the repetitive challenge. Damned Demogoblin. NO TAG BACKS :p
I remember my friend bought Maximum Carnage on the first day it was released for the SNES...didn't it come in a limited edition red cartridge or something?


Now that I think of it, every game I ever rented was fun back when I was a kid. Man I miss those days, I hardly play that many games now.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Tee hee, I had the Genesis version of Maximum Carnage. Great fun back then.


Bought it used for $44 back in '95 and loved it, especially the music. I probably beat that game over a dozen times.


I never played this game, and i didn't know wtf it was until i saw this:


instantly brought the memories back. i remember seeing that awfully annoying ad years ago.
MrPing1000 said:
erm haha?

Yeah, I'm not really laughing... here's the story:

I work as a graphic designer/freelance artist in Minneapolis, MN. I'm also a huge comic book fan. You see where this is going...

My "agent" (well not really an agent, but he helps me find freelance work) let me know that DC/Sunsoft were looking for a fresh cover for its new Superman game. Since I love Superman I decided to submit several entries, but they were dubbed "too dark."

It's what, 10 years later? I seriously had no idea. This is so weird. Ughhh.


Diablos said:


Kicks ass.

True that. I remember many a day where I'd leave Wolverine sitting in a safe spot where I'd go out somewhere else, come back, and he'd be fully powered.
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