I'm a bit confused. I bought the littlebigplanet Vita marvel edition, but the marvel dlc isn't showing as purchased for either the ps3 or ps4. I thought all DLC was cross-buy?
I'm a bit confused. I bought the littlebigplanet Vita marvel edition, but the marvel dlc isn't showing as purchased for either the ps3 or ps4. I thought all DLC was cross-buy?
Probably not if the DLC was built-in. If it was a separate code, then it's a different issue.
I bought it digitally off the store. I'm not sure what you mean by built in.
Damn it, lol I really shouldnt have said something. Now i've got a glitch where during the last boss fight, Toggle turns invisible when he shrinks.
Guys I'm about to buy this for my little bro, He LOVED LBP2.
Are the bugs and glitches REALLY that bad? Like would it make a 6 year-old cry?
I don't want him to have a let down like I had with DMC2 back in the day ):
We're working on the upcoming patch, so we'll let you know when stuff is coming up soon.
You can remedy that by removing toggle's costumes before you start the level.
Thats right, I did buy the Monsters kit back then...
It's really bothering me that it's still gone. The big level I was working on in LBP2 that I posted a page or two back won't let me edit it in LBP3 because I don't have the monster's kit unlocked. I think that all I used were it's sound effects too.
What's causing the issues though? Just a simple license glitch or something? Even some of the packs they are advertising, like the Egyptian, aren't working after purchase.
Adventure creation question, when making a world map, do we have to make a hub world, or is there a way to force people to progress in a specific order without that?
We're working on the upcoming patch, so we'll let you know when stuff is coming up soon
Is this on the in-game store?
So how do I know if something works in LBP3 on PS4 or not? I can see the MGS Level Kit in the PS Store on my console, but I don't want to buy it unless I can use it immediately.
Will the online issues be fixed in this patch? That's really the only issue I have.
store stuff
On another note, we're doing a new livestream today at 12PM PST on http://twitch.tv/littlebigplanettv going over some neat top down community levels and how to implement some easy top down movement to your levels for your objects and characters.
The archive is up but the first bit including the updates I guess is muted. They said some general stuff about the team working on updates, but that's about when it started lagging for me so I didn't catch if they said anything new/specific.Ah, I missed the stream. Hopefully it'll get archived soon.
Also, on the subject of missing things from the store, I forgot to mention that the Sack in the Box and Sack Eating Plant costumes are missing. I don't think they're listed at all.
The archive is up but the first bit including the updates I guess is muted. They said some general stuff about the team working on updates, but that's about when it started lagging for me so I didn't catch if they said anything new/specific.
I did start working on something regardless. I don't know when I'll get around to completing it, but hopefully it looks alright.
Anyone else have a problem with tags being recognized or showing up in power ups/sack pocket items?
I capture the object with a blaster handle, it's in the preview, I even set it to be visible in play mode and it doesn't show up.
See, shit like this is frustrating.
EDIT: After some more tinkering, yeah I'm done with this game. Inconsistencies are making it too frustrating. I'll check back later to see how much they fix but going by the post-launch support thus far, I'm not that confident I'll get much closer to realizing my level.
Apparently LBPC is supposed to be back up by this weekend.
I'm a long-time fan of LBP (I seriously spent a shameful amount of time on LBP2) but I haven't really been able to get into this game. I guess it's the mix of bugs and weird design decisions that reduce my desire to create. My biggest concern is that the thermo doesn't seem to be as optimized as it was in LBP2. While the dynamic thermo probably exists to rectify that, every time I try to use it I end up losing chunks of my level. If I can't make levels that reach a similar level of complexity or detail as my LBP2 levels, I don't really see the point of bothering anymore.
I did start working on something regardless. I don't know when I'll get around to completing it, but hopefully it looks alright.
WTF is going on here, I only need to do this contraption challenge and I will have 100% as well as the Platinum Trophy but look what happens when I try... any ideas? Tried rebooting the console etc but no luck.
The style looks nice, whats it about / going to be about? .
Hate to say it but you may be out of luck. That level seems to retain the state it was in until you actually clear it, so just exiting out or hitting replay does not reset it.WTF is going on here, I only need to do this contraption challenge and I will have 100% as well as the Platinum Trophy but look what happens when I try... any ideas? Tried rebooting the console etc but no luck.
LittleBigPlanet 3 Game Update 1.05
Progress Update
Hi everyone!
We are getting close to releasing Game Update 1.05 and just wanted to give you all a quick look at some of the issues it will be addressing. We’re really sorry if any of these issues have been spoiling your enjoyment of LittleBigPlanet 3 but we wanted to assure you that we’re hearing everything you’re saying and working around the clock to bring you the best LittleBigPlanet experience possible!
• Game Crashes and Multiplayer Connectivity
This new update will include fixes to help with multiplayer connections and to fix a number of the crash instances that you have reported to us. If you encounter any crashes, please continue to report these to us with as many details as possible as it will really help us crack down on these issues permanently.
• PlayStation 4 Save Profile Corruption
We will be introducing a rather nifty automatic profile back-up system for your Save Progress. If your Sackboy or Sackgirl is unfortunate enough to encounter a crash, your recent gameplay progress will be restored and save profile corruption will be avoided.
• Missing DLC Issues
Working with the regional PlayStation Store teams we have identified the issues causing this content to be missing and we will now address these issues as soon as possible, so you can expect to see your purchased content re-appearing in upcoming PlayStation Store updates.
We can’t thank you enough your continued support and passion for LittleBigPlanet 3.
Look out for a full set of patch notes for Game Update 1.05 soon and stay tuned for future updates from all of us here at Team LBP!
Doesn't look like it's been posted here yet, but there was an update on the next patch a few days ago from the LBP facebook page:
It's good that we can back up our profiles now, but I do have to wonder why the option to do so wasn't there in the first place...
Well, I haven't spotted any fixed DLC this update either, wah wah wah. The Hidden Animals preorder bonus costumes are now available for purchase though.
It does seem to be taking an egregiously long time for these patches to come out. The game is 76 days old. I thought I'd be able to really get into it by now, but I'm still waiting for content to be fixed. I spent days in create mode on LBP1 and 2. After the beta for 3, I thought for sure it'd be the same. Not yet.
My interest in playing the game, let alone making things in it, dwindles just a little bit more every day the patch doesn't come out. I'd really hoped that everything would be oiled up and, for the most part, fixed by this point, but there's still nothing...
The silence is deafening...
As for DLC stuff, as much as I hate to sound like a broken record, we are constantly working with the PS store teams to get the content up and running.