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Liz cheney (Dick Cheney's daughter) is anti-gay marriage, creates rift in family

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For those not aware, Dick Cheney's other daughter Mary is gay. Mary and her mother are gay rights activists. Dick Cheney in the past has said he supports gay marriage.


Former vice president Dick Cheney was "surprised" that his openly gay daughter, Mary, and her wife used Facebook to "attack" his other daughter, Wyoming Senate candidate Liz Cheney (R), for her opposition to gay marriage.

"We were surprised that there was an attack launched against Liz on Facebook, and wished it hadn't happened," Cheney said Tuesday, according to ABC News. "It's always been dealt with within the context of the family and frankly that's our preference."

The public feud between the Cheney sisters began when Liz, who is challenging Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) in next year's GOP primary, insisted that she believes in the "traditional definition of marriage" during a November appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press."

"I do believe it's an issue that's got to be left up to states," she said. "I do believe in the traditional definition of marriage."

Mary Cheney's wife, Heather Poe, responded to her sister-in-law's remarks on her Facebook page.

"Liz has been a guest in our home, has spent time and shared holidays with our children, and when Mary and I got married in 2012 - she didn't hesitate to tell us how happy she was for us. To have her now say she doesn't support our right to marry is offensive to say the least," Poe wrote.

Cheney agreed with her wife's assessment of her sister's comments, saying she "couldn't have said it better myself."

"Liz - this isn't just an issue on which we disagree - you're just wrong - and on the wrong side of history," she wrote on her own Facebook page.

A New York Times report on the spat revealed that the issue had driven a wedge between the sisters, to the point where they have not spoken since the summer.

The former vice president and his wife, Lynne, then released a statement on the feud.

"This is an issue we have dealt with privately for many years, and we are pained to see it become public. Since it has, one thing should be clear. Liz has always believed in the traditional definition of marriage," the statement read. "She has also always treated her sister and her sister's family with love and respect, exactly as she should have done. Compassion is called for, even when there is disagreement about such a fundamental matter and Liz's many kindnesses shouldn't be used to distort her position."
According to ABC News, Cheney, who voiced his support for same-sex marriage in 2009, said he would not comment further on the matter.

“That’s as far as I’m going to go on the subject,” he said. “Don’t waste your time.”


She's entitled to her opinion.
There are things where there is a clear right and a clear wrong side. This is one of those things, so if you are wrong, you are just wrong and don't have any sensible arguments to defend yourself. No one is preventing her from having that opinion, but she's rightfully getting shat on because of her unarguably wrong opinions.


No body cares. Particularly, no one in Wyoming cares. She and Enzi are both against gay marriage. It seems like Liz Cheney is emphasizing her stance on this issue to seem more conservative but really no one cares.


it's pretty sad if she isn't really against gay marriage but has to be to suit her political ambitions in the republican party, and ended up destroying her family relationship in the process. just speculation though, she may well be genuinely against it.
It's always been dealt with within the context of the family and frankly that's our preference.

Says the Republican whose daughter is actively campaigning against it. I think that qualifies as public.
No body cares. Particularly, no one in Wyoming cares. She and Enzi are both against gay marriage. It seems like Liz Cheney is emphasizing her stance on this issue to seem more conservative but really no one cares.

Most people here in Wyoming want Enzi back in office to represent the Equality State. My students who read an article on this issue last week, thought they both are bigoted assholes and wouldn't vote for either. At least the youth of Wyoming is thinking.
Politics > Family. Way to go, Liz.

I have a sister who is very ambitious. She worked in Washington for several years as both a House and a Senate legislative aide, and I could see her running for office someday. But I don't know if I could ever vote for her. I love her dearly, and she's a very smart, capable, and successful person, but we're on the opposite side of pretty much every political issue.

That said, by the end of her time in D.C., she couldn't stand working there, so perhaps I'll never be put in this situation.


Two people have already quoted the line I wanted to quote. Liz will come around once she has a gay child.
Politics > Family. Way to go, Liz.

I have a sister who is very ambitious. She worked in Washington for several years as both a House and a Senate legislative aide, and I could see her running for office someday. But I don't know if I could ever vote for her. I love her dearly, and she's a very smart, capable, and successful person, but we're on the opposite side of pretty much every political issue.

That said, by the end of her time in D.C., she couldn't stand working there, so perhaps I'll never be put in this situation.

I'd be totally fine not voting for a family member, even a close one.
I want a sitcom.

Liz decided to put partisan political pandering for votes before family.

I have no sympathy for Liz if her mom and her sister are mad at her path to politics just to win at politics by bashing gays.

But then again, she is a Cheney. Playing politics partisan pandering through lies and deceit runs in the family
I'd be totally fine not voting for a family member, even a close one.

The act of voting itself wouldn't bother me, but if she asked me about it, I'd tell her the truth because we've always been honest with each other. And it would definitely piss her off.

Also, I'm not one to hide my political views, and depending on how high her ambitions go, I could prove to be a political liability for her. I'm not saying I'd publicly denounce her, but it wouldn't be hard for someone to discover that she has an outspoken brother who disagrees with her on pretty much everything.

Really, though, she's the odd one out among the three of us. My other sister is every bit as liberal as I am.

Dead Man

No sympathy for anyone but Mary and Heather. Having a sibling shit on your marriage like that (and publicly to boot) must be a very hurtful thing to go through. And fuck Dick for saying he thought it should be private, tell that to your daughter insulting her sister in public for votes.


It's kind of cool that he didn't beat his personal philosophies into his children.

But this is weird. Where does it stem from, Liz? Maybe it's just politics.
There is nothing worse in politics then a candidate who decides to do a 180 on a position while campaigning for votes versus what they really believe in their heart.

It is dishonnest, disingenuous and 100% partisan.

Then they wonder why politicians are not trusted. Because they are openly dishonnest and only care about winning by any means necessary.

Liz represents everything that is wrong with politics and campaigning.
Just another base panderer for votes even if she doesn't believe in what she preaches


Dick Fucking Cheney.

Can you imagine Christmas with the Cheney's? That has got a be a house just filled to the brim with assholes. I still cannot believe that Dick not only got a heart transplant but some new never before done technique. He even wrote a book about it!

What do you teach your children when this greedy, evil robot ruins America, shoots a guy in the face, and treats his own heart like a piece of shit only to walk away free and clear each and every time? We live in an evil world and all the proof you need is Dick Fucking Cheney.


except, like so many other politicians, it's probably not really her opinion. it's probably just a lame attempt to gain votes.

Yeah, I'd bet a 30cm sandwich of choice that before she decided to run for office she was in favour of marriage equality. It's just sad that she'd place her own desire to be elected ahead of that.
You're a fucking sucker if you're hating on your own sister for being gay.

I call her a sucking fucker, but that's low class and I'm totally taking it back.

Anyway, it's not that she hates, it's just she doesn't want her sister to have the same rights as she does. Not at ALL a form of hatred or an attempt at oppression...no way....
This race has been shockingly ugly, from Dick Cheney claiming he was never really Mike Enzi's friend to Super PACs claiming Enzi supports Obamacare to this. I just don't get it. She is throwing friendships and family ties away for what? To be senator of fucking Wyoming? I find it hard to believe Liz has any problem with gay marriage, this is politics.

She's down big time against Enzi, who is apparently the poorest senator now that Biden isn't around. He's a solid conservative and well liked by his colleagues, who are also taking pot shots at Liz over her ridiculous attacks.
Liz is not doing this out of conviction or beliefs. It's 100% political bullshit just to win the republican senate nomination by pandering to the far right.

What is sad is that she is ready punish gays (including her sister) just because it's the far-right thing to do just to win the nomination to be the senate candidate.

Politics at it's worst when they are ready to marginalize a minority group to win votes from a majority (in Wyoming that is).

Tea Party crap
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