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London riots spreading through UK

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travisbickle said:
Especially considering politicians were getting off the hook for swindling £1000s.

Do we stop prosecuting all crimes until someone commits a crime bigger than the politicians and bankers?

I'm so fed up of seeing 'yeah, well, the bankers did worse' as if we should show clemency to all future criminals on that basis. You wouldn't propose dropping an assault charge just because people have been murdered before.


Scary Euro Man
SmokyDave said:

Do we stop prosecuting all crimes until someone commits a crime bigger than the politicians and bankers?

I'm so fed up of seeing 'yeah, well, the bankers did worse' as if we should show clemency to all future criminals on that basis.

No. We should bring the bankers back and have them all executed.


iapetus said:
No. We should bring the bankers back and have them all executed.
I take no issue with that stance. Call for the bankers heads, but don't use them to make looters look like 'better' criminals.


iapetus said:
No. We should bring the bankers back and have them all executed.

I'm staying with an RBS banker in London early next year. Don't fuck up my accommodation with your gruesome vengeance.

Those sentences mentioned are a little ridiculous.


is now taking requests
SmokyDave said:

Do we stop prosecuting all crimes until someone commits a crime bigger than the politicians and bankers?

I'm so fed up of seeing 'yeah, well, the bankers did worse' as if we should show clemency to all future criminals on that basis. You wouldn't propose dropping an assault charge just because people have been murdered before.

The disconnect is in letting the bankers off the hook completely while treating the crimes commited during the riots as worse than they would normally be.


Salazar said:
I'm staying with an RBS banker in London early next year. Don't fuck up my accommodation with your gruesome vengeance.

Those sentences mentioned are a little ridiculous.

Not really, they'll only serve a third or so.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Minimum on all sentences in this country should be 18 months (anyone under 18 months is pretty much a free gym/roof over head membership.)


Salazar said:
I'm staying with an RBS banker in London early next year. Don't fuck up my accommodation with your gruesome vengeance.

Those sentences mentioned are a little ridiculous.

Make an example of them. If it was up to me, i'd talk the Newspapers into shaming the lot of them. Have their faces shown and everything, link ot that twitter account with the names and addresses fo rioters. It wouldn't even be funny.
SmokyDave said:

Do we stop prosecuting all crimes until someone commits a crime bigger than the politicians and bankers?

I'm so fed up of seeing 'yeah, well, the bankers did worse' as if we should show clemency to all future criminals on that basis. You wouldn't propose dropping an assault charge just because people have been murdered before.

They are increasing sentences, above the norm for such crimes, for people who were involved in the riots.

Tell me why are they doing that?


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Take the wealth from the bankers, and use it to fund the restoration efforts for the shops/homes destroyed.
Give the rioters community service, forced education and deprivation of popular culture ( somehow).
SmokyDave said:

Do we stop prosecuting all crimes until someone commits a crime bigger than the politicians and bankers?

I'm so fed up of seeing 'yeah, well, the bankers did worse' as if we should show clemency to all future criminals on that basis. You wouldn't propose dropping an assault charge just because people have been murdered before.

When people are being murdered you should be angry with the police if they only arrest people for littering.


jorma said:
The disconnect is in letting the bankers off the hook completely while treating the crimes commited during the riots as worse than they would normally be.
There's no disconnect, if the rioters want to get off the hook they need to make hard to prosecute crimes...like the bankers.
Why the fuck do you think it's harder to prosecute fraud than outright stealing before camera?

More Fun To Compute said:
When people are being murdered you should be angry with the police if they only arrest people for littering.
Jack the Ripper was a banker now?


SmokyDave said:

Do we stop prosecuting all crimes until someone commits a crime bigger than the politicians and bankers?

I'm so fed up of seeing 'yeah, well, the bankers did worse' as if we should show clemency to all future criminals on that basis.
Well, you're right if you're implying that the rioters are worse criminals than the bankers and politicians.

The bankers and politicians actually got away with it. These poor idiot schmucks won't.


Dambrosi said:
Well, you're right if you're implying that the rioters are worse criminals than the bankers and politicians.

The bankers and politicians actually got away with it. These poor idiot schmucks won't.

Regardless, one doesnt negate the other. They both should be treated as serious crimes. If one isnt receiving sufficient attention we shouldn't apply the same on to others.

+1 for harsh and severe sentencing.


Dambrosi said:
Well, you're right if you're implying that the rioters are worse criminals than the bankers and politicians.

The bankers and politicians actually got away with it. These poor idiot schmucks won't.

Well...got proofs? I mean proofs that would be undisputable against any court?
Because that's really the problem here.
The rioters are actually begging to be put in jail anyway so unlike the crooks they're easier to catch and have a more visible impact.

Prine said:
Regardless, one doesnt negate the other. They both should be treated as serious crimes. If one isnt receiving sufficient attention we shouldn't apply the same on to others.

+1 for harsh and severe sentencing.

It's not everyday we agree on everything.


Scary Euro Man
Prine said:
Regardless, one doesnt negate the other. They both should be treated as serious crimes. If one isnt receiving sufficient attention we shouldn't apply the same on to others.

+1 for harsh and severe sentencing.

Um. Surely that should be +1 for just and appropriate sentencing? Or are we all caught up in the community kneejerk?


iapetus said:
Um. Surely that should be +1 for just and appropriate sentencing? Or are we all caught up in the community kneejerk?
You're disagreeing with us on harsh sentences? You ought to be jailed for this!!!!!


Don't know if this has been posted already:

Essex police charge man over water fight planned on BlackBerry Messenger
A 20-year-old is due in court after police discover alleged plans for a Colchester water fight circulating on BBM and Facebook

A man will appear before magistrates next month for allegedly trying to organise a mass water fight via his mobile phone.

The prime minister said last week that the government would investigate whether social networking platforms should be shut down if they helped to "plot" crime in the wake of the riots.

The 20-year-old from Colchester was arrested on Friday after Essex police discovered the alleged plans circulating on the BlackBerry Messenger service and Facebook.

The unnamed man has been charged with "encouraging or assisting in the commission of an offence" under the 2007 Serious Crime Act, police said.



Seriously? A water fight? This is what the police are using their social networking monitoring for?



jorma said:
The disconnect is in letting the bankers off the hook completely while treating the crimes commited during the riots as worse than they would normally be.
The people who originally caused the crisis were based in the US


iapetus said:
Um. Surely that should be +1 for just and appropriate sentencing? Or are we all caught up in the community kneejerk?
Just and appropriate sentencing will be harsh and severe.

Edit: Strike that, reverse it. /wonka
Prine said:
Regardless, one doesnt negate the other. They both should be treated as serious crimes. If one isnt receiving sufficient attention we shouldn't apply the same on to others.

+1 for harsh and severe sentencing.

It's a crusade against the questionable ethics/morals of committing criminal acts during a riot.

They are wanting to increase the usual sentencing just because the criminal act happened during a riot.

A woman receiving a harsher punishment for handling a pair of stolen shorts because the shorts were stolen during a riot!!
louis89 said:
The people who originally caused the crisis were based in the US

Not true for us. Our problem is squarely laid on poor regulation by the FSA and irresponsible lending from our own banks (hence the nationalisation program). While problems in the US may have exacerbated our own issues, they were not created there, they were and still are of our own making.


More Fun To Compute said:
We have extradition treaties with the US. If the US fails to comply then extraordinary rendition might be appropriate.

I guess if you give them Assange they'll be more willing to give you these guys....


wait a minute.... the bankers are thieves as well. do we have any evidence to suggest that they have been listening to rap music? i'd be really gutted if our glorious white bankers are now black.
travisbickle said:
They are increasing sentences, above the norm for such crimes, for people who were involved in the riots.

Tell me why are they doing that?
to discourage the temptation of joining a riot, which is greater than the temptation of just normally comitting such a crime.

yes, it sucks for the people being made an example of, but if you give people the usual slaps on the wrist for these crimes it in no way discourages further rioting.

i don't know if the logic is going to follow through, but i do see it as logical. we'll see how it pans out.


Speedymanic said:
Annoying? That's fucking disgusting. Not content with throwing him off the bike and potentially injuring him, they forcefully grab him and pull him to the side of the road to what? Rob him some more? And when he's finally back on his feet, and tries to get his bike back, some cunt does a flying kick into his back?


And people try to entertain the idea they are rioting for a cause. Gimme a break, i want these animals put down like dogs.


Speedymanic said:
Annoying? That's fucking disgusting. Not content with throwing him off the bike and potentially injuring him, they forcefully grab him and pull him to the side of the road to what? Rob him some more? And when he's finally back on his feet, and tries to get his bike back, some cunt does a flying kick into his back?


Oh trust me I agree 100%!


weekend_warrior said:
Is the UK really doing nothing to stop this shit? Jesus Christ, bring in some fucking military control.

Where have you been for the past week?? That clip is from a *week* ago, before they brought in 16k police to crack down on it.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
fenners said:
Where have you been for the past week?? That clip is from a *week* ago, before they brought in 16k police to crack down on it.

The OP headline always looks current to me too, to be fair.


You now belong to FMT.
I havent been keeping up much with the story... I really need to catch up, where is a place that I can get a full recap??

As long as no one messes with my london boys here they are straight...



Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
glad these riots showed the rest of the country & world just how fucking dirty these people are. they're the kind of people responsible for stabbings in schools.
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