And this is how the terrorists slowly win.
I flew out of Brussels Airport last month, just over a month after the attacks, and the security was crazy and completely irrisponsible at the same time. You had to queu outside of the building to be checked before entering, resulting in huge lines, people not really knowing where to go (and some unintentionally cutting the line). It was one big soft target waiting for some ISIS cunt to do more damage with less explosives then they did in the march attacks.
Worst thing was, once inside you had to go trough security again to get into the Gate area. Those checks went way faster though. Ironicly they were more thorough. I could walk trough the metal detector with my belt and watch on in the first check, but in the second I would have gone off with them like I had half an arsenal in my jacket. So it was more show then anything else. (And didn't make me feel secure at all)
I understand there needs to be some security, but we've gone of the rails with it. (Case in point, the idiotic restrictions on fluids) And worse of: it's not even sure it actually lessens the chances on a terror attack.
This point.... The recent Brussels airport attack were pre-security checks. If the security area has many people waiting it increases rather than reduces the risk to passengers.
Not entirely true. The attacks happened in the main hall at the bagage drop of and check in points. Not at security checkpoints. You still need those check ins and drop offs. But as I said above, the pre-security check ins they did after the attack DID result in long lines and a lot of people standing together in a small place, which seems to me to be actually even more unsafe then not doing those checks. Those were only good for one: the private company conducting those security checks.