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Looking for laptop under $900

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EDIT: To clarify, I don't want recommendations on specific laptops, I'd like to know what processor and how much memory I should be looking for in my price range. The rest I can figure out on my own.

I've been using the same desktop all this time and it's served me well but it's time for an upgrade. I haven't purchased a computer for over 5 years so I have no idea what I should be looking for. These are my current specs:

Intel 2.13 dual core
2 GB RAM (haha)
GeForce 8800 GTS

I'm a photographer so I use Photoshop CS6 to do some light photo editing (I just colour/exposure correct, and do some retouching). I'm also a gamer so it would be nice to be able to play some PC games that I've been missing out on, plus some upcoming ones as well. But I realize my budget is going to hurt me on this one.

What I absolutely need:

-I want a laptop with a solid construction. I spend long hours editing so I want something that feels nice. I hate devices that feel cheap and "plasticky". For a comparison, I love my HTC one and would like something similar in feel if that makes any sense.
-I need a processor fast enough to handle CS6, and I want it to run well. The faster it runs, the faster I get my work down.
-Since I edit photos I want a relatively nice screen; I want the colours to look right.
-I cannot go above $900 at all
-HDMI output
-good battery life. I'd like to take my laptop on photography jobs and upload/edit files to it if necessary.

Things I'd like:
-screen with a nice viewing angle
-ability to play games (but I'd sacrifice this for a better price)
-SD card slot

Things I don't care about:
-HDD size. I have a 3 TB external.
-Blu-Ray/DVD (I'd rather a slimmer build than have this drive)

I really have no idea about laptop processors and what to expect from the market anymore so I would appreciate any help.

Side Note: How viable is it to plug a laptop into a TV and work from the TV if I have a wireless keyboard/mouse?


Possibly a refurbished macbook? Though the inability to break 900 might hurt you a bit... also idk if they have hdmi out

Edit. Just saw op edit. I'm not sure then. Best of luck though!
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