Presently, I share a family-plan through T-Mobile, and while I don't have any problems with their service, I'm using my cell for work alot more these days and want to break off into my own separate plan. From what I've read, Verizon seems to have the best overall customer satisfaction, but I hear good things about Cingular as well. All the providers seem to have a basic $40 plan that offers ~450 anytime minutes with the usual free weekends and nights. Can anyone recommend one particular provider/plan over another? Work will compensate me up to $40 for my cell bill and, ideally, I'd like a plan that's close to that so I'm paying as little out of pocket as possible. I don't really care about Internet access and would use text messaging pretty rarely. Getting a decent phone with the plan would be a plus. T-Mobile's selection is kind of lacking in that regard. I live in the Houston-metro area and any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.