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Looks like MGS3 is up for a high score in PSM :P

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
"I haven't seen Randy since "it happened", but he did call me and gush for about half an hour. I don't think we're allowed to really drop any details, but I will say this: going in, Randy had just as many concerns as any MGS fan who felt that MGS2 could've done some things better. However, he told me that not only did MGS3 surpass MGS2 and even MGS1, but he said it's his new all-time favorite game for either PSone or PS2.

And then he told me 29 more minutes-worth of other stuff that would freakin' blow your mind.

I'm drooling to play this myself."

Chris Slate
Editor-In-Chief, PSM



Excellent :D I'm very curious to what EGM thinks aswell.

P.S- I love this smiley


The last two have been amazing, but I'm afraid Xbox has taken me over now. I still have my PS2, but its not plugged in, and I told myself I wouldn't get anymore games for it. Now SA and this is coming out, and I'm tempted to buy them. :D


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
TeTr1C said:
The last two have been amazing, but I'm afraid Xbox has taken me over now. I still have my PS2, but its not plugged in, and I told myself I wouldn't get anymore games for it. Now SA and this is coming out, and I'm tempted to buy them. :D

That's kind of odd...

Why would you prevent yourself from buying games for a system you own?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The last two have been amazing, but I'm afraid Xbox has taken me over now. I still have my PS2, but its not plugged in, and I told myself I wouldn't get anymore games for it. Now SA and this is coming out, and I'm tempted to buy them.
*Claps hands*. Thanks "TeTr1C", for sharing that with us.


Just one opinion from a PS based magazine... however... perhaps the most glowing opinion I've seen in awhile for the game.

I can breathe a bit easier now ;)


Marconelly said:
However, he told me that not only did MGS3 surpass MGS2 and even MGS1, but he said it's his new all-time favorite game for either PSone or PS2.

My anticipation for MGS3 shot up after seeing those words.
However, he told me that not only did MGS3 surpass MGS2 and even MGS1, but he said it's his new all-time favorite game for either PSone or PS2.

Funny wording, even though I know they're a Playstation exclusive mag. Why not say my favorite game this Gen, unless he prefers an Xbox or GC game over the best PS2 games? Inquiring minds want to know.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Funny wording, even though I know they're a Playstation exclusive mag. Why not say my favorite game this Gen, unless he prefers an Xbox or GC game over the best PS2 games? Inquiring minds want to know.
It's PSM editor speaking there! - if you've ever read the mag, you'd know they barely even acknowledge the existence of GC or Xbox, much less think high of either :p
Marconelly said:
It's PSM editor speaking there! - if you've ever read the mag, you'd know they barely even acknowledge the existence of GC or Xbox, much less think high of either :p

Actually it's the PSM editor talking about Randy, who isnt' the PSM editor ;)

And actually Chris Slate has been making regular comments lately bashing some of Sony's missteps (not completely uncalled for, of course). Mostly on gamedaily.biz, which maybe GDJustin could shed some light on.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
In all seriousness, when you're a mag editor and you say stuff like this is the "best game on any console" on the internet, you come out as someone just looking for trouble, more than someone whose opinion should be valued. It's much safer and appropriate to say stuff like 'this is the best game in the series', or ''on console XYZ' - it just doesn't have that fanboyish ring around it.

Btw, who is this Randy, if he's not a PSM editor?


sonycowboy said:
Actually it's the PSM editor talking about Randy, who isnt' the PSM editor ;)

"Randy Nelson
Executive Editor, PSM"

Close enough? :p But seriously, he may have a favourite game on either GC or XBOX, not much of a conspiracy.
I don't remember, in the OPM MGS3 demo did Snake have the same camo you equipped during gameplay in cutscenes too? You know like how the body armor and enemy uniform worked in MGS2? If yes, I'll make sure to switch to "Naked Snake" before every cutscene in the final game.



Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Btw, just last night I found a way to play MGS3 demo without damned timouts (and without any gameshark codes or whatever). It involves hex editing, and HDLoader, and you'll all have to wait untill I get back home to post exact instructions :)
Marconelly said:
Btw, just last night I found a way to play MGS3 demo without damned timouts (and without any gameshark codes or whatever). It involves hex editing, and HDLoader, and you'll all have to wait untill I get back home to post exact instructions :)

OH... MY... GAWD!!


Grey Fox

Actually I have been a long time reader of PSM,and despite being Playstation only,they pretty much never bash the other systems(except they were a bit miffed when Resident Evil jumped ship).They actually praise rival consoles/games,if they do something especially noteworthy.Also,they aren't jaded fanbois like most people.


Tag of Excellence
Being better than MGS2 isn't that much of a feat, being better than MGS1 is the keyword here.

Man I hope they're right and Kojima really nailed it (I've done a media blackout so all I really know about the game is people saying that it will be awesome).


Who gives a shit about the score. This should have been in the title:
all-time favorite game for either PSone or PS2.
Now THAT would have made this thread interesting, believe me.

Anyway, WONDERFUL. MGS3 will rock so hard.


MGS3 a high score in PSM?!

Whatever next? Halo 2 a high score in OXB? Prime 2 high score in NP?

*Sarcasmatron off*

Think this deserves a buy when I get a new model PS2, which should be after I buy Prime 2.

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