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LOST (5/18)

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I liked the episode. HOW ABOUT YOU!?


Everyone should have seen it by now so i'm posting about events that happened in this episode.

Favorite Scenes:
1. Jin and Sun :)
2. Sawyer revealing to Jack that he met his father in the bar
3. Walt giving Vincent to Shannon (Holy Crap is she a bitch, the shit she did to Sayid... wow)

I'm sure there were more scenes but those really stood out.

This episode was so good. CAn't wait till next week.
The "bon voyage" scene dragged on for so damn long, I kept waiting for something horrific to happen to the boat and its crew. But nothing happened.

Guess that's for next episode.


keiichi said:
Everyone should have seen it by now so i'm posting about events that happened in this episode.

Favorite Scenes:
1. Jin and Sun :)
2. Sawyer revealing to Jack that he met his father in the bar
3. Walt giving Vincent to Shannon (Holy Crap is she a bitch, the shit she did to Sayid... wow)

I'm sure there were more scenes but those really stood out.

This episode was so good. CAn't wait till next week.
yea, those were my favorite scenes too. they were done real well. All of them.
I also really liked the opening scene and how it related to the first flashback. Walt wakes up early at the hotel and then wakes up first on the island and sees the french woman. I also like how she basically gives her warning and then it cuts to commercial.

other things I liked:
a variety of flashbacks- using more than one character kept me interested in the flashbacks
Hurley trying to pronounce Arzt
Sawyer pitching in
Finding out the monster is the others' security system and seeing Locke avoid it

This episode felt so complete, half way through I already knew it would my favorite yet. I had been becoming uninterested in the show because of the slow development, but this got me back into it.

Also, the black rock being a ship caught me totally off guard.


I would bang a hot farmer!
I laughed so hard at what Shannon did to Sayid in the airport in Australia. :lol

Shannon: "An Arab guy left a bag on a chair."
Security Guard: "What did he look like?"
Shannon: "An Arab guy."



Theoretical Magician
So it looks like
Michelle Rodriguez
will be a extra love interest for Jack. Also anyone know when the dvd's will be released?
android said:
Also anyone know when the dvd's will be released?


September 6th.

All the episodes will be anamorphic widescreen :)


The Original Pilot
Tales From The Island - In-depth, exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the making of Lost
Lost Revealed - An expert panel dissects the show in an insightful and funny round table discussion
Backstage With Drive Shaft - An all-access pass behind the music
The Art Of Matthew Fox
Before They Were Lost - original casting tapes
Blooper Reel
Rare Deleted Scenes
Audio Commentaries

Can't wait..


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
cubanb said:
Dr Arzt's first name
Hah, I completely blanked there. I was like, Leslie... the two new characters were Arzt and Ana-Lucia...

Anyway, great episode. I really think that the show's found a good voice after seemingly struggling for a few episodes after Locke's first one. There's been a great balance of plot development and character moments. It's definitely gotten stronger as it goes on. There's more subtlety in the manner in which plot developments occur and even in the basic filmmaking process (cinematography, staging, etc). I'm sure some confidence from ratings and the fanbase, along with increased cashflow, helped there.

I liked the long sad yet triumphant scene with the raft setting off. We all know shit's going to go down, but I thought it worked as a preview showing how the survivors can pull together and get shit done. Plus, it seems natural to spend time on it. You don't crash from a plane, build a raft and send a few people out on it without big fanfare.

All the other great moments have been mentioned. It's gonna be a doozy next week.
android said:
So it looks like
Michelle Rodriguez
will be a extra love interest for Jack. Also anyone know when the dvd's will be released?

I assumed that
person died
was sitting at the back of the plane.



Unconfirmed Member
as of a week or two ago I was getting a serious "Sphere" vibe from the hatch. I even went as far as to think locke may have already entered it. The whole materialization of subconcious thought etc. with the polar bear/walt goes right along with it. But I am not so sure now.

I am curious how they are going to resolve the raft, becuase they can't really get rescued, and they can't really kill them all either (well the could).

Speculation of next week based on the previews:
Danielle will kidnap Claire's baby because she is capable of dissapearing into the jungle, as she pointed out, in her mind she is protecting the baby from the thing she couldn't protect her own child from. Sayid comes to understand what they are up against and does not try to stop her, Charlie gets pissed and rails on Sayid
What do you think? ;)


Brian Fellows said:
Know how I said that I was losing interest? No? OK!

Well this episode helped my find it again anyway.
Same! Great episode.

I was more or less indifferent to the whole raft scenario, but the send-off was very well done. In a way it 'hit home' that they were leaving. Who knows what's going to happen...


So do you think they will find other survivors? Ana Lucia? I was expecting the raft to crash in to a big invisible wall :lol


Theoretical Magician
alejob said:
So do you think they will find other survivors? Ana Lucia? I was expecting the raft to crash in to a big invisible wall :lol
She's joining the cast next year as a regular. So unless Jack has been ignoring her and her him she is probably elsewhere on the island. And she might have others with her. I was also thinking they would not make it far from shore before something happened.



android said:
She's joining the cast next year as a regular. So unless Jack has been ignoring her and her him she is probably elsewhere on the island. And she might have others with her. I was also thinking they would not make it far from shore before something happened.


Yeah, that's really the most probable explanation. I bet they've got something bigger up their sleeve for the closing scene(s), since it's supposed to be a major cliffhanger with everything up in the air but I'd be surprised if we didn't discover other castaways, well at least her.


Love triangle between Jack, Ana, and Kate! You heard it here first!

Really, they invested a fair amount of time into the Jack/Kate tension, only to have nothing transpire. It has to go somewhere, and having them develop a relationship just like so would be unlikely.


Well TV's favorite shape is a triangle! Perhaps Sawyer doesn't make it and since he's gone, Ana takes his spot in the Jack/Kate/X love triangle! :lol


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
android said:
She's joining the cast next year as a regular. So unless Jack has been ignoring her and her him she is probably elsewhere on the island. And she might have others with her. I was also thinking they would not make it far from shore before something happened.

We can safely assume she's not among the current batch of survivors since she was in the back of the plane and they made a point that they never found that section of the plane in the early episodes. Now, how she materializes is a good question. The front of the plane is inland, the middle is on the beach... and given the footage of the explosion on the plane, one could assume the back ended up at sea.


When Boone and Locke found that yellow plane, didn't someone on the CB radio say something like "No, we're the survivors of flight 8blah blah" Could be the tail section of the plane ended up surviving on another island or something, although that might be kind of a stretch.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
ohamsie said:
When Boone and Locke found that yellow plane, didn't someone on the CB radio say something like "No, we're the survivors of flight 8blah blah" Could be the tail section of the plane ended up surviving on another island or something, although that might be kind of a stretch.

Here's the transcript from Lost-TV
Boone [to the radio]

            Hello. Hello. Anybody out there? Mayday, mayday.


            Boone, there's no time. Get out now.

Radio Voice

            Is someone there?


            Hello. Hello. Can you hear me?

Radio Voice

            Repeat your transmission please.


            Hello. We're survivors of the crash of Oceanic flight 815, please copy.

Locke [overlapping]

            Boone, get out!

Radio Voice

            Hello. We're the survivors of Oceanic flight 815(?).

Locke [overlapping]

            Boone, get out.

[The plane falls and flips over. Locke struggles to get up and gets Boone to carry him back to Jack.]
Take that for what you will.


Dan said:
Here's the transcript from Lost-TV
Boone [to the radio]

            Hello. Hello. Anybody out there? Mayday, mayday.


            Boone, there's no time. Get out now.

Radio Voice

            Is someone there?


            Hello. Hello. Can you hear me?

Radio Voice

            Repeat your transmission please.


            Hello. We're survivors of the crash of Oceanic flight 815, please copy.

Locke [overlapping]

            Boone, get out!

Radio Voice

            Hello. We're the survivors of Oceanic flight 815(?).

Locke [overlapping]

            Boone, get out.

[The plane falls and flips over. Locke struggles to get up and gets Boone to carry him back to Jack.]
Take that for what you will.
Is that transcript from the original episode?

From TV Tome:

Lost: The Journey
gs: Brian Cox (Narrator)

Flashbacks of the core characters illustrating who they were and what they were doing before the crash, and a look at the island itself; and a preview of the big season finale.

b: 27-Apr-2005 pc: 0

# NOTE: Lost: The Journey was narrated by actor Brian Cox. In the recap segment of Boone's (Ian Somerhalder) success at contacting someone on the plane's radio from Deus Ex Machina, the response to his claim that they are survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 is replied to clearly (the dialogue from the original airdate is under some dispute) with "No! we're the survivors of [Flight 815]." While it's been theorized he's speaking with a survivor from a different time period (ala the movie Frequency)... it's far more likely the survivors from the tail end of the plane, the group which Rose felt her husband was with and whom she said likely also considered everyone but themselves dead.
# During a large portion of the special, the narration simply cuts out. However, the narration continues on close-captioning, suggesting that the narration was supposed to continue throughout, but for some reason a large portion of it was cut.
The interesting thing about the Boone scene was that what I heard that night, and the sound clip they put up on the official Lost site were two completely different things. Maybe they had to axe a storyline, or maybe they'll stretch it into next season.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Socreges said:
Is that transcript from the original episode?
I would assume so. I just remembered that this was the only episode I missed and downloaded. I checked it out, and it's absolutely impossible to tell what's said at the beginning of their response because Locke's finishing his statement. It could be "we're" or "there're" but I don't hear a "no", although I couldn't say definitively on the latter. It's definitely said in way that implies immense doubt and confusion.

I didn't watch the recap episode, so that's interesting if they fixed the dialogue up...


Theoretical Magician
demi said:
I thought it said something like "There were no survivors of Oceanic Flight 815"
I think I read somewhere that those line were the commercial/preview fakeout. But it was quite distorted in the episode if I remember correctly.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
wonder if that girl will be one of the others....


catfish said:
wonder if that girl will be one of the others....
which girl?
michelle rodriguez or the french chick?
I dont think either of them would be. but hey this is lost, who knows


Michelle Rodriguez was suprisingly not as annoying as every character she tried to play. She was preety hot too for some reason.


Did anything happen after the raft sailed away?

On my version, it looks like it got cut off early, I don't get the "LOST" at the end like I usually do and just as it's finishing, it looks like a new scene is about to fade in. Might just be a glitch :/ It looks like the black smoke, was that the first shot of the preview?


Unconfirmed Member
SFA_AOK said:
Did anything happen after the raft sailed away?

On my version, it looks like it got cut off early, I don't get the "LOST" at the end like I usually do and just as it's finishing, it looks like a new scene is about to fade in. Might just be a glitch :/ It looks like the black smoke, was that the first shot of the preview?
after raft sails, fade to black. Fade back in onto a sort of sepia toned shot of the black smoke with a drohning buzz sound effect, scene fades into normal color then "LOST".

Then the previews for next week started immediately.

You didn't miss much except for the atmosphere of the music over the final shot of the black smoke.

Jesus Carbomb

From Water into Guinness
Something tells me that Jin's time may be up :( The look on Suns's face when they were drifting away (one of the coolest TV moments in recent time btw).. yeep. Not looking good at all.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
While it makes good drama, it sucks that basically everyone on the raft is now expendable. Michael and Walt have bonded, and their little arc sort of closed with Walt admitting to burning the first raft. Plus, Walt gave away Vincent in a big gesture. Jin apologizes to Sun, ending their separation (at least emotionally). Sawyer tells Jack about his encounter with Jack's dad, and he's finally been contributing on his own free will, in direct contrast to his early ways.

I can't see Walt dying though, since we know he's got powers. I could see him possibly disappearing though... ending up with the Others or something. It'd be weird if he came back to the survivors what with his giving away the dog. Plus, he's a kid.

Michael, Jin and Sawyer though, their current island arcs are resolved, more or less. It might not be looking good for someone.


This was a very good episode...but it was obviously incomplete. I think someone said that it seemed very cohesive, and I do not doubt that. The multiple backstories and the general storylines all worked well together and it was very entertaining television.

At the same time, it was clear that this was 1 1/2 hours of Lost pared down to an hour, leaving an ending that was more or less strange. Alias and Lost were originally supposed to have 1 1/2 hours a piece this week and next, but due to Americal Idol this was shifted to 1/2 followed by 2/1. So, originally, this hour of Lost was supposed to be an hour and a half and likely had a bit of a final note for the dynamite seekers. It seemed like we forgot about them after the big goodbye sequence, and the cut to the black smoke was clearly added to keep the episode from coming off as extremely happy.

There was nothing wrong about the episode...just makes me anticipate seeing the Black Rock up close next week. Screw Idol (I haven't watched in weeks due to Alias anyways), all I want is Lost goodness. Can't wait.
Memles said:
At the same time, it was clear that this was 1 1/2 hours of Lost pared down to an hour, leaving an ending that was more or less strange. Alias and Lost were originally supposed to have 1 1/2 hours a piece this week and next, but due to Americal Idol this was shifted to 1/2 followed by 2/1. So, originally, this hour of Lost was supposed to be an hour and a half and likely had a bit of a final note for the dynamite seekers. It seemed like we forgot about them after the big goodbye sequence, and the cut to the black smoke was clearly added to keep the episode from coming off as extremely happy.

Are you sure? I thought this episode was always supposed to be only an hour long.


On a related note, here's a description of a scene that was cut from the episode:


Back at the beach, Claire asks Rousseau how she knows her. She can't place it, but she knows they have met before. But that's impossible, and Rousseau says as much. Claire tells her about Ethan kidnapping her, that she escaped, but she can't remember how. Rousseau ignores her and busies herself with the new hiking boots she has obviously liberated from the camp. Something seems to click inside Claire. "You saved me, didn't you? That's why I remember you, you saved me from him." Rousseau gives a quick look to Claire and then to the baby. "We have never met." And with that she walks away.

This explains why Danielle had on new hiking boots, which I was wondering about after I noticed them in a shot of them walking in the jungle. I spoilered it, as it may have been cut because they didn't want us to know
of Danielle possibly saving Claire and her child from the Others, yet.


Chili Con Carnage!
This was kind of a nothing episode, just building to the finale which should be awesome.

The whole raft thing is wierd, they've set it up so they could escape (Michael saying "We might not be able to find the island again", so the others might not get rescued) but you kinda think that they will fail. But they cant kill off Walt, theres wayyyyyy to much going on with him to kill him.

So im guessing something attacks the raft, maybe another monster (Protecting the island) and you'll think everyone is dead, but Walt will wash up on shore at the start of season 2.

The hatch thing is wierd too, Locke still knows more than he's letting on (he saw the light), and lets not forget, earlier in the season, he stood toe to toe with the monster and survived.

My current thinking is that theres 2 sets of other people on the island...the Others..with their black smoke etc seem like they might be some kind of native maybe? And whatever is under the hatch is what the Monster(s) are protecting.

Question on this weeks ep...Is the Black Rock the fabled ship that brought polar bears to the island? (Circus animals)
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