Time ta STEP IT UP
This is just terrible. I lost my wallet last night when I was with my friends. It was the 4th of July, so we smoked our best American grown reefer and carried on our way. I was in the yard with my friends, doing what we do best, when I went to my car to get "something." My friend's dog jumped in the car with me, and hilarity/confusion ensued. Took us a while to get him out, but we finally did. He was a heavy mother fucker.
Fast forward a few minutes, and we're about ready to go see the fireworks at the beach in celebration of the holiday. The second I got in my friends car, I realized "Wait a minute, I don't have my wallet." But I didn't have any money in it anyway, and I didn't need my liscense since I wouldn't be driving anywhere, so I decided to just let it slide. Then I realized another thing "This car... it's a rental car." Apparently, my friend was getting his Audi A6 repaired and he had the rental for a few days.
After the fireworks we all went home. I forgot all about my wallet until I was half way to my house. I stopped my car to see if I could find it, but I couldn't. Shit, it was 2 AM and my friend was sleeping, so I wasn't about to go back to his place and look for it. Decided I'd do it the next day.
Well today I went to his house and I couldn't find it. I checked his front yard and it wasn't there, and that was the last time I had seen it. It very well COULD be in the rental car, though I doubt it. Still, my friend's dad returned the rental car this morning, so there's no way I can check the car.
I'll have to get the number of the rental car place I guess, but what really pisses me off is that I have my Social Security Card in there. Fuck, of all the times I lose my wallet, it's when I'm applying for several summer jobs (Which is why I stupidly left my SS card in there).
So now, my wallet is nowhere to be found. My liscense, my SS card, 2 gift cards, and a library card are gone. I really don't want to go down to the DMV, and I really don't know how to get a new SS card issued to me, but now I'm freaking out because I don't want anyone stealing my identity or something.
Fuck, I was really hoping I would only have to go to the DMV only once in my life.
Fast forward a few minutes, and we're about ready to go see the fireworks at the beach in celebration of the holiday. The second I got in my friends car, I realized "Wait a minute, I don't have my wallet." But I didn't have any money in it anyway, and I didn't need my liscense since I wouldn't be driving anywhere, so I decided to just let it slide. Then I realized another thing "This car... it's a rental car." Apparently, my friend was getting his Audi A6 repaired and he had the rental for a few days.
After the fireworks we all went home. I forgot all about my wallet until I was half way to my house. I stopped my car to see if I could find it, but I couldn't. Shit, it was 2 AM and my friend was sleeping, so I wasn't about to go back to his place and look for it. Decided I'd do it the next day.
Well today I went to his house and I couldn't find it. I checked his front yard and it wasn't there, and that was the last time I had seen it. It very well COULD be in the rental car, though I doubt it. Still, my friend's dad returned the rental car this morning, so there's no way I can check the car.
I'll have to get the number of the rental car place I guess, but what really pisses me off is that I have my Social Security Card in there. Fuck, of all the times I lose my wallet, it's when I'm applying for several summer jobs (Which is why I stupidly left my SS card in there).
So now, my wallet is nowhere to be found. My liscense, my SS card, 2 gift cards, and a library card are gone. I really don't want to go down to the DMV, and I really don't know how to get a new SS card issued to me, but now I'm freaking out because I don't want anyone stealing my identity or something.
Fuck, I was really hoping I would only have to go to the DMV only once in my life.