Now that that is out of the way: wtf were you thinking?!
Where did this shitshow start? Let's make a timeline for easier analysis. "The score" is Orb/TWE vs. Kark/XBro
Sorian with a more or less prod vote to TWE is the first to have a vote on the pair. Fine, not really relevant for the analysis imo.
-> 1

Doesn't matter yet)
Somewhere later comes
dragonz. It's an argument I disagreed with (as I noted earlier that just looked like inexperienced newbie to me). On its own not really relevant, but will provide context later on.
-> 2

Doesn't matter yet)
1021, 1206:
Interlude: Karkador acquires a couple of votes (
Fireblend) for wasting everybody's time)
-> 2:2
1268, 1352:
Sorian jumps from Worm onto the Kark train and
away again.
-> 1:2
1436, 1504, 1531:
Now it starts getting interesting.
Muffin and
Darryl vote for Kark
-> 1:5
Dr. Worm votes for Orb and apologizes in the same post for not taking greater risks.
-> 2:5
Samuraischnecke votes Kark
-> 2:6
Kingkitty votes for Orb following
his readslist where he put the pair as scummy.
Darryl jumps ship again for kits who at this point has 2 votes (Darryl is the third)
-> 3:5
Sorian votes for Orb "to create a horserace". Note that there is a chance he hadn't seen Darryl's new vote yet and thinks it's still 2:5. Only one minute between the posts.
Muffin changes his vote to Darryl, who then has 3 votes.
-> 4:4
Verelios makes the first vote of the dayphase on Orb, following his lover. No own argumets.
Crimsonfist wants to prevent a tie (he didn't need to) and
votes for Orb
Ouro (unnecessarily) wants to prevent a tie and
jumps from Kark to Orb.
XBro jumps without comment on Orb. Can't blame him , though, as he himself was the other option.
Muffin wants to swing back to Kark (came from Darryl)
TWE jumps onto Kark without comment. Again, can't blame him.
Notably absent in the whole exchange: Karkador with a
parked vote and Orb with no vote at all.