darryl & nin1000 (1)
crimsonfist & sophia (0)
nomadic sparks
trigger & ty4on (1)
nomadic sparks
xbro & karkador (1)
franconp & dr. worm (2)
verelios & wherearemahdragonz (1)
muffin1611 & samuraischnecke (2)
dr. worm
ourobolus & kingkitty (3)
nomadic sparks
nomadic sparks
kitsunelaine & flatearthpandas (4)
starsketch & czartim (0)
sawneeks & sorian (0)
Super. So if fep flips scum (and honestly I'd rather see Dr Fran go down instead since I still read fepsune as town), then KK and I are in the crosshairs regardless.
KK, I guess we should go ahead and cook up that duck placenta you've been saving. I'll go ahead and put on some Kamen Rider episodes.
Damn, I was late. I was debating if I wanted to use a gif or not.
Last few minutes i would of course toss ouro under the bus to save my team.
Why are you so worried if you think they are town? If they flip town is just a simple mistake.
I really want to know why people want to vote fep/kitsune over Dr Fran.
I really want to know why people want to vote fep/kitsune over Dr Fran.
Dr. Worm is chasing real scum right now while the scummies and AFK townies chase their tails maybe
You saw it. Because I said the word bus. Or masterful town team finally stumbled upon the clue they've been scumhunting for so diligently.
Is he? Who is the real scum?
They were on this before your poor word choice.
They were on this before your poor word choice.
Muffins1611 obviously
And pointedly not on Sorian fucking off on real play to wait for the same limp dick "a-ha" that everyone else is currently getting ready to frenzy over. Before they were just trying themselves up on the same shit they mislynch orb for yesterday. Sloppily mistaking newbie for scum.
I really want to know why people want to vote fep/kitsune over Dr Fran.
Oh I'd totally be on board for a Sawrian lynch. They're up there with Muffin as my top scum.
Cuz I have a scum read of Kitsune, and a slight town read of Fran.![]()
Imagine having such flimsy reads that you latch onto a flippant poor choice of words as undeniable proof that they're scum. I haven't seen anyone ever make a mistake like that on accident
What's the rules on a tie? Is it double lynch or no lynch?
Muffins1611 obviously
What's the rules on a tie? Is it double lynch or no lynch?
Wow that is a strong statement for no supporting argument.
Well that's definitive proof if I've ever seen it
Well I didn't say it was definite proof! You asked why, so I told you why...
Those first three posts are you defending your line of thinking. The bottom is you conceding. That is hardly interrogation at all. I'm not being willfully disingenuous. I didn't find you threatening whatsoever when you made those comments and it stood out.
It's like you seem bent on following the crowd and I think it reveals a larger lack of integrity within your own reads. I don't believe that you believe your own reads. I don't think some of these tells you've found have been that great and have warranted your own behavior.
You had a read yesterday on Karkador, and like, it may have been right. I was okay with lynching him. I don't think substance-wise, Karkador's behavior warranted a last minute "aw, fuck it" style vote flip though. If we lynched them, I think it would have been a policy lynch. How did their posts give you that much angst, when they barely even contributed? How did their behavior really rub you that wrong way?
You flipped over to voting on me from Karkador(?) initially, but yet you weren't even a part of the inquiry squad when it came to me earlier in the night. You sat on the sidelines through that argument. You could have possibly led a bandwagon on me if you had timed it right, but you waited until the night was almost over. You hopped in during the final bit of the hour and your post imo didn't show that you understood the argument against me.
Today, still, it doesn't seem like you even want to argue with me. Not only did you open today with an argument against me that you let fizzle:
Post #1834
I mean, you really gave up arguing with me very fast. I didn't say anything today that I wasn't saying last night, I just had a calmer tone. It makes sense that this convinces you to drop it because you now realize you can't be as opportunistic and can't capitalize on my mistake of getting frustrated. My frustrated tone validated you voting for me last night apparently.
Also, you completely ignored my argument with you until Dr. Worm brought it back up. It seems like your behavior is really consistent with someone who doesn't understand the heart of the arguments, you're just skimming the headlines, reading tones, not doing your own research, trying to avoid the spotlight, etc.
Vote: Muffin1611
This is just vote placement politics. Your behavior really fits the pattern of someone who is trying to keep themselves shielded from scrutiny by acting in a way that's incredibly justifiable.
Like it's really easy for you to justify having placed the vote on #1619 because you already did so on vote #1504 It's easy for you to open the day with this deeply nuanced read because you already tried to have me lynched the night before.
I dunno, I just don't really buy your reasoning here. I don't buy that Kark really deserved to be lynched because of that line of argument. I don't buy that what he did was so horrible that you had to change your vote with a minute left on the clock, especially when your line of arguing against me that caused you to change that vote was so flimsy, yet you still decide to loop back around with a really weak argument that imo, feels like you never really tried to understand the material itself to begin with.
It's like you've latched onto the narrative and decided to hammer on us because it feels like you can get away with it. You're making all of these really specious arguments because you know no one will call you on it.
Wow that is a strong statement for no supporting argument.
So nobody finds Darryl the least bit suspicious huh
After making such a nonsense argument even
But who am I kidding, another one here found that argument to be logical and picked it up
And, can't quote right now, to answer Darryls post from before: Of fucking course I didnt go after you much in that discussion you're so full of yourself that I don't want to really bother, Mr."I'm the only one who did anything D1". It's pretty tiring, and its showing again.
I do not find him suspicious.
You on the other hand are a strange boy
Okay what the hell. Darryl, there is no way you can be so dead certain about anything unless you know we're town and want to get rid of us, because you are high up on our scumlists and high on the general votecounter.
If you actually are townie that is the stoopidest play I have seen for being so dead-certain about scum.
You know what happens after we flip town right? Do you even plan ahead?
Actually it is also stoopid if you are scum. I don't even.
VOTE: Darryl
I don't even care if that is too agressive now. I am seriously pissed about your "playstile".
A post on the same level as about all your other ones.
I don't like you and Muffins playstyle which is basically "come into the thread, don't read it, and then kneejerk respond" like town is supposed to believe that you're genuinely scum hunting like that
I really want to know why people want to vote fep/kitsune over Dr Fran.
Imagine having such flimsy reads that you latch onto a flippant poor choice of words as undeniable proof that they're scum. I haven't seen anyone ever make a mistake like that on accident
Where the hell is Tim
Because kitsune hasn't actually played the game at all and FEP found a way to whip himself into a frenzy over the weirdest meta argument ever.
You do realize I was scum reading him before this and am now just laughing at the phrasing used there right? Darryl continues to try and twist people into thinking their reads are inferior to his.
That ship has long sailed. Judging from what we've gotten there, I'd be unsurprised to see another sub announcement soon.
Well ? Nothing that stands out. Anything else besides being condescending? I mean I can understand if you do not agree with Darylls playstile or find him agressive, yet in my eyes that's nothing that could show someone's allignement.
Ofc that's only my point of view and that won't change your opinion on him.
Yet I can't understand why a disagreement will lead you to vote on someone.
Genuinely interested.
Again I don't want to sway you vote from him, that's your choice. All I know is that Darryl, even thought he might be a huge pain in the ass for most, same could be said about a lot of other players. Yet you are focusing on him.
Please respond.
Best regards
You could read my previous posts. His arguments were either nonsense or disingenious. Blatantly so, the latter.
All the while acting like hes the only one getting things done in the game. Don't make me laugh.
You could read my previous posts. His arguments were either nonsense or disingenious. Blatantly so, the latter.
All the while acting like hes the only one getting things done in the game. Don't make me laugh.
I already responded to your argument that called me disingenuous with a strong rebuttal, but you won't respond because you're being cautious scum who doesn't like to draw attention to how superficial they're acting