Vote: Blargonuat
I've got a couple questions for you, Blawl. Either of you can answer.
1) According to you, who did you check last night? Kark says you check him? Is that true? If so, why did you choose Kark/Zipped? It seems like you roundabout confirmed that in
this post, but I want to hear it straight.
2) Why append "Miller" to your role claim right after a role-cop claim? Unless you were fairly sure we weren't rolecops (which turned out to be true). Seems like an odd play that would obviously stir up suspicion, seeing as a miller and rolecop in the same game is weird. Did you just think we were lying? If so, why?
This is interesting. For context, this is after my big reveal but before Kark's. At this point, according to Kark, they know that they visited Kark and Kark visited them. Kawl admits that whoever visited them should know the truth, that they are indeed trackers. But how do they know that? Anyone could've visited them with any power. This seems to confirm that whatever happened last night, they realized they were both trackers, but Blawl witheld that. Sounds like that's confirmation they are both certainly trackers, and Kark is telling the truth.
So, it's likely we've got one of the following.
1) A Miller Tracker and a regular tracker (both town)
2) A Miller Tracker and a scum tracker (that would be...weird)
3) A Scum Tracker and a regular tracker