I've been lurking while preparing my next defense mega-post against Kark's allegations against us, but I saw this again and just had to respond:
Anyone who's played with blarg and had an investigative role would consider targeting him early on .
In two other GAFia games, millers have come out . I was night killed very close to the end, and Burb was night killed because he had another power.
For a personality like blarg, I think this was a bold play to null the potential cop, who would probably check him early since his posts are mini Rubik's cubes, and it's in our best interests to find out if it's worth the effort to read them early.
This. This past play-history = #scumtell bullshit again. It was rampant in D1 and it still persists D2. When there is no evidence for my alleged anti-Townness in THIS game, this is what you resort to to hammer me. There is seriously no escape from myself.
I want to address this in finality: if you want to conveniently use my A-list celebrity status against me and say that my Miller-ness in THIS game is some kind of gambit by me to preempt that, then I honestly don't know how to defend myself against that beyond saying no, it isn't. In every game I've ever been in, I have personally never taken into consideration the actions of players in prior matches I've been in with them, beyond a brief acknowledgement of prior meeting like Ryu used to fistbump Ken. I have fought with my own honour, not with dirt from my opponents' footsteps; I may refer to people's past actions in my jokes and references, but I never actively use them as #scumtell ammunition against others. But no one will ever believe me when I say that, because I've been typecast into the Steve Buscemi 'always the crazy guy' of GAFIA.
I've been here since S2 and I'm still trapped in a brig on Tatooine. I never left Cthulhu Island, I'm still in the queue for NX, I'm still applauding with one hand in the Hogwarts Great Hall and DESTINY IS STILL DESTINY.
I got a power-enhanced Miller role in my lap right now, I saw it and wanted to try and play a Season game
relatively by-the-book for once and I have thus far, but no. I will never have my Boardwalk Empire with this cast as my support. There is legitimately nothing I can say in my defense to this kind of metagaming, except no.
But me of all people denying
anything is a #scumtell in your eyes, right? Because fuck me. Fuck Blargonaut.
Thank you for this role,
Burb Potion-master Snape.
Thank you.
You're the host now, don't even respond to me
They didn't expect there to be two trackers.
Yes, we didn't expect there to be 2 Trackers. We weren't expecting anything regarding OTHER people's power roles, honestly, because we weren't thinking about them at the time. We were thinking about ourselves. All we were expecting, all we were concerned about at the beginning was with the understandably inevitable and eternal backlash we were about to be struck with after our imminent debut as Millers at that time, and how we would handle that uphill battle of creeping suspicion while executing our Tracker power in the Days and Nights to come.
When Kawl and I were readying ourselves pre-game for our debut after learning what our role was, we didn't take into consideration anything about overall role type balance in this game before we dropped our claim D1. We were concerned with only ourselves and what light poison we had been given to serve on our platter. Personal execution for Town's sake, not game theory. Besides setting up our Team Rocket roleplay, the fact that we were power-role-enhanced Millers and thus had to come up with a plan to come out with that, was what dominated our pre-game discussion.
We weren't thinking about 2 Trackers because we weren't even considering game balance with other possible roles at the time.
I've already said blawl coasted yesterday after the claim. I'm not convinced by Kawls reason for choosing Kark.
I know which side I'll vote for.
And as long as you continue to use my past against me, I'll never respect your vote no matter whether you support me with it or not.