So, assuming there are 3 maf left, we have about 3 mislynches we can spare. Since there's no hard info or claims to go on today, we're going to have to do some old-fashioned scumhunting. I'm going to post my reads ordered from most town-ish to least town-ish. Admittedly some of the reads are based more on one partner than the other, but hey, if you think one person is town/maf then the other has to be too.
[m] Karkador & [m] Zippedpinhead - I explained my reasoning on this before, I don't think it's possible for these guys to not be the town tracker.
[m] Kyanrute [m] Retroid - I liked Retroid's common sense No Lynch vote D1 (even though he eventually switched it when he got no support), and his reasoning for voting Flame later was similar to my thoughts. He eventually voted UltraBoo, but considering townies cabot and Czar/Tim did as well, I'm not too suspicious of that.
[m] LaunchPadMcQ & [m] Gorlak - LaunchPad is a bit of a mystery to me, but I like the way Gorlak has played. He probably could have helped the lynch against Splinter last a little longer if he wanted to, but he brought the hammer down and took out a maf. He had some decent reasoning against Splinter, so I think if he actually wanted to help get him killed and later pass it off as a read gone awry he probably could have.
[m] MagnumBoy20xx & [m] batsnacks - MagnumBoy has managed to be less active than my partner, which is impressive... Anyway, I noticed that batsnacks seemed genuinely annoyed that people weren't voting when we had dueling trackers, and he didn't change his position later when the third option of Splinter arose either. I like that he saw a smart option and stuck to it even when a shiny trinket started dangling in front of him.
[m] UltraJay & [m] Boo Boo'n - The only reason I have them here is because the trackers didn't see them move. They're not cleared by any means, but they didn't do anything last night and thus we know they weren't the killers or the chat bombers, so I'm willing to let them be for now.
[m] Timeaisis & [m] FluxWaveZ - I've been tough on Flux's bizarre playstyle this whole game, but I'm not so sure of it now. He basically just deflects criticism/becomes aggressive. It's really weird, I'm almost getting Jester/Fool vibes from him. He gets votes, but I rarely see him on defense. Time seems content to mostly just coast and let his buddy do his thing. Between that and kingkitty's reasoning that Flux being on the same team as Blarg doesn't add up, I feel like killing them might just be a wasted lynch. That said, he's still played really strangely, so I wouldn't argue against finishing him off if the idea gets some traction.
[m] Coppanuva & [m] Flame_AC - They seem to have mellowed out somewhat, but I wasn't a fan of the way these guys threw their votes around looking for answers in the earlier days. It's like they were saying "answer or we'll have you dead, kiddo."
[m] Dusk Soldier & [m] Karu - I don't like how Dusk claims that he voted Splinter because "it could have been a scum gambit to protect Blawl". If you thought that was the case, then logically you must have also thought that Blawl were maf, so why even switch your vote? Kill the confirmed (in your mind, at least) maf and go after Splinter/cabot the next day.
[m] El Topo & [m] Giant Panda - Panda is quite a sketchy character. He seemed quite certain that Blawl was town during D2, seemed eager to swallow everything Blarg was saying with little critical thought applied, and insisted that Blawl had nothing to gain by claiming Miller tracker even though it was pretty obvious that they did. He also hopped on the Splinter/cabot bandwagon near the end because he wanted "more tracking results from Blawl". Leaving a potential maf alive to get another report for his buddies is simply not a smart move no matter how you slice it. He and El Topo's claim of being chat bombed doesn't affect my read because, if the power is x-shot as I suspect, maf probably wouldn't have thrown it out at a random person N1, and if they did it would have been at someone they actually suspected was a power role. I don't really think they got chat bombed at all.
[m] Kingkitty & [m] Hyperactivity
[m] hobohodo & [m] Ty4on