1. GUERRILLA (Mental electronic/rock mish-mash. The most super furry of the Super Furries' albums)
2. MWNG (Welsh, folksy, stripped production. Some ELO-inspired moments (Ysbideau Heulog), but mostly long, pretty songs with nice orchestration)
3. RINGS AROUND THE WORLD (The "accessible" Guerrilla. Their most expensive album to date with very polished production, the latter part proving a turn-off to some longtime SFA fans. Practically my favorite album of the decade. Very super furry in sound as well.)
4. Radiator (the pop album. Fits in well with Blur and the rest of that mid-'90s scene, but it has an edge those other British bands didn't really have. Considered the band's classic album)
5. Phantom Power (kind of country-ish, a little depressing, with uplifting tracks scattered about. Their "brown" record, reflecting their mood with the world affairs of the time. "Slow Life" is one of their best tracks ever, as is "The Piccolo Snare.")
6. FUZZY LOGIC (their debut. Welsh druggies make their first album in the English language. The songs are clearly influenced by many drugs. I like it, but not for everyone.)
7. LOVE KRAFT (Four out of five of the band's members become principal songwriters. Gruff does write the majority of the songs, but Dafydd (drummer), Cian (synth/electronics/producer guy), and Bunf (guitarist/super pothead/drunk) take a stab at vocals as well. The results are mixed, but it gives a hopeful look at the next decade to come)
BONUS: # OUTSPACED (B-SIDES AND RARITY COMPILATION: includes anthem "The Man Don't Give a Fuck")
I'm torn on "Lazer Beam," man. At times it sounds absolutely mental and like one of the best songs they've ever done, but when I'm really focusing on the music it falls apart and just sounds weird and cacophonic. At any rate, it was a poor choice of a single.