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LTTP: 24 Season/Day 1

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Hi GAF, this marks my first thread on this hallowed ground.

I had never seen an episode of 24 in my life, but that all changed a couple of weeks ago as a combination of two things; wanting to see more Kiefer after Ground Zeroes, and at the insistence of my housemate, who had recently begun Power-Houring himself.

Firstly, I should probably clarify that I'm now hooked, and intend to ride the show out until the very end. That doesn't mean, however, that I didn't find fault with the show, of which there are many. My usual TV fare would generally be HBO-related (my favourite shows are Deadwood and Rome), but every now and then I have a weakness for extreme balls-to-the-wall action and suspense, which is why I adore Bond and Bourne movies, and now 24.

In terms of concept, I love what the show has to offer. I was unaware of the 24-hour format before jumping in, and it was a nice surprise. One thing I did question a few times was the apparently short travel times between locations, but as I am not familiar with the geography of L.A., I rest my case.

Overall, I had a blast and can't wait to jump into season 2, where I have heard the show really hits its stride. But, please allow me to vent...

Fucking Kim and Teri Bauer. Of all the annoying subplots/characters in shows, these at least have to be close to taking the cake. It started off pretty well with Kim and her friend being kidnapped, while Teri and not-Alan York tried to work things out. I even managed to put up with the shit in the cabin they were eventually held in, even when they fucking sat around twiddling their thumbs after killing Eli. I still managed to withhold my frustration after their various escapes and subsequent chases. But when Kim was captured AGAIN from the police escort towards the end of the season, I actually gave up watching the show for a few days. It just felt incredibly contrived and a cheap attempt to gain some last minute tension (as if this show is ever lacking it!). On the other hand, I just wasn't impressed with Teri's actress at all, and her doe-eyed amnesia subplot was terrible.

The Palmer side of the story had the opposite effect, in that I thought it started off weak and slightly uninteresting (annoying Keith etc.), but by about halfway through the season I became fascinated with it. As soon as I heard Palmer's voice I knew it was Splinter Cell's Lambert, and it was a pleasant surprise to see that he's also a stellar real-life actor.

I both love and hate the fact that Jack is an unstoppable force of nature, and those who defy him are just waiting to be proven wrong/killed, but I've been able to reconcile myself to that fact, and enjoy seeing how he will deal with every situation. On the CTU side of things, I started off hating Tony, but by the end of the season he was one of my favourite characters, along with Mason. Xander Berkeley is so unintentionally hilarious, and it's refreshing to see an authority figure who isn't straight up antagonistic towards the protagonist, and definitely comes to trust and aid him as he can.

So to summarise:

Good - Jack, Mason, Tony, Palmer, Gaines, Teri's death
Bad - Kim/Teri subplots, Sherry Palmer's actress, Victor Drazen's actor, Nina's reveal


Also, bear in mind that, when it comes to Bauer, you have seen nothing yet. S1 Bauer is shockingly tame compared to what he becomes. And stay away from ALL spoilers. Especially cast lists and promotional photos...and likely this thread too. You have been warned!


Also, bear in mind that, when it comes to Bauer, you have seen nothing yet. S1 Bauer is shockingly tame compared to what he becomes. And stay away from ALL spoilers. Especially cast lists and promotional photos...and likely this thread too. You have been warned!

Yes! I can't wait. And spoiler-wise, I've already learned my lesson on that score! Looked up the soundtrack before I finished the season and saw "18. Season 1 Finale - Terry's Death".
Yeah, Tony was one of those guys who just seemed like a jerk at first but then he gets some pretty cool moments in Day 1, and like you he's one of my favorites.

And as for Kim, hehehe just wait.


I'm jealous, OP. Oh to experience 24 for the first time. Prepare to have all other action heroes and special agents permanently ruined for you. Which is ok, really, since you'll have Jack.

The show gets better and better until peaking with S5, but even on the way down it's better than most shows. Welcome to the Power Hour.


Season 5 is one of the best seasons of TV ever. Enjoy the ride, OP. The show falls off after that but is still somewhat entertaining.


One of the best shows ever. The later seasons aren't as good (not including Live Another Day) but still better than most other shows.


All I will say is this:

Season 5 is the greatest thing ever.

Amen to this.
Season 5 is amazing, (I liked 4 even more but that is just personal), I know S5 is better.

I'm jealous, OP. Oh to experience 24 for the first time. Prepare to have all other action heroes and special agents permanently ruined for you. Which is ok, really, since you'll have Jack.

The show gets better and better until peaking with S5, but even on the way down it's better than most shows. Welcome to the Power Hour.

Season 5 is one of the best seasons of TV ever. Enjoy the ride, OP. The show falls off after that but is still somewhat entertaining.

Season 5 wil explode you brain.


Fox Mulder

I was in the middle of season one on Netflix..


I wanted to watch the whole series, but it got dropped from Netflix.
It only gets better from here, OP. You're in for one hell of a show! Live Another Day has been amazing thus far, as well.

Oh, shit! Season five. One of the hardest-hitting seasons in all of television.


There's less family drama in subsequent seasons, though that only makes it all the more obvious that they have no idea what to do with the Kim character.


Holy shit, I see what you guys mean about Season 1 Jack being tame. Just started Season 2,
and when he shoots that witness?
I like the direction this is headed.
Holy shit, I see what you guys mean about Season 1 Jack being tame. Just started Season 2,
and when he shoots that witness?
I like the direction this is headed.

Possibly my favourite moment from the entire run. Amazing show, not clever - but definitely wall to wall entertainment.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
If you're going to watch the entire series you'll list everything Kim does as "bad."

Holy shit, I see what you guys mean about Season 1 Jack being tame. Just started Season 2,
and when he shoots that witness?
I like the direction this is headed.
He doesn't just
shoot him, he's gonna need a hacksaw
! COME ON. 24 is the most fun TV show of them all.


Season 2 is great overall but if you hated Kim in season 1, you're gonna despise her in season 2. Worst writing of the series.

So fucking bad


I've forgotten almost every season of 24; except 1 and 5. Those two are the best, and S5 in particular is one of the greatest seasons of dramatic television ever aired. It deserved all five of the Emmy's it won that year, including Best Drama.
The events they did to jacks wife was so random and horrific that I was in disbelief they did it. Especially when it wasn't mentioned for several episodes and then she's like oh by the way.....

There's no way that'd fly today IMO.


I started watching the first season of 24 right after season 4 finished broadcasting, and plowed through it. After that, anytime I'd mention that I was pumped to watch season 2, everyone I knew that also watched 24 told me to not even bother watching seasons 2 or after. I started watching 2 and agreed that I didn't like it, so never watch any more. Based on the praise for season 5, sounds like I should have kept going...
Good - Jack, Mason, Tony, Palmer, Gaines, Teri's death
Bad - Kim/Teri subplots, Sherry Palmer's actress, Victor Drazen's actor, Nina's reveal

You're really going to enjoy everything about Season 2's continuation of the things you liked.

However, prepare your soul for some more dumb-ass Kim stuff (which only really stops come Season 3). I think some of your other dislikes could be overturned by aspects of S2, though.


Holy shit, I see what you guys mean about Season 1 Jack being tame. Just started Season 2,
and when he shoots that witness?
I like the direction this is headed.

I almost quit watching when I saw that. B-b-b-b-b-but you have to be willing to get your hands dirty!!!

Jack is such a scumbag, confirmed garbage of a human being,
shooting an unarmed witness

But I can't stop watching... I'm now 10 episodes into season 2, lol.


You're really going to enjoy everything about Season 2's continuation of the things you liked.

However, prepare your soul for some more dumb-ass Kim stuff (which only really stops come Season 3). I think some of your other dislikes could be overturned by aspects of S2, though.

Three episodes in and I'm already fed up of her shit again. How difficult is it to
GO TO THE COPS?! Jesus...the worst part is that she's like "You know what? We're gonna go down this alley." Wait, what? Why? Oh yeah, so this season's Kim-in-danger plot can occur, because there's clearly no logical/natural way to tie her up in a similarly perilous situation again.


Holy shit, I see what you guys mean about Season 1 Jack being tame. Just started Season 2,
and when he shoots that witness?
I like the direction this is headed.


that's fucking nothing compared to what comes later. At least that guy died a sudden painless death.


I don't know if I should spoiler tag this, but almost at the end of Day 1.

Fuck, when Nina fools Jack into thinking that Kim has been killed and he enters in 'YOU DONE FUCKED UP NOW SSJ Bauer' and wrecks Drazen's guys.


Dennis Hopper as Victor Drazen was great because he was obviously having fun with it. It was a delightfully cheesy performance and still fit in with the 24 world.

Didn't get anything close to that again until Vladimir Bierko.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I liked the fact that Season 1 didn't have some massive apocalyptic threat, just an assassination attempt on one man.

The show then escalates immediately to nuclear weapons in Season 2 and has nowhere left to go from there.


I liked the fact that Season 1 didn't have some massive apocalyptic threat, just an assassination attempt on one man.

The show then escalates immediately to nuclear weapons in Season 2 and has nowhere left to go from there.

Season 5 didn't rely on some apocalyptic weapon. Sure, there was some nerve gas - but the real threat throughout the day was SPOILER
President Charles Logan.


Dennis Hopper as Victor Drazen was great because he was obviously having fun with it. It was a delightfully cheesy performance and still fit in with the 24 world.

Didn't get anything close to that again until Vladimir Bierko.

I can kind of see that now in retrospect...it's a bit like a much more toned down version of Ian McDiarmid in Revenge of the Sith. Hamming it up to the max. His accent was pretty bad, though.
i started watching 24 this month two im about to finish the last episode probably today but yea kim/teri subplot is just really bad and ridiculous. How many times can you get kidnapped! Its just a little to over the top i hope the other seasons are better.


i started watching 24 this month two im about to finish the last episode probably today but yea kim/teri subplot is just really bad and ridiculous. How many times can you get kidnapped! Its just a little to over the top i hope the other seasons are better.

I'm 5 episodes into Season 2 at the moment, and it's looking pretty great so far. I love the fact that you can be 5 whole episodes into this show and still be nowhere near the end.
I am watching season 1 and the mother/daughter angle of this show is horribly written, CTU is always compromised, only 3 episodes left in season 1...
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